Not knowing the exact address, they got lost in the city. 

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Not knowing the exact address, they got lost in the city.

2.Never sign anything without reading it carefully.

3.The door was wide open, and we entered without knocking.

4.The clerk was fired without being given any explanation.

5.The teenagers listened to the pop-singer without con­cealing their admiration.

6.The snow has been falling for many days, without seem­ing to stop.

7.Susan accepted Tom's proposal without thinking of the consequences.

Not knowing a word of Dutch, she was taken to the police station.

9.He left the restaurant without waiting for his wife to join him.

10.The brother and the sister couldn't stand each other's company without immediately losing their temper.

11.Not having recognized me, Linda passed by without answering my "Hello".

12.The travellers went on and on, without paying attention to the bitter cold.

13- Not knowing the reason for their silence, Robert went on talking non-stop.

14.Tom has never done a thing, without consulting his father.

Not wanting to quarrel with his mother, he dropped the subject.

Exercise 35, p. 386

1. All the past participles are parts of objective participial con­structions with participle II.

.Майкл проколол себе ухо. Он сделал это, чтобы доса­дить родителям.

2.В пятницу моя машина будет проходить осмотр и те­кущий ремонт.

3.На ремонт вашего телефона может уйти несколько дней или даже недель.

4.Три недели назад мы подали заявку на установку теле­фона в офисе. Все еще ждем.

5..Проверьте, пожалуйста, покрышки. И заправьте бак.

6..Каким образом ты умудрился так дешево отремонти­ровать машину?

7.Полицейский сделал в его правах отметку об опасном вождении.

8.Смотри не прищеми пальцы дверью.



1. Where do you have your dresses made? - I make them myself.

2. How often do you have your hair cut? - It depends on the season.

3.Why did you let yourself get involved/mixed up/entangled in this dangerous undertaking/scheme/venture?

4.The suit is magnificent/gorgeous, but I'd like to have the skirt shortened.

5.We haven't had our house redecorated/renovated for five years.

6.I'd like the contract (to be) signed today.

7.You lack knowledge and experience and that makes itself felt.

8.They want to have their child baptized.

9.1 won't have anything changed in my room.

10.In the hotel you can have your clothes cleaned, tickets booked and letters sent.

11.She had her purse stolen while she was buying fruit.

12.Anne needs a passport photograph taken.

13.My children have their teeth examined every six months.

14.Have your hair cut at last! You (are) look(ing) a mess!

15.When I was in Rome I had my umbrella stolen.

16.We are doing our best to have our central heating equip­ment repaired before the weather gets cold.

17.1 like to have my flat/room papered anew every five years.

18. You should really have this cut examined: I think it looks infected.

Exercise 36, p. 387

1, 2. We cannot use very with comparatives. Instead we use (very) much,far, a lot and lots (the latter, two are informal).

3.Dead meaning completely can be used with the positive degree of adjectives. Dead is more emotional than completely.

4.No here means not any. One might just as well say. You are not any better than all those people.

5.In formal speech and writing most used without the defi­nite article before an adjective has the same meaning as very.

6.Pretty before an adjective in the positive degree is a collo­quial synonym of fairly.

7. 15. Comparatives with the... the are used to say that two things change together one depending on the other. A short form of this structure (7) is used in sentences ending with the better (7) and in the expression. The more the merrier (В тесно­те, да не в обиде).

8. See 3.

9,10,11, 13. See 5.

12 .As... as with positive degrees of adjectives is used to say that two people or things are equal in some way.

14. Imaginable is used after a superlative to emphasize that something is the best, worst, smartest etc. that can be imagined. It comes after the adjective in the superlative degree and the noun it modifies.

Exercise 37, pp. 387-388

I. Possible variants

1. The more exercise you take, the fitter you'll become.

2. The bigger the car, the more gas/petrol it guzzles.

3. The more I get to know him, the less I like him.

4. The more chocolate she ate, the more zits she had.

5. The farther from home, the lonelier you feel.

6. The more children there are, the noisier it is.

7. The sooner you realize, it the better.

8. The more frightening the film, the more horror film fans/lovers like it.

9- The younger the child, the easier it is for him to learn a for­eign language.

10. The less time you waste, the better.

11. The more sophisticated a girl is, the less likely she is to fall for a dumbhead, good-looking as he may be/for all his good looks.

