V. Make three types of questions (general, alternative, disjunctive). 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


V. Make three types of questions (general, alternative, disjunctive).

1. Betty is at the lesson.

2. This is an old clock.

VI. Make the plural form and transcribe the words:

a desk

a bee

a mill

a fox

a crisis

a formula

a child

a roof

a datum


VII. Make up impersonal sentences using the words:

1. dark

2. cold

3. nine

4. not easy

5. not late

6. spring


VIII. Make up disjunctive questions:

1. You are a student.

2. Her friend is not a first-year student.

3. We are future teachers.

4. Your sister is not a doctor.

5. The children are very busy.

6. These are comfortable beds.

7. It is not difficult.

8. This is a good watch.


IX. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Сегодня облачно, правда? – Да, облачно.

2. Тебе же не тридцать лет, да? – Да, мне не тридцать. Мне 29.

3. Летом в Англии не жарко.

4. Я не так уж глуп, правда?

5. Она уже студентка. – Правда?

6. Это нелегкое задание, не так ли? – Да, нелегкое.

Lesson Five (pp. 48-63)

Phonetics (Фонетика)

Фонетические упражнения № 24, № 25, № 26, № 27, № 28

Требования к выполнению фонетических упражнений см. к уроку № 2.

Penmanship (Каллиграфия): Научитесь писать английские буквы, обращая внимание на их транскрипцию.

Reading rules (Правила чтения) (стр. 51-53).

Text A Visit

1. Прослушайте текст в записи и сделайте интонационную разметку текста (см. стр. 21-22, Phonetic Notes p. 55).

Ex. V p. 59 поможет Вам отработать наиболее сложные в звуковом и интонационном отношении места текста. Ex. II p. 59.

2. Потренируйтесь читать текст за диктором (несколько раз).

3. Прочитайте текст без записи, обращая внимание на звуки и интонацию.

4. Выучите текст наизусть.

5. Переведите текст, используя Vocabulary Notes (p. 54-55). Ex. VIII p. 60.

6. Выучитe слова и выражения из Vocabulary Notes (p. 54-55, читать, писать, знать перевод) и Conversational Phrases (p. 55).


Дополнительная литература для развития навыков говорения:

1. L.N. Khannikova Spoken English (интенсивный курс английской разговорной речи).


Выделенные фразы в диалогах переведите, выучите и используйте в диалогах по всем темам.

Составьте диалог с использованием всех выделенных фраз.


*- Good morning, Mike!

- Good morning, Bob!

- How arе you?

- Fine. Thanks. How are you?

- Very much the same. Thank you.

*- Good afternoon, Miss Bright!

- Good afternoon, Mr. Forbes!

- How's life?

- No complaints. Thank you. How are things with you?

- Nothing to boast of. Thanks.

*- Good evening, Mrs. McDonald!

- Good evening, Mr. Crooke! How is life treating you?

- Life is going its usual way. How are you getting on?

- I am doing fine. Thank you.

- Glad to hear it.

*- Hello, everybody!

- Hello, Peter!

- Excuse my being late. I was delayed by the traffic.

- Never mind.

*- Hi, Helen!

- Hi, Peter!

- It's a long time since I saw you last. Where have you been all this time?

- I have just returned from Canada.

- Was it a business trip?

- Exactly.

- Was it successful?

- I am afraid not.

- Sorrv to hear it.


*- Hello, Peter!

- Hello, Mike!

- How is business?

- Fine, thanks. How are things with you?

- Very much the same. Thank you. How is everybody at home?

- My daughter Eve is ill.

- Sorry to hear it. Can I help you?

- I am afraid not.

- I wish her a speedy recovery!

- Thanks a lot.

*- Why, if it isn't Richard!

- Hi, Bob! What a pleasant surprise!

- Never expected to meet you here.

- This is a small world!

- What are you doing in this restaurant?

- You see, we are celebrating my wife's birthday.

- Many happy returns of the day to her!

- Thank you.

*- Hi, Susan!

- Hi, Carol!

- What are you doing?

- I am translating an article.

- Since when have you been translating it?

