Protection of the Environment 

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Protection of the Environment



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та виконати усі вправи з 1ї -13ту (ст. 1-4)



From “Oral Practice for Science Students”.



Text: Research Work

Research Work

Our University successfully integrates education with research. The final stages of the university program(me) include acquiring skills in re­search. The students carry out research mainly for their graduation pa­per which reflects the knowledge and the practical skills in their particu­lar field of science. Research is carried out under the guidance of a su­pervisor (scientific adviser).

The University has a broad program(me) of activities ranging from the very basic to the very practical and can perform various research. The University professional staff members number some thousand employees engaged in multiple research projects in different branches of science. Their achievements have been recognized and staff members, two thirds of whom have academic degrees, have been honoured by the presentation of titles, certificates and awards. Many of the scientists are known internationally for their contributions. Research teams, working at various scientific projects, collaborate with their colleagues abroad and maintain close links with many research institutes and universities world-wide.

Ggraduate students undertake research under the supervision of senior staff members who hold candidate or doctorate degree. They carry out their investigations and prepare thesis on it. Their work should be conducted on the high scientific and technical level and the results of it should be practically applicable.

The graduate research may be theoretical and applied, often both. The scientific adviser assists his graduate students in many ways. He regularly meets them to discuss the progress in their work and to advise them in solving their current problems. While the thesis is be­ing written the supervisor reviews its major sections and makes critical comments on each draft. The graduates are assisted in preparing articles and papers on their research. When the graduate com­pletes his or her paper, he/she submits it and further defends it. If the paper meets all necessary requirements he/she is awarded the Master degree.

Notes to the text

1. to acquire skills in research — to gain practical knowledge and ability to conduct an investigation;

2. scientific adviser/supervisor - a person who holds an aca­demic degree and guides the students and postgraduates' re­search;

3. ranging from very basic to very practical — extending from fundamental theoretical to applied practical (research);

4. staff members — those working in an establishment, institu­tion or organization;

5. to carry out investigations - - to research something systematically in order to discover and interpret new knowledge;

6. to prepare a paper — to prepare a scientific contribution to be read to a learned society or to be published.

Active Vocabulary


1. to integrate — інтегрувати, поєднувати, сполучати

2. skill — навичок, вміння

3. graduation paper — дипломна робота

4. multiple — багаточисельний, різноманітний

5. to contribute - робити внесок; contribution – внесок

6. research team - дослідницька група, колектив

7. to collaborate - співпрацювати; collaboration ‑‑ співпраця

8. to provide for smth.— забезпечувати щось

9. core subjects -профільні (основні) предмети, дисципліни

10. to maintain - підтримувати, забезпечувати

11. to review -переглядати, робити огляд; review – огляд

12. to meet requirements – відповідати вимогам;

13. the Academic Council -Академічна (Наукова) Рада

14. to award -присуджувати нагороду; award –нагорода, відзнака

15. degree -ступінь (науковий)



1. What activities is the University engaged in?

2. What does the students’ scientific research reflect?

3. In what way are scientific achievements recognized?

4. How do scientists collaborate?

5. Who supervises scientific research?

6. What assistance can a graduate student expect?


Word Study

Exercise 1. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases and use them in the sentences of your own:

Суміщати освіту з науковим дослідженням; практичні навички; під керівництвом; науковий ступінь; співпрацювати з колегами з закордону; проводити наукове дослідження; високий науковий та технічний рівень; складати іспити з профільних дисциплін; присуджувати науковий ступінь.

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences using the text:

1. The students carry out research under… 2. The University staff mem­bers are engaged in... 3. Many scientists have been honoured by… 4. Research teams collaborate with… 8. The graduate re­search is often both… 9. The scientific adviser meets…, reviews..., makes... 10. At the final stage, when the research is complete, the graduate submits… and defends... II. If the paper meets necessary requirements it is…


Exercise 4. Read and translate the following pairs of words. Fill the gaps with either word from the pair in the correct form:

to award – award to graduate- graduate to number- number

to honour-honour to progress- progress to review- review


1. He r… the latest literature on this topic in his article published in December.

2. The population of this town n…_only 20 000.

3. He received the highest scientific a…_for his discovery - the Nobel Prize.

4. You have made a good p… in your studies.

5. Last year they h…_me with an invitation to spend a year at Oxford University.

6. The n…_of speakers was limited.

7. As g…_we have to carry out research and write a thesis based on its results.

8. My knowledge of English p…_little by little.

9. When did you g…_from the University?

10.He was a… _an h…_degree and decided to take a postgraduate course.

11.This magazine always contains Science R…_.


Exercise5. Using the following phrases write about: I) the tasks of the postgraduate; 2) the tasks of the scientific advisor; 3) the require­ments for thesis.

graduate: to undertake a programme of research; to carry out investigation; to apply the results of investigation; to meet the supervisor; to write papers and re­ports; to submit the paper.

