Упражнение 2. Translate. Differentiate between Participle II and Past Simple form 

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Упражнение 2. Translate. Differentiate between Participle II and Past Simple form

Переведите. Различайте причастие II и форму простого прошедшего времени:.
1)They listed the setting. Setting listed in this document was not full.

2)They followed the instruction. The instructions followed by the group appeared to be very useful.

З)The company sent the manuals to the users. The users got new pro­grams sent by the firm.

4)The program operated machines without failure. These are the ma­ёhinёs operated by the program recently tested.

5)These diagrams are simpler thanthose presented in the article.

6)These are problems solved by a digital computer.


Упражнение 3. Translate the compounds paying attention to Participle II (work with a dictionary):

Переведите сложные слова, обращая особое внимание нa перевод причастия II (paбo­тa co словарем):

Computer-assisted; summer-born; college-bred; Eton-bred; interrupt-caused; plastic-coated; program-controlled; air-cooled; man-created; virus -dam­aged; amateur-designed; battery-driven; capacity-filled; signal-generated; program-installed; buffer-linked,; man-made; hardware-maintained; error­protected.



Упражнение 4. Count participles and translate:

Сосчитaйте причастия в каждом предложении и переведите:


1) London is not only the centre of commerce & finance but also a great port, with many of the imported & exported goods passing through it.


2) There are ten executive departments under the US President, the head of these departments forming a council known as the President's cabinet.

3) Besides these ten executive departments, there are many rode­ pendent offices, the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) being among them.

4) The English spoken by most educated people in Britain is known as the Queen's English or standard English. It is the English taught in universities & schools & the kind heard on the BBC.

5) When crossing the street in London, look first to the right, then to the left.


1) A digital computer computes using the numbers (digits).

2) The new method, when applied, failed.

3) These are computers performingg more than 100 000 000 000 op­erations per second.

4) A digital computer computes using "yeses" and "noes" expressed usually in 1's and 0's.


Упражнение 5. Translate the proverbs and sayings:

Переведите пословицы и пoгoвopки:


Money saved is money gained.


A trouble shared is a trouble halved.


Entering or leaving a room with ladies, don't rush before them. Remem­ber the golden rule of every gentleman: "Ladies first".


Among the things most often opened by mistake is the mouth.


Упражнение 6. Translate, paying attention to the forms of participle: Переведите, обращая внимание нa формы причастия:


1) Feeling tired, I went to bed early.

2) I cut myself shaving.

3) Having finished our work, we went home.

4) After finishing our work, we went home.

5) Being unemployed, he hasn't got much money.

6) Not having a car, she finds it difficult to, get around.

7) Having already seen the, film twice, I didn't want to go to_the cinema...



1) Only one working copy can be made.

2) The program being executed is written in assembly language.

3) The program written in assembly language is called an assembler.

4) Having executed the instruction, the program failed.

5) Having been 'executed the programs were considered to be perfect ones.

6) Working at home, it is reasonable to use a portable computer.

7) Having made the necessary changes, they got down to business.

8) When testing the new model, the group used the most modern methods of control.

9) When tested, the model broke down.



1) Buying a computer, you should be very careful.

2) Data compressed by this technique won't be recovered.

3) Data being compressed is of great importance to us.

4) When compiling the program, I got some errors..

5) When archiving, ARJ doesn't sort filenames.

6) When performed, the program abend occured.

7) Having written this program, we solved our problem at last.



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