Complete the table with the adjective or noun in the text (and questions). 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Complete the table with the adjective or noun in the text (and questions).

Noun Adjective ________ commercial

Convenience __________success

Confident _____security_________ private



Work in pairs. What questions do you think an online consumer will have? Think of five FAQs for an online business, e.g. about the type of business, the products offered, payment, security.

• Write the questions.

• Give them to another pair.

• Imagine you run an online business and answer the questions you receive.

• Write the answers under the questions and give them back to their authors.

Get real

Look in your high street and find big or small stores that have an e-tail site. Choose one or two and look at their websites. What kind of services do they give their Internet customers? Compare your findings with other students. Which are the best e-tail stores?


Chat rooms

Before you start

1 Work in groups. Make a list of:

• five topics you can talk about when you first meet people

• five topics you shouldn’t talk about when you first meet people.


2 Read the opinions about chat rooms. Which ones do you agree with?

We got a lot of letters in response to our article last week on Internet chat rooms. Here is a random selection.

1. Why do people like them? They're boring! It's just a group of people talking nonsense! My son doesn't go out or meet real people any more!

2. Some make you register for a free trial membership, so you have to send your real name and e-mail address. You have to read the agreement carefully - sometimes if you don't cancel before your trial ends, they send you a bill! I think this is unfair.

3. You should warn parents about them. People use nicknames – they call them ‘handles’ – so you don’t know who they are. Tell teenagers never to give out personal information, especially their name, home or school address or telephone number 0 and they must never agree to meet anyone from a chat room. It could be dangerous.

4. I think they're good for practicing English in real time - that's when everyone is online and 'talking' at the same time as you. I like expressing my feelings with those cute emoticons, too. If you only talk about your family, the weather, sport, school subjects and other small talk topics, I think they are amusing and harmless.

5. Most only have text boxes for messages, but chat rooms that support voice and video chat are the best, if you have the right hardware and software that is!

6. If people can't find a chat room they like, they can create one of their own. I set up my own online community. I think this is fantastic and more people should do the same.

3.Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 You can set up your own chat room. T/F

2 You must be online to go into a chat room. T/F

3 Anyone can use a video chat room. T/F

4 You can say how you feel with a symbol. T/F

5 You have to pay for some chat rooms. T/F


Tick () the things you can say in a chat room. Put a cross (X) for the things you shouldn’t say.

My surname is Shukova. □

1 Which school do you go to? □

2 My e-mail address is □

3 Do you like hip hop music? □

4 Is it raining where you are? □

5 Have you ever been to England? □

6 My telephone number? Sure, it’s 234 6358. □

7 My other handle is ‘bluebird’. □

8 What’s your favourite subject? □

10 OK. Let’s meet at the shopping mall at 3.00. □



5.Read the text and make six two-word phrases. Then write the meanings in your language. Use the Glossary or a dictionary to help you.

community ■ information ■ membership ■room ■ talk ■ time

1 personal_________________ _____________

2 trial_______________ _____________

3 chat_______________ _____________

4 small________________ _____________

5 real_______________ _____________

6 online________________ _____________



6.Work in pairs. Match the emoticons with the meanings and descriptions in the box. Do you know any others?

1:(2:((3:D 4:)

5 >:(6 B) 7:| 8:0

shouting ■ I don't care! ■ sad ■ very angry ■cool sunglasses smiley ■

laughing ■ very sad ■ happy

Get real

Ask the people in your family what they talk about when they first meet somebody. Take each topic and think of questions in English that you can ask about them. Make a class list of small talk topics and questions.



Before you start

1.Look at the definition of etiquette. What do you think Netiquette is?

etiquette /'etiket, -ket/ n [U] formal rules of correct and polite behaviour in society or among members of a profession


2.Read the Web page about Netiquette and check your answer to Exercise 1. Then write the headings (a-d) above the correct paragraphs (1-4).

a. Rules for talking online □

b. Invading privacy □

c. The Golden Rule □

d. Culture and Netiquette □


People in the West usually shake hands when they first meet. Good friends in Middle Eastern cultures kiss each other three times on the cheeks. The Japanese bow their heads to show respect and the Thais bring their hands together in front of their face. The online community, too, has its own culture and customs. Good Internet behaviour is called Netiquette.


The Internet is an international means of communication where you can talk to people online. Asking questions is fun but making jokes about people from other cultures can lead to misunderstanding and bad feelings. Sending hurtful or insulting messages, or flames, to people is bad behaviour. Bad language is not cool. Everyone is happy when people are friendly.


Netiquette includes more than good spelling and grammar. Typing in all upper case is bad as it is the same as SHOUTING. Not starting your sentences with capital letters is lazy. Sending e-mails with 'Hello' and 'Thank you' is nice. The Golden Rule is 'Treat others in the same way that you like to be treated.' Remember, real people read what you type!


It is also bad Netiquette to send people spam. This kind of unsolicited e-mail means people have to cancel something that they did not ask for in the first place. When you use Cc: instead of Bcc: you send other people's e-mail addresses without their permission. This is an invasion of their privacy and breaks the Golden Rule.

3. Make questions from the text for these answers.


When they meet someone for the first time.


To show respect.




Real people.