Supervisor: to help choosing a promising topic for research; togive advice on current problems, to meet regularly with the gradu­ate; to review the major sections of the draft, to comment on the progress of research; to help in preparing articles and reports.

Graduation paper: to reflect the knowledge and the practical skills in the particular field of science; to be conducted on the high scientific and technical level; to be both theoretical and applied; to meet the necessary requirements.


Exercise 6. Using the text write minimum 15 sentences about your postgraduate programme.

Exercise 7.Translate into English:

1. У вищій школі студенти отримують навички проведення наукового дослідження. 2. Вчені нашої лабораторії співпрацюють над цим проектом з колегами з закордону. 3. Він обрав дуже перспективну та цікаву тему для наукового дослідження. 4. Керівник переглянув чернетку статті та зробив цінні критичні зауваження. 5. Чи матиме ваша робота практичне застосування?


Structure Study

Exercise I3. Replace the infinitives in brackets by proper tense-forms (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect):


I. You (to know) English well if you (to work) hard. 2. They (to discuss) the results of the experiment for half an hour before I (to join) them. 3. She (to carry out) her research after she (to graduate) from the college. 4. The supervisor (to provide) leadership in planning and direction of research after the topic (to be chosen). 5. He (to say) he (to solve) this problem already. 6. They (to test) the hypothesis just now. 7. She (not to choose) the topic for investigation yet. 8. He (to tell) us he (tо take part) in the next conference.


Scientific Writing

Exercise 14. Read and translate adjectives used to evaluate

study initial, pioneer, previous, recent, current, present,

(investigation further; field, laboratory; experimental, theoretical;

research) multi-disciplinary; full-scale, extensive; technical;

careful, detailed, thorough; profound, fundamental, encouraging, promising; useful, fruitful.


Exercise 15. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Recent studies of the effect of air pollution on plants have been very successful and brought about a lot of new material essential for further work in this area. 2. These were very detailed and very thorough studies which had certain implications for biology and medicine. 3. A study of the kind is highly important and highly desirable, too. 4. The above studies are of great significance. They may provide a possible clue to a more general dynamic mechanism. 5. Numerous investigations have been performed to elucidate the origin of mitochondria.

Exercise 17. 1. Combining A, B and C complete the sentences. 2. Write about the purpose of your research.

The aim purpose object objective of the present study this investigation our research these studies is was has been will be to obtain some results which… to obtain some knowledge of… to assess the role of… to establish what factors are…


Exercise 19. 1. Combining A, B and C complete the sentences.

These comprehensive studies (All) further investigations (All) these studies Fundamental research in this area enable(s) us them the author(s) to conclude that... to suggest that... to believe that... to assume that...
have/has enabled


Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Останні дослідження в цій галузі надали досить цінну інформацію стосовно даного процесу. 2. З цих детальних досліджень ми зробили попередній висновок, що жоден з цих факторів не є специфічним. 3. Це фундаментальне дослідження було проведене колективом нашої кафедри. 4. Польове дослідження цього явища дозволить отримати експериментальні дані в підтримку нашої гіпотези. 5. Багатогалузеві дослідження цієї проблеми дозволили автору підтвердити своє припущення.



Text: Protection of the Environment.

Scientific Writing: Assumption.



Text: Scientific Communication

Scientific Communication

Communication is essential for scientific research. Science is a public knowledge and the aim of a scientist is to create, criticize and thus con­tribute to the progress of ideas. This aim is generally achieved through scientific publications and conferences.

Articles in regular scientific journals carry from one research worker to another various discoveries, deductions, speculations and observa­tions which are of common interest. Generally scientific papers are de­rivative and depend on previous research. References to other research are reflected in citations. A scientist relies on the citations to show the place of his investigation in the whole scientific structure.

Another opportunity to share and exchange opinions and informa­tion is national and international conferences and symposia. They play an important role in coordinating scientific research. Usually scientific gatherings are sponsored by the central scientific organizations. An or­ganizational committee is set up which decides where and when a con­ference should be held. Invitations are sent out to organizations inter­ested in the topics discussed, together with the requests to submit appli­cations and abstracts of papers . After receiving all necessary materials the committee publishes a program(me) of the events.

At the conference the participants present their papers and listen to the reports read by others on the latest develop­ments and the state of the art in their field. Papers on general topics are read before all the participants, those dealing with specific problems are presented at group meetings and plenary sessions held in subject areas under the chairmanship of distinguished scientists. After the hearings the discussions follow. Scientists can discuss a given problem with other experts in their field, argue with their scientific opponents, find out the details of some experimental procedures. The materials of conferences and symposia are usually published to allow others to keep abreast of the achievements in science.

