Present your professional ambitions, knowledge and skills to an employer. Don’t forget to tell him where you studied. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Present your professional ambitions, knowledge and skills to an employer. Don’t forget to tell him where you studied.


3.5. TEST-6


Choose the proper definition for each term:

1. high education a) a person who engage other people in work
2. degree b) training in some speciality obtained at a university
3. requirement c) ability to use one’s knowledge effectively in doing something
4. employer d) a title obtained by a student after graduating from a university
5. skill e) something necessary or needed

Complete the sentences with the necessary words:

6. Soil is each county’s most valuable ….

a) resource

b) shelter

c) activity

7. Acriculture produces …, clothing and other necessary materials.

a) stock

b) food

c) area

8. Ukraine may become a leading … and exporter of agricultural products.

a) produce

b) production

c) producer

9. The demand for specialists in agriculture ….

a) respects

b) causes

c) increases

10. The Faculty of Ecology and Nature Resources Use … skilled specialists.

a) acquires

b) requires

c) trains

11. If you study for 4 years you will get a degree of ….

a) Bachelor

b) Specialist

c) Master

12. A … in one of professions is fast becoming the minimum qualification.

a) title

b) degree

c) job

13. Employers are now looking for … in the workplace.

a) opportunities

b) choice

c) skills

14. One of the necessary key skills is ….

a) communication

b) information

c) improving

15. The … where your knowledge may be necessary are the following: agriculture, chemical industry, sciences, education and so on.

a) husbandry

b) forestry

c) branches

16. Harvesting can … with different machines.

a) do

b) be done

c) done

17. Perfect crops of wheat can be … on heavy loams and clays.

a) grow

b) grew

c) grown

18. Plants … annuals, biennials and perennials.

a) may be

b) may

c) be

19. Plants … enough water, nutrients, heat, air and light.

a) must

b) must to have

c) must have

20. We can … the humus content at a high level by using manure and compost.

a) to maintain

b) maintain

c) maintaining

21. Organic matter … be added to every type of soil.

a) have

b) should

c) to

22. To determine the soil texture you … make mechanical analysis.

a) must

b) must to

c) to

23. There was too little water in the soil and the plants … grow well.

a) cannot

b) could not

c) could

24. Last year we …apply much more fertilizers than usually.

a) must

b) had

c) had to

25. We … obtain good yield of tomatoes but late frost damaged the plants.

a) may

b) might

c) had

Aquaculture and Water bioresourses

Unit 1 1.Overview of Aquaculture 2. What is Aquaculture 3. Parts of Speach

Step 1

Overview of Aquaculture



1.1. Read correctly and memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

Aquaculture, cultivation, aquatic, collegiate, marine, harvesting, environment, purpose, commercially, capture, although, sustainable.

1.2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:

Aquaculture, aqua, culture, cultivation, marine, ecosystem, seafood, commercially, prehistoric, recreation, experts, fishery.

1.3. Read and translate the following verbs, make them nouns, do transformations with some of them with the help of suffixes: - ion, -er,-able.

Model: to cultivate – cultivation


To produce, to provide, to derive, to produce, to populate, to harvest, to involve, to sell, to capture, to recognize, to recreate, to expand, to destruct, to sustain, to feed, to fish.

1.4.Words for the text comprehension:

Aqua farming вирощування риби, розведення риби
Shelfish молюск
Cultivation aspect вирощування риби, розведення риби
Capture aspect здобич, улов, відлов
Purpose мета, ціль
Commercial fishing промислове рибальство
Recreation fishing ловити рибу на відпочинку
Fish stock косяк, зграя риби
Habitat навколишнє середовище, місце життя
to destruct руйнувати, знищувати
to sustain підтримувати, захищати, визнавати
to shrink зменшувати, стискати, скорочувати

1.5. Read and translate text A, find answers to the following questions:

a) What is the definition of aquaculture?

b) What are the aspects of aquaculture?

c) What is aquaculture?



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