Look at the people in the photos and say why you think they are or were special. Write some sentences about the people in the photos. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Look at the people in the photos and say why you think they are or were special. Write some sentences about the people in the photos.


Exercise 5. Decide which activity is:

a. the most interesting

b. the most important

с the most difficult for you to do English


- listening to the radio news

- reading English books

- pronouncing English words

- learning vocabulary

- writing a letter

- doing grammar exercises

- translating English texts

Exercise 6-8 read about the hotels

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 9,10 Тексерілді:

№31 6 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Test

Сабақтың мақсаты: Өткен тақырыбы бойынша оқушылардың

білімін тексеру

Оқушылардың білімге қуштарлығын арттыру

Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ типі: білімді тексеру

Дидак. Материал: тест

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Today we shall write the test

III. Білімді тексеру

Choose the right answer.

I. What____ you_____ yesterday?

a)are-doing b) have-done c) did-do
2.1___ in the river last summer.

a) swam b) will swim c) swim

3. He____ to school ten o'clock yesterday.

a) go b) went c) gone

4. Pete is_____ than Jack.

a) Strong b) stronger c) the strongest

5. The weather is hot in summer in our country. But in Africa
the weather is the___

a) hottest b) hot c) hotter

6. Ted is good at football but Rick is____

a) good b) better c) best

7. What is______ sport in your country?

a) popular b) the most popular c) more popular.

8. The is not___ milk in the bottle.

a) any b) some

9. Are there_____ books on the shelf?

a) any b) some

10. There are not_____ plates on the table.

a) any b) some

II. Give me______ water, please

a) some b) any

12. There isn't____ milk in the bottle.

a) much b) many

13. How_____ money have you got?

a) much b) many

14. There___ an apple on the plate

a) is b) are c) were

15 There__ bananas in the box.

a) was b) are c) is

16. My friend______ trees at that time

a) plants b) planted c) planted

17. Asel ______ a letter at 8 o' clock yesterday evening.

a) writes b) was writing c) wrote

IV. Үйге тапсырма

Қайталау Тексерілді:

Much/ many/some/any

1. There are… sweets in the vase.

a. many b. much c. any

2. There is… butter in the fridge.

a. many b. much c. any

3. Is there … water in the kettle?

a. some b. any c. no

4. There are … eggs in the box.

a. many b. much. C. any

5. There is … flour in the packet.

a. many b. much. C. any

6. There are … pears on the plate.

a. any b. some c. one

7. There isn’t … oil in the bottle.

a. some b. no c. any

8. There are … apples on the plate.

a. much b. many

9. There is … milk in the bottle.

a. much b. many

10 There are … oranges in the box.

a. much b. many

11. There is … water in the kettle.

a. much b. many

12. There are … eggs for dinner.

a. much b. many

13. There is … bread in the bread bin.

a. much b. many

14. There are … carrots in the fridge.

a. much b. many

15. There is … tea in the teapot.

a. much b. many

16. There are …scones on the plate.

a. much b. many

17. There is … butter for tea.

a. much b. many


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