Another type of scientific meeting are a laboratory or work-group seminar, colloquium or workshop. The members of the staff and guest-speakers make reviews of the developments in their field and report the progress of their research. The speakers expect thorough discussion and criticism, advice and help of their colleagues. Such personal exchange of views is very essential for any scientist.

Notes to the text


1. conference — meeting for discussion, exchange of views;

2. symposium — a conference at which a particular topic is discussed by speakers;

3. event — an item in a program(me) of a scientific gathering; a program(me) includes such events as plenary sessions, section meetings, seminars, workshops, round-table talks, etc; a so­cial program(me) includes such events as dinners, receptions, excursions, tours, etc.;

4. the state of the art — the level or position at a given time, especially at present, of generally accepted and available knowledge, technical achievement in a particular field;

5. seminar — a discussion group on any particular subject;

6. colloquium — a meeting for discussion;

7. workshop — a seminar emphasizing exchange of ideas and practical methods;

8. criticism —judgment or opinion on something, remark that finds fault;

9. to keep abreast of (with) — to keep up to date

Active Vocabulary


1. communication - 1) спілкування, передача інформації, новин, повідомлень; 2) зв’язок, комунікація;

2. derivative — похідний, вторинний;

3. reference — посилання (на когось або щось), згадка (про щось);

4. speculate — v: І) міркувати (над чимось), обмірковувати, 2) грати на біржі; n. speculation, — роздуми, міркування;

5. cite — v. І) посилатися (на щось); 2) цитувати; 3)згадувати; n. c itation - цитата; adj citable -—цитований;

6. share — v. 1) ділити, поділяти, 2) брати участь (у чомусь)нарівні з іншими; n. \) доля, частка, 2) участь, роль;

7. hold (a conference, a meeting) —проводити(конференцію, зустріч);

8. request — v. 1) прохати дозволу; 2) робити запит, n. 1)прохання, (ввічлива) вимога; 2) запит, заявка;

9. abstract — v.1) реферувати, робити резюме; 2)абстрагуватись; n. 1) резюме, конспект, реферат, короткий огляд; 2) абстракція;

10. chair — n. 1) кафедра, 2) професура; v. 1) вибирати головою; 2) головувати (на зборах, засіданнях, тощо), chairman, chairmanship голова / посада; under the chairmanship — під головуванням;

11. argue — сперечатися; n. argument — аргумент, доказ у суперечці.



1. Why is communication so essential for scientific progress?

2. How is written communication achieved?

3. What are the features of scientific articles?

4. What are the kinds of oral scientific communication'?

5. How are scientific gatherings organized?

6. What does a conference program(me) include?

7. What is the aim of scientific gatherings?

8. Why are scientific gatherings so important for the development of science?


Word Study

Exercise 1. Give Englishequivalents for the following words and phrases:

наукове спілкування; висновки; роздуми; попередні дослідження; посилання на інші дослідження; поділяти думку; обмінюватись інформацією; засновувати організаційний комітет; розсилати запрошення; подавати заяви, резюме доповіді; стан справ у галузі; головна тема; окрема проблема; під головуванням; дискутувати з науковим опонентом; запрошений доповідач; звітувати про хід наукової роботи; очікувати критику.

Exercise 3. Give synonyms to the following words:

gathering, paper, citation, speculation, to request, to subsidize, under the guidance, to discuss, to keep up to date, various, necessary, usually, to allow, review, colleagues.

Exercise 4.Give oppositesto the following words:

common, progress, derivative, previous, interested, to receive, general, distinguished, to allow, criticism, personal.

Exercise 5. Recall the prepositions:

reports … the latest developments; contacts … colleagues; colleagues… other research centres; an expert... some field… research; the state... the art; to argue... the opponent; progress… research work.

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

1. Вчені спілкуються через наукові видання та на наукових зібраннях. 2.. У статті вміщені деякі роздуми та спостереження, що мають загальне значення. 3. Мета конференції — надати молодим вченим можливість поділитися своїми здобутками в галузі екології. 4. Стан справ в цій галузі був глибоко проаналізований нашою групою на пленарному засіданні. 5. Учасники подали резюме своїх доповідей, які були пізніше опубліковані в матеріалах конференції. 6. Мій колега— знавець / спеціаліст в цій галузі. 7. В повідомленнях запрошені доповідачі зробили огляд останніх досягнень та стану справ. 8.Критичні зауваження допомагають науковцям краще зрозуміти досліджувану проблему.

