Text в: «transport System of the usa» 

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Text в: «transport System of the usa»

The development of transport facilities was very important in the growth of the United States. The first travel routes were natural waterways. No surfaced roads existed until the 1790s, when the first turnpikes were built. Besides the overland roads, many canals were constructed between the late 18th century and 1850 to link navigable rivers and lakes in the eastern United States and in the Great Lakes region. Steam railways began to appear in the East in the 1820s. The first transcontinental railway was constructed between 1862 and 1869 by the Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies, both of which received large subsidies from the federal government. Transcontinental railways were the chief means of transport used by European settlers who populated the West in the latter part of the 19th century. The railways continued to expand until 1917, when their length reached a peak of about 407,000 km. Since then motor transport became a serious competitor to the railway both for passengers and freight.

Air transport began to compete with other modes of transport after World War I. Passenger service began to gain importance in 1920s, but not until the beginning of commercial jet craft after World War II did air transport become a leading mode of travel.

During the early 1990s railways annually handled about 37,5 per cent of the total freight traffic; trucks carried 26 per cent of the freight, and oil pipelines conveyed 20 per cent. Approximately 16 per cent was shipped on inland waterways. Although the freight handled by airlines amounted to only 0,4 per cent of the total, much of the cargo consisted of high-priority or high-value items.

Private cars carry about 81 per cent of passengers. Airlines are the second leading mover of people, carrying more than 17 per cent of passengers. Buses are responsible for 1,1 per cent, and railways carry 0,6 per cent of passengers.

Roads and Railways

The transport network spreads into all sections of the country, but the web of railways and highways is much more dense in the eastern half of the United States.

In the early 1990s the United States had about 6,24 million km of streets, roads, and highways. The National Interstate Highway System, 68,449 km in length in the early 1990s, connected the nation's principal cities and carried about one-fifth of all the road and street traffic.

More than 188 million motor vehicles were registered in the early 1990s. More than three-quarters were cars — one for every two persons in the country. About one-fifth of the vehicles were lorries. Amtrak (the National Railroad Passenger Corporation), a federally subsidized concern, operates almost all the inter-city passenger trains in the United States; it carried more than 22 million passengers annually in the early 1990s.

General understanding:

1. What were the first routes in the US?

2. When was the first transcontinental railway constructed?

3. What was the length of railroads in 1917?

4. When did air transport start to gain importance?

5. How many motor vehicles were registered in US in early 90s?

6. What is Amtrak? How many passengers did it carry annually in the early 90s?



§1. Согласование времен в главном и придаточном предложениях.

В английском сложноподчиненном предложении с придаточным дополнительным (вопрос «что?», «кто?», «чего?» и т. д.) соблюдаются правила согласования времен в главном и придаточном предложениях. Эти правила сводятся к следующему:

1. Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного дополнительного предложения может стоять в любой временной форме, требуемой смыслом, например:

Не says you are right. — Он говорит, что ты прав.

Не will tell why he was not at school yesterday. — Он скажет, почему он не был в школе вчера.

2. Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени (обычно — в Past Indefinite), то и глагол дополнительного придаточного предложения должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен, в том числе — в будущем с точки зрения прошедшего (Future in the Past).

He said he would not go to school tomorrow. — Он сказал, что не пойдет в школу завтра.

При этом для обозначения действия, одновременного с действием, выраженным сказуемым главного предложения, употребляется Past Continuous (в русском языке — настоящее время) или Past Indefinite.

Не told me he was preparing for his exam. — Он сказал мне, что готовится к экзамену.

Для обозначения действия, предшествующего действию, выраженному сказуемым главного предложения, обычно употребляется Past Perfect. На русский язык глагол-сказуемое придаточного в данном случае переводится глаголом в прошедшем времени:

I didn't know he had left for Moscow. — Я не знал, что он уехал в Москву.

