Task 4. On the basis of the information you have read in the text, say if the following sentences are true or false. If false, correct the information. 

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Task 4. On the basis of the information you have read in the text, say if the following sentences are true or false. If false, correct the information.

1. About 35% of Britain’s land is arable, and almost half is suitable for meadows and pastures.

2. Great Britain is one of the world’s leading industrialized nations.

3. It has achieved this position despite the lack of most row materials needed for industry.

4. It must also export 40% of its food supplies.

5. England and Northern Ireland have been hard hit by the changing economy.

6. The main industrial and commercial areas are the small conurbations, where about one third of the country’s population lives.

7. The country’s chief imports are manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals, food and beverages and tobacco.

8. Great Britain’s trade focus has shifted from the United States to the European Union, which now accounts for over 50% of its trade.


Task 5. Learn the following words and expressions:

1. health care здравоохранение
2. to reflect отображать
3. to increase увеличивать
4. longevity долголетие
5. virtually фактически, в сущности
6. to disappear исчезать
7. The National Health Service Национальная служба здравоохранения
8. to provide обеспечивать
9. comprehensive medical services комплексные медицинские услуги
10. resident житель
11. independent независимый
12. contractor работник по контракту
13. social service социальная служба
14. Social service department Отдел социального обслуживания
15. local authority местная власть
16. directed toward направлены к (на)
17. low income низкий уровень дохода, малообеспеченный
18. unemployed безработный
19. disabled инвалид
20. elderly пожилой, престарелый
21. advice консультация, совет
22. insurance страхование
23. retirement вышедший на пенсию, в отставку
24. widow вдова
25. maternity benefit пособие по материнству
26. guardian опекун
27. allowance довольствие, пособие
28. job related injury производственная травма
29. death смерть

Task 6. Read and translate the text.

Health and Welfare in Great Britain

Improvements in health care are reflected by the increase in longevity for people in England. Life expectancy increased from 68 years to 71.8 years for males, and from 73.9 years to 77.7 years for females.

Heart diseases and cancer are the major causes of death among men aged 50 and over and, in recent years, among women aged 40 and over. But infectious diseases such as poliomyelitis and tuberculosis have virtually disappeared.

The National Health Service provides comprehensive medical services for every resident of England.

Doctors, dentists, opticians, and pharmacists work within the service as independent contractors.

Social services are provided through local authority social service departments.

The services are directed toward children and young people, low-income families, the unemployed, the disabled, the mentally ill, and the elderly.

Several religious organizations provide help and advice as well.

The National Insurance Scheme insures individuals against loss of income due to unemployment, maternity, and long-term illnesses.

It provides retirement pensions, widows' and maternity benefits, child and guardian allowances, and benefits for job-related injuries or death.

The National Health Service

Good points of the NHS

1) Medical care costs very little to the individual and there is no question that the public is satisfied.

2) The previously full time physicians in the hospitals receive a better income than before and are given the importance they deserve. Many of them are happy about the change.

3) The out-patient departments are given greater importance and better organization.

4) The most competent section of the medical profession, professors, consultants, and top research workers are given more importance than formerly in the advisory committees, in the organization and the development of the service.

5) It appears that that the British doctors have a reasonable income and are much happier in comparison with the rest of English society.

Weak points of the NHS

1) One of the most important failures of the NHS lies in its artificial administrative division into the three branches of the hospital services, general medical services, and public health, without any integration at any level. There is very little relationship between the consultant in the hospitals, the general practitioner and the public health officer. This often leads to misunderstanding and mutual ignorance.

2) Because of the number of certificates required and the impersonal character of hospital care, professional secrecy and discretion are in many instances things of the past.

3) Surgeons are paid by operating sessions and receive the same payment whether they do one appendectomy per operating session or four gastrectomies.

4) In the care of the aged, tuberculous patients, the chronically sick, the infirm and the patients with infected tonsils the situation is so bad that there is a waiting period of non-urgent cases of 6 months to 2 years before admission to the hospital and during that time the patient becomes a burden on the general practitioner.



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