Structure Study

Exercise 12. Translate into English:

1. Він поцікавився, коли його стаття буде опублікована. 2. Ми були впевнені, що ця доповідь викличе глибоку дискусію. З. Вона завершила свій експеримент і доповіла про його результати на семінарі. 4. Він підкреслив важливість досліджень, що проводились його колегами. 5. Після того, як дисертація була написана, аспірант подав її до Наукової Ради університету. б. Вони запропонували, щоб наступна конференція проводилась в їхньому дослідницькому інституті. 7. Ми знали, що офіційною мовою конференції буде англійська, і писали свої резюме англійською. 8. Опоненти запитали доповідача, на які дослідження він посилався. 9. Вона наголосила на тому, що це дослідження буде особливо перспективним в найближчому майбутньому. 10. На останньому засіданні кафедри ми обговорювали доповіді, що будуть відіслані на міжнародну конференцію.


Scientific Writing

Exercise 13. Read and translate adjectives used to qualify

previous, earlier, recent, further; direct, experimental; sufficient;

clear; good, strong, convincing, conclusive, definitive;

evidence straightforward, unequivocal, comparable;

indirect, insufficient, ambiguous, equivocal, unconvincing,

inconclusive, incomparable.


Exercise 14. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. There is now good evidence which suggests that the system is put into action. 2. To my knowledge there is fairly convincing evidence suggesting that the northern and southern parts of the British Isles were once separated by an ocean. 3. Unequivocal evidence is now available showing that these structures account for metabolism acceleration. 4. So far there is no direct evidence that this interaction occurs. 5. Detailed evidence concerning these effects is still lacking. 6. Their evidence is quite straightforward and unequivocal. We can, therefore, look at it as quite reliable.


Exercise 15. 1.Combining A, B and C complete the sentences. Compose similar sentences concerning the evidence on the problem you are investigating.

A B C  
Some Sufficient Further Good evidence of… for… against is (so far) has been was (then) can be could be     obtained from experiments with… with this technique in studies of…  
  in favour of  
provided in experiments with… by these experiments  
No (clear) (direct) (further) (such)  
observed in experiments with… with this technique  
seen using this method in experiments with…  
is/was can/could be reported available in literature  

Exercise 17. Combining A, B and C complete the sentences showing interpretation or possible evaluation of the evidence obtained.

A B C  
We can (therefore) We must (therefore) regard consider view look at interpret treat this evidence as quite conclusive. as fully consistent with…  
in terms of our previous findings. in terms of current concepts.  
There is (every) reason to We have (every) reason to  
from another standpoint. from a different angle.  

Exercise 18. Translate into English:

1. До цього часу немає прямих доказів, що підтверджують це припущення. 2. Є недостатньо доказів того, що ці зміни викликані зниженням температури. 3. Докази на користь цієї концепції були отримані з використанням нового методу. 4. В літературі відсутні жодні прямі докази проти цієї гіпотези. 5. Є всі причини вважати ці докази такими, що повністю узгоджуються з нашими попередніми припущеннями.



MODEL Presentation


Good morning/afternoon/ evening ladies and gentlemen (everyone).

I’m very grateful that you could come today. (Thanks for coming).

As some/most of you know, I am …

What I’d like to speak about is…

I’ve split my talk into… parts /sections.

So, I’ll start off by giving you an overview of/making a few observations about/outlining…

And then I’ll go on to highlight…. / After that/ Finally, I’ll take a look at…

I’ll be using multimedia projector.

I plan to be brief. About… minutes.

I would be glad to take questions at the end of my presentation.

Main body

Opening a section

Ok, let’s start with…

Now I want to turn to…

Let’s now look at…

Ending a section

I think that covers everything on….

That’s all I wanted to say about…

I think that deals with…


OK. This brings me to the end of my presentation.

If I can I briefly summarize…

I’d like to finish by saying..

Thank you for listening so attentively.

I hope that this has been useful.

And now I would like to invite your questions regarding my presentation.



Writing a resume
Structural parts of the resume Examples
Providing information in the right order and format: 1. Personal information (name, address, phone number, e-mail and, if required, date of birth, marital status, nationality.
Name Address   Phone number   Marital status Date of birth Nationality e-mail Ivan Petrenko 68 Rishelevskaya Str., apt.25, Odesa 65000, Ukraine Home: (048)769-77-99 Mobile: +380678765432 Single 3rd April, 1997 Ukrainian
2. Objective.   To obtain a position of a sales manager that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills, educational background, and ability to work well with people.
3. Education.   2002 – 2012 Secondary school № 121, Odessa, Ukraine. Certificate. 2012 – 2016 Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine.
  4. Qualifications.   Bachelor’s degree in economics: РN № 330049 (2013 – 2016 Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, The Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Mechanics) December 2015 – April 2016
5. Work experience.     Position: ECL Carriers Ltd.Odesa, Ukraine Assistant Manager Responsibilities: · direct supervision of staff, employee evaluation, initial disciplinary contact; · performing other managerial tasks when the manager is unavailable; · reporting directly to VP of Administration; · interfacing with other department managers to provide them with reporting tools and critical data to drive the business
6. Special/additional skills.     Strong command of SQL, EXCEL and other database products. Knowledge of Business Objects and certifications. Good typing skills, ability to work under pressure, a clean driver’s licence.
7. References. References are available upon request.


