Перекладіть подані твердження й визначте, чи відповідають вони змістові тексту. 

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Перекладіть подані твердження й визначте, чи відповідають вони змістові тексту.

1. Earlier flower blooming resulting from temperature increases affects timing of distribution of aeroallergens such as pollen.

2. Climate change will affect air quality through decreases in ambient concentrations of ozone.

3. Individuals with existing respiratory conditions are most vulnerable to disease exacerbations triggered by the environment.

4. High levels of vehicle emissions cannot be triggers for adverse respiratory responses.

5. Persons of low socioeconomic status belong to the populations most vulnerable to the increased disease risks.

Знайдіть у тексті синоніми поданих слів, запишіть їх і перекладіть.

Nouns: alteration, illness, blossoming, obstacle, contaminant.

Verbs: influence, worsen, defeat, change, differ.

Знайдіть у тексті антоніми поданих слів, запишіть їх і перекладіть.

Adjectives: indifferent, trivial, rural, invincible, low.

Adverbs: excluding, least, indirectly, less.


9. Утворіть словосполучення та перекладіть їх:

1 carbon a) exacerbations
2 flower b) photosynthesis
3 vehicle c) spores
4 climate d) blooming
5 mucosal e) symptoms
6 mould f) change
7 disease g) pollutants
8 allergic h) emissions
9 plant i) barrier
10 air j) dioxide

10. Напишіть тлумачення поданих слів:

allergen (n), trigger (v), metabolism (n), susceptible (adj), pollution (n).

Випишіть із тексту 10 ключових термінів і перекладіть їх.

Доберіть заголовок до тексту, запишіть його англійською та українською мовами.

Перепишіть подані речення непрямою мовою.

1. “She is very susceptible to aeroallergens”, said the doctor.

2. “His unhealthy lifestyle has caused the disease exacerbation”, she said.

3. “The old lady is complaining of chest pain”, said the nurse.

4. “Her weight loss is the result of every day walking”, he said.

5. “I need some medical care”, said the aged man.

6. “Smoking endangers your health”, said his father.

7. “He has had a myocardial infarction”, said the doctor.

8. “Cardiovascular mortality is very high in our country”, she said.

9. “His allergic symptoms are slowly disappearing”, said the nurse.

10. “You will feel the positive effects of a healthy lifestyle very soon”, they said.


14. Перепишіть подані запитання непрямою мовою.

1. “Is respiratory morbidity very common among smokers?” she asked.

2. “Is the doctor helping the patient with a stroke?” asked the nurse.

3. “Is her son vulnerable to many allergens?” asked the doctor.

4. “Had these air pollutants negative outcomes for her health?” he asked.

5. “Has he suffered from dysrythmias for many years?” asked his daughter.

6. “May some respiratory diseases occur at all ages?” she asked.

7. “Is the cause of his death not known already?” they asked.

8. “Will they have the disease exacerbation in autumn and spring?” asked the doctor.

9. “Am I suffering from chronic medical conditions?” asked the old man.

10. “Are greenhouse gases very harmful?” asked the lecturer.

Перепишіть подані речення непрямим проханням або наказом.

1. “Pay attention to his chest pain”, they said.

2. “Visit the doctor regularly”, she said.

3. “Go jogging every day”, he said.

4. “Keep to diet”, we said.

5. “Do not drink much alcohol”, she said.

6. “Use the air conditioning”, he said.

7. “Eat healthy food”, they said.

8. “Do not ignore the allergy symptoms”, she said.

9. “Study the respiratory morbidity”, he said.

10. “Examine her heart”, they said.

Виправте помилки у поданих реченнях.

1. The nurse told that the doctor is helping the patient with a stroke.

2. The doctor told that her son is vulnerable to many allergens.

3. He told that these air pollutants had negative outcomes for her health.

4. She asked if his unhealthy lifestyle has caused the disease exacerbation.

5. The nurse asked if was the old lady complaining of chest pain.

6. He asked if her weight loss was the result of every day walking?

7. He recommended walk a lot every day.

8. They advised to consulted a doctor.

9. She ordered lose the weight.

10. You told to avoids allergens.



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