Exercise 3 Answer the following questions. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Exercise 3 Answer the following questions.




Кафедра “Іноземні мови”




з розвитку навичок професійного спілкування

до розмовної теми

“Мій фах – Бухгалтерський облік та аудит”

для студентів 2 курсу

факультету економіки транспорту


(англійська мова)


Харків, 2010

Методичні вказівки з розвитку навичок професійного спілкування до розмовної теми “Мій фах – Бухгалтерський облік та аудит” для студентів 2 курсу факультету економіки транспорту (англійська мова).-Х: УкрДАЗТ, 2010



Видання підготовлено відповідно до програми навчальної дисципліни і є складовою частиною навчально-методичного комплексу дисципліни “Англійська мова”.


Методичні вказівки складаються з трьох розділів (Units): Our speciality (Наша спеціальність), What is accounting (Що є бухгалтерський облік) та Audit (Аудит). До кожної теми розроблено словник активної лексики.

Передтекстові лексичні вправи спрямовані на вивчення та використання слів та виразів активного словника, при цьому велика увага надається термінологічним виразам бухгалтерського обліку та їх використанню.

Післятекстові вправи допомагають студентам детальніше ознайомитися з текстом, а також сприяють застосуванню цих навичок в монологічній та діалогічній діяльності.


Методичні вказівки рекомендовано для студентів 2-го курсуфакультету економіки транспорту


Методичні вказівки розглянуто та рекомендовано до друку на засіданні кафедри “Іноземні мови” 17.02.2010, протокол №7



ст.викл. О.В. Ель Кассем


доц., к.ф.н. С.М. Донець

Unit 1


Active Vocabulary

offerv пропонувати

opportunityn шанс, можливість, перспектива

fields and specialities – напрямки та спеціальності

entrepreneurshipn підприємництво

bookkeepingn бухгалтерія, рахівництво

accountingn бухгалтерська справа, фінансовий облік

usefuladj корисний

competitiveadj конкурентоспроможний

demand – n попит

acquirev придбати, покупати, здобувати; acquisitionn покупка, придбання

profoundadj глибокий, ґрунтовний

general educational subjects – загальноосвітні предмети

junioradj молодший

senioradj старший

probabilityn вірогідність

allocationn розміщення

non-profit organization – некомерційна організація

graduaten випускник

enterprisen підприємство

be engaged (in)v займатися чимось

varietyn різноманітність

statementn звіт

recordv записувати, регіструвати

transactionn справа, угода, операція

computev обчислювати

cost(s)n (pl) витрати

efficiency gain – виграш у продуктивності

participatev брати участь; syn take part

mergern поглинання, злиття

taxn податок

day-to-dayadj щоденний, повсякденний

be concerned with – займатися, мати справу з, торкатися

primarilyadv перш за все

balance sheet – (бухгалтерський) баланс

profit and loss account – рахунок прибутків та витрат

assetn актив (балансу)

liabilityn пасив (балансу)

set outphr v складати, представляти, організовувати

conventionaladj звичайний, традиційний

reversev міняти місцями

deductionn відрахування

earnv заробляти

gross profit – валовий прибуток

Exercise 1 a) Find synonyms among the following verbs.

Obtain, offer, acquire, make up, propose, compute, record, engage, calculate, register, participate, concern, take part, set out.

b) Translate the sentences with some verbs of section a).

1. Sending goods by road offers greater speed and flexibility. 2. It took him a long time to acquire the skills he needed to become a professional accountant. 3. Our employees are encouraged to participate in the decision making process. 4. The tax changes will concern large corporations more than small businesses. 5. All students should engage in challenging work and should graduate on the basis of what they know and can do. 6. Last year the company recorded a profit of £1.4 million. 7. In all four years of the course, students take units of study in languages, computing and business studies. 8 The market traders began setting out their displays. 9. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has recently acquired several paintings by Salvador Dali.

Exercise 2 Find the explanations for the following notions: merger, competitive, demand, transaction, opportunity, tax, graduate.

