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The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

Its jurisdiction is now confined to hearing appeals from the remaining colonies, and from those former British territories which have chosen to retain it as their final appeal court. The judges of the Privy Council are predominantly the same Law Lords that normally sit in the House of Lords, with the addition, every now and again, of eminent judges from Commonwealth countries.

The Employment Appeal Tribunal.

The Employment Appeal Tribunal was set up following the great increase in recent years of disputes arising from employment, especially involving unfair dismissal or discrimination. The court hears appeals from industrial tribunals. Every case is heard by a High Court judge and two lay members chosen for their knowledge and experience of industrial relations: trade union officials, for instance, and representatives of employers' organizations.

The Restrictive Practices Court.

The Restrictive Practices Court which is of the level of the High Court, has various powers to stop or control restrictive or monopolistic practices in the supply of goods and services - for example, agreements between ostensibly competitive companies to charge a minimum price for their products, against the interests of the consumer.

Coroners' Courts.

Coroners, who must be qualified lawyers or doctors, have a duty to hold public inquests into any violent, unnatural or suspicious death, or in the case of a person dying suddenly without any obvious cause, or in prison or in police custody. Coroners' inquests are not trials, but witnesses are called, and there is often a jury who decides on the manner of death - suicide, unlawful killing, misadventure or accident - or (where they are not sure) returns an open verdict.

Two Foreign Courts

Two courts outside Britain's boundaries have recently come to play a big part in her affairs. The two deal with completely different issues, and belong to different regional institutions.

The European Court of Human Rights.

The European Court of Human Rights sits in Strasbourg (France) and operates under the umbrella of the Council of Europe.


Judicial Committee of the Privy Council - Арбитражная Комиссия Тайного Совета (один из двух апелляционных судов в Великобритании, основан в 1832 г.).

Commonwealth - Содружество, Британское Содружество (объединяет Великобританию и её бывшие доминионы и колонии, ныне независимые государства (с разным статусом); английская королева выступает как символ свободной ассоциации независимых государств-членов Содружества и в этом качестве является его главой; объединение - правопреемник Британского Содружества наций, основывавшегося на принципе "общей верности короне").

Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) - Aпелляционный суд по трудовым делам, Апелляционный трудовой трибунал (cуд высшей инстанции, который рассматривает апелляции на решения трудового трибунала).

Restrictive Practices Court (RPC) - Суд по рассмотрению жалоб на ограничительную торговую практику (в Великобритании рассматривает случаи нарушения конкурентной политики).

coroner - коронер (должностное лицо при органах местного самоуправления графства [county council] или города [borough council]; разбирает дела о насильственной или внезапной смерти при сомнительных обстоятельствах).

European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg) - Европейский международный суд по правам человека (расположен в г. Страсбург, Франция)


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