II. Translate the fallowing sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Subjective infinitive construction. 

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II. Translate the fallowing sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Subjective infinitive construction.

1. Electronics is known to be a young science. 2. The application of electronics in everyday life and industry has proved to increase enormously in the last few years.

3. Electronics is believed to begin when the valve was invented. 4. Electronic
equipment is known to have already been applied at the beginning of the century.
5. Electronics is sure to find an ever growing application.

III.Translate the following word-combinations:

The new device to be introduced; the problem to be settled; material varied; the theory to be considered; connecting line; advanced student; tested method; remark made; general plan; the internal combustion engine; George Washington bridge bus terminal station; destroyed bridge; traveling passenger; traveled distance; money paid; the bridge to be constructed; translated article; reading student; the instrument to be used; current events; cylinder wall.

Task 1. Read and remember new words and word combinations:

Signify означати

What used to be called те, що звикли називати

Inspect уважно вивчати, старанно оглядати

Nothing else більш нічого

Versatile різнобічний, різносторонній

Figuring зображення

Other than крім

Ingenuity винахідливість, майстерність

Usefulness корисність, придатність

Capability здатність, здібність, можливість

Bring about призводити, спричинювати

The reason is twofold причина двояка

Relieve полегшувати, допомагати

Perform виконувати, здійснювати

Beyond за межами

Elaborated старанно розроблений

Concern турбота, відношення

Advance просуватися вперед, наступати

Scope можливість, простір

Range коливатися в певних межах

Arrange упорядкувати


Automation may be said to be a modern term signifying the use of machines to do work that formely had to be done by people. What used to be called automation. The machine that automatically makes, inspects and packs 1,200 cigarettes a minute can do nothing else. It is a one - purpose machine as there are many of others. But the digital computer seems to be versatile and can be used as the brains for automating a wide variety of work where figuring, remembering and making logical choices are required. The computer proves to be only a very high-speed adding and subtracting machine. It is unlikely to be the thinking machine as it is sometimes called. Everything it does other than adding and subtracting is the result of man's ingenuity.

The design of newer equipment with greater usefulness and capabilities is said to be bringing about an ever increasing growth in the development of control equipment. The reason is twofold. Firstly automatic controls relieve man of many monotonous activities so that he can devote his abilities to other occupation. Secondly modern complex controls can perform functions which are beyond the physical abilities of man. For example an elaborated automatic control system operates the engine of a modern jet airplane with only a minimum amount of the pilot's attention, so that he is free to fly his airplane.

Mention should be made that the design and development of automatic control systems is a principal concern of an engineer. In recent years we know automatic control systems to have been rapidly advancing in importance in all fields of


engineering. The applications of control system are known to cover a very wide scope, ranging from the design of precision control devices such as sensitive instrument to the design of the equipment used for controlling the manufacture of steel or other industrial processes. New applications for arranging automatic controls are continually being discovered.

**I. Answer the following questions:

1. How may automation be defined?

2. How does the computer prove to be?

3. Is it a thinking machine?

4. Why does the design of newer equipment bring about growth in the develop­ment of control equipment?

5. What is automatic control system of modern jet airplane?

6. What is a principle concern of an engineer?

7. How do automatic controls relieve man of monotonous activities?

8. What applications of control system are known to cover?

*II. Match the following words from the text with their definitions.

1. versatile A. the quality of being exact and


2. ingenuity B. the practical use of sth.

3. relieve C. difficult to understand

4. advance D. able to do many different things

5. precision E. able to measure very small changes;

reacting quickly to sth.

6. application F. to help sb by taking sth difficult from

7.sensitive G. to develop and improve knowledge,

technology; move forward

8. complex H. the ability to invent things or solve

problems in new ways

III. Identify whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The digital computer can be used where making logical choices are required.

2. The machine that automatically makes inspects and parks 1,200 cigarettes a
minute can do everything.

3. Modern complex controls can't perform functions beyond the physical
abilities of man.

4. The design and development of automatic control system is a principal
concern of an engineer.

5. Everything computer does other than adding and subtracting is the result of
man's ingenuity.

6. Automatic control systems are very important in all fields of engineering.


IV. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions given below.

a) Relieved of many monotonous activities man can...his abilities to other

b) New applications for... automatic controls are being discovered.

c) The design of newer equipment with greater... is said to be bringing about an
ever increasing growth in the development of control equipment.

d) Due to elaborated automatic control system with a minimum amount of the
pilot's attention, he is... to fly his airplane.

Usefulness devote

Free arranging

V. Find sentences with Infinitive Constructions (5) in the txt and write them down.

VI. Translate the following phrases from the text:

Increasing growth, one-purpose machine, sensitive instrument, manufacture. Of steel, physical abilities, modern complex controls, high-speed adding Machine, industrial processes, precision control devices.

VII. Guess the meaning of international words.

Political, administrative, economic, culture, cultural, international, academy, museum, theatre, club, architectural, monument, congress, factor, model, communist, balance, industry, municipal, aspect, industrial, instrument, electronics, production, zone, base, plan, section, communal, sports, territory, migration, effective, trolley-bus, comfortable, reconstruct, modern, traditional, complex, form, public, structure, comfort, polycentric, monocentric.

VIII. Render from English info Ukrainian and title.


There are about 3,000 Americans who like to collect antique cars. They have several clubs which possess great influence such as Antique Automobile Club and Veteran Motor Car Club, which specialize in rare models. The clubs practise meetings where members can exhibit their cars. Collectors can also advertise in the magazines published by their clubs. Some magazines specialize in a single type of car such as glorious Model «T» Ford. A number of museums have exhibitions of antique automobile models whose glory rings in automobile history. But practically the best collection — 100 old cars of great rarity—is in possession of William Harrah. He is very influential in his field. The value of his collection is not only historical but also practical: photographs of his cars are used for films and advertisements.

Урок 3.

Тема: « What is automation?»Складений підмет з інфінітивом.


I. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the functions of the Infinitive construction.

1. We are said to live in the age of atomic energy. 2. We suppose the earth's new satellite to start its revolution around the earth very soon. 3. The earth's new satellite is supposed to start its revolution around the earth very soon. 4. In ancient times the sun was thought to be revolving round the earth. 5. The radio was supposed to have been invented by Marconi. 6. The students are supposed to work in the laboratory. 7. The students are offered to work in the laboratory. 9. He was expected to come in time. 10. He was made to come against his will. 10. Sedov is known to have died on his way to the North Pole. 11. Scientists expect titanium to be widely used in industry.

II. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Subjective Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject).

1. The lecture was said to be very interesting. 2. The members of the committee are reported to come to an agreement, 3. The English delegation is believed to come at the end of the month. 4. She seems to know English and French. 5. He proved to be a good teacher. 6. This school is considered to be the best in the town. 7. The weather appears to be improving. 8. The doctor happened to be there at the time of the accident. 9. She seems to be waiting for you. 10. Lake Baikal is said to be the deepest in the world. 11. This picture proved to be the best at the exhibition. 12. These two scientists happened to work at the same problem.

III. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the meaning of the words in bold type.

1. Taller buildings help to economize on space. 2. The world exists in space and time. 3. In 1962 the world's first group space flight look place. 4. The spaceships carried radio stations to establish and to maintain radio contacts between the spacemen and the earth. 5. There is always some space for every student in the lab. 6. My assistant will be here in a short space of time. 7. The article will deal with the latest achievements of our science in space exploration.


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