- Since 10 a.m.

- Have you done much?

- I've just translated half of it.

*-Good evening, Miss McDail!

- Good evening, Mr Twist!

- You look upset. What's the matter?

- I am very tired.

-You should take a holiday.

- That's what I am going to do.

Составьте диалог с использованием всех выделенных фраз Greetings and Parting with people

Parting with people


*- Thank you for an enjoyable evening!

- Thank you for coming.

- Hope we'll meet soon.

- Let's hope for the best.

*- It's half past ten, isn't it?

- Yes, it is.

- I must be going. I'm very sorry about it.

- It was a pleasure to talk with you.

- The pleasure was mine. Bye for now.


*- Are you going my way?

- I am afraid not. I've got to do some shopping.

- Good luck. Bye-bye!

- See you tomorrow.

*- Donald, I'm sorry to part with you. I must hurry. I've an appointment with the doctor for half past six. Good-Bye!

- So long, Martin!


*- I say, Barbara, the train starts in five minutes.

- Oh, you must hurry.

- Keep well!

*- Steve, I am going to Florida for my holidays.

- Have a happy holiday, Jane!

- Thanks. Have a good time!

*- I am going to the country for the weekend.

- A happy weekend to you.

- The same to you.

- Thank you.


*- Are you. flying to Boston?

- Yes, the plane takes off in twenty

- Have a happy landing!

- Thank you. Take care!

*- What time is it now?

- It's half past eleven.

- It's high time to go home. I am very sorry to part with you.

- Thank you for coming.

*- My best regards to your wife.

- Thank you. She will be glad to hear from you.

- Remember me to Aunt Polly.

- I will. Thanks.


*- When does your ship sail off?

- In an hour and a half.

- Have a good crossing.

- Thank you. Keep well!


*- I must be off. Urgent business.

- It was a pleasure to see you.

- The pleasure is all mine.

- Good Bye!

- Bye-bye!


*- Could you give me a lift?

- Sure. Where to?

- To the nearest underground station.

- Here you are.

- Thank you. See you tomorrow.

- Bye-bye


*- Merry Christmas, Paul!

- Merry Christmas, Jan.

-Hope we'll meet soon.

-Let s hope for the best.

- Good luck to you!

-Take care!

Дополнительная литература по грамматике для всех уроков:

1. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами под редакцией К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевича

или любой другой грамматический справочник.

Lesson 5

Rule 1. Degrees of comparison of adjectives Степени сравнения прилагательных

Прилагательные в английском языке имеют 3 степени сравнения: положительную (the positive degree), сравнительную (the comparative degree), превосходную (the superlative degree).

e.g. This house is as old as that one. (положительная степень)

This house is older than that one. (сравнительная степень, старше того)

This house is the oldest of all. (превосходная степень)

В положительной степени прилагательные остаются без изменения.

e.g. as busy as a bee

as good as gold

Is he as tall as his father?

Сравнительная и превосходная степени могут образовываться 3 путями: 1)синтетическим, 2) аналитическим, 3) супплетивным.

1. Образовать степени сравнения синтетическим путём значит прибавить суффикс -еr в сравнительной степени и -est в превосходной. Таким путём образуют степени сравнения:

а) односложные прилагательные

e.g. wet - wetter - the wettest

(but greeп – greener - the greenest)

b) двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -у, -er, -ow, -le

e.g. happy – happier - the happiest

clever – cleverer - the cleverest

narrow – narrower - the narrowest

simple –simpler - the simplest |

c) двусложные прилагательные с ударением на последнем слоге |

e.g. complete – completer - the completest

(but modern – more modern - the most modern)

2. Образовать степени сравнения аналитическим путём значит прибавить слово тоrе в сравнительной степени и - the most в превосходной. Таким путём образуют степени сравнения остальные двусложные, трёхсложные и многосложные прилагательные.

e.g. This novel is as interesting as that one.

This novel is more interesting than that one.

This novel is the most interesting of all.

3. Образовать степени сравнения супплетивным путём значит изменить форму прилагательного. Эти формы надо запомнить.


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