Products or prices that are cheaper than others but still of good quality; the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services; a student who has completed a course of studies at a high school and received a diploma; the combination of two or more companies by the creation of a new organization; the act of gaining possession; advantageous combination of circumstances; a compulsory financial contribution imposed by the government.



We are second-year students of Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport. Our Academy dates back to 1930. It has a long history and rich traditions. Nowadays the Academy counts five faculties and offers training in twelve specialities. I study at the Transport Economics Faculty. It offers a wide range of study opportunities of different levels of education for both full-time and extra-mural students. Nowadays there are several Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s programmes in different fields and specialities: Bachelor of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Management; Specialist and Master of Finance, Accounting and Audit, Business Economics, Marketing, Business Management and Management of Foreign Economic Activity. It is the leading higher educational establishment which trains qualified specialists for the most important branches of Ukraine’s national economy.

Our future speciality is bookkeeping accounting and audit. It is one of the most interesting and useful professions. At present it is also quite competitive in the labour market. There is always great demand for qualified bookkeepers, accountants and auditors.

Future specialists acquire profound knowledge in general educational and specialized subjects. General educational subjects such as mathematics, foreign languages, philosophy, psychology, and others are taught during junior courses. Among special subjects delivered mostly to the senior students one can mention history of economic studies, theory of probabilities and mathematical statistics, labour resources allocation and regional economics, money and credit, financial accounting, managerial accounting, accounting in foreign countries, organization and methods of audit, accounting at non-profit organizations, and others.

Accountants are primarily concerned with two accounting documents – the balance sheet and the profit and loss account. The balance sheet is a summary of the firm’s assets, liabilities and capital as at a given date. There are a number of ways in which it can be set out. The conventional way is to list the assets on the right-hand side of the document, and the liabilities and capital on the left. However, an increasing number of firms are showing the sides reversed. Companies normally present the data in ‘statement’ form showing liabilities as a deduction from assets, to give the capital.

The profit and loss account (usually abbreviated to P&L) shows how the profit (or loss) was made. It covers a period, and this is reflected in the title of the document. Notice the different nature of the items listed. They are descriptions of either how the money was earned, or of how the money was spent. The first part of a P&L, showing the ‘gross’ profit, is sometimes called a trading account, or trading section of the P&L.

Our graduates work at different industrial enterprises as accountants, bookkeepers, financiers, controllers, auditors. Accountants may be engaged in a wide variety of activities such as preparing financial statements and recording business transactions, computing costs and efficiency gains from new technologies, participating in strategies for mergers and acquisitions, tax strategy, etc. But the main task of accountants is providing the following information: a record of day-to-day transactions; a statement of how well the firm is running over a period of time; a summary of the firm’s financial position at a given date; and a guide to future action and decision-making.

We are glad that we have chosen this speciality and we hope that after graduation from the Academy we will become qualified specialists in the field and acquire a good and prestigious job as accountants, bookkeepers or auditors.


If you think that keeping your money under the bed is not a good idea, then you probably have a bank account. In Britain, you can pay in money and you can withdraw money from a current account quite easily, and you can earn interest on a savings or deposit account. You can transfer money to other accounts and you can tell the bank to pay your electricity, telephone and other bills by standing order or direct debit.

Every month, the bank will send you a statement which tells you your balance and by how much you are in the black or in the red. If you are overdrawn, you will probably have to pay interest on the debt.

Banks are happy to provide other services to their customers. For example, when you want to go abroad, the bank will sell you traveller’s cheques or quote you an exchange rate for buying and selling foreign currency. And it will issue you with a credit card to make paying for goods and services easier, provided the bank thinks you are a good credit risk.


b) Find words which mean the following:

1. plastic money; 2. the cost of buying foreign money; 3. a colourful way of talking about a positive amount in your account; 4. a colourful way of talking about a negative amount in your account; 5. you can earn this on a savings account; 6. take money from an account; 7. this tells you how much you have in your account; 8. put money into your account; 9. useful when abroad; 10. when money is taken automatically from your account; 11. when your account is in debit; 12. the amount you have in your account; 13. move money from one account to another.


