Degrees of Comparison 1 Formation 

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Degrees of Comparison 1 Formation

There are several ways of showing that similarities or differences exist between or amongst things. The regular comparative and superlative of descriptive words, whether these are adjectives or adverbs, is formed as follows:

1. by adding the ending -er and -est to words of one syllable



Adjectives new big newer bigger newest biggest
Adverbs soon late sooner later soonest latest
2. by placing the words moreand mostin front of words with three or more syllables Examples
interesting beautiful more interesting more beautiful most interesting most beautiful
Adverbs easily carefully more easily more carefully most easily most carefully
the ending -erand -est if they end in -y or -ly, -ow, -leand -er. Most ot the remaining words take moreand mostin front of them. Example
■y happy funny happier funnier happiest funniest
-ly early friendly earlier friendlier earliest friendliest
-ow shallow narrow shallower narrower shallowest narrowest
-le able gentle abler gentler ablest gentlest
-er   clever   cleverer cleverest

5. There are a small number of adjectives and adverbs that form the comparative and superlative using a different stem. These irregular comparisons arc as follows: Example


Adjectives bad worse worst

far further, farther r


good better best

many more most

the (word+er) the... the more.., the (word+er) the. . the less...

little less least

much more most

well better best

2 Use in sentences

There are many reasons for using comparisons in discourse. They may be used to show:

a. equivalence; b. non-equivalence; c. one item compared with others; and d. parallel increase. Equivalence

The following words or constructions are used to show equivalence (i.e. the same).

as... as are similar each

as equal to either

as is like all

the similar/ly both

similar to equal/ly alike

the same compare to/with


1. Third-generation computers can do a thousand times as many calculations as first-generation computers.

2. Microcomputers are as efficient as minicomputers.

3. The term processor is the same as central processing unit.

4. The digital computer is like a huge cash register.

5. An analog computer and a car speedometer are similar in that they continuously work out calculations.

6. A microcomputer can sometimes cost as much as a minicomputer.

7. Both minicomputers and microcomputers can have a memory of 32K bytes.

8. A digital computer can be compared to a large cash register.

The following words and/or constructions are used to show non-equivalence (i.e. not the same),

not as... as greater than unequal (ly)  
word + cr than not as many... as unlike  
more... than neither... nor.. as not the same as  
fewer... than not as much... as not all  
less... than not equal to    


1. Learning a computer language is not as difficult as it seems.

2. Ten years ago, there were fewer computers in use than today.

3. Neither minicomputers nor microcomputers could be as complex as large mainframes.

4. Unlike minicomputers, microcomputers are not very flexible.

5. An analog computer is not the same as a digital computer,

6. Not all businesses have computerized their accounting departments. Parallel increase

The following words and/or constructions are used to show parallel increase (i.e. two comparatives).


1. The bigger the computer, the more complex the operations it can do.

2. The smaller the problem, the less challenging it is to the computer


Список використаної літератури:

1. Агабекян И.Г. Учебное пособие «Английский для Техничсских ВУЗов».- Ростов-на-Дону, 2002,- 350 с.

2. Англо-русский словарь по вьгчислительной технике.- М: «Русский язьік», 1998.- 798 с.

3. Англо-український словник з інформатики та обчислювальної техніки.- Львів: СПБаК. 1995.- 304 с.

4. Коваленко А.П. Науково-технічний переклад,- Видавництво Карп'юка, 2001.-283 с.

5. Короткий тлумачний словник з інформатики та обчислювальної техніки,- Київ: Либідь, 2000.- 320 с,

6. Кошматова И. И. Тестн по английскому язьїку.- М.: Рольф, 1999.-256 с.

7. Русско-украинский словарь (3 тома).- Кисв, 1987.- 800 с,

8. А1 Application Programming. Oxford University Press, 2004,- 186 c.

9. Basic English for Computing.- Oxford University Press, 2003.- 100 c.

10. English for Computer Science.- Oxford University Press, 1985.- 242 c.

11. Mining Magazine. April 2004

12. Mining Magazine. May 2005

13. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford University Press. 2005,-215 c.

14. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 2000,- 850 c.

15. Shavelova S.A. Stogov V.E. Elementary Economics and Busincss,-M, 1999,-503 c.


Збірка текстів, завдань та тестів для аудиторної

та самостійної роботи з опрацювання лексичних

та граматичних модулів з дисципліни


для студентів II курсу ФІТ денної форми навчання

УКЛАДАЧІ: Людмила Іллівна Костенко, Світлана Сергіївна Костюк.

Реєстраційний №_

Підписано до друку 2006 р.

Формат А 5

Обсяг стор.

Тираж прим.

Видавничий Центр КТУ вул. XXII Партз'їзду, 11. м. Кривий Ріг


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