Елементарні прийменникові словосполучення 

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Елементарні прийменникові словосполучення

1. Структурна схема V + р + S: to exist in the world, to think of the problem, to consist of atoms.

2. Структурна схема Si + p + S2: the kind of substance, the interaction of forces, the characteristics of the atom.

3. Структурна схема A + p + S: true for substances, different in properties, divisible into particles.


Ґрунтовне знання основних структурних схем слово­сполучення допоможе краще орієнтуватися в оригінальному англійському технічному тексті та знаходити їх українські відповідники під час перекладу.

Багатокомпонентні терміни словосполучення. У ро­боті з англійською науково-технічною лексикою найбільші труднощі для розуміння і перекладу становлять багато­компонентні терміни словосполучення, які утворюються лексико синтаксичним способом за певними моделями. Наприклад: precision dimensional measurements — точні просторові виміри, electron micrography system — елект­ронна мікрографічна система, turned-diode charge trans­former logic — логічні схеми на тунельних діодах з нагро­мадженням заряду.

Для перекладу таких багатокомпонентних термінів треба знайти значення кожного компонента, а потім встановити семантико граматичні зв'язки між ними. Наприк­лад, у словосполученні electron micrography system семантико синтаксичні відношення між словами компонентами виявляються так. Аналіз починаємо з головного слова system. До нього є атрибутивне означення electron micro­graphy, в якому також є атрибутивні відношення головного й атрибутивного компонентів. Вони мають такий вигляд:

I Переклад стійких виразів за допомогою одного із можливих синонімічних виразів

- електронне сканування

1.) electronic scanning - електронна розгортка

- аналіз з електронно – променевою розгорткою


2.) concurrent programming - паралельне програмування

- поєднане програмування


II Калькування: дослівний переклад: hot-dog, hip-hop, translocation.

III Описовий переклад: розкриття значення

- друкувальний пристрій з нагрівальними елементами

Flexible transport - пристрій для термодруку


Переклад препозитивних атрибутивних словосполучень, типових для англійської публіцистичної та НТ-літератури. Пре­позитивне, або прийменникове словосполучення як варіант син­таксичного способу терміноутворення. Препозитивна група (прийменник плюс іменник) і постпозитивна (дієслово плюс прийменник): off-line equipment — автономне обладнання-, in-house equipmentвласне обладнання тощо. Роль прийменникових зво­ротів як еквівалентів прикметників у реченні (on-site — місце­вий, власний-, in-plant — розташований у тому самому помешкан­ні-, reach-through holeнаскрізний отвір-, binary-todecimal con­version — перетворення двійкового коду на цифру).

Стійкі словосполучення і фразеологічні одиниці (ФО), їх пере­клад українською мовою. Цілісне значення ФО на відміну від віль­ного словосполучення (accountрахунок, звіт, оцінка-, але: on account of — через, внаслідок, на основі; of по account — без зна­чення; on по account — у жодному разі, to account for — поясни­ти, бути причиною та ін.). Прийоми пошуку ФО в загальних і фра­зеологічних словниках.


Переклад препозитивних атрибутивних словосполучень, типових для англійської публіцистичної та НТ-літератури. Пре­позитивне, або прийменникове словосполучення як варіант син­таксичного способу терміноутворення. Препозитивна група (прийменник плюс іменник) і постпозитивна (дієслово плюс прийменник): off-line equipment — автономне обладнання-, in-house equipmentвласне обладнання тощо. Роль прийменникових зво­ротів як еквівалентів прикметників у реченні (on-site — місце­вий, власний-, in-plant — розташований у тому самому помешкан­ні-, reach-through holeнаскрізний отвір-, binary-todecimal con­version — перетворення двійкового коду на цифру).

Стійкі словосполучення і фразеологічні одиниці (ФО), їх пере­клад українською мовою. Цілісне значення ФО на відміну від віль­ного словосполучення (accountрахунок, звіт, оцінка-, але: on account of — через, внаслідок, на основі; of по account — без зна­чення; on по account — у жодному разі', to account for — поясни­ти, бути причиною та ін.). Прийоми пошуку ФО в загальних і фра­зеологічних словниках.