Exercise 20 a) Read the leaflet on personal financial management given out by a university to its students. Note the collocations (combinations of two or more words which frequently occur together).


keep afloat – не залізати у борги

loan – позика

supplement – добавляти, поповнювати

current account – поточний рахунок

campus – гуртожиток

debt – борг

luxuries – делікатесні вироби, коштовності

borrow – позичати

outstanding debt – невиплачений борг

overdraft – перевищення кредиту, овердрафт

interest-free – безпроцентний

Keeping afloat – how to manage your finances


While you’re doing your degree, your main source of income may be a student loan or, if you’re lucky, a grant or scholarship. But you may well still need to supplement your income by getting some kind of part-time work. Here are some tips for avoiding financial problems:

· Open a current account at the campus bank – they have a team there which specializes in helping students with their financial matters.

· If you get into debt, try to clear your debts as soon as possible.

· If things are difficult, you may have to economise by, say, cutting down on luxuries. This is far better than running up huge debts.

· If you have a credit card debt, try to make a payment every month, however small. Never exceed your agreed credit limit.

· It’s a bad idea to borrow heavily to repay your debts. Always seek advice from your bank about how to clear outstanding debts and pay back loans.

· Never run up an overdraft if you can avoid it. If you do need one, remember that most banks will offer students an interest-free overdraft.


b) Match words from each box to form collocations from the text of section a) and use them to complete the sentences below.


borrow make stay supplement

afloat heavily my income a payment


1. I … of?500 every month to my credit-card account. 2. When I was a student I got a job in a fast-food outlet to …. 3. I had no grant or scholarship, so I had to … to finance my studies. 4. Small firms find it difficult to … when costs and interest rates are high.

International Accounting

International companies can choose how they present financial information to outside parties. The rules and regulations between countries vary significantly. Accountants worldwide are familiar with the words ‘Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)’. Some of the basic principles are:

· the going concern principle

· the prudence principle

· the matching principle

· the consistency principle.

The development of these principles has greatly differed between countries. For example, in most English-speaking countries it is often accepted practice to offset unrealized gains from unrealized losses, or to re-value long term assets upwards, provided sufficient proof of the current value can be shown. This means that accounts can have very different values, depending on whether the company chooses to follow local accounting standards, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) – formerly the International Accounting Standards (IAS) – or U.S.GAAP. Whether the company can choose is governed by the laws of the country where it is registered. For example, the U.S.A. and Japan currently allow publicly-traded companies to prepare their financial statements using the standards of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), but they must also include a reconciliation to domestic GAAP.



outside company

accepted practice

English-speaking standards

local accounting parties

publicly-traded countries


1. A firm that sells its shares to anyone who wants to buy them. 2. For example, Australia, the U.K., and the U.S.A. 3. The way that most people do something. 4. The rules and regulations which state how accountants operate in a particular place. 5. People or groups who are not involved with the company.


Exercise 23 The article ‘International Accounting’ (Exercise 16) mentions four basic principles of accounting. Match them to the definitions below.

1. ___________________________________________________

This principle is concerned with the timing of the recognition of transactions in the accounts. Items are recorded when the income or expense arises, and are not dependent on the movement of cash.


2. ___________________________________________________

When preparing accounts, one must assume that the enterprise will still be viable in the years to come. Practically all accounting items are affected by this assumption, such as the carrying value of fixed assets and inventories, and the ability to repay debts and other obligations.


3. ___________________________________________________

What value should be given to the numbers in the accounts? It is normal to act pessimistically, so that profits and assets are not overstated, and expenses and liabilities realistically valued.


4. ___________________________________________________

Accounts should be produced using the same principles from one year to the next. Deviations from this principle must be noted and the effects on the accounts shown.


Do you know of any differences in the application of these principles between countries? What should a visiting accountant know about the principle in Ukraine? Make notes, and prepare to brief someone else in the group.


