Типов вопросительных предложений. 

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Типов вопросительных предложений.

1. (There …) There are books on the table. – На столе лежат книги.

2. (to be Present, Past Simple Active Voice) Your flat is comfortable. – Твоя квартира удобная.

Your friends are engineers. – Твои друзья – инженеры.

3. (V Present, Past Simple Active Voice)

You work at a plant. – Ты работаешь на заводе.

He works at a plant. – Он работает на заводе.

She worked at a plant. – Она работала на заводе.

4. остальные времена. He has been working here for 2 years. – Он работает здесь 2 года.


1. Общий вопрос – вопрос, относящийся ко всему предложению и требующий ответа yes или no.


1.) Is there …?

Are there …?

e.g. Are there any books on the table? – Есть книги на столе?


2) to be, to have


Смысловой глагол или глагол-связка Подлежащее Именная часть сказуемого Остальные члены предложения
Is Are your flat your friends comfortable? engineers?    


3.) Present Simple, Past Simple A.V.


Вспомогательный глагол Подлежащее Смысловой глагол V1ф Остальные члены предложения
Do Does Did You he she   work     at a plant?  


4.) остальные случаи


Вспомогательный глагол Подлежащее Остальная часть сказуемого Остальные члены предложения
Has He been working here for 2 years?

2.Альтернативный вопрос.


1. Are there books or magazines on the table?

2. Is your flat comfortable or comfortless?

Are your friends engineers or managers?

3. Do you work at a plant or at school?

Does he work at a plant or at school?

Did she work at a plant or at school?

4. Has he been working here for 2 or 3 years?



3. Специальный вопрос - вопрос к какому-либо члену предложения. Начинается с вопросительного слова (who, what, when, where, why и т.д.).


Вопроситель-ное слово Основной глагол или глагол-связка Подлежащее Именная часть составного сказуемого Остальные члены предложения
Where How good are is There your flat? books?    



Вопроситель-ное слово Вспомогательный глагол Подлежащее Смысловой глагол V1ф Остальные члены предложения
  Where     do does did You he she   work?    


Вопроситель-ное слово Вспомогательный глагол Подлежащее Остальная часть сказуемого Остальные члены предложения
How long has he been working here?

4. Вопрос к подлежащему - сохраняется прямой порядок слов.


Вопросительное слово (на месте подлежащего) Сказуемое Остальные члены предложения
What Who Who Is works has been working comfortable? at a plant? here for 2 years?

Разделительный вопрос

Подлежащее Сказуемое Остальные члены предложения, Вспомогательный глагол not Подлежащее (местоимение)
There   Your flat You He She He are is work works worked has been working books on the table, comfortable,   at a plant,   here for 2 years, are is do does did has not   not not not not not there?   it? you? he? she? he?





Время Пример Перевод
Present Simple New houses are built every year. Новые дома строят каждый год.
Present Continuous A new house is being built now. Сейчас строят новый дом.
Present Perfect The new house has been built already. Новый дом уже построили.
Past Simple This house was built a year ago. Этот дом построили год назад.
Past Continuous This house was being builtwhen I moved into this region. Этот дом стоили, когда я переехал в этот район.
Past Perfect This house had been built before I moved into this region. Этот дом построили до того, как я переехал в этот район.
Future Simple This house will be built next year. Этот дом построят в следующем году.
Future Perfect This house will have been built before 2014. Этот дом построят до 2014 года.
Future in the past Simple He said this house would be built next year. Он сказал, что этот дом построят в следующем году.
Future in the past Perfect He said this house would have been built before 2014. Он сказал, что этот дом построят до 2014 года.





Exercise 1. Переведите из действительного залога в страдательный. Дайте два варианта в тех случаях, где это возможно.


1) Tom offered me a job.

2) Someone has shown Tom the new apartment.

3) The boss pays Tom $100 every week.

4) They asked me difficult questions at the exam.

5) Sasha is telling Tom a joke.

6) We often speak about her.

7) The doctor will operate on him in a week.

8) Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention.

9) The boys will paint the roof of the house.

10) They are preparing a report now.

11) By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees.

12) They have forgotten the story.

Exercise 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active или Passive Voice.


1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday.

2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow.

3. He (to give) me this book next week.

4. A huge plant recently (to build) in this town.

5. They (to look) for the girl everywhere now.

6. A friend of his just (to show) me an interesting magazine.

7. Your dress (not to iron) yet.

8. This letter (to receive) after his departure.

9. By three o’clock everything (to prepare).

10. He (to give) my brother English lessons.

Exercise 3. Переведите тексты, выделяя сказуемые в страдательном залоге. Задайте вопросы 5 типов к одному из предложений в страдательном залоге.