Додаток 8.4.2

Writing a cover letter
Structural parts of the cover letter Examples
Structuring personal address and inside address, date writing: Ivan Petrenko 8 Richelevska Str., apt. 25, Odesa 65000, Ukraine Tel.:Home: (048)769-77-99 Mobile: +38067876543   September 1-st, 2016 (Ms. or Mr.) I.M. Hiring Personnel Manager Name of Company Company Address City, State, Zip Code  
Salutation writing. Prof. Green, Dr. Brown: Dear Mr (Ms) Last Name, (Br.Eng.) Dear Mr (Ms) Last Name: (Am.Eng.)
Stating the purpose of writing. · I am inquiring into the possibility of a part-time job at __________(company name). · I would like to learn about employment opportunities in the marketing area mentioned on your website.
Establishing a source of information about the vacancy (in the opening paragraph). · I am writing at the suggestion of my former employer__________(employer name), who thought that your company might need an intern. · In response to your advertisement for an English native speaker interpreter which appeared in the June 6 edition of __________(source name) please find enclosed a copy of my resume for your consideration.
Highlighting a few of your most salient points; expressing your personal objective in relation to the company’s needs (in the middle paragraphs). · With my educational background and a strong interest in business I think I will be a great asset to your company. I speak __________(languages you know) languages and am at ease in a multicultural environment, having participated in international exchange programs __________(countries you have been to). My career aim is to work in HR department.
Persuading the employer to contact you and asking for an appointment. · I will be glad to discuss my experiences and training during the job interview with you. If you need any additional information, please contact me __________(contact information).
Expressing gratitude for the employer’s consideration in the final paragraph and finishing the cover letter with a complimentary clause. · I will be glad to discuss my experiences and training during the job interview with you. If you need any additional information, please contact me __________(contact information). · I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Cover Letter Closing Examples: · Faithfully yours, · Sincerely, · Sincerely yours, · Yours truly, · Respectfully, · Respectfully yours, · Thank you, · Thank you for your consideration,
Signing the cover letter and informing about the enclosure Closing, Handwritten Signature (mailed letter) First Name, Last Name   Enc.: Signed letter: Sincerely yours, (Your Signature) Janet Dolan   Sample Email Signature: Your Name Email Phone


Додаток 8.4.3

Додаток 8.4.7

A Cover Letter Sample


HR Department,

Grey-yards Media Entertainment

Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]

I have recently come across your Sales Manager job posting on the (job portal). I would be interested in applying for this position. I have vast experience in sales, with more than ten years of experience in(ABC).

Currently, I am employed as the Sales and Marketing Director in one of the leading Internet Media companies in the US.

Please find enclosed my resume. My resume provides up-to-date information on my background and qualifications.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Thanks and Kind Regards,

[Your signature]


Додаток 8.4.16

Achieving the result

Language exponents: accomplished, achieved, attained, approved, awarded, completed, decreased, delivered, doubled, enlarged, eliminated, enhanced, established, exceeded, finished, fulfilled, halted, increased, instituted, isolated, optimized, reached, realized, reversed, passed, satisfied, shortened, standardized, succeeded, surpassed.


Indicating meeting goals

Language exponents: accurate, complete, on time, on budget, on quality





Прочитати, перекласти текст

та виконати усі вправи з 1ї -13ту (ст. 1-4)



From “Oral Practice for Science Students”.



Text: Research Work

Research Work

Our University successfully integrates education with research. The final stages of the university program(me) include acquiring skills in re­search. The students carry out research mainly for their graduation pa­per which reflects the knowledge and the practical skills in their particu­lar field of science. Research is carried out under the guidance of a su­pervisor (scientific adviser).

The University has a broad program(me) of activities ranging from the very basic to the very practical and can perform various research. The University professional staff members number some thousand employees engaged in multiple research projects in different branches of science. Their achievements have been recognized and staff members, two thirds of whom have academic degrees, have been honoured by the presentation of titles, certificates and awards. Many of the scientists are known internationally for their contributions. Research teams, working at various scientific projects, collaborate with their colleagues abroad and maintain close links with many research institutes and universities world-wide.

Ggraduate students undertake research under the supervision of senior staff members who hold candidate or doctorate degree. They carry out their investigations and prepare thesis on it. Their work should be conducted on the high scientific and technical level and the results of it should be practically applicable.