Unit 2


Active Vocabulary

interpretv тлумачити, пояснювати

eventn подія

insurancen страхування

trendn тенденція, напрям

repetitiveadj той, що повторюється

complexadj складний, змішаний

simplifyv спрощувати

purchasen покупка; v купувати

occurv траплятися

purposen ціль, намір

evaluatev оцінювати evaluation

measurementn вимірювання, замір

insightn проникнення у суть

beyondadv далеко, за межами

valuableadj цінний

income tax – прибутковий податок

get down to – взятися за

gatherv збирати

merchandisen товар

billn розрахунок

receiptn квитанція, одержання

storagen зберігання, склад

meaningfuladj значимий

sales slip – товарний (касовий) чек; slipn бланк, талон

cash register – касовий апарат

invoicen рахунок, рахунок-фактура

shipping documents – транспортні документи

payroll record – платіжна відомість (по заробітній платі)

expense(s)n витрати

pilen кипа (паперу)

compressv скорочувати, сжимати

unmanageableadj той, яким не можна керувати

keep the book – вести книгу

compilev складати


Exercise 1 Change the italicised words for the synonyms from the active vocabulary.

This happened many years ago, a growing tendency, to collect information, goods should be transported, a significant event, all costs of the firm, to draw up a schedule for this year, to explain the task to the students, a very expensive cargo, masses of old newspapers, to shorten the presentation.



Accounting is the recording, classifying, summarizing and interpreting of financial events and transactions to provide management and other interested parties the information they need to make better decisions.

Transactions include buying and selling of goods and services, acquiring insurance, using supplies, etc. Transactions may be recorded by hand or they may be recorded in a computer system. Of course, the trend today is to use computers since the process is often repetitive and complex, and computers greatly simplify the task.

After the transactions have been recorded, they are usually classified into groups that have common characteristics For example, all purchases are grouped together, as are all sales transactions. A businessperson is thus able to obtain needed information about purchases, sales, and other transactions that occur over a given period of time. The methods used to record and summarize accounting data into reports are called an accounting system. Systems that use computers enable an organization to get financial reports daily if they so desire. One purpose of accounting is to help managers evaluate the financial condition and the operating performance of the firm so that they may make better decisions. Another is to report financial information to people outside the firm such as owners, creditors, suppliers, employees, and the government (for tax purposes).

In more basis terms, accounting is the measurement and reporting to various users (inside and outside the organization) financial information regarding the economic activities of the firm. Accounting has been called the language ofbusiness, which may make you think accounting is only for profit seeking firms. However, it is also the language used to report financial information about non-profit organizations such as churches*, schools, hospitals, fraternities*, and governmental units. Accounting can be divided into two major categories: managerial accounting and financial accounting. An accountant working for an organization is likely to do both.

* churches – церкви

* fraternities – братства

What Bookkeepers Do

If you were a bookkeeper, the first task you would perform would be to divide all of the firm’s paperwork into meaningful categories. Those categories would probably include the following:

♦ Sales documents (sales slips, cash register receipts, and invoices).

♦ Purchasing documents.

♦ Shipping documents.

♦ Payroll records.

♦ Bank documents (checks, deposit slips).

♦ Various expense documents.

If you collected all this information, you would have several piles of papers, much like the piles that are generated in the preparation of income tax forms. If this information is not compressed somehow, it will become too unmanageable. Therefore, the bookkeeper must begin to record the data from the original transaction documents (for example, the sales slips) into record books called journals. Journals are the books where accounting data are first entered. The term journal comes from the French word jour, which means day. A journal, therefore, is where the day’s transactions are kept.

So a bookkeeper is busy keeping the books of account of a business, recording a profit and loss account and compiling the balance sheet.

U N I T 3


Active Vocabulary

ascertainv встановити, удосконалитися

validityn юридична сила, законність

reliabilityn надійність

assessmentn оцінка, оцінювання; assessv оцінювати

internaladj внутрішній, ant external

expressv висловити

due toprep із-за, тому що

constraintn обмеження

assurancen гарантія, впевненість

material error – суттєві помилки

henceadv тому, через те що

statistical sampling – статистична вибірка

adoptv приймати, використовувати

fairadj справедливий; fairnessn справедливість; fairlyadv справедливо

misstatementn помилкове твердження

influencev впливати на

gainv добувати

security risk – ризик, пов’язаний з порушенням техніки безпеки

environmental performance – діяльність, пов’язана з охороною навколишнього середовища