При указании определенного времени (in 1980, yesterday) предшествующее время выражается при помощи Past Indefinite. Например: I thought you were born in 1980.

Для выражения будущего времени с точки зрения прошедшего времени употребляется форма Future in the Past где вспомогательный глагол will меняется на would, которая на русский язык переводится будущим временем:

Не told me that he would meet me at the Institute. — Он сказал мне, что встретит меня в институте.


Exercise 7.2. Open the brackets. Pay attention to the Sequence of Tenses. Translate the sentences into English.

1. I did not know that you already (to read) this book 2. He did it better than I (to expect). 3. He said that the bus (to be) here soon. 4.1 think it all happened soon after the meeting (to end). 5. They decided that they (to bring) us all the necessary books. 6. He said that he (can) not do it without my help. 7. He asked the students whether they ever (to see) such a book. 8. It was decided that we (to start) our work at eight o'clock. 9. I told you that I (to leave) for Minsk on the following day. 10. The boy did not know that he already (receive) a good mark. 12. He wanted to know what (to become) of the books. 13. The visitors were told that the secretary just (to go out) and (to come back) in half an hour. 14. He said we (may) keep the books as long as we (to like). 15. We thought that he not (to be able) to make his work in time and therefore (to offer) to help her. 16. When I came they (to tell) me that he (to leave) half an hour before. 17. It was soon clear to the teacher that the control work (to be) a difficult one. 18. I decided that next year I (to go) to see my old friend again. I not (to see) him since he (to go) to Moscow.

§2. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice).

Формы страдательного залога английских глаголов образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия II (Participle II) смыслового глагола:


Present Indefinite The letter is written
Past Indefinite The letter was written
Future Indefinite The letter will be written
Present Continuous The letter is being written
Past Continuous The letter was being written
Future Continuous The letter will be being written
Present Perfect The letter has been written
Past Perfect The letter had been written
Future Perfect The letter will have been written

Глагол-сказуемое в страдательном залоге показывает, что подлежащее предложения является объектом действия со стороны другого лица или предмета.

Сравните: I bought a book. — Я купил книгу.

The book was bought (by me). — Книга была куплена (мной).

Глаголы в страдательном залоге на русский язык переводятся

1. глаголом быть + краткая форма причастия страдательного залога:

The letter was sent yesterday. Письмо было послано вчера.

2. глаголом с частицей -ся (-сь):

This problem was discussed last week. Эта проблема обсуждалась на прошлой неделе.

3. неопределенно-личным оборотом, т. е. глаголом в действительном залоге 3 лица множественного числа, типа «говорят», «сказали»:

English is spoken in many countries. На английском языке говорят во многих странах.

4. глаголом в действительном залоге (при наличии исполнителя действия):

Pupils are taught at school by the teachers. Учеников учат в школе учителя.


Exercise 7.3. Translate into English. Determine the Tense and Voice of the verb:

1. He left for Moscow. 2. The news will be of great interest. 3. They were speaking to him. 4. She studied many subjects. 5. He was much spoken about. 6. New subjects will be studied next term. 7. I am working now. 8. The text has already been written by them. 9. He studies at our school. 10. You are playing chess, aren't you? 11. The text is being translated at the moment. 12. Do you work at this lab? 13. When I saw him, he was going home. 14. They will have passed their exams by 3 o'clock. 15. This book was written by our teacher. 16. We shall be writing our tests at 10 o'clock. 17. The work will have been done when he comes. 18. We translated this text. 19. The letter had been written before we came. 20. We shall inform you. 21. These toys are made in Japan. 22. Does he work here? 23. Is he working now? 24. The conference will be held in May. 25. Rostov was named after Dmitry Rostovsky. 26.What are you doing here? 27. This work must be done at once. 28. You may take my book. 29. I am often asked at the lessons. 30. This article was being translated when I came.


