Exercise 16 Learn some phrasal verbs and then match the beginning of each sentence with its ending, completing each sentence with the correct particle. 

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Exercise 16 Learn some phrasal verbs and then match the beginning of each sentence with its ending, completing each sentence with the correct particle.

break into – вторгатися

come into – успадковувати

cough up – перетворювати на капітал

plough back – перетворити на капітал

put aside (by, off) – відкладувати на деякий час

run through – витратити велику суму дуже швидко

set back – коштувати дуже дорого

work off – відпрацювати (борг)



1. It is going to take me ages to work … 2. For the first few years we ploughed … 3. Do try to put a little bit of money … 4. I’m grateful to my dad for coughing … 5. You will certainly come … 6. Buying a car unfortunately set me … 7. I want to put off breaking … 8. Chris started gambling and he ran …



a) … more than I had anticipated. b) … some money on your gran’s death. c) … my students debts. d) … my savings for as long as I can. e) … enormous sums of money. f) … enough money for my to buy a car. g) … all our profits into the business. h) … each month for a rainy day.

Exercise 17 a) As far as accountants deal in their work with great amount of numbers, they should read and pronounce them correctly. Let’s try to say these numbers.

1. 12,402 5..002

2. 1.001.111 6. ¼

3. 21 7. ½

4..15 8. 1/3


b) What are these numbers in figures? Write them.

1. one million seven hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-one; 2. one billion; 3. ninety-two; 4. three thousand four hundred and two; 5. one hundred and ninety nine point nine recurring; 6. point nought two; 7. one point eight.


c) What is the answer to these sums? Write the sums and the answers in figures. (Note: K = 1000; m = million.)

1. twelve times eight; 2. thirty eight times two; 3. one hundred and forty four divided by twelve; 4. eight times fifty K; 5. three times one point five m.

d) How do you say following numbers? Choose the correct version in each case.

1. The year 2003:

a) twenty hundred and three

b) two thousand and three

c) twenty three

d) twenty hundred three


2. $1 = DM1.46. The exchange rate is:

a) one point four six Deutschmarks to the dollar

b) one forty six Deutschmarks for a dollar

c) one dollar equalling Deutschmarks one point four six

d) one dollar making one four six Deutschmarks


3. The period from about 1984 to about 1986:

a) the mid-eighties

b) the medium eighties

c) the middling eighties

d) the midway eighties


4. Seven correct answers in a test of ten items. The result is:

a) seven over ten right

b) seven out of ten right

c) seven on ten right

d) seven right over ten


5. The dimensions of a rectangle 3 metres in length and 2 metres in width:

a) three for two

b) three by two

c) three across two down

d) three to two


6. The result of an opinion survey:

a) One of ten people thin that …

b) One in ten people think that …

c) One to ten people think that …

d) One over ten people think that …


7. Approximately six:

a) nearly six

b) sixish

c) sixy

d) sixer


8. At football, Germany 0, Brazil 0:

a) Germany oh, Brazil oh

b) Germany zero, Brazil zero too

c) Germany nil, Brazil nil

d) Germany and Brazil love


9. 3 cm3:

a) three centimeter cubes

b) three cubic centimetres

c) three cubed centimetres

d) three centimetric cubes


10. 3:2 as a ratio:

a) three over two

b) three under two

c) three to two

d) three at two

Exercise 18 All of these phrases are about money. What do they refer to? Find the correct explanation and match it with the appropriate expression.

Money expressions:

Expressions 1. To save up for a rainy day 2. In the red 3. In the black 4. To line one’s pockets 5. To settle up 6. To break To have a finger in the pie 7. Even 8. To be broke 9. To cost an arm and a leg 10. To make ends meet 11. Daylight robbery 12. To come into money Explanations a) Paying off one’s debts. b) The account is in credit. c) The account is overdrawn. d) It was extremely expensive. e) Only just managing to cope financially. f) Putting money aside to cover any unforeseen circumstances or emergency. g) Making a lot of money from something. h) Being absolutely without funds. i) Having a financial interest in something. j) Inheriting money. k) Making neither a profit nor a loss. l) Extortionate costs.

Exercise 19 a) Read the text.


If you think that keeping your money under the bed is not a good idea, then you probably have a bank account. In Britain, you can pay in money and you can withdraw money from a current account quite easily, and you can earn interest on a savings or deposit account. You can transfer money to other accounts and you can tell the bank to pay your electricity, telephone and other bills by standing order or direct debit.

Every month, the bank will send you a statement which tells you your balance and by how much you are in the black or in the red. If you are overdrawn, you will probably have to pay interest on the debt.

Banks are happy to provide other services to their customers. For example, when you want to go abroad, the bank will sell you traveller’s cheques or quote you an exchange rate for buying and selling foreign currency. And it will issue you with a credit card to make paying for goods and services easier, provided the bank thinks you are a good credit risk.


b) Find words which mean the following:

1. plastic money; 2. the cost of buying foreign money; 3. a colourful way of talking about a positive amount in your account; 4. a colourful way of talking about a negative amount in your account; 5. you can earn this on a savings account; 6. take money from an account; 7. this tells you how much you have in your account; 8. put money into your account; 9. useful when abroad; 10. when money is taken automatically from your account; 11. when your account is in debit; 12. the amount you have in your account; 13. move money from one account to another.


Exercise 20 a) Read the leaflet on personal financial management given out by a university to its students. Note the collocations (combinations of two or more words which frequently occur together).


keep afloat – не залізати у борги

loan – позика

supplement – добавляти, поповнювати

current account – поточний рахунок

campus – гуртожиток

debt – борг

luxuries – делікатесні вироби, коштовності

borrow – позичати

outstanding debt – невиплачений борг

overdraft – перевищення кредиту, овердрафт

interest-free – безпроцентний

Keeping afloat – how to manage your finances


While you’re doing your degree, your main source of income may be a student loan or, if you’re lucky, a grant or scholarship. But you may well still need to supplement your income by getting some kind of part-time work. Here are some tips for avoiding financial problems:

· Open a current account at the campus bank – they have a team there which specializes in helping students with their financial matters.

· If you get into debt, try to clear your debts as soon as possible.

· If things are difficult, you may have to economise by, say, cutting down on luxuries. This is far better than running up huge debts.

· If you have a credit card debt, try to make a payment every month, however small. Never exceed your agreed credit limit.

· It’s a bad idea to borrow heavily to repay your debts. Always seek advice from your bank about how to clear outstanding debts and pay back loans.

· Never run up an overdraft if you can avoid it. If you do need one, remember that most banks will offer students an interest-free overdraft.


b) Match words from each box to form collocations from the text of section a) and use them to complete the sentences below.


borrow make stay supplement

afloat heavily my income a payment


1. I … of?500 every month to my credit-card account. 2. When I was a student I got a job in a fast-food outlet to …. 3. I had no grant or scholarship, so I had to … to finance my studies. 4. Small firms find it difficult to … when costs and interest rates are high.


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