conductv проводити, здійснювати

issuev випускати; issuance – n випуск, видання

adhere to – триматися чогось, відстоювати

entityn економічна одиниця

irrespective of – незважаючи на

thereonadv на цій підставі

remainv залишатися

in accordance with – згідно з

borrowv позичати

stockn запаси, склад; stock exchange – фондовий ринок

regardingprep у відношенні

accuratelyadv точно, безпомилково

accompanyingadj супровідний

relatev бути пов’язаним, відноситися

retainv утримувати

earning(s)n заробіток

cash flow – потік грошей

requirev вимагати, повинно бути

reasonableadj розумний

evidencen доказ

disclosuren представлення облікової інформації

significantadj значний, важливий

estimaten оцінка, оцінювання

overalladj загальний, цілий


Exercise 1 Change the italicized words for their synonyms from the active vocabulary.

To do the work perfectly, durability of equipment, to take into account restrictions, a just statement, to effect the environment, to obtain results, to carry out the research, regardless of the weather forecast, the sign of their presence, an important matter, general approach.


Exercise 2 a) Match the verbs with their explanations.

1) conduct 2) express 3) perform 4) ascertain 5) influence 6) gain 7) retain 8) remain 9) borrow b) to do work, a task, of duty c) to find out the true or correct information d) to show a feeling, an opinion e) to have an effect on something f) to obtain or win something g) to do a particular activity (test, experiment) h) to continue to be in a certain state i) to take and use something that belongs to somebody else j) to keep something


b) Fill in the gaps with the verbs from section a) in an appropriate tense form.

1. You could ….. some money from your uncle without paying interest. 2. Many of his ideas ….. popular support. 3. Parents ….. their concerns about their children’s safety. 4. We ….. a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food. 5. Several factors are likely to ….. this decision. 6. Many scientists ….. unconvinced by the current evidence. 7. Tests were conducted to ….. whether pollution levels have dropped. 8. The official opening ceremony was..... by Princess Margaret. 9. The state wants to ….. control of food imports.



The general definition of an audit is an evaluation of a person, organization, system, process, enterprise, project or product. Audits are performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information; also to provide an assessment of a system’s internal control. The goal of an audit is to express an opinion on the person, organization, or system in question, under evaluation based on work done on a test basis. Due to practical constraints, an audit seeks to provide only reasonable assurance that the statements are free from material error. Hence, statistical sampling is often adopted in audits. In the case of financial audits, a set of financial statements are said to be true and fair when they are free of material misstatements – a concept influenced by both quantitative and qualitative factors.

Audit is a vital part of accounting. Traditionally, audits were mainly associated with gaining information about financial systems and the financial records of a company or a business. However, recent auditing has begun to include other information about the system, such as information about security risks, information systems performance (beyond financial systems), and environmental performance. As a result, there are now professions conducting security audits, IS audits, and environmental audits.

In financial accounting, an audit is an independent assessment of the fairness by which a company’s financial statements are presented by its management. It is performed by competent, independent and objective persons known as auditors or accountants, who then issue an auditor’s report based on the results of the audit.

Such systems must adhere to generally accepted standards set by governing bodies regulating businesses; these standards simply provide assurance for third parties or external users that such statements present a company’s financial condition and results of operations ‘fairly’.

The Definition for Auditing and Assurance Standard (AAS) is ‘Auditing is the independent examination of financial information of any entity, whether profit oriented or not, and irrespective of its size or legal form, when such an examination is conducted with a view of expressing an opinion thereon’.

Auditing, the oldest area of practice, remains the largest for many firms. An audit is a CPA’s (Certified Public Accountants) examination of a company’s financial statements in order to express an opinion about the fairness of those statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. When a company wants to borrow funds from a bank or have its stock listed on a stock exchange, it must present statements regarding its financial affairs. Because these statements are prepared by independent auditors, those interested in the information know it has been presented fairly and accurately.



Board of Directors, Stockholders, Owners, and/or Management of ABC Company, Inc.
123 Main St. Anytown, Any Country

We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of ABC Company, Inc. (the ‘Company’) as of December 31, 2009 and the related statements of income, retained earnings, and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in Ukraine. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2009, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Ukraine.