**Task Read the following word – combinations and decide which of them are changer or which of them are not.


To give money, bitter irony, dead list, to call for help, to shake hands, to shake a leg, help yourself, nothing in life, to devote one’s life, the origin of life.



*Task II Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainians.

Common usage, automatic dishwashes, result from, common characters, primitive automatic machines, modern research laboratory, measuring devices.


*Task III Translate the sentences, paying attention to the meaning of the undelined words.

1. We know the number of his house. 2. There was a large number of people at the meeting. 3. They put the lecturer a number of questions. 4. Hydrogen is the only element haring one electron in its atom. 5. A hydrogen atom has only one electron.



** Task IV Complete the puzzle with compound nouns.



1 the configuration of hardware and software

a bar that allows you to select the portion of the document you want to see

an area that holds the things you copy, ready to be pasted.mvwhere else

a type ol data transmission that provides fast Internet access


a special file which redirects to another file or program

a small card with an embedded microchip

the amount of data that can be transmitted along a channel



**Task VTranslate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian.

the traffic speed; the traffic speed increase; the railway bridge, the railway bridge reconstruction; the London underground; the London underground problem; the thermoelectric generator development; the energy accumulation process; the modern house ventilation facilities; the car speed calculation; the high quality concrete; the research program result; the Kyiv region newspaper; the temperature limit determination; the household goods; the household goods store; the steam engine invention.

**Task VI. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian.

the control system, the measuring unit, the recording millivoltmeter, semi­conductor industry, measuring equipment, life time, effective life time, power consumption, voltage multiplier circuit, high voltage source, hardness meters, transistor tester, first-class quality, room temperature, voltage selector switch, power supply line, power supply voltage selector switch, normal operation conditions, rubber industry.


** Task VII Translate into Ukrainian

Hold your horses -, hold your tongue -, be my guest -, it doesn’t matter -, to my mind -, in good time -, joy go with you -, properly – speaking -, to put another way -, to put it briefly.


*Task VIII Form words of opposite meaning by adding suffixes or prefixes
to the following words.

Useful, convenient, practical, harmonious, important, attractive, comfortable.

*TaskIX Translate the following phrases from the text.

experimental investigation; man's knowledge; natural law; testing-room; chemical work; work-room; by means of; nowadays; applied sciences; the seat of great activity.

*Task XArrange the following words in pairs according to the similar meaning.

Eminent, complete, bad, use, receive, take part, supervise, number, full, motion, outstanding, achievements, help, poor, employ, connect, obtain, participate, developments, assist, associate, power, guide, quantity.

1. Read aloud and memorize the following words:

enhance [in'hα:ns] — підвищувати, підносити; uneven [('^n'i:vn)] — нерівний; extreme [iks'tri:m] — протилеж­ність, крайність; value ['vælju:] — цінність, значення; sta­tus ['steitəs] – становище, стан; peculiarity [pi,kju:li'æriti] — (індивідуальна) особливість; quark [kwα:k] — кварк (фундаментальна частинка); approximate [ə'proksimit] — приблизний; occur [ə'кə:] — траплятися, мати міс­це; primarily ['praimərili]—у першу чергу.

2. Words and expressions for the text comprehension:

to take into consideration (account) — брати до уваги, враховувати; the matter is that... — справа в тому, що.. reference books — довідкова література; on the other hand – з іншого боку; embodiment — втілення; native speaker — носій мови; to spare no efforts — не жаліти зусиль; at first sight — на перший погляд; familiar pattern (model) — зна­йома модель; concise — стислий, короткий; to acquire (a thorough) knowledge — набути (ґрунтовних) знань; everyday (literary) English — розмовна (літературна) анг­лійська мова.

**Task XI Read and translate the text.




At present, the contacts between people of different count­ries are increasing. This enhances the importance of the study of foreign languages. However, sometimes we don't even know which of the world's languages we should take into consideration. The matter is that the total number of languages in the world is very large. In different reference books it varies from file to eight thousands. The numerical distribution of people speaking different languages is extremely uneven.

There are not many, languages in the world each of which has more than 50 million people. On the other hand, there are languages spoken by only several thousands of people.

To the first group belong such languages as English, Chinese, French, Russian, Ukrainian, etc. At the opposite extreme stand languages like Chitimacha, an American Indian language which in the late 1930's1 had only two speakers left.