The graduate research may be theoretical and applied, often both. The scientific adviser assists his graduate students in many ways. He regularly meets them to discuss the progress in their work and to advise them in solving their current problems. While the thesis is be­ing written the supervisor reviews its major sections and makes critical comments on each draft. The graduates are assisted in preparing articles and papers on their research. When the graduate com­pletes his or her paper, he/she submits it and further defends it. If the paper meets all necessary requirements he/she is awarded the Master degree.

Notes to the text

1. to acquire skills in research — to gain practical knowledge and ability to conduct an investigation;

2. scientific adviser/supervisor - a person who holds an aca­demic degree and guides the students and postgraduates' re­search;

3. ranging from very basic to very practical — extending from fundamental theoretical to applied practical (research);

4. staff members — those working in an establishment, institu­tion or organization;

5. to carry out investigations - - to research something systematically in order to discover and interpret new knowledge;

6. to prepare a paper — to prepare a scientific contribution to be read to a learned society or to be published.

Active Vocabulary


1. to integrate — інтегрувати, поєднувати, сполучати

2. skill — навичок, вміння

3. graduation paper — дипломна робота

4. multiple — багаточисельний, різноманітний

5. to contribute - робити внесок; contribution – внесок

6. research team - дослідницька група, колектив

7. to collaborate - співпрацювати; collaboration ‑‑ співпраця

8. to provide for smth.— забезпечувати щось

9. core subjects -профільні (основні) предмети, дисципліни

10. to maintain - підтримувати, забезпечувати

11. to review -переглядати, робити огляд; review – огляд

12. to meet requirements – відповідати вимогам;

13. the Academic Council -Академічна (Наукова) Рада

14. to award -присуджувати нагороду; award –нагорода, відзнака

15. degree -ступінь (науковий)



1. What activities is the University engaged in?

2. What does the students’ scientific research reflect?

3. In what way are scientific achievements recognized?

4. How do scientists collaborate?

5. Who supervises scientific research?

6. What assistance can a graduate student expect?


Word Study

Exercise 1. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases and use them in the sentences of your own:

Суміщати освіту з науковим дослідженням; практичні навички; під керівництвом; науковий ступінь; співпрацювати з колегами з закордону; проводити наукове дослідження; високий науковий та технічний рівень; складати іспити з профільних дисциплін; присуджувати науковий ступінь.

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences using the text:

1. The students carry out research under… 2. The University staff mem­bers are engaged in... 3. Many scientists have been honoured by… 4. Research teams collaborate with… 8. The graduate re­search is often both… 9. The scientific adviser meets…, reviews..., makes... 10. At the final stage, when the research is complete, the graduate submits… and defends... II. If the paper meets necessary requirements it is…


Exercise 4. Read and translate the following pairs of words. Fill the gaps with either word from the pair in the correct form:

to award – award to graduate- graduate to number- number

to honour-honour to progress- progress to review- review


1. He r… the latest literature on this topic in his article published in December.

2. The population of this town n…_only 20 000.

3. He received the highest scientific a…_for his discovery - the Nobel Prize.

4. You have made a good p… in your studies.

5. Last year they h…_me with an invitation to spend a year at Oxford University.

6. The n…_of speakers was limited.

7. As g…_we have to carry out research and write a thesis based on its results.

8. My knowledge of English p…_little by little.

9. When did you g…_from the University?

10.He was a… _an h…_degree and decided to take a postgraduate course.

11.This magazine always contains Science R…_.


Exercise5. Using the following phrases write about: I) the tasks of the postgraduate; 2) the tasks of the scientific advisor; 3) the require­ments for thesis.

graduate: to undertake a programme of research; to carry out investigation; to apply the results of investigation; to meet the supervisor; to write papers and re­ports; to submit the paper.

Supervisor: to help choosing a promising topic for research; togive advice on current problems, to meet regularly with the gradu­ate; to review the major sections of the draft, to comment on the progress of research; to help in preparing articles and reports.

Graduation paper: to reflect the knowledge and the practical skills in the particular field of science; to be conducted on the high scientific and technical level; to be both theoretical and applied; to meet the necessary requirements.


Exercise 6. Using the text write minimum 15 sentences about your postgraduate programme.

Exercise 7.Translate into English:

1. У вищій школі студенти отримують навички проведення наукового дослідження. 2. Вчені нашої лабораторії співпрацюють над цим проектом з колегами з закордону. 3. Він обрав дуже перспективну та цікаву тему для наукового дослідження. 4. Керівник переглянув чернетку статті та зробив цінні критичні зауваження. 5. Чи матиме ваша робота практичне застосування?


Structure Study

Exercise I3. Replace the infinitives in brackets by proper tense-forms (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect):


I. You (to know) English well if you (to work) hard. 2. They (to discuss) the results of the experiment for half an hour before I (to join) them. 3. She (to carry out) her research after she (to graduate) from the college. 4. The supervisor (to provide) leadership in planning and direction of research after the topic (to be chosen). 5. He (to say) he (to solve) this problem already. 6. They (to test) the hypothesis just now. 7. She (not to choose) the topic for investigation yet. 8. He (to tell) us he (tо take part) in the next conference.