Exercise 7.4. Translate into English. Determine the Tense and Voice of the verb:

l.They can be seen in our library every day. 2. The delegation is headed by the Prime Minister. 3. The child was often left home alone. 4. These houses were built last year. 5. All letters had been written when we came. 6. This film is much spoken about. 7. The machine is being tested now. 8. His work has been already finished. 9.1 was told to wait for him. 10.Your letter will have been answered by Monday. 11. The experiment was being carried out from ten till twelve o'clock. 12.Children under sixteen will not be admitted here.


Exercise 7.5. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form:

1. I'm not reading these books today. They (return) to the library. 2. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month. 3. Why your home task (not do)? 4. She was taken to the hospital today, and (operate) tomorrow morning. 5. This room (use) only on special occasions. 6. Bicycles must not (leave) here. 7. This newspaper (not read). The pages (not cut). 8. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination. 9. Usually this street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday. 10. This book (leave) in the classroom yesterday; it (find) by the teacher. 11. Thousands of new houses (build) every year. 12. This room (not use) for a long time. 13. The children are very excited this morning. They (take) to the circus this afternoon.


Exercise 7.6. Translate into English:

1. Эта книга была прочитана всеми. 2. Письмо будет отправлено завтра. 3. Ее часто спрашивают? 4. На ваш вопрос ответят завтра. 5. Текст переводился вчера с двух до трех. 6. Работа только что завершена нами. 7. Эти книги уже будут опубликованы к концу года. 8. Наша контрольная работа сейчас проверяется? 9. О новой книге будут много говорить. 10. В нашем городе сейчас строится много новых зданий. 11. Ключи были утеряны вчера. 12. Мальчика возьмут в кино. 13. Вам сказали об этом? 14. Телеграмма уже получена?


Exercise 7.7. Translate into English:

1. Он сказал мне, что текст будет переведен к 10 часам завтра. 2. Все картины, которые вы здесь видите, написаны одним и тем же художником. 3. Письмо будет отправлено завтра. 4. Работа будет закончена в срок. 5. За доктором послали? Сделайте это как можно скорее. У ребенка высокая температура. 6. Эта книга была написана до того, как автор стал знаменитым. 7. Сотни новых домов будут построены к концу этого года. 8. Эта история давно забыта всеми. 9. Мне предложили очень интересную работу. 10. Он серьезный человек. На него всегда можно положиться. 11. За старой женщиной ухаживает ее младшая дочь. 12. На вечере нам показали прекрасный фильм. 13. Его ударили мячом. 14. С ним необходимо немедленно поговорить по этому вопросу. 15. Вам зададут несколько вопросов на экзамене. 16. Ей был дан список участников собрания. 17. Речь была заслушана с большим вниманием. 18. Вам объяснят, как добраться до железнодорожного вокзала. 19. Об этой пьесе сейчас много говорят. 20. Делегацию нужно встретить завтра в 9 часов утра в аэропорту.




I. Согласные звуки [w], [h].

II. Text A: «Higher Education In the UK».

III.§1. Сложное дополнение (Complex object).

§2. Причастие и герундий.


Согласный звук [w]. При произнесении губы округлены и значительно выдвинуты вперед, а задняя часть языка занимает примерно такое же положение, как при произнесении русского [у]. Струя выдыхаемого воздуха с силой проходит через образованную между губами круглую щель. Губы энергично раздвигаются.

Согласный звук [h]. При произнесении согласного задняя спина языка смыкается с опущенным мягким нёбом, и воздух проходит через носовую полость.

what — why — where whip — wheat — while wall — wallet — walk walnut — waltz — won
war — wharf — water wedding — wage — wait waitress — waist — waste wing — king — sting sing — nothing — something everything — anything — ring



Education after 16 is voluntary in United Kingdom. Students, who live in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland must take at the age of 16 the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). In Scotland students receive the Scottish Certificate of Education. After this exam students can choose to stay on in school or attend colleges of further education.