Auditor’s name and address

Date of the report’s issuance


The traditional view of accountants as merely ‘ bean counters’ is slowly becoming a thing of the past. For centuries, accountants have been employed to report on the numbers. They have sat there in their little corner, surrounded by stacks of paper and computer printouts, and have told us whether or not we have made a profit. But more and more, accountants are finding that management doesn’t need them to report on the numbers. With today’s technology, management already has access to software programs which do this work for them.

So what will the future accountant do? According to Mr Hamilton-Smythe, the Managing Director of KHZ Enterprises, the large international manufacturing company, accountants will be employed ‘to help companies change the numbers. Their expertise and knowledge of the business will be called upon to prepare strategies. They will become consultants and advisers. And their skills will need to change accordingly. They will be involved in international meetings, in giving presentations, running international teams, writing reports, and making decisions.’

This is going to require a significant change in the general public’s opinion of accountants, who in turn will need to develop skills not traditionally associated with the job. The image of the guy in the corner with the stacks of paper will change to one of a high flyer, someone who is critical to the success of the organization.

bean counter – бухгалтер, рахівник

b) Answer the following questions.

1. What do you think the future of accounting looks like?

2. What skills will you need to be successful in the profession?

3. How will you prepare yourself for the future?


Exercise 8 Single out the main points of the text ‘The future of accounting’. Use the following opening phrases:

The title of the text is...

The text deals with the issue of...

It is clear from the text that...

One of the main points to be singled out is...

It further says that...



The body which represents the interest of accountants in the U.S. is the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). To become a CPA, the applicant must meet the requirements of the state where he/she wishes to practice, as established by the law of that state and administered by the state boards of accountancy.

To qualify for certification, the applicant must:

1. study accountancy at a collage or university

2. pass the CPA examination, which consists of four sections:

· Business Law and Professional Responsibilities

· Auditing

· Accounting and Reporting – Taxation, Managerial, and Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations

· Financial Accounting and Reporting – Business Enterprises

3. have professional work experience in public accounting.


Most states require a qualified CPA to carry out regular professional training.


Chartered Accountant

The major accounting body in the U.K. is the institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

To become a Chartered Accountant, the applicant must:

1. have sufficient school or university education

2. apply for a training contract with a recognized company, which will give him/her three years’ work experience

3. pass the ICAEW’s exams on:

· Accounting

· Audit and Assurance

· Business Finance

· Business Management

· Financial Reporting

· Taxation

4. as well as prove his/her knowledge on Commercial and Common Law, and then with further exams on:

· Business Environment

· Business Life Cycle

· Advanced Case Study


Exercise 16 Write a report describing the general accounting rules and practices in Ukraine. What standards are used to prepare financial information? How is off-balance-sheet accounting treated in your country? How is leasing reported in accounts?




Maria Solovyeva

42, Artyoma St., apt. 6

Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine

Tel.: + (057) 7120645


Objective Summary Qualifications Experience 1999 – present 1995 – 1999 1993 – 1995 1992 – 1993 Education 1987– 1992 Personal References A position as a chief accountant   Experienced accounting professional who works well under pressure, has good oral and written communication skills, knowledge of computers and administrative abilities; 10 years experience in public and private finance; strong managerial experience and substantial knowledge in local and western accounting. Kept all books of account, general ledgers, and balance sheets at the end of fiscal year, prepared financial statements and production planning forecasts.   Credit Bank, Kharkov. Senior financial manager. Responsible for choosing long- and short-term financing techniques, in charge of account books, statements, new ideas in planning.   Social Insurance Fund, Kharkov. Accountant. Prepared accounts payable, accounts receivable and financial statements, handled cash and kept checking receipts, kept all books of account, general ledgers and balance sheets.   Universal Business Systems, Kharkov. Controller. Responsible for financial accounting – preparation of the firm’s financial statements, operating budgets and reports to various local and state agencies.   Privat Bank, Kharkov. Bank teller, assistant book-keeper. Handled cash, prepared accounts payable and accounts receivable.   Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Bachelor of Economics and Entrepreneurship   Married, one child   Available upon request





з розвитку навичок професійного спілкування

до розмовної теми

“Мій фах – Бухгалтерський облік та аудит”

для студентів 2 курсу

факультету економіки транспорту


(англійська мова)





Відповідальний за випуск: ст.викл.О.В. Ель Кассем





Підписано до друку

Формат папіру 60х84 1/16. Папір писальний.

