Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? 

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Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) National governments impose titular languages upon the population.

(B) People are forced to speak the official language within the state borders.

(C) In multilingual states, local languages are limited by regional borders.

(D) Administrative borders coincide with linguistic boundaries.


Sample questions:

Read the following paragraph:

The linguistic tools available to individuals include not only different languages (like English or German) and different styles or genres (appropriate for different situations), but also different modes. Beyond the formal mode of a standardized language (these are generally languages supported by state institutions and formal education as national and/or as foreign languages, NL and FL), modes of communication include lingua franca (LF), code switching (CS) and lingua receptiva (LaRa).

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Languages supported by state institutions and formal education present a formal mode.

(B) Lingua franca (LF), code switching (CS) and lingua receptiva (LaRa) are available to individuals as speech styles.

Which of the following would be the right guess about ReLoC?

(A) German is a Regional Vehicular (ReLoC) when it is used as a language of communication by a Dutch, Czech, Pole or Hungarian or other L2-speakers of German in the Central European macro region.

(B) French is a Regional Vehicular or ReLoC in former Czechoslovakia or former Yugoslavia.


Sample purpose questions

· Why does the author propose a typology of ReLan?

· Why does the author refer to boundaries, borders, and borderlands?

Sample Answer Choices:

The author refers to.../ The author describes... / The author uses the phrase... / The phrase ___proves that... /The phrase ___is mentioned to illustrate that...

to indicate that

to strengthen the argument that

to provide an example of

to challenge the idea that

to contradict

to support the proposal to

to illustrate the effect of

to make it easy for the reader to understand how



Guidelines for extensive reading ESP texts

There are good reasons for using the extensive reading procedure much more than it has been used before. One could argue that students "learn to read by reading"' and that "comprehension will take care of itself". In other words, students with a certain level of ability in English can learn to read by extensive reading alone. Reading ability can improve as much with extensive reading as with skills training. At present, we cannot claim that extensive reading is sufficient for most ESP students to learn to read special English. Most likely, skills/strategies training is also necessary. However, current reading instruction centering on skills/strategies training also is not sufficient, because students do not spontaneously apply the skills presented in skill lessons: instruction and activities to encourage the development and automatic use of comprehension skills must be incorporated into daily learning routine.

The extensive reading procedure comprises just this kind of activity. In the ESP situation in particular, students do not have much opportunity to use English outside of class. Assignments of reading special texts will increase exposure to the target professional language greatly, probably much more than translation or skills assignments, which, in any case, involve much mental effort in the native language. In addition, extensive reading provides an excellent means of laying foundation for professional experience. With this procedure, teachers can expect that their students will come to skillfully read and enjoy ESP texts.


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