II. Give the meaning of the following predicates. Use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form instead of «х». 

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II. Give the meaning of the following predicates. Use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form instead of «х».

Has; have; had been xing; had; has have xed; have been xing; had has been xing; have had xed; has to x; have to x; had to x; has xed; have; has xed; had has; have xed; have had; had xed; had to x; has been xing; has have been xing; has to x; have to x; had been xing; have to x; has been xing; has xed; has have xed; had been xing; have has; had xed; had have; have been xing; has to x; had to x; had.


III. Give the Russian equivalents of the predicates below.

Has asked; had to ask; had asked; have to ask; has been asking; have been asking; have asked; had been asking; has to ask; have to ask; have been asking; has asked; had asked; had to ask; has been asking; had been asking; has to ask; have asked; have to ask; have asked; had been asking; has asked; has to ask; had asked; have been asking; had to ask; has been asking; has asked; had to ask; have asked; had been asking; has to ask; has been asking; have to ask; have been asking; had asked.


IV.Define the function and meaning of the verb have.

1. The microprocessor has a sophisticated instrument set. 2. They had to change the driver. 3. He has been working on the computer since 10 o’clock. 4. They have accepted the scientist’s suggestion. 5. The actual device had far less amplification than predicted. 6. The design has to be simple and of low cost. 7. My assistant had done all the preparatory work by 9 o’clock.


V.Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences below.

1. TV technology has become more sophisticated than ever. 2. Due to the Sun people have immense supplies of energy. 3. Modern engineers have to deal with a lot of technological innovations. 4. The scientists of our laboratory had been carrying out new experiments for several months before they got positive results. 5. The conductor has to withstand extremes of temperature and resist corrosion. 6. This unit of the machine has only a small memory or storage. 7. Our scientists had to solve many complicated practical problems in the construction of the first atomic power plant. 8. The computers have created entirely new technical possibilities. 9. Today’s microcomputer has more computing capacity than the first large electronic computer. 10. He has been working for a company providing support services for the last three years. 11. Clearly the various forms of nanotechnology have the potential to make a very significant impact on society.12. People had started doing chemical experiments long before they thought of the word «chemistry». 13. In cosmic investigations electronics has a key role of ever-increasing importance.


Сказуемое с глаголом be

Признаки распознавания функций и значений глагола be



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