12. The more I know people, the more I like animals.

13. The hotter the weather, the less I like it here.

14. The colder the winter, the more homeless people freeze to death.

15. The harder she works, the more she earns.

16. The longer you sleep, the quicker you'll recover/ get well.

17. The more you learn, the more pessimistic you become for the Bible/Ecclesiastes says, "Who increases knowledge increases sorrow."

18. The less money people get the less likely their children are to go to college/the less chance their children have to go to college.

19. The more difficult the case is, the more of a challenge it is

20. The busier the boss is the less chance we have to have an extra coffee break.


1.The storm started out of the blue.

2.The refusal touched her to the quick.

3.All the summer the kids stayed in the open.

4.On the whole she is not a bad person.

5.In the present situation there is a change for the better.

6.In short the story has a happy end.

7.Paul Macey left his job all of a sudden.

8.He did his best to get the better of everything.

9.Don't worry it's all for the better.

10. Are you confused? - Not in the least.

Exercise 38, p. 388

1,2. Verbs.

3. Adjectives.


5.The impossible is a sub­stantivized adjective and the accused is a substan­tivized past participle.



8,9. Adjective.

10. Numeral.

11. Adjectives.



14.15. Preposition.



18.Past participle.

19, 20, 21. Adjectives.


23. Numerals. (Мы с тобой не ладим, Фред.)



Exercise 39, p. 389

1. - Where do the wicked go after death? - They go to hell.

2. His hair was already gray, her own was still a rich honey brown.

3. Bali is a heaven where the famous, the rich and the privi­leged go for a holiday.

4. He is a conservative and won't change his views all of a sudden.

5. Scandinavians are much of merchants: the Swedish pro­duce all the materials, the Norwegians transport them, and the Danish sell them.

6. - Is the weather changing for the worse? - I hope for the better.

7. Simon flew to America as he wanted to have a look at the land of the free.

8. The old and the young, the rich and the poor have their own problems.

9. The unemployed cannot be expected to live on the sav­ings.

10. "Twice in my life have I prayed, and a fat lot of good it did me." «... и черта с два мне это помогло».

11. Some Tibetians believed that the souls of the dead were reborn.

12. Every child should pass the medical check-up. It's a must!

13. One evening she telephoned me out of the blue and said she was in some kind of trouble.

14. Black and white are her favourite colours.

15. Jimmy is a radical and believes in his mission to change the world.

16. Only the wealthy can have the luxury of doing nothing.

17. He got a second wind (второе дыхание) and came to the finish first.

Exercise 40, p. 390

1. Слепой ведет слепых/слепого.

2. Золото и в грязи блестит./И в мусоре сверкает брил­лиант.

3. Умный понимает с полуслова./Умному намек, глупому толчок.

4. В стране слепых и кривой - король./На безрыбье и рак - рыба.

5. В темноте все кошки серы.

6. Если слепой ведет слепого, оба свалятся в канаву./Сле- пой слепца водит, оба ни зги не видят.

7. Нет худа без добра.

8. Смелость города берет.

9. Открыл Америку!

10. Придорожная пыль небо не коптит./И в мусоре свер­кает бриллиант.

11. Чужим грехом своего не искупишь.

13- Где двое, там третий - лишний.

14.Что знают трое, знает и свинья.

15.Когда рассердишься, считай до ста.


Exercise 41, p. 391

Country Adjective One citizen All the people The language
1. Russia Russian a Russian the Russians Russian
2. Britain British a Briton (rare) the British English
3. China Chinese a Chinese the Chinese Chinese
4. the USA American an American the Americans English
5. Asia Asian an Asian Asians  
6. Hungary Hungarian a Hungarian the Hungarians Hungarian
7. Finland Finnish a Finn the Finns Finnish
8. Spain Spanish a Spaniard the Spanish Spanish
9. Turkey lUrkish a Turk the TUrks/  
      the Turkish  
10. Ireland Irish an Irishman the Irish English &
11. Wales Welsh a Welsh­ the Welsh English &
    man/a Welsh­   Welsh
12. Scotland Scottish a Scot/a Scots­ the Scots Scottish &
    man/a Scots­   English
13. Holland Dutch a Dutch­ the Dutch Dutch
    man/a Dutch­    
14. Germany German a German the Germans German
15. Denmark Danish a Dane the Danes/ Danish
      the Danish  
16. Thailand Thai a Thai the Thais Thai
17. Egypt   an Egyptian the Egyptians Arabic
18. Sweden Swedish a Swede the Swedes/ Swedish
      the Swedish  
19- Europe European a European Europeans  
20. Israel Israeli an Israeli the Israelis Hebrew
21. Belgium Belgian a Belgian the Belgians French &
22. Portugal Portuguese   the Portuguese Portuguese
23. Australia Australian an Australian the Australians English
24. The Czech Czech a Czech the Czechs Czech
25. Saudi Saudi a Saudi the Saudies Arabic
Arabia   Arabian    
26. Poland Polish a Pole the Poles Polish