Everyone should understand that for the linguist there are no big or small languages. For each people the language is not only a means of communication, but also an embodiment of national and cultural values. Nevertheless, when we have to decide which of the world's languages to study, we take into consideration the differences in the social and functional status of each language.

When we consider English, we cannot misregard the fact that the English language is spoken by more native speakers, than any other language except, presumably, North Chinese. English is native or the first language for the most population of Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Besides, there are many areas, former British colonies (India, Nigeria, Ghana) where English is not a native language, but a second language with official status in education and administration, and for communication between speakers of other languages. If we take into account the important factor of speakers of English as a foreign language, it is most widely spread of the world's languages.

English is one of the five official languages of the UNO2 (alongside of French, Russian, Spanish and Chinese). It is the working language during the meetings of the General Assembly3 and Security Council of the UNO4. No wonder that so many people in various countries spare no efforts to acquire English for communication.

In Ukraine, higher schools students and postgraduates are trained to have a good knowledge of English, to read and use professional literature in their practical activity. As this textbook is for technical students, let us dwell on some peculiarities of technical English.

Technical English is often said to be difficult to understand. At first sight this may seem true5. There are a number of reasons why technical writing is rather difficult. It concerns first of all its vocabulary.

The scientific and technological progress has enriched the vocabulary with a great deal of new words, new meanings and new word-combinations. Who today does not know such words as computer, transistor, laser, etc? Scientist and technologists also use many ordinary, everyday words to denote new terminological meanings. For example, the words aroma, and charm with the meaning attractiveness are used to denote the physical characteristics of the quark, a fundamental physical particle.

Each branch of science and technology has its own vocabulary (terminology) Many of them are formed on the basis of Greek or Latin words and are often international.

Some technical words, such as power, roll, stress, strain, movement, etc. borrowed from everyday English sometimes cause much greater difficulty than terminology. In addition to terms, a text on some special problem usually contains so-called learned words, such as approximate, compute, feasible, exclude, indicate, initial, respectively, etc.

As to the familiar grammatical patterns and models, they are the same as in everyday English. There is, certainly, a difference in the frequency with which certain grammatical forms occur.

Scientific and technical writing is usually about things, matter, natural processes, and it is impersonal in style. The Passive Voice of verb forms, the constructions Subject and Complex Object are frequently used. The first person singular is not generally used.

Simple sentences are rarely used, for isolated facts or events are seldom dealt with by the engineer. He has to show what the connection is, not only what happens, but also how it happens, when it happens, why it happens, and what is being effected.

The style of most scientific texts, besides being impersonal, is also very concise. It is because the author-scientist is Writing primarily for other scientists.

In order to master technical English the learner must first acquire a thorough knowledge of everyday literary English with its grammar, vocabulary and rules of word formation. Then it will be easy for him to learn, step by step, the peculiarities of technical English. It should be born in mind6, however, that understanding and translation of scientific-technical literature requires an additional training connected with knowledge of specific terminology.


1)In the late I930's — наприкінці 1930-х років

2)UNO (United Nations Organization) — OOH (Організація Об'єднаних Націй)

3)General Assembly (of the UNO) — Генеральна, Асамблея (OOH)

4)Security Council of the UNO — Рада Безпеки OOH

5)Hi is may seem (to be) true — це може видатися правильним

6)it should be bora in mind — слід (необхідно) пам'ятати


*I. Name the word-building elements (suffixes, prefixes) and the part of speech of each word. Translate them into Uk­rainian:

importance — important — unimportant; consider — consideration — considerable; refer — referable — reference — referential; oppose — opposite — opposition; even — uneven; regard — misregard; know — knowledge; practice— practical — unpractical; rich — enrich — enrichment; add — addition — additional; frequence — frequency — frequent — frequently; person — personal — impersonal.

*II. Read the following word - combinations and translate
them into Ukrainian:

total number; numerical distribution; cultural values; official status; technical English; literary English; learned words.

*III. Finish the sentences according to the text:

1. The total number of languages.... 2. The numerical distribution of people speaking different languages.... 3. For each-people the language is not only.... 4. The English language is spoken by more....5. English is the working language during.... 6. Each branch of science and technology has.... 7. The scientific and technological progress has enriched the vocabulary with....8. In order to master technical English the learner must....

**IV. Translate the following sentences taking into account the Participle in different functions:

1. There are languages spoken by only several thousands of people. 2. The data obtained should be carefully analysed.3. If given opportunity our economy will rapidly develop.4. Do you know the man speaking Englishes. Having fin­ished his experiment the researcher began to analyse the data obtained. 6. Being a very industrious pupil he worked hard, managed to make great progress in English. 7. Having returned to Oakland, Martin Eden lived in poverty, devoting every minute of his time to literary work. 8. We know Byron as the author of many lyrical poems devoted to nature and love.

*V. Find in the text terminological words which came from everyday English.

**VI. Comprehension questions:

1. What enhances the importance of the study of foreign languages? 2. Do we know the total number of languages in the world? 3. Are there big and small languages? 4. What factors determine the choice of foreign language to study? 5. What can you say about the social and functional status of English? 6. Is technical English completely different from literary English? 7. What distinguishes technical English from everyday English? 8. How can you master technical English?

***VII. Make a summary of the text and discuss It.

*** Task XI. Discuss such points:

the importance of learning foreign languages;

the difference of literary English and technical English;


***why it is important for a programmer/engineer to master English.




Час Indefinite Perfect Continuous Perfect Continuous
  І н ф і н і. т и в
(to) compute (to) have computed (to) be computing (to) have been computing
Present І compute* these data every day. Я обчислюю ці дані кожен день. І have computed these data today. Я сьогодні обчислив ці дані. І am computing these data. Я обчислюю ці дані (зараз). І have been computing these data. Я обчислюю (все ще) ці дані.
Past І computed** these data yesterday. Я обчислю­вав ці дані вчора. І have computed these data before you came. Я обчислив ці дані перед тим, як ви прийшли. І was computing these data when you came. Я обчислю­вав ці дані перед тим, як ви прийшли. І had been computing these data. Я обчислю­вав ці дані (але не обчислив).
Future І shall compute these data tomorrow. Я обчислю ці данні завтра. І shall have computed these data, before you came. Я обчислю ці дані перед тим, як ви прийдете. І shall be computing these data when you come. Я буду обчи слювати ці дані тоді, коли ви прийдете. І shall have been computing these data.*** Я буду обчислюва­ти ці дані.
Futurein the Past Не said I should have compute these data. Він сказав, що буде обчислюва­ти ці дані. Не said I should have computed these data before you came. Він сказав, що буде обчислюва-ти ці дані перед тим, як ви прийдете.   Не. said І should have been computing these data.*** Він сказав, що буде обчислюва­ти ці дані.


* Питальна, заперечна форми утворюються при допомозі допоміжного слова do_(do not), does (does not) для 3-ї особи однини + інфінітив без частки to,

** Питальна, заперечна форми утворюються при допомозі допоміжного дієслова did. (did not) + інфінітив без частки Ід.

*** Ці форми вживаються дуже рідко.



Час Indefinite Perfect Continuous
    I н ф і н і т и в
  (to) be computed (to) have been computed (to)be being computing
Present These data are com­puted by that device. Ці дані обчислюють­ся цим приладом. These data have been computed. Ці дані були обчислені сьогодні. These data are being computed. Ці дані (зараз) обчислюються.
Past These data were computed yesterday. Ці дані були обчислені вчора. These data had been computed before you came. Ці дані були обчислені перед тим, як ви прийшли. These data were being computed when you came. Ці дані обчислю вались, коли ви прийшли.
Future These data will be computed tomorrow. Ці дані будуть обчислені завтра. These data will have been computed before you came. Ці дані будуть обчислені перед тим, як ви прийдете.  
Futurein the Past Не said these data would be computed. Він сказав, що ці дані будуть обчислені. Не said these data would have been computed before you came. Він сказав, що ці дані будуть обчислені перед тим, як ви прийдете.  

**Task XV. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Use the right tenses.

  1. Computer (to contain) a number of parts that (work) together.
  2. More powerful computers (work) at every plant in future.
  3. We (to be) at the conference yesterday. Computer users (talk) only in special terms.
  4. Modern computers (to be) extremely reliable.
  5. What you (to do) now? – I (to store) some information.
  6. They (to use) the information, and instructions for you, we (to talk) about.




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