British universities are self-governing and are guaranteed academic independence. Funding for education and research is provided by funding councils set up by Parliament. The number of universities jumped in 1992 when polytechnics and some other higher education establishments were given the right to become universities. By the end of 1994, there were some 90 universities, almost half of them former polytechnics, including the Open University.

Many of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge universities were founded in the 12th and 13th centuries. All other universities in Britain were founded in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Open University, based in Milton Keynes, England, was founded in 1969. It uses extension techniques of correspondence courses, television and radio programmes, and video cassettes, supported by local study centres and summer schools, to provide higher education opportunities to a wide variety of people.

During the 1960s there was a significant increase in the number of new universities, reflecting a fast growth in student numbers. During the 1980s, an expansion in higher education places led to another large jump in student numbers. In the 1992-1993 academic year there were more than 1,4 million students in full or part-time higher education in Great Britain, compared with just under 850,000 a decade earlier. About one quarter of young people are in higher education in England, Wales, and Scotland; one third in Northern Ireland. About 90 per cent of students get state grants to cover tuition fees and living costs.

The size of the grant is determined by parents income. Since the late 1980s, however, grants have been frozen; students can apply for a student loan.

voluntary — добровольное

attend — посещать

self-governing — самоуправляемый

funding — финансирование

funding councils — советы по финансированию

to set up — основывать

significant — значительный

polytechnics — политехнические институты

extension techniques — технологии дистанционно­го образования

to reflect — отражать

decade — десятилетие

state grants — государственные гарантии

tuition fee — плата за обучение

parents income — доход родителей

student loan — студенческий заём



a) high-school diploma — школьный аттестат

graduation ceremony — выпускной экзамен

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) — бакалавр естественных наук

Bachelor of Art (B.A.) — бакалавр гуманитарных наук

Master of Art (M.A.) — магистр искусств

Master of Science (M.S.) — магистр естественных наук

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) — доктор философии

undergraduate student — студент 1-4(5) курсов

graduate student — студент 5-6 курсов

graduate school of robotics — магистратура (аспирантура) по специальности робототехника

b) room (lodging) and board — проживание и питание

personal expenses — личные расходы

books and supplies — книги и материалы

to be eligible for admission — быть подходящей кандидатурой для поступления

to enroll — зачислять

enrollment — зачисление

admissions office — приемная комиссия

student services office — департамент по работе со студентами

university bursar's (казначей) office — бухгалтерия университета (офис казначея)


Exercise 8.1. Translate into English:

1) В возрасте 16 лет каждый житель Великобритании обязан сдать экзамены на получение Сертификата о среднем образовании.

2) Британские университеты являются полностью самоуправляемыми.

3) В 1992 году Политехническим институтам была предоставлено право стать университетами.

4) Открытый университет, широко известный своими технологиями дистанционного обучения, был основан в 1969 году.

5) В 60-е годы в Соединенном королевстве наметился значительный рост числа университетов.

6) Размер гранта на обучение определяется исходя из дохода родителей.



§1. Сложное дополнение (Complex object).

Сложное дополнение — это сочетание существительного или местоимения в объектном падеже (напр. me, him, us, them) с инфинитивом или причастием I. Существует в трех основных вариантах:

1. С инфинитивом без частицы to или с причастием 1 после глаголов восприятия

see I saw him drive the car. I saw them working in the lab.

watch We watched the plane land. We watched the children playing in the yard.

notice Nobody noticed him go out. He didn't notice that happen.

feel She felt somebody touch her hand. They didn't feel the train start.

hear I didn't hear you come into the room. I heard her playing piano.

В первом случае (вышеперечисленные глаголы с инфинитивом без частицы to) подчеркивается факт действия, во втором (эти же глаголы с причастием I) — процесс действия.

I saw him enter the house. — Я видел, как он вошел в дом.

I saw him entering the house. — Я видел, как он входил в дом.