Scientific Writing

Exercise 14. Read and translate adjectives used to evaluate

study initial, pioneer, previous, recent, current, present,

(investigation further; field, laboratory; experimental, theoretical;

research) multi-disciplinary; full-scale, extensive; technical;

careful, detailed, thorough; profound, fundamental, encouraging, promising; useful, fruitful.


Exercise 15. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Recent studies of the effect of air pollution on plants have been very successful and brought about a lot of new material essential for further work in this area. 2. These were very detailed and very thorough studies which had certain implications for biology and medicine. 3. A study of the kind is highly important and highly desirable, too. 4. The above studies are of great significance. They may provide a possible clue to a more general dynamic mechanism. 5. Numerous investigations have been performed to elucidate the origin of mitochondria.

Exercise 17. 1. Combining A, B and C complete the sentences. 2. Write about the purpose of your research.

The aim purpose object objective of the present study this investigation our research these studies is was has been will be to obtain some results which… to obtain some knowledge of… to assess the role of… to establish what factors are…


Exercise 19. 1. Combining A, B and C complete the sentences.

These comprehensive studies (All) further investigations (All) these studies Fundamental research in this area enable(s) us them the author(s) to conclude that... to suggest that... to believe that... to assume that...
have/has enabled


Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Останні дослідження в цій галузі надали досить цінну інформацію стосовно даного процесу. 2. З цих детальних досліджень ми зробили попередній висновок, що жоден з цих факторів не є специфічним. 3. Це фундаментальне дослідження було проведене колективом нашої кафедри. 4. Польове дослідження цього явища дозволить отримати експериментальні дані в підтримку нашої гіпотези. 5. Багатогалузеві дослідження цієї проблеми дозволили автору підтвердити своє припущення.



Text: Protection of the Environment.

Scientific Writing: Assumption.


Protection of the Environment

For centuries Man has considered himself to be the King of Nature. He took from Nature everything he needed for life: water, air, fuel, food. He never thought that natural resources were limited. As time went on Man's relation with Nature changed. An increasing population with greater requirements made new demands on the resources of the Earth. Indus­trial revolution accompanied by scientific and technological progress re­sulted in ever-growing consumption of natural resources. It cannot be denied that the price for rapid industrial development is very high: many natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed, some species of flora and fauna disappear, city and industry waters, chemicals and fertilizers are endangering fresh water sources. Progress can be blamed for all these problems.

Since recent time the word " environment " has been repeatedly used when speaking about the surrounding world. In the broad sense it includes the non-living aspects of the place where an organism lives (its physical environment) and the living things that affect the organism (its biotic environment). Damaging of water resources, the pollution of air, the exhaustion of natural re­sources are the problems concerning our environment. Thanks to sci­ence we know more than ever before about the forces that cause envi­ronmental problems. Ecology, a specific branch of biology, that deals with the relation of living things to their environment, has accumulated a lot of information about the people's impact on nature.

The problems of nature protection have received great publicity. Campaign for environ­ment protection is supported by public organizations and individuals. The Green Peace Movement, a world public non-political organization, is the most active among them. People begin to understand that if there were no fresh air to breathe, no fresh water to drink, no healthy food to eat life on our planet would be impossible. More and more people realize the necessity of a strict contamination control to keep our environment clean.

Environmental protection is a global problem. Any serious damage to environment is not confined to a single place and its consequences may be felt hundreds and thousands of kilometers away. Thus, the acci­dent at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986 caused radio­active contamination of vast areas in Ukraine and affected other Euro­pean states as well. Environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. It is quite natural that conservation of na­ture and protection of our environment can only be achieved by joint national and international efforts. Our planet, the Earth, is large yet small, and we all must help it stay healthy.

Notes to the text

1. to make a demand on something —to use, to take up some­thing;

2. ever-growing consumption of natural resources — increas­ing use of food, energy, materials, etc.;

3. to disturb the balance — to bring something to unsteady, uncertain condition;

4. progress can be blamed for all these problems — scientific and technological revolution is responsible (can be accused)for breaking down the environment;

5. the problems …have received great publicity — the prob­lems have been brought to the attention of the public through mass media and other sources of information;

6. a global problem — a problem affecting all the humanity, the whole world and all nations;

7. beyond the concern of a single country - something that has relations to or is of any importance to more than one country.


