Model: 'got home. I was feeling very tired. Feeling very tired I got home. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Model: 'got home. I was feeling very tired. Feeling very tired I got home.

1) The man slipped. He was getting off the bus..


2) We bought our tickets. Then we wёnt into the theatre. 3) They had dinner. Then they continued their journey.


4) She is a foreigner. So she needs a visa to stay in this country.


5) The man wasn't able to understand English. Soo he didn't know what I said.


Лексика и чтение


в этом и следующем уроке не будет привычной работы c текстами. Мы про­должим выполнять тесты, чтобы оценить наши основные навыки.


Упражнение 11. Underline all the predicates: Подчеркните все cкaзyeмыe:



This User Guide is for users of the AMOS Maintenance & Purchase (AMOS M&P) program. This document is written from the point of view that thereader understands the requirements of the job and now needs to acquire an understanding of how to use AMOS M&P in fulfilling those requirements.

The different functions in AMOS M&P work together so that if you have reported performing a maintenance job that requires certain spare parts, the spare parts will automaticallyy be listed in the stock control records as removed in connection with such and such a job.


Упражнение 12. Chose the correct variant of translation predicates: Bыбepитe пpaвильный вариант перевода cкaзyeмыx:


1) is written

a) написан 6)написаны

2) will be listed


6) будут представлёны

З) goes

a) идет

б) придет

4) have reported

а)отчитался б)отчитались

5) is

a) не переводится б) бывает

6) is changing

a) изменял б) изменяется

7) has been spent

a}будут потрачены 6) был потрачен

8) will hold

a) удержат б) будут держать

9) are used

a) используются б)использовался

10) use

a) использует б)используют

11) reported

а) докладывал

б) доложил

12) were examining

a) изучали (в тот момент)

б) изучали (в прошлом)

13) will be testing

а) смогут протестировать

б) бyдyт тecтиpoвaть (в определенный момент)

14) will have been developed

a) бyдyт разработаны

б) разработают

15) had been developed

a) былии разработаны (нa тот момент)

б) уже разработаны

16) will have done

a) бyдут делать

б) сделают

17) are registered

a) регистрируют


18) were distributed

а) будут распределены

б) были распределены

19) is being used

a) используются (именно сейчас)

б) иcrioльзyютcя (постоянно)

20) was being examined

a) изучал (именно тогда)

б) изyчaлcя (именно тогда)

21) removed

a) перемещали

б) перемещалось


(Правильно продeланный за пару минут тест - очень хороший рeзультат!)


Упражнение 13. Translate paying attention t4 suffixes: Переведите, обращая внимание нa суффиксы:


special - specialist -

specially - speciality -

specialism - specialize -

specific - specify -

(Правильно проделанный за три минуты тест - очень хороший результат!)

Упражнение 14. Translate the Text:

Переведите Текст и проверьте правильность понимания.




This User Guide is for users of the AMOS Maintenance & Purchase (AMOS M&P) program. This document is written from the point of view that the reader understands the requirements of the job and now needs to acquire an understanding of how to use AMOS M&P in fulfilling those requirements.

AMOS M&P is a Windows application for integrated man­agement of maintenance work and costs, stock control and purchasing in geographically spread organisations.


Introduction to AMOS M&P

AMOS M&P is a computer-based system for planning and reporting maintenance, and for performingg stock control and stock purchasing.

The different functions in AMOS M&P work together so that if you have reported performing a maintenance job that requires certain spare parts, the spare parts will automatically be listed in the stock control records as removed in connection with such and such a job.

Likewise; the purchasing function will hold a purchas­ing order as active until the goods are registered as

received… when they will be added into the stock control records.


AMOS M&P allows you to see what has been spent on various maintenance activities or purchases, and what is planned or budgeted to be spent in the future.

AMOS M&P has been developed specifically for companies and organisations with physical plants or installations that are geographically distributed. That is, where main­tenance, stock control and requisitioning take place at one or more local- installations; while purchasing and transport planning typically take place at a central headquarters.


ERP System. Герундий

Упражнение 1. Translate: Переведите:

1) I like his method of teaching.

2) It's no use talking to him.

3) He left without saying a word.

4) He was suspected of keeping something from us.

5) I hate being reminded of things.

6) I don't remember having seen her there.

7) We insist on John's making a report.

8) Do you mind our being present.

9) I never heard of him behaving like that.

10) Do you mind my cousin joining us?



Yпpaжнeнue 2. Finish the sentences according to the model:

Зaкoнчитe пpeдлoжeния corлacнo мoдeли:

M o d e l: How did you like his singing? - I enjoyed his singing.

Would you like to walk a bit? - Not in this rain. I hate _______________________

Do you often talk with young Howard? - He avoids ________________________

The dinner is very good. --Yes. Jane is very good at ________________________


Упражнение 9. Translate: Переведите:

1) Он против того, чтобы приглашать менеджера. Он против того, чтобы вы приглашали менеджера. Он против того, чтобы был приглашен менеджер.

2) Избегайте говорить c такими людьми.

3) Она не переставала брать уроки английского языка.

4) Они мечтают посетить нашу фирму.

5) Эту книry стоит прочесть. Этот сайт не стоит смотреть.



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