Умовн.-друк.арк.. Обл.-вид.арк..

Замовлення №. Тираж 80. Ціна

Друкарня ХарДАЗТу,

310050, Харків – 50, пл. Фейєрбаха, 7




Кафедра “Іноземні мови”




з розвитку навичок професійного спілкування

до розмовної теми

“Мій фах – Бухгалтерський облік та аудит”

для студентів 2 курсу

факультету економіки транспорту


(англійська мова)


Харків, 2010

Методичні вказівки з розвитку навичок професійного спілкування до розмовної теми “Мій фах – Бухгалтерський облік та аудит” для студентів 2 курсу факультету економіки транспорту (англійська мова).-Х: УкрДАЗТ, 2010



Видання підготовлено відповідно до програми навчальної дисципліни і є складовою частиною навчально-методичного комплексу дисципліни “Англійська мова”.


Методичні вказівки складаються з трьох розділів (Units): Our speciality (Наша спеціальність), What is accounting (Що є бухгалтерський облік) та Audit (Аудит). До кожної теми розроблено словник активної лексики.

Передтекстові лексичні вправи спрямовані на вивчення та використання слів та виразів активного словника, при цьому велика увага надається термінологічним виразам бухгалтерського обліку та їх використанню.

Післятекстові вправи допомагають студентам детальніше ознайомитися з текстом, а також сприяють застосуванню цих навичок в монологічній та діалогічній діяльності.


Методичні вказівки рекомендовано для студентів 2-го курсуфакультету економіки транспорту


Методичні вказівки розглянуто та рекомендовано до друку на засіданні кафедри “Іноземні мови” 17.02.2010, протокол №7



ст.викл. О.В. Ель Кассем


доц., к.ф.н. С.М. Донець

Unit 1


Active Vocabulary

offerv пропонувати

opportunityn шанс, можливість, перспектива

fields and specialities – напрямки та спеціальності

entrepreneurshipn підприємництво

bookkeepingn бухгалтерія, рахівництво

accountingn бухгалтерська справа, фінансовий облік

usefuladj корисний

competitiveadj конкурентоспроможний

demand – n попит

acquirev придбати, покупати, здобувати; acquisitionn покупка, придбання

profoundadj глибокий, ґрунтовний

general educational subjects – загальноосвітні предмети

junioradj молодший

senioradj старший

probabilityn вірогідність

allocationn розміщення

non-profit organization – некомерційна організація

graduaten випускник

enterprisen підприємство

be engaged (in)v займатися чимось

varietyn різноманітність

statementn звіт

recordv записувати, регіструвати

transactionn справа, угода, операція

computev обчислювати

cost(s)n (pl) витрати

efficiency gain – виграш у продуктивності

participatev брати участь; syn take part

mergern поглинання, злиття

taxn податок

day-to-dayadj щоденний, повсякденний

be concerned with – займатися, мати справу з, торкатися

primarilyadv перш за все

balance sheet – (бухгалтерський) баланс

profit and loss account – рахунок прибутків та витрат

assetn актив (балансу)

liabilityn пасив (балансу)

set outphr v складати, представляти, організовувати

conventionaladj звичайний, традиційний

reversev міняти місцями

deductionn відрахування

earnv заробляти

gross profit – валовий прибуток

Exercise 1 a) Find synonyms among the following verbs.

Obtain, offer, acquire, make up, propose, compute, record, engage, calculate, register, participate, concern, take part, set out.

b) Translate the sentences with some verbs of section a).