2. С инфинитивом без частицы to после глаголов

to let: Don't let them play in the street.

to make: Don't make me laugh.

3. С инфинитивом с частицей to после глаголов

to want I want you to find me a place in the first row.

to expect I expect you to come in time.

to believe I believe her to be a very good teacher.

to know I know him to be a good student.

to advise I advise you to enter the institute.

to consider The climate in England is considered to be mild.

to order He is ordered not to be late.

to allow They allow to use dictionaries at the exam.

to like I would like you to finish your work,

to find I find your story to be very interesting.


Exercise 8.2. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form:

1. He made me (do) it all over again. 2. Her father made her (learn) the lessons. 3. If you want us (make) the work quickly you should let us (start) at once. 4. Would you like me (read) now? 5. They won't let us (leave) the classroom till our control work has been checked. 6. He wouldn't let the children (play) in his study. 7. Please let me (know) the results of your exam as soon as possible. 8. He made us (wait) for two hours. 9. I let him (go) early as he had done his task. 10. I'd like him (enter) the university but I can't make him (do) it. 11. I want her (learn) English. 12. I heard the door (open) and saw my friend (come) into the room. 13. I heard her (play) the piano. 14. I saw him (go out) of the house. 15. The teacher advised us (use) dictionaries. 16. Her father doesn't allow her (go) to the cinema alone. 17. We expect our basketball team (win) next game. 18. We don't want you (tell) anything. 19. I saw them (open) the window. 20. That is too difficult for you to do, let me (help) you.


Exercise 8.3. Translate into English:

1. Вы хотите, чтобы дети играли здесь? 2. Вы хотите, чтобы мы встретились сегодня? 3. Вы ожидаете, работа будет сделана скоро? 4. Мы ожидаем, что они хорошо проведут у нас время. 5. Я хочу, чтобы он закончил эту работу. 6. Мы слышали, что она знает, когда мы сдаем экзамен. 7. Вы хотите, чтобы мы обсудили этот вопрос сегодня? 8. Мы ожидаем, что на этом месте будет построен новый дом. 9. Вы хотели бы, чтобы работа была сделана сегодня?

§2. Причастие и герундий. Их отличие.

(Participle I)

Причастие I (причастие настоящего времени), образованное при помощи окончания -ing, имеет активную и страдательную формы:

активная (несовершенный вид) — asking,

активная (совершенный вид) — having asked.

страдательная (несовершенный) — being asked,

страдательная (совершенный) — having been asked.

Причастие I употребляется в функции:

1. Определения:

The man sitting at the table is our teacher. — Человек, сидящий за столом — наш учитель.

The houses being built in our town are not very high. — Дома, строящиеся в нашем городе, невысоки.

2. Обстоятельства:

Going home I met an old friend. — Идя домой, я встретил старого друга.

Having finished work I went home. — Закончив работу, я пошел домой.

Причастие II (Participle II)

Причастие II (причастие прошедшего времени) всегда пассивно. Образуется оно прибавлением суффикса -ed к основе правильного глагола или путем чередования звуков в корне неправильного глагола.

Причастие II употребляется в функции:

1. Определения.

The book translated from English is interesting. — Книга, переведенная с английского языка, интересная.

2. Обстоятельства (причины и времени):

Given the task he began to work. — Когда ему дали задание он начал работать.

Употребление герундия и его отличие от причастия I

Причастие — неличная форма глагола, промежуточная между глаголом и прилагательным:

The boy playing in the yard is my brother, — Мальчик, (какой?) играющий во дворе, — мой брат.

Герундий также является неличной формой глагола, промежуточной между существительным и глаголом:

Smoking is harmful. — Курение (что?) вредно.

Иными словами, причастие—в большей степени «прилагательное» по своим функциям, герундий — «существительное».

Герундий употребляется:

1. в качестве подлежащего:

Reading is useful.

2. как часть сказуемого после глаголов to finish, to start, to continue, to go on, to keep и др.

