Ex.4. Translate into English: 

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Ex.4. Translate into English:

1 Hе може бути, щоб ви знали всіх її співробітників! 2 Мабуть вона працює над річним звітом. 3 Я не буду заважати тобі. Мабуть у тебе є важливі справи. 4 Я зайду в наш офіс. Бос повинен зараз бути там. 5 Навряд чи я зможу скласти цей звіт. 6 Бухгалтера немає, він повинен бути у керівництва фірми. 7 Ви напевне затвердите бюджет завтра. 8 Мабуть успіх компанії буде залежати від наполегливої праці кожного з нас. 9 Мабуть вона дуже щаслива. Рада Директорів затвердила її проект. 10 Не може бути, щоб ви ще працювали над бюджетом! 11 Вже 2 години. Він може повернутися будь-якої хвилину. 12 Я не знаю достеменно, але лист можливо зараз у неї. 13 Хоча вже й пізно, він, можливо, все ще очікує нашої інформації. 14 Я нічого не чув про нього. Мабуть він де-небудь за кордоном чи вже повернувся до Києва.


Money and its functions


crime whale beads coin paper bills value trust злочин кит намисто; буси монета паперові банкноти ціна, вартість; цінність довіряти medium of exchange measure of value yardstick bookkeeping store of value retain accumulate засіб обміну мірило вартості мірило; мірка; критерій бухгалтерія; рахівництво засіб заощадження зберігати; утримувати накопичувати


In songs and popular language "money" stands for many things. It's a symbol of success, it's a source of crime, and it makes the world go round.

Money is anything used by a society to purchase goods, services or resources. Different groups of people have used all sorts of objects as money - whale's teeth, stones, beads, gold and silver, for example. Today, the most commonly used objects are metal coins and paper bills.

For money to have value, it must perform certain functions, it must be easy to use, and it must be trusted.

Money has three main functions in any society:

• Serves as a Medium of Exchange. Money, the medium of exchange, is used in one half of almost all exchange. Workers exchange labour services for money. People buy and sell goods in exchange for money.

• Serves as a Measure of Value. Money serves as a measure of value because the prices of all products and resources are stated in terms of money. Money is used as a yardstick for all bookkeeping, budgeting and management.

• Represents a Store of Value. Money is a store of value because it may be held and spent later. It is a means for retaining and accumulating wealth.


1 What is money? 2 What objects did different groups of people use as money many years ago? 3 What are the most commonly used objects today? 4 What are the main characteristics of money? 5 What functions must money perform? 6 Why is money used as a medium of exchange? 7 Why does money serve as a measure of value? 8 Why can money be characterized as a store of value? 9 What do you enjoy spending money on? 10 How do you feel about borrowing money? Would you worry about being in debt?


1 Match words that have a similar meaning:

purchase value perform exchange represent spend retain accumulate wealth
riches increase keep pay money for smth change symbolise complete worth buy


2 Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Define the part of speech of the underlined words:


1 He doesn't have much monetary sense; he's always wasting his money. 2 The government monetized its bonds and spent the money on new projects. 3 That new saleswoman is already a moneymaker for our company. 4 She married a man from a moneyed family. 5 He’s such a money-grubber that he won't answer a question unless you tell him how much you will pay him.


3 The words in the box frequently occur before "money". Find combinations that mean:


1) money that is being used by the public as opposed to money left in bank accounts; 2) money easily available on loan at a low rate of interest; 3) extra money or high wages paid to people working in dangerous conditions; 4) money that is difficult to borrow because of high interest rates; 5) money that is not circulated or invested and does not earn interest; 6) an item that can be easily exchanged in the

way that money can, although it is not money itself. It includes cheques and postal orders but not banknotes or coins; 7) money lent on condition that it must be repaid immediately if necessary; 8) money offered by someone to show that he/she is honest and truthful and will keep to all agreed terms and conditions; 9) the reward paid by the owners of a rescued ship or goods to the person or organization that saved it / them; 10) change for small purchases; 11) money which is moved from country to country to get the best return; 12) money paid to someone in return for keeping silent about a crime.

4 Match the words and phrases in the box with the correct definition:

1) banknotes; 2) a means of payment, esp. coins and banknotes, given and accepted in buying and selling; 3) a means for retaining and accumulating wealth; 4) a single standard or "yardstick" that is used to assign values to, and compare the values of products and resources; 5) anything that is accepted as payment for products and resources; 6) the

recording of all money received into and paid out of a company in a book or on a computer file; 7) the worth of something in terms of the money or goods for which it can be exchanged; 8) a large amount of money, goods or property.

5 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the gaps. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

spent; functions; a yardstick; accumulating; trust; exchange; retained; value; the medium of exchange; money

1 Our central aim is to make.... 2 Credit cards and cheques are increasingly used as.... 3 Returned goods can be exchanged for goods of an equivalent.... 4 You will be given a higher salary in... for doing a more responsible job. 5 I... my business partner completely. 6 She... most of her parents' property, but some went to her children. 7 My savings are... interest. 8 A 10% profit after taxes is widely seen as... for making money in a business. 9 One of the most important... of my job is to see that goods are delivered on time. 10 He... $200 to fix his car.



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