Unit 6. Seeking a compromise (oil) 

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Unit 6. Seeking a compromise (oil)


The Armenian government wants to make a contract with Achmed Onasti, a foreign oil magnate, for 10m barrels of crude oil. This oil is to be used to provide power for essential industries such as country’s electricity supply. Onasti owns the world’s biggest fleet of oil tankers, as well as dozens of other highly profitable industries. He also owns an airline that uses the main airport in Yerevan, the Capital City, a great deal.

Onasti buys most of his oil in the Middle East and then transports it all over the world with his fleet of tankers. This, as well as his other lucrative interests, has brought him from back streets of Cairo to become one of the world’s richest men.



Complete the words in the right-hand column.


a rich person who buys and sells m__________
a ship that transports oil t__________
a large number of ships f__________
something that makes a lot of money is l___________
absolutely necessary e_________
a lower price r__________
a serious or dangerous situation e__________
to seem likely to harm t__________
a formal expression of something s___________


Fill each gap in the following passage with an appropriate word.


The Armenian _____ wants to make a _______ with Achmed Onasti, a foreign oil _____, for 10m barrels of ____ oil. This oil is to____ used to provide power for _____ industries such as country’s ______ supply. Onasti owns the world’s biggest _____ of oil tankers, as well ___ dozens of other highly profitable _______. He also owns an airline ____ uses the main airport _____, the Capital City, a great _____.

Onasti buys most of his ___ in the Middle East and ___ transports it all over the ____ with his fleet of tankers. ____, as well as his other _____ interests, has brought him from the ____ streets of Cairo to _____ one of the world’s richest _____.


Provide, supply and deliver.


“Provide”,” supply” and “deliver” have similar meanings:


We can supply } all the oil you need




We can } you with all the oil you need.


NOT We can deliver you with all the oil you need.!!!

Note also:Our company supplies your company (with oil).

We delivered the oil to Amsterdam on the 20th.

Fill in the gaps with “provide”,” supply” or “deliver”.

1. A woolen mill will ________ us with the wool we need.

2. Onasti ____________ a lot of European countries with oil.

3. The oil will be _____ on March 15th.

4. Can you _________ us with enough furniture for our office?

5. Haulage Ltd. are _______ RSA with lorry transport.

6. Haulage ________ the printers to Eastern Europe.

7. The oil ________ the energy for Armenian electricity supply.

8. The money will _________ us with more computers.

9. The raw materials were ___ to us by an American transport firm.

10. We hope that you can ________ the materials before next week.



Fill in the gaps with prepositions on, at, in, with, to or for.

The Armenian government is hoping that Onasti will supply Yerevan ___ oil. They are also hoping for a reduction ___ the normal price. The oil is to be used to provide energy ___

Armenia electricity supply. Onasti delivers oil __ a lot of European countries. He will probably ask for an increase ___ the price before he will provide Yerevan ___ any oil at all. The oil should be delivered ___ March 15th. It will probably be delivered ____ Amsterdam and then ____ the Armenian capital city.


Match the expressions with the functions.


Could you come down a bit on the price?

Any chance of a lower price from you?

I’ll have to ask my colleagues about that point.

What would be your lowest price for…?

I’m afraid I can’t say that at the moment.

Would you accept less than that?

I can’t give the answer to that at the moment.

Are you prepared to accept…?

What is your top price?

Could I ask you about…?


Asking for information (1)

Evasion (3)

Bargaining (6)


6. They are going to use oil. It will provide power for essential industries.

This oil is to be used to provide power for essential industries.

Rewrite these pairs of sentences in the same way.

1. We are going to use the lorries. They will take supplies from London to Scotland.

2. They are going to use the building. They will store raw materials in it.

3. We are going to use the money. It will provide us with more computers.


Asking for information.

In the information sharing session, you will have to ask your partner for information. This exercise will provide you with some suitable openers which you can use to ask questions.


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