E) Supply the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations. 

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E) Supply the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

to book a holiday recreative/ action holiday

package holiday to get away from it all

to be a big success to be a let-down

to undertake a journey to be on the move

to take a vacation trip drifter


F) Supply the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

позволить себе отпуск проводить отпуск дома

быть полной катастрофой уехать в отпуск

медовый месяц уехать за границу

снарядить экспедицию вернуться из путешествия


G) Fill in the missing prepositions.

to set … … holidays to go … a hitch

to be fed … … sth to wander … sth

to bum … sth to swan … sth

to work … one’s vacation to be … holidays


H) Sort out the adjectives according to their meanings.

nightmarish, marvellous, horrible, uneventful, terrific, appalling, so so, incredible, atrocious, nothing special, amazing, horrendous, horrific

Positive adjectives Negative adjectives Neutral adjectives


I) Fill in the table.

Surface Type of travelling Means of transport
by land    
by air    
by sea    


i) Study the tables and find the information to answer the following questions:

  1. How are some short periods of time called when people can have a rest?
  2. What types of travelling are known to you?
  3. How can people who are on holidays/ who travel be called?
  4. What do people decide on in order to seek breathtaking adventures?
  5. Which means of transport do people use when travel?


K) Sum up all the words and expressions from the tables express your attitude towards travelling. Don’t forget to describe your last holidays as well. Use the following scheme for your answer.

To begin with I should say that I’m (not) an experienced traveller because …

I am for/ against travelling because …

People involved in the sphere of travelling are also called differently. They are … and I can call myself a/ an … because …

It’s essential to remember that among such types of travelling as … I usually choose … because …

On the one hand, travelling may go without a hitch and be … if one …

On the other hand, travelling may turn a complete disaster and be … if one …

As to my last trip, it was …

I travelled by …

It was … because …

Probably in the future I plan...






Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

- Mark Twain

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. They have different associations connected with travelling.

Exercise 1. Read the poem about travelling. Say what things the author associates with travelling. Does he like to travel?


What is travelling for me?

It is the shining sun, the sea;

The golden sand which looks like beads;

The blue-eyed sky and tender breeze.

What do I see when I close my eyes?

A milk-white ship with two red stripes;

The limpid clouds at the dawn

And sun that rises all alone …

And when the twilight falls from height,

The night appears from haven’s gate.

I see the moon in magic light

And stars that sparkle at the night.

That’s what I’m looking for in dreams,

And they are my inspiring beams,

I want to see it, to behold

And travel all over the world.

Exercise 2. Study the table and enumerate the reasons that make people travel. Transcribe and provide the definitions for the unknown words from the table.


1. I believe travelling is … They say travelling is … 2. People usually make or go on a … because they want to …
· exciting · thrilling · fascinating · enjoyable · useful · refreshing · invigorating · stimulating · dangerous · troublesome · full of hardships · expensive/ costly · the best way to spend a vacation · trip · voyage · cruise · coach tour · walking/ hiking · cycling · journey · crossing · drive · ride · flight · trek · expedition · outing · excursion · see and experience sth unusual · learn new things · see the world · explore far-away places · get to know their country better · know how other people live, their customs, habits · visit their friends, relatives · enjoy beautiful scenery · get away from usual routine, civilization · broaden their outlook · improve their minds · get closer to nature · get life experience/ fresh ideas/ new vigour impressions
3. There may be different reasons for travelling, but many people travel … or they want … 4. But one shouldn’t forget that while travelling one may …
· for recreation · for pleasure · for change of scene · from curiosity · in search of novelty/ adventures · from necessity · on business · in search of health · out of snobbery · to feel superior to others · to boast on their travel · to brag on their trip · to show off · to put on airs · to give oneself airs · to have sth to talk about · to spend money · meet with an accident · get killed in an air-crash · get shipwrecked · get lost · get travel-sick/ air-sick/ sea-sick/ car-sick · have problems with a companion/ fellow traveller · meet with the difficulties to book a ticket/ flight/ tour or to get a seat/ cabin/ visa

Exercise 3. Read the opinions of teenagers about the reasons for travelling. Agree or disagree with them.

1. Joan is speaking:

Certain people travel for different reasons. The way I like to travel is to really get to know the people and culture of the place I go to. I want to familiarize myself with the language and customs, to understand the ways in which other people think. For me it is a wonderful opportunity to experience a different way of life and to make friends. I travel to see new lands, peoples, new cultures, for I think, people sometimes feel trapped in their own world and community. It is very important to get the feeling for the differences in the world and the large size of our Earth. It is the only way to understand our world as a whole. For me travelling gives a good chance to see the things up close instead of on TV, to taste new foods and traditions other places have, I travel to learn, to explore, to see new and exciting things, I travel because I am interested in places other than California and the US, and I like seeing how other people live and trying out their cultures. While travelling I can experience another culture, and perhaps to appreciate ours more. I also prefer to travel to gain an understanding of different unknown things.

I usually travel alone in order not to bother my old friends with my new acquaintances. You never know whom you are going to meet. People’s characters differ from country to country. It is great to travel on your own, without anybody who is connected with your present life so that to have a change and to get rested from your usual routine. Don't you think so?


2. Mark is speaking:

I travel to visit friends and relatives, to have fun and spend time with my family. And the best way to do it is to travel with my parents because, they are more experienced, and sometimes more tolerant to other cultures. I also like to travel to have a break in my routines. I usually travel to lose my mind in other things, so that when I return to my daily life everything seems new and different from when I left. I completely agree that people travel so that they can get rested from work, escape problems, relax and get away from responsibility. Besides, I believe travel is fun and also a learning experience that I can share with my fellow-traveller. Travelling with a friend or my relatives gives me a better opportunity to enjoy it. I love to travel for all these reasons with my buddies. And what about you?


3. Steve is speaking:

People travel for a lot of reasons. Some do it for the status it involves. As far as I am an interpreter I mostly travel on business with my colleagues. But sometimes I just go sightseeing with somebody who knows a lot about the