It sends an e-mail address when you haven’t asked the owner.

4. Tick (√) the things which are good netiquette and put a cross (X) by those that are bad netiquette.

1 correct spelling □

2 using Bcc: instead of Cc: □

3 sending e-mail that people do not want □

4 greeting someone in an e-mail □

5 making jokes about people’s culture □

6 typing in capital letters □

7 flaming people □


5. Complete the sentences (1-5) with the highlighted words in the text.

1 Telephones and postal services are both ________________ of communication.

2 Different cultures usually have very different ___________________.

3 Please don’t copy my e-mail to other people. It’s an _________________ of my privacy.

4 Try asking interesting questions ________________ trying to think of funny things to say.

5 People on the Internet are always complaining about ___________________ e-mail.



5. Work in groups. Discuss the ‘rules’ of etiquette in your country. Think about things like greeting, saying goodbye, queueing, visiting someone’s home.


6. Write a paragraph describing common customs and behaviour in your culture.

Get real

Find out some interesting cultural customs of one of the following: the USA, Britain, Japan, the Middle East, Thailand. Make notes on what you found and report back to the class.

Computer programming

Before you start

1. Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1 Have you ever seen a chart like the one in Exercise 2?

2 Where have you seen one?

3 What kind of information did it give you?


2. Look at the algorithmic flow chart below. Answer the questions.

1 Which computer commands does it show? __________and ___________

2 How many decisions does the computer make? __________

After the user clicks Save, how many times does the user input data? ___________


1. Read the text about computer programming. Write the number of the paragraph that gives you the information.

a. a description of machine language □

b. the greatest problem for computer programmers □

c. the names of three high-level computer languages □

d. a description of an algorithm □

e. different uses of computers in our lives □

1) The diagram on the right shows part of a simple algorithmic flow chart for the Save command in a computer program. An algorithm is a set of logical rules that we use to solve a problem. Computer programmers often use algorithms to plan their programs, but the only language a computer understands without translation is machine language. This uses the binary system of 1 and 0, which matches the electrical positions ‘on’ and ‘off’. We can also show these numbers in English by Yes/No or True/False.

2) Machine language is a low-level language and is very difficult to write. Over the years, computer scientists have developed many high-level languages, such as BASIC, C++ and Java. These languages use a computer code that is similar to English, which makes them easier to learn. A computer program is just a set of coded instructions. A computer translates the code into machine language to complete a specific task. A computer receives input, processes data and produces results, or output, according to the program code.

3) We use computers in many parts of our lives, and not just in schools or for the Internet. There are computers in all kinds of electrical devices, from mobile phones to washing machines. We can find them in banks, supermarkets and cars. When programmers write programs, they have to plan carefully for every possible kind of error a computer user can input into the computer. It is planning for the random behaviour of humans that makes programming so much fun.

2. Circle the answers yes or no.

1 Programmers use algorithms when writing programs. yes/no

2 Programmers write programs using the numbers 1 and 0. yes/no

3 Machine language is a high-level language. yes/no

4 We only find computer programs in computers. yes/no


3. Answer the questions.

1 What is an algorithm?

2 What does a binary system consist of?

3 Why are high-level languages easy to learn?

4 What do computers do with code?

5 Why must programmers plan carefully?



4. Complete the sentences (1-6) with the words in the box.

according to ■ behaves ■ devices ■ errors ■ input ■ output

1 _____________ the bank machine, I have no money in my bank account.

2 Video and digital cameras are other ___________________ that use computers.

3 ________ is any result a computer displays on a screen or prints from a printer.

4 A computer receives ____________ from users when they click on a command.

5 I made too many _______________ in my test so I got a bad grade.

6 Not everyone ______________ logically when things go wrong with a computer.

5. Choose the correct word.

1 Most people can easily learn a_language and become programmers.

a low-level b high-level c binary

2 You can use a mouse or keyboard to data into the computer.

a output b input c process

3 Some children very badly when they can’t have something they want.

a process b solve c behave

4 You can draw__________________ for many simple procedures.

a an algorithm b a code c data

5 Computers programming language into machine language.

a use b develop c translate

6 A computer can large amounts of data at very high speeds.

a process b result c complete



6. Work in groups and discuss the questions.

1 What kind of errors do you make with computers?

2 How do you behave when things go wrong with a computer (or any machine)?

3 How do different people you know behave when things go wrong?


7. Draw a flow chart like the one in Exercise 2.

Follow these steps:

• Choose a simple procedure from the ones in the box below (or a similar one of your own).

• Break the procedure down into all the steps that you have to follow. Think about where the process starts and ends, and the input from you and from the outside. When you make a decision, think of when you say ‘yes’ and when you say ‘no’, and what happens next.

• Write exactly what happens at each stage.

• Draw the flow chart, putting your text into the different shapes in Exercise 2.

• Show your flow chart to another student. Does he /she agree with your steps?

making a cup of tea or coffee ■ making a telephone call ■ sending a text message ■ answering the door ■ playing a cassette or CD putting on the washing machine


Get real

Make a list of all the devices that use computers in your home, in your school, shops, libraries, banks and offices. During a day, use your list to make a note of every time you use something that contains a computer program. Report back to the class with your list.



Before you start


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