Work of an out-patient department. 

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Work of an out-patient department.


Health service in Russia is preventive, curative and available for all people.

Heath service in Russia is provide by many medical institution: polyclinics, hospitals, emergency stations, meternity homes, medical centres, sanatoria and so on.
Policlinic is the basic medical institution in Russia. There are polyclinics for adults, for childeren and spicialized polyclinics.
Policlinic have laboratories, a registery, X-ray room, manipulation rooms. Many different specialists work at the polyclinic: thepeutists, sugeons, cardiologists, oncologists, oculists ana others.

A district doctor has a definite number of patients. His working day lasts for 6 hours: for 3 hours he consults patients at the local polyclinic; and 3 hours he goes out to the calls.




Work of an in-patient department.


Hospital is an in-patient medical institution. In Russia there are hospitals for adults, for childeren and spicialized hospitals.
There are different department at the hospital: therapeutic, surgical, cardiological, gynaecological and oncological.
When the patients are admitted to the hospital, they are recieved by the nurse and the doctor on duty and the reception ward. The nurse fills in-patient case histories. The doctor exams the patients and direct them to the corresponding to the departments and wards.
At 9 o’clock the doctors begin the daily rounds. They examine all the patients and adminester them different medical procedures.
When the patients recover, they are discherged from the hospital.



Medical curative institutions in Russia.

There is a great variety of types of medical institutions to protect the health of people in Russia. There are hospitals, polyclinics and dispensaries.

Polyclinics are centres of curative and prophylactic work for a definite administrative part of any town or city.

Every polyclinic has different specialists: therapeutists, surgeon, otolaryngologist, oculist, dermatologist and others. The out-patient clinics work from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m..
The out-patient departments have registry, consulting rooms, chemical laboratories, X-ray and physiotherapy sections, rooms for functional diagnostics and dressing.

Hospital is an in-patient medical institution. In Russia there are hospitals for adults, for childeren and spicialized hospitals. In-patient clinics have different departments: therapeutic, surgical, cardiological, oncological and others. The main structural units of any hospital are reception ward, physician’s room, wards, laboratories, X-ray room, and others.

Dispensaries are institutions for prophylaxis and administration of specialized medical aid in a number of diseases. Dispensaries co-operate with polyclinics and hospitals.


Emergency medicine.


Emergency service deals with urgent cases of illnesses, traumas and accidents. Emergency service operates day and night and is free of charge in Russia. In case of emergency we have to dial 03 for the doctor to come.
The ambulances are equipped with diagnostic, respiratory, anaestetic, electro-therapeutic and blood-transfusion apparatus.
The first aid is given to the patient in the ambulance. The ambulance bring the patient to the first aid station or to the hospital




At the Chemist’s.

There are 2 departments at the chemist’s: chemist’s department and prescription department.
At the chemist’s department we buy ready-made drugs. At the prescription department we order the drugs.
All drugs are kept in spetial drug kabinets. All drugs have labeles on them. The labels indicate the names of the drugs, the dose and the way of use. White label indicate drugs for internal use. Yellow labels indecate drugs for external use. Blue labels indicate drugs for injections.
There are different forms of drugs: pills, ampules, capsules, drops and so on.
All the drugs must be taken carefully and in the proper dose. The overdosage of drugs may cause unfavourable reaction.



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