1. Sending goods by road offers greater speed and flexibility. 2. It took him a long time to acquire the skills he needed to become a professional accountant. 3. Our employees are encouraged to participate in the decision making process. 4. The tax changes will concern large corporations more than small businesses. 5. All students should engage in challenging work and should graduate on the basis of what they know and can do. 6. Last year the company recorded a profit of £1.4 million. 7. In all four years of the course, students take units of study in languages, computing and business studies. 8 The market traders began setting out their displays. 9. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has recently acquired several paintings by Salvador Dali.

Exercise 2 Find the explanations for the following notions: merger, competitive, demand, transaction, opportunity, tax, graduate.

Products or prices that are cheaper than others but still of good quality; the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services; a student who has completed a course of studies at a high school and received a diploma; the combination of two or more companies by the creation of a new organization; the act of gaining possession; advantageous combination of circumstances; a compulsory financial contribution imposed by the government.



We are second-year students of Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport. Our Academy dates back to 1930. It has a long history and rich traditions. Nowadays the Academy counts five faculties and offers training in twelve specialities. I study at the Transport Economics Faculty. It offers a wide range of study opportunities of different levels of education for both full-time and extra-mural students. Nowadays there are several Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s programmes in different fields and specialities: Bachelor of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Management; Specialist and Master of Finance, Accounting and Audit, Business Economics, Marketing, Business Management and Management of Foreign Economic Activity. It is the leading higher educational establishment which trains qualified specialists for the most important branches of Ukraine’s national economy.

Our future speciality is bookkeeping accounting and audit. It is one of the most interesting and useful professions. At present it is also quite competitive in the labour market. There is always great demand for qualified bookkeepers, accountants and auditors.

Future specialists acquire profound knowledge in general educational and specialized subjects. General educational subjects such as mathematics, foreign languages, philosophy, psychology, and others are taught during junior courses. Among special subjects delivered mostly to the senior students one can mention history of economic studies, theory of probabilities and mathematical statistics, labour resources allocation and regional economics, money and credit, financial accounting, managerial accounting, accounting in foreign countries, organization and methods of audit, accounting at non-profit organizations, and others.

Accountants are primarily concerned with two accounting documents – the balance sheet and the profit and loss account. The balance sheet is a summary of the firm’s assets, liabilities and capital as at a given date. There are a number of ways in which it can be set out. The conventional way is to list the assets on the right-hand side of the document, and the liabilities and capital on the left. However, an increasing number of firms are showing the sides reversed. Companies normally present the data in ‘statement’ form showing liabilities as a deduction from assets, to give the capital.

The profit and loss account (usually abbreviated to P&L) shows how the profit (or loss) was made. It covers a period, and this is reflected in the title of the document. Notice the different nature of the items listed. They are descriptions of either how the money was earned, or of how the money was spent. The first part of a P&L, showing the ‘gross’ profit, is sometimes called a trading account, or trading section of the P&L.

Our graduates work at different industrial enterprises as accountants, bookkeepers, financiers, controllers, auditors. Accountants may be engaged in a wide variety of activities such as preparing financial statements and recording business transactions, computing costs and efficiency gains from new technologies, participating in strategies for mergers and acquisitions, tax strategy, etc. But the main task of accountants is providing the following information: a record of day-to-day transactions; a statement of how well the firm is running over a period of time; a summary of the firm’s financial position at a given date; and a guide to future action and decision-making.

We are glad that we have chosen this speciality and we hope that after graduation from the Academy we will become qualified specialists in the field and acquire a good and prestigious job as accountants, bookkeepers or auditors.

Exercise 3 Answer the following questions.

1. When was Ukrainian State Academy established? 2. How many faculties does the Academy count? 3. How many specialities does the Academy train? 4. What bachelor’s programmes does the Academy offer? 5. What faculty and speciality have you chosen? 6. What general educational subjects do the students of your faculty study? 7. What special subjects are delivered to future specialists of bookkeeping accounting and audit? 8. Where can graduates of your faculty work? 9. What are you favourite subjects? What are the most interesting ones? The most boring ones? 11. What do accountants deal with? 12. What are main accounting documents? 13. What essential items are included in the balance sheet? How is it usually made up? 14. Which document provides information on profits and losses?



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