Automation is often referred to as a new subject and its various aspects have not yet all been given adequate attention. Thus, for example, its commercial aspects have been only recently appreciated. Many problems arising from the impact of automation on national and world economy have not even been dealt with. It is, therefore, of paramount importance that the general public should be informed both of its technological and social aspects.

There is hardly any aspect of human life that will not be affected by the changes that automation will bring about. Unfortunately, there is relatively little factual material available for analyzing the consequences of automation. Indeed, most economists are not yet fully aware of the problems that may arise in the process of automation. The effect of these developments on the trend of prices, capital investments and balance of payments have not yet been fully appreciated. These subjects should be adequately dealt with in the foreseeable future.


Modal Verbs.

Модальные глаголы.


  Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple to V1ф to be V3ф
Continuous to be Ving -
Perfect to have V3ф to have been V3ф
Perfect Continuous to have been Ving -



Simple Infinitive


  Present Past Future
can – мочь, уметь to be able to can – могу, умею am/ is / are able to could – мог, умел was / were able to will be able to – смогу, сумею
may –мочь, иметь разрешение to be allowed to to be permitted to may – могу, разрешают am/is/are allowed to am/is/are permitted to might –мог, разрешили was/were allowed to was/were permitted to will be allowed to will be permitted to - смогу, разрешат
must –должен (моральная необходимость; mustn't - нельзя) to have to to be obliged to must –должен am/is/are obliged to had to – должен был was /were obliged to will have to –должен буду will be obliged to
to have to –должен, приходится (должен по обстоятельствам) have / has to –должен, приходится had to – должен был, пришлось will have to – должен буду, придется
to be to – должен, договорились (должен по договоренности) am/is/are to – должен was/were to – должен был  


He can swim.

He could swim at the age of 5.

He will be able to swim in a month.


Simple Infinitive to be; Cont. Inf.; Perfect Inf.; Perfect Cont. Infinitive.


  Simple to be, Continuous Perfect, Perfect Continuous
Must – должно быть, наверняка He must be at home. – Должно быть, он дома. He must be living in Moscow. – Должно быть, он живет в Москве. He must have done all work. – Должно быть, он выполнил всю работу.  
May/might – возможно, может быть He may be at home. – Возможно, он дома. He may be living in Moscow. – Возможно, он живет в Москве. He may have done all work. – Возможно, он сделал всю работу.  
Can`t/ couldn't`t – не может быть, чтобы He can`t be at home. –Не может быть, что он дома. He can`t be living in Moscow. –Не может быть, что он живет в Москве. He can`t have done all work. – Не может быть, чтобы он сделал всю работу. He can't have failed to do all work.
Can…?/Could…?- Неужели…? Can he be at home? – Неужели он дома? Can he be living in Moscow? – Неужели он живет в Москве? Can he have done all work? –Неужели он сделал всю работу? Can he have failed to do all work?
To be to   С Perf. Inf. – запланированное действие не произошло They were to have met at the theatre. – Они так и не встретились в театре.



  Simple, Continuous Infinitive Perfect, Perfect Continuous
Should You should call on him. –Тебе следуетпозвонить ему. (должен, следует) You should have called on him. – Тебе следовалопозвонить ему. (должен был, следовало)
Ought to You ought to visit your parents. – тебе следует навестить родителей. (совет, напоминание) You ought to have helped her. Her bags were too heavy.- Тебе следовало бы ей помочь. У нее были такие тяжелые сумки. (упрек, порицание)
Needn`t You needn`t call on him. - Тебе не нужно звонить ему. (нет необходимости) You needn`t have called on him. – Зря ты ему позвонил. (зря, напрасно, незачем было)



Образование отрицательных и вопросительных предложений с модальными глаголами.


Обстоят. подлежащее вспом.глаг. not ост. часть сказ. ост. члены предл.

He can not swim.

He can swim.

Can he swim?

How well can he swim?

Who can swim?

Can he swim or run?

He can swim, can not he?

Will he be able to lift this box?

Are they to meet at the station?

To have to

I have to

He has to get up at 6 a.m.

I had to

I don't have to get up at 6 a.m. Do you have to get up at 6 a.m?

He doesn't have to get up at 6 a.m. Does he have to get up at 6 a.m?

I didn’t have to get up at 6 a.m. Did he have to get up at 6 a.m?



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