Task 4. Еach sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it. 

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Task 4. Еach sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it.

- The first group of custom is connected with eating.

- Americans usually introduce themselves by their last name only.

- American people pay attention to the meaning of presents.

- The matter is that there is so much dirty and dust in American streets.

- The custom of tipping came to America from France.

- In the USA there are a lot of traditions connecting with wedding. These traditions are very funny.

Task 5. Learn the following words and expressions:

1. majority большинство
2. living town провинция
3. widespread широко распространенный
4. suburb пригород
5. advantage преимущество
6. safer безопасный
7. intimate интимный
8. recreational развлекательный
9. nearby рядом
10. to relate относится
11. job opportunities предложения работы
12. pioneering spirit новаторский дух
13. desire желание
14. adventure приключение
15. to inspire вдохновлять
16. move переезд, движение, перемещение
17. apartment квартира
18. own) свой(я)
19. to rent арендовать, снимать
20. living quarter жилое помещение
21. high rise apartment высотная квартира
22. elegant изысканный
23. moderate средний, умеренный
24. income доход
25. wheel колесо
26. site место, участок
27. permanent постоянный
28. to remove удалять
29. to attach прикреплять, присоединять
30. conventional традиционный, обычный
31. to retire увольняться, уходить


Task 6. Read the text and try to understand it.

American Homes

The majority of Americans live in or near large cities, but small living-town is still widespread. A suburb (a small community near a big city) offers the advantages of safer, more intimate small-town life with the recreational and cultural activities of the big city nearby.

For the typical American family, home may be at a different place every five or six years. Most moves are related with new job opportunities, but sometimes the American pioneering spirit and desire for adventure inspire the move.

About two-thirds of Americans live in homes or apartments that they own.

But many people rent their living quarters. Some high-rise apartments are very expensive and elegant, but many are built for moderate or even law-income families. Many apartment buildings are condominiums* or cooperative apartments, which means that each family owns the unit it lives in.

More than 10 million Americans live in mobile homes, living quarters built on wheels. They can be moved, but generally it becomes more or less permanent. The wheels are removed and the home is attached to the ground. Because they cost less than conventional homes, mobile homes are especially popular with young couples and retired couples with limited incomes.


* Condominium – кондоми́ниум (лат. con — вместе и dominium — владение) — совместное владение, обладание единым объектом, чаще всего домом, но также и другим недвижимым имуществом. Понятие «кондоминиум» получило большое распространение в ряде государств, в частности в США.


Task 7. Find the answers to these questions in the text:

1. Where do the majority of Americans live?

2. What is a "suburb"?

3. Do many people rent their living quarters?

4. Why do Americans change their place of living so often?

5. What can you tell about mobile homes?

6. Why are mobile houses so popular with young couples?

Task 8. Enjoy some bits of humor and offer your comment.


v Teacher: Class, when did the Great Depression start?

Student: Last week when I got my report card.

v Teacher: Class, where the Declaration of Independence signed?

Student: At the bottom.


Task 9. Prepare a report about the life of ordinary people in the USA.



Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text. Make the vocabulary of unknown words.

Task 2. Make a short annotation to the text.


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