He started reading the book.

3. как предложное дополнение: I am fond of reading.

4. как прямое дополнение: Do you mind my reading here?

5. как обстоятельство времени: After reading he closed the book.

6. как обстоятельство образа действия: Instead of reading he went to the movies.

Активная форма герундия: giving, beating.

Пассивная форма герундия: being given, being beaten.


Exercise 8.4. Open the brackets using the gerund:

1. The grass in the garden is very dry, it needs (water). 2. It's very warm outside. You don't need (put on) yourcoat. 3. The house is old, and it wants (repair). 4. Famous people don't need (introduce) themselves. 5. The carpet is covered with dust, it needs (sweep). 6. The shoes are very dirty, they need (polish). 7. These shoes have a hole, they want (mend). 8. The table cloth is quite clean, it doesn't want (wash) yet. 9. The room needed (clean). 10. (learn) foreign languages is very useful. 12. I know my hair wants (cut) but I never have time to go to the hairdresser's. 13. John needed (cheer up) when he heard that he'd failed his exams. 14. You should tidy up the garden. — Yes, it needs (tidy). The roses want (water), the peaches want (pick), the grass wants (cut).




I. Звуки [au], [dr], [br], [gr], [tr], [fr], [qr].

II. Text A: «My future profession»,

Text B: «The Future of the engineering profession»

III.§1. Придаточные предложения условия и времени, действие которых отнесено к будущему.

§2. Сослагательное наклонение в условных предложениях.

Exercise A now — how — brown out — now — house louse — mouse — cows out — loud — without brain — brakes — brand brunch — branch — brave Brazil — breach — break breath — broth — breathe treasure — trainer — trench
draw — dribble — draft drag — drab — drank drain — dragon — drama drape — dreadful — drugs Dresden — dress — dry drill — drop — drink drive — drown — drum drift — drier — droopy brown — bread — brace track — trade — traffic troops — trend — trail translate — transmit — trance France — French — fruit fry — frame — free three — thread — throat threat — through — thrill thirty — throne — threaten


Hi, there! Here is Ann Sokolova again. I am afraid this will be my last meeting with you because I need to pack my suitcase. I am leaving for Sochi tonight. I have passed all the exams successfully and I'm free till the 1st of September.

As I have already told you, I was always good in mathematics and physics. My parents bought me a computer when I was in the 10th form. Since then I knew that I would become a specialist in computer technologies — a computer engineer.

Computer industry is developing so fast, that it comprises almost all spheres of professional life. No business now is possible without computers. This is especially true about automated manufacturing of products and robotics. Computer control of automated production opens new horizons for the cheap and quality production of goods. Information is now generated, transmitted, received, and stored electronically through computer networks on a scale unprecedented in history, and there is every indication that the explosive rate of growth in this field will continue.

Computer engineering is a general field. It deals with both electric and electronic industries.

Electronic engineering deals with the research, design, integration, and application of circuits and devices used in the transmission and processing of information.

Engineers in the field of electric and electronic engineering are concerned with all aspects of electrical communications, from fundamental questions such as «What is information?» to the highly practical, such as the design of telephone systems. In designing communication systems, engineers rely on various branches of advanced mathematics, such as Fourier analysis, linear systems theory, linear algebra, differential equations, and probability theory.

Engineers work on control systems which are used extensively in automated manufacturing and in robotics.

Major developments in the field of communications and control have been the replacement of analogue systems with digital systems; fibre optics are used now instead of copper cables. Digital systems offer far greater immunity to electrical noise. Fibre optics are likewise immune to interference; they also have great carrying capacity, and are extremely light and inexpensive to manufacture.

Computer engineering is now the most rapidly growing field. The electronics of computers is the design and manufacture of memory systems, of central processing units, and of peripheral devices. The most prospective industry now is the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) and new computer architectures. The field of computer science is closely related to computer engineering; however, the task of making computers more «intelligent» (artificial intelligence), through creation of sophisticated programs or development of higher level machine languages or other means, is generally regarded as the dream of computer science.

