Ex. 7 Analyzing longer writing assignments. 

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Ex. 7 Analyzing longer writing assignments.

On a separate sheet of paper, analyze each of the following assignments.

• Which part is the lead-in?

• Which part is the assignment task?

• What does the assignment require?


1. Self-respect is the respect people have for themselves. People’s success in life may depend on how much self-respect (self-esteem, self-regard) they have. How will having (or not having) self-respect help (or hinder) students in their academic pursuits? Discuss two or three ways self-respect (or the lack of it) can affect students' success. Provide specific support.

2. Studying in a university is challenging. Some students excel, some do an adequate job, but others fail. Why do some students do well? Discuss two or three major characteristics (qualities) of good students. Provide specific details, examples, and your own personal experience or that of someone you know.

3. Languages are living as long as they are spoken. Thus, they gradually change over time. Despite the fact that the English spoken today reflects current popular usage, contemporary grammar books still prescribe formal, standard rules which do not seem to apply to current usage. What problems, if any, does this create for you as a language learner? Discuss two or three problems with specific examples and details.

Ex. 8 Watch video aided instructions. Disk 9 «Avoiding Common Mistakes».

Ex. 9 Analyzing students’ essays.

Use the assignment and the Student Essays to answer the following questions.

Assignment: Computers have become an important part of educational process. Write convincing illustration to this statement. Use specific and convincing examples and details.

Student Essay 1

Computer as a multipurpose universal instrument of education.

In our days computers have become an important component part of all spheres of science. There are a lot of advantages of this device which makes any work associated with the theory, calculations and modeling more easily and quickly. Especially computers find industrial application in academic life.

The main feature of all kind of computers is the ability to making calculations. Now it is not necessary to spend much time for converting and counting of equations, functions and other. All of the mathematic operations are made automatically by the machine. It is very useful for students because they are obliged to do some kind of works which contains a routine calculations, lab works, etc. For example software package called MathCAD enable to solve many mathematical tasks of any complexity.

Another function of the computer is a capability to create models of systems and processes. Any person can create a virtual object or operation with it and watch how it will be works. Frequently in aviation it is very difficult and expensive to make a prototype of the plane. That is why a constructor should make a model of the aircraft by the computer before creating a real one. In the labs of Institute of civil aviation students make virtual objects from electrical systems to the accidents during flight of the airplanes.

One more important thing is the information storage. Every day people who are engaged in science have a deal with some kind information. Libraries, archives, storehouses are require a lot of space and costs. But now all necessary information can be saved in the hard driver in size with a palm. Also it can be extract or copy for a second. There is no necessary to carry many books, papers, cartridges, pictures. Lecturers use a projector instead of posters, show presentations, videos, which improve the effectiveness of lectures. Students get a possibility to correct their works without rewriting of all of material.

In conclusion, computer has many other advantages like internet, entertainments and different tools, but all of these functions are directed to improve our academic life and make it easier, let people work harder, more effective and fast.

Student Essay 2

In contemporary life almost all activity of people is artlessly associated with a computer, wherever it is – at production, in a bank, in a shop, even in a car and at home. All in much is connected with use of quickness and simplicity of a computer. This attainment of engineering engages also the process of education. All that is connected with education should possess traffic rapidity, true and full data accessing. But what would be, if computer progress had bypassed academic life?

There wouldn’t be such simplicity and rate of necessary study literature accessing. So, in libraries, all book data bases have been entered in the computer, as well as data bases regarding students, who are making use of it. I have appreciated it myself, when I was searching near a half hour the textbook, which I needed, without use of computer data base.

Internet access would be impossible in that case. Internet is now the most reliable and speedy way of data exchange and it is difficult without it as if we have no hands, eyes and ears. Neither postman is able to deliver necessary information in any place of the world within several seconds, but Internet!

And the most important, at least for engineer profession, there wouldn’t be calculation simplicity. All that would take a lot of time for a student of an engineering university to solve large and complicated tasks is calculated for several seconds and even quickly with the help of a computer. I can confirm that from my experience, as far as all my yearly essays had been done solely with the help of a computer!

So, now it is clear, what a computer means for academic life: rapidly, easy and reliable. The process of education would be much difficult without these criteria, however, one cannot rely on education only by means of a computer, because there is probability to become a lazy student, the main thing one should remember- a computer is not a substitution of student’s knowledge that is an aid for it receiving.


Discussion Questions

1. Do the essays address the assignment task? Why or why not?

Essay 1____________________________________________________________

Essay 2____________________________________________________________

2. What does each writer do well?

Essay 1____________________________________________________________

Essay 2____________________________________________________________

3. What grade do you think each essay received? Why?

Essay 1____________________________________________________________

Essay 2____________________________________________________________

4. What does each writer need to do to improve the essay?

Essay 1____________________________________________________________

Essay 2____________________________________________________________


Ex. 5 Watch video aided instruction «Overcoming writer’s block», fulfill the given tasks.

Out-of class writing Assignment

Is laser really so dangerous?

Because the laser is such a powerful device, some people used to fear it. However, recently, scientists have found that the laser has a variety of applications (lead-in). Discuss four important areas where lasers have been used to the benefit of society. Use specific and convincing examples and details to support your discussion (assignment task) (200-250 words every other line).



activity analyze to define to outline
common term to edit to enumerate precisely
revising minor error to evaluate credit
proofreading to argue to trace partial credit
to improve to be off topic specific detail to classify


The process of writing

Objectives In this unit you will: learn the process of writing (planning, writing, revising, proofreading, editing);
  know what brainstorming is;
  know what listing and outlining is;
  determine the time management of the writing process.

Starting up

Ex.1 Read the following extract and develop your version of the process of writing.

Once you understand the assignment, you are ready to start the writing process. This process includes the planning, writing, revising, and proofreading and editing of your papers. These activities are not nec­essarily sequential, and everyone has preferences on how to complete the process. Some people prefer brainstorming before outlining, and some may prefer listing and outlining simultaneously. Some write and revise at the same time. Critical thinking is a major part of this process.


The process of writing

Brainstorming ( Generating/Collecting/Planning ideas)

1. List possible ideas that follow the assignment focus, and make lists and clusters to "get the juices flowing."

2. Determine your focus at this point (limit your topic) if the assignment does not do so for you.

3. Consider whom you are targeting as your audience at all times.

4. Examine the ideas and choose the most convincing ones.

5. Gather and evaluate information to support the ideas. Make final selections.

Organizing (Refining/Formalizing plan)

1. Determine how you will present your ideas (rhetorical method).

2. Make an outline or chart in which you clearly determine your thesis or topic statement, your subtopics (main points), and specific support.

3. Make changes; add or delete ideas.

4. Put the plan aside and take a break. New ideas will occur to you while you are resting.

5. Revise the plan some more.

6. Get feedback from your professor or peers (peer review).

7. Revise the plan.

Writing (Composing in longhand or on computer)

1. Compose the first draft of the paper. Follow the plan while composing.

2. Try to write without stopping frequently to look up words or revise for fluency.

3. New ideas may occur to you. Make changes as needed to include any improvements.

4. Put the paper aside for a while and take a break so that you can look at it again with a fresh eye.

5. Get feedback from your professor or peers (peer review).

Revising ( Making major changes)

1. Return to the paper with an objective eye.

2. Be a critical thinker. Evaluate the paper. Is it effective?

3. Make major changes in the content, organization, and order of support.

4. Make the sentences more complex and smooth.

You may end up writing more than one draft to attain the final product.

Proofreading and editing (Making minor changes to mechanics)

1. Correct grammar errors.

2. Check for errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

3. Check format (margins, use of lines, labeling and paper type).


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