Active Vocabulary

1. environment — довкілля, навколишнє середовище; syn. surrounding world; environmental — той, що стосується довкілля;

2. protection — захист, збереження; syn. conservation;

3. to exhaust — вичерпувати повністю, використовувати до кінця;виснажувати; exhaustion — вичерпання, виснаження, повне використання;

4. tо disturb — 1) порушувати; 2) заважати;

5. species (sing. and pl.) — вид, різновид (біологічний);

6. flora — флора, рослинний світ,

7. fauna — фауна, тваринний світ; syn wildlife;

8. damage — ушкодження, збитки;

9. pollution — забруднення, syn. contamination;

10. to accumulate — накопичувати; accumulation —накопичення;

11. impact -1) вплив; 2) зіткнення;

12. beyond — за, поза (чимось): beyond belief —неймовірно; beyond reach — в недосяжності.


1. What are advantages and disadvantages of industrial devel­opment?

2. How is the word "environment" understood in broad sense?

3. What science deals with environmental protection?

4. Why is nature conservation considered to be a global prob­lem?

5. How could environmental problems be solved?


Word Study

Exercise I. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases and use them in the sentences of your own:

довкілля; обмежені природні ресурси; споживання, що зростає; виснаження природних запасів; екологічний баланс; види флори та фауни; забруднення повітря; ушкодження русла рік; негативний вплив на природу; широко висвітлюватись у суспільстві; радіоактивне забруднення великих територій; об’єднані зусилля всіх народів.

Exercise 2. Find inthe text synonyms to the following words:

surrounding world; use; wildlife; to accuse smb/smth; pollution; to limit; effect/result; protection.

Exercise 3. Сompose the pairs of opposites:

1. clearance 1. solution
2. demand 2. consequence
3. increase 3. general
4. appear 4. unlimited
5. maintain 5. supply
6. specific 6. slow
7. problem 7. disappear
8. cause 8. decrease
9. confined 9. disturb
10. rapid 10. contamination

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the text:

I. … is a global problem. 2. An increasing population with greater re­quirements made...3. Industrial revolution resulted in... 4.... blamed for all these problems. 5. In a broad sense the word ''environment" in­cludes... 6. Ecology deals with... 7.... have received great publicity. 8. More and more people realize... 9. Effective environmental protec­tion can only be achieved by... 10... beyond the concern of a single country.

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

1. Протягом сторіч людина вважала, що багатства природи невичерпні. 2. Які види флори й фауни характерні для Карпатського регіону? 3. Забруднення джерел питної води порушило баланс у цій екосистемі. 4. Ефективного захисту довкілля не можна досягти в окремо взятій країні. 5. Вирішення цієї проблеми потребує об’єднаних зусиль всього людства.

6.Проблеми захисту природи стали надбанням широкої громадськості. 7.Майже всі студенти біологічного факультету беруть активну участь у діяльності руху „Зелений світ”. 8. Науково-технічний прогрес несе відповідальність за виникнення екологічних катастроф.9.Науковці глибоко вивчають факти впливу людини на природу та їх наслідки. 10. Людина і оточуюче середовище становлять єдиний організм, який необхідно підтримувати в рівновазі.


Structure Study


Exercise 11. Use the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1. If only you had let me know, I (to go) there immediately. 2. You say that you didn’t read yesterday papers; if you (to read) them you (to learn) about Prof. X’s arrival. 3. If the problem (not to be) so urgent it would not have caused such a heated discussion. 4. You would have come to different conclusions if you (to check) your calculations more accurately. 5. I wish you (to be) present at the conference yesterday – the speaker’s report was brilliant. 6. He will never finish his work if he (to waste) his time like that


Exercise 12. Translate into English:

1. Якби не було чистого повітря і води, люди не могли б жити. 2. Якщо ти допоможеш мені, я впораюсь з роботою вчасно. 3. Ми б ніколи не розв'язали цю проблему, якби не об’єднали наші зусилля.4. Якби захист довкілля не пригортав такої уваги громадськості, багато видів рослин і тварин вже давно 6 зникли. 5. Ця територія не була б радіоактивно забрудненою, якби не було Чорнобильської аварії. 6. Якби людство раніше звернуло увагу на захист природи, його життя було б більш безпечним. 7. Якщо науково-технічні відкриття будуть застосовані на благо природи, ми збережемо нашу планету для майбутніх поколінь.


Scientific Writing

Exercise 13. Read and translate adjectives used to qualify

earlier, recent, preliminary, further; basic, chief; tentative;

assumption (in)correct, (un)true, (in)valid; erroneous.

Exercise 14. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. The basic assumption that the authors proceeded from was merely a tentative one. 2. The assumption we have made was totally erroneous.

3. Previous assumptions made by several workers in the field proved to be correct and were further supported by a large body of experimental evidence. 4. The earlier assumption that we made holds true only for equilibrium conditions. 5. The authors failed to confirm their earlier assumption that the processes are interrelated.


Exercise 15. 1. Combining A and B complete the sentences Characterize the assumption you proceed from in your research.


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