One current trend in computer engineering is microminiaturization. Engineers continue to work to fit greater and greater numbers of circuit elements onto smaller and smaller chips.

Another trend is towards increasing the speed of computer operations through the use of parallel processors and superconducting materials.

So, as you see, there are a lot of employment opportunities in my field. I don't worry about finding a job. The most important thing for me now is to study well and to graduate from the Academy.


to comprise — включать в себя

automated manufacturing of products — автоматизированное производство товаров

robotics — робототехника

horizons — горизонты

cheap — дешевый

to generate — генерировать, производить

to transmit — передавать

to store — хранить

scale — масштаб

unprecedented in history — не имеющий прецедентов в истории

indication — указание, свидетельство

explosive — взрывной

to deal with — иметь дело с, заниматься чем-либо

integration — интеграция

application — приложение, использование

circuits — электрические схемы, цепи

device — устройство

transmission — передача

processing — обработка

to rely — полагаться

Fourier analysis — анализ Фурье

linear systems theory — теория линейных систем

linear algebra — линейная алгебра

differential equations — дифференциальные уравнения

probability theory — теория вероятности

extensively — широко

replacement — замещение

fibre optics — оптоволоконные технологии

copper — медь

digital — цифровой

immunity — защищенность, невосприимчивость

carrying capacity — пропускная способность

light — легкий

rapidly growing — быстрорастущий

artificial intelligence — искусственный разум

sophisticated — сложный

superconducting — сверхпроводимость



a) mechanical engineer — инженер-механик

electric engineer — инженер-электрик

electronic engineer — инженер электроник

computer engineer — инженер-компьютерщик

military engineer — военный инженер

b) prestigious job (work) — престижная работа

well-paid job — высокооплачиваемая работа

employee — наемный рабочий

employer — наймодатель

businessman — предприниматель, бизнесмен

state-employed — государственный служащий

white-collar worker — «белый воротничок», работник умственного труда

blue-collar worker — «синий воротничок», работник физического труда

skilled worker — квалифицированный рабочий

unskilled worker — неквалифицированный рабочий

experienced worker — опытный работник

c) to be hired for a job — быть нанятым на выполне­ние работы

to look for a new job (work, position) — искать но­вую работу

to apply for a new job — претендовать на какую-либо должность

application for a position of — заявление на какую-либо должность

resume — резюме

C.V. (curriculum vitae) — автобиография

to be fired — быть уволенным

to retire — уходить на пенсию

to be unemployed — быть безработным


Exercise 9.1. Translate into English:

1. Родители купили мне компьютер, когда я училась(ся) в десятом классе.

2. Никакой современный бизнес не возможен без компьютерной техники.

3. Компьютерная индустрия — наиболее быстроразвивающеся производство.

4. Компьютерное управление автоматизированными производственными линиями открывает новые горизонты дешевого и качественного производства товаров.

5. Крупным достижением в сфере коммуникации является замена аналоговых систем на цифорвые.

6. В настоящее время оптоволоконные цифровые технологии обеспечивают более качественную и доступную связь, чем аналоговые системы.


Exercise 9.2. How do you see your future profession? Please answer the following questions:

1) What kind of work are you interested in?

a) well paid

b) interesting

c) in a large and famous company

d) quiet

e) in an industry which has a future

f) prestigious

g) not to sit the whole day in the office

h) to travel a lot

2) What position would you like to have?

a) to manage people — manager

b) to work for someone else — an employee

c) to be your own boss — self-employed, businessman

d) to be responsible for everything — top manager, director

e) to work for the state — state employee


Exercise 9.3. Please discuss with your group advantages and disadvantages of your future profession. Do you think that engineering profession is prestigios? Is it well-paid? How difficult is it to find a good work in this field?



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