Exercise 42, p. 391

1. The Americans are less formal than the English.

2. Most Danes speak good English which can't be said about the French.

3. Don't speak ill about the absent.

4. The more snow, the better for the crops.

5. The stronger/worse the storm, the sooner it will pass/be over.

6. The experienced know that experience is the best teacher.

7. All over the world dogs are used to find explosives and drugs.

8. My neighbour works in a school for the deaf and dumb.

9. The Scots love their Highlands.

10.1 am a cosmopolitan though a conservative.

11. The Japanese live longer than other peoples.

12. Will eight o'clock suit you? - Yes, the earlier, the safer.

13. It's a very difficult job even for the most experienced and clever (people).

14. Let's forget all the worst and hope for the best.

15. It is very foolish to accuse the young. The old should try to understand them.

16. These offensive words touched him on the raw (cut/stung him to the quick).

17. We all hope that the answer will be in the affirmative.

18. According to the weather foreast the weather is going to change for the better at last.

19. My brother is an incorrigible romantic. He believes in all the best in people.

20. The Swiss often say that life in Switzerland is very boring.

21. We were sitting in the cool of our secluded little garden and enjoying the calm/the quiet of the evening.

22. What is this serial called? - "The Daring and the Beautiful".

Exercise 43, p. 392

1. Her parents object to/are against her telling everybody of her engagement now (object to/are against her making her engagement public now).

2.1 remember Mom often reproaching me when I was a child of being untidy/of untidiness.

3. By working with a cassette recorder you can improve your pronunciation. - It goes without saying.

4.How lazy you are/What a lazy-bones you are! You haven’t even taken the trouble of washing your cup.

5.Why do you avoid using verbals in your speech?

6.What prevented/kept you from going there yourself? – I had just had everything done before.

7.On hearing the glad/happy news the girl could not help crying/bursting into tears/bursting out crying.

8.The methods of testing students’ knowledge are not always effective.

9.There is no telling what her mood is.

10.It is always unpleasant when someone is talking without looking you in the face.

11.Somehow I don’t feel like studying today. Do you think it’s worth attending the lecture on Saturday? – It’s up to you to decide.

12.We thanked him for helping/having helped us.

13.It’s time to have my shoes mended/fixed/repaired, soon it will be spring.

Exercise 44, p. 393

1. Please, return the book to the library without further delay.

2. Could you tell me where the nearest post-office is?

3. You will know further details next time.

4. It is very/most important information.

5. This is a very/most sensible decision.

6. Your plan is the best.

7. Let's hope for the better.

8. I expected this question from you least of all.

9. This is a plane of the latest make.

10. The last train arrives at midnight.

11. The latest edition of this dictionary is already out of print.

12. We never expected that the living conditions in the camp would be so bad/as bad as that.

13. That's the worst habit there can be/There can't be a worse habit.

14. It's warmer today than it was yesterday

15. Sometimes I think what the future holds in store for me/what is in store for me in the future.

16. It was a hasty/rash decision.

17. The Dutch live in Holland and speak Dutch.

18. Mind you, it's very important. - Yes, I understand that it's an extremely urgent task.

19. The Swiss are proud of their picturesque country.

20. The Scots love their Highlands.

Exercise 45, p. 393

1. She insisted on being listened to.

2. The cosmonauts are reported to have landed.

3. The results were impossible to predict. They patiently waited for the scientists to make/carry out the experiment.

4. Not understanding the reason for the cold reception, he left without saying a word to anyone.

5. Where did you have your photos taken? I can't help admir­ing these pictures.

6. Our friends who worked in South America have come back.

7. She forgot promising to wait for them and not leave home.

8. I will have your things brought in and unpacked.

9. The night being cold, he put on his overcoat.

10. They fell silent/stopped talking after exhausting all the subjects.

11. What I want is to go there myself and not just listen to other people's stories.

12. In all probability/Most probably he well come soon. He is clever enough to realize that we are the people to help him.

13. Seeing is believing/Words are but wind but seeing is believing. And there is no denying it.

14. The temple built on the hilltop could be seen from afar/from far away.

15. The courier who has brought the letter has already gone.

Exercise 46, p. 394


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