Переведите предложения на русский язык и назовите лексические трансформации, которые вы применили. 

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Переведите предложения на русский язык и назовите лексические трансформации, которые вы применили.

1. All hope is gone.

2. Then came two Haymans — Giles and Jesse — perfectly silent. (Galsworthy)

3. The child put his hand in hers, and she pressed it. (Maugham)

4. His face was without expression, I could not tell whether he laughed inwardly or not. (Maugham)

5. I have nothing to say against him.

6. Young Jolyon saw then why she had not seen him, her eyes were brimming with tears. (Galsworthy)

7. The fire is out.

8. The summer is in.

9. Such people are to be pitied.

10. We had the news from his own mouth.

Переведите на русский язык следующие имена собственные, используя правила переводческой транскрипции, если это возможно.

1. Knox

2. Hamilton

3. Thomas Babington Macaulay

4. Charles I

5. Pearl Harbor

6. Brunswick

7. Horace Walpole

8. George V

9. the Mayflower

10. Bedford Square

Переведите словосочетания, применяя прием калькирования.

1) perfect murder;

2) a new space satellite communications system;

3) back-bencher;

4) Energy Department spokesman;

5) business communication workshop;

6) Ivory Coast.


Занятие 18.

Лексико-семантические проблемы перевода. «Ложные друзья» переводчика.

1. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие многозначные слова:

1. The company’s directing agency is located in Detroit.

2. This can hardly be treated as a free article. You’ll have to include the funds for the customs clearing.

3. Competitive capacity of enterprises is number one issue.

4. The rent and utilities coverage in the country is gradually growing and will reach as much as 80 % by this July.

5. Price gap has become the main reason for many domestic goods being brought out of the country.

6. They have been speculating on margin for a couple of years now.

7. The new chief executive officer was appointed in May.

8. The immediate task is to temper the impact of inflation.

2. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие слова-неологизмы, и установите способ их образования:

1. About 65 Amerasians arrived in Thailand yesterday with their rela­tives on their way to their new homes in the United States.

2. The first generation of baby-boomers in Britain and the U.S. was born in late forties-early fifties.

3. Slowly, and unevenly, a 'can-do' attitude is beginning to replace the inertia in the trade unions.

4. Capital flight is now becoming less accessible from foreign creditors.

5. If the merger boom is now nearing a close, will it be followed by a demerger boom?

6. E-commerce has become wide spread in the U.S.

7. The companies are now joining their forces because the potential syn­ergy is evident.

8. If an insurance company wishes you a happy birthday, take it as a sure sign that they view you as a target for a touch of cross-marketing. In other words, having sold to you once or twice before, they would like to do it over and over again.

3. Укажите значение следующих английских словосочетаний, в которых используются «ложные друзья» переводчика:

Banking officers.
Public debt
Interest rate
Convention of the Entrepreneurs Union
Personnel department
Champion of peace
Ammunition storage
Null document
Legal matters
Accurate data
Title and position
Human values  

Занятие 19

Лексико-семантические трансформации при переводе.

Переведите следующие предложения, используя указанные трансформации:

а) конкретизация

1. The painting was called ‘Napoleon on his mount visiting the plague stricken in the streets of Jaffa.’

2. It’s sweet for you to see my patients go wrong and yours recover.

б) г енерализация

3. He was a thin, stoop-shouldered man not much under six feet tall.

4. At this moment O’Brien glanced at his wrist-watch.

в) модуляция

5. At last he found his voice.

6. “I don’t think she’s living here at the moment. Her bed wasn’t slept in.

7. The Liverpool by-election was an acid test for the Labour candidate.

г) антонимический перевод

8. Shut the window to keep cold air out.

9. The woman at the other end asked him to hang on.

10. I don’t dislike you, Mr Mont, but Fleur is everything to me.



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