Apache Web Server. Будущее время 

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Apache Web Server. Будущее время

Упражнение 3. Put the verbs into the most suitable form. A minute for a test. Предложения должны стоять в будущем времени. Выполните этот тест зa мин}~.


I (to travel) to Scotland on Monday.

The train (to leave) at 10.30.


I promise i, (to start) before you (#o come)

I (to open) the window?

Next year my parents (to be married) for 40 years.

Tomorrow (to be) Saturday.

What you (to do) next month?

I've heard she (to travel) round the world..


Лексика и чтение

Список слов к тексты урока

Read aloud, write down the translation of the derivatives, memorize. Прочтите вслух, допишите перевод производных слов, запомните.

explicit ясный, подробный, явный

to explicate

to prepend присоединять спереди

to omit пренебрегать, упускать; нe включать


to avoid избегать, сторониться, уклоняться


to supply снабжать, поставлять; подводить, питать


invocations призыв; обращение, мольба.

simplicity простота




The Apache Configuration

Based upon the NCSA server configuration files origi­nally by Rob McCool.

This is the main Apache server configuration file. It

contains the configuration directives that give the server

its instructions. See <URL:http://www.apache.org/docs/>

for detailed information about the directives.

Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure consult the online docs. You have been warned.

After this file is processed, the server will look for and:process k:/Program Fides/Apachе/conf/srm.conf and then k:/Program Files/Apache/conf/access.conf unless you have overridden these with ResourceConfig and/or AccessConfig directives here.


The configuration directives are grouped into three basicс sections:

1. Directives that control the operation of the Apache server process as a whole (the `global environment').

2. Directives that define the parameters of the `main' or `default' server, which responds to requests that aren't handled by a virtual host. These directives also provide default values for the settings of all virtual hosts.

XML Basics. Модальные глаголы

Упражнение 1. Mark modalss and translate:

Отметьте мoдaльныe глаголы, переведите:

Everybody ought to know safety rules.

People should help each other.

You shouldn't think so.

Any student must know the difference between the digital & analog com­puter.

You mustn't do it.

(This program has failed.) You will have to change the program..

You are to concentrate on the main rules.

Any firm can buy computers.

Any firm can benefit from computerization.

The organization can make a list of things that it has to do.

Under these conditions you will not be able to control windows and will have to reboot the system.

They may take any manual.

You may not mix symbols.

This computing system must bе very effective.

A computing system may save time and money.

Can a key-name consist of any combination of letters and digits?

Упpaжнeнue 2. Translate the proverbss given. Translate as close to the text as yоu can/ Look up Russian variants of the proverbs in the key. Переведите пословицы как можно ближе к тeкcтy. Посмотрите русский вapиaнт пословиц в ключе.

Needs must go when the devil drives.

Men may meet but mountain never greet.

One cannot put back the clock.

You never know what you can do till you try.

The cobbler should stick to his last.

As you make your bed so you must lie on it.

He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens.

What can't be cured must be endured.


Упpaжнeнue 3. Count modals & translate: Cocчитaйтe мoдaльныe глaгoлы пepeвeдитe:

Firms of three or even fewer people can benefit from computerization. A firm buying a computer must see the prospects of doing it. It may save money & time.


Any organization will be able to make a list of things that it has to do.


A computer may open up new business chances. A company must decide its computing strategy in line with its business plan. First you should ask: "How should business develop?" then ask: Can computers help me?"


A computer may be able to process information and people would be able to act on it. Computers can bring direct benefits. They may also bring indirect benefits. These must be very important considerations for compute­rization.



Лексика и чтение

Список слов к тексту урока


Read aloud, write down the translation of the derivatives, memorize:. Прочтите вслух, допишите перевод производных слов, запомните:


to evolve paзвивaть(cя), paзвepтывaть(cя)

overly чрезмерно

requirement требование, необходимое условие, пoтpeбнocть



to adopt принимать, усваивать, перенимать

brief короткий, недолгий, лaкoничньій

to brief



precise точный, аккуратный, тщательный


reasonable paзyмный, приемлемый


ancillary подчиненный, cлyжeбный

simultaneous одновременный crop обилие, масса, coвoкyпнocть query вопрос, сомнение

to query

retrieve возвращать, восстанавливать, исправлять


Упражнение 11. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following terms:

Пpocмaтpнвaя Текст, найдите эквиваленты следующих тepминoв:

1) расширеннььй язык разметки (стpаниц)

2) стандартизованный обобщенный язык разметки

3) структyрировать официальные документы 4) представление текстовой информации

5) системно-независимый

6) собирать вместе

7) язык форматирования

8}определить структуру информации (данных)

9) ключeвое слово разметки (страниц)

10) определение типа документа

11) гиперссылка

12) расширенный язык стилей

13)правила представления

14) XML-запрос

15) итоговыe данные, пригодные к использованию


Упражнение12. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following: Просматривая текст, найдите эквиваленты слeдyющиx выражений:

1) фактически

2) со временем

3) говорят, что

4) целое больше, чем сумма его частей 5) нигде не видно это яснее, чем 6) в течение последних полутора лет

7) (выросла) очень быстро

8) делает возможным

9) во многом одинаково с...

10) гораздо более

11) c более, чем одним




XML Basics

I. _________________________________

XML, or 'Extensible Markup Language, is not new. In fact, it's a subset of SGML, the Standardized General Markup Language, modified for use on the Web. SGML-was originally developed by Goldfarb, Mosher, and Lone at IBM in 1969, as a-way to structure legal documents; it has evolved over time into an international standard for representing textual data in system-independent format. Since SGML is overly complex for the requirements of the Web, XML has evolved as a modified (read: simpler) ver­sion of SGML, adapted specifically for use on the Web.

You might be thinking to yourself: isn't there already a universal language for the Web called HTML? And you'd be right to wonder...

While HTML is great for putting together Web pages, it doesn't offer any way to describe the data contained within those pages. As a formatting language, it doesn't offer any mechanism to define data structures within the document, thereby limiting its usefulness. The fact that it understands a limited set of tags - and even that

frequently depends onwhich browser you're using - re­duces its flexibility and makes it•difficult to extend its usefulness to other applications.

XML was designed to avoid these disadvantages by creating a markup language which would be simple yet flexible, easy to use, yet powerf~l enough to offer a variety of different applications. Briefly, the origi­nal design goals for XML (as stated in the W3C's XML 1.0 Recommendation) were: XML should be simple and easy to use. XML should support a variety of different applications, by allowing users to develop their own markup.

XML documents should precisely follow certain for­mally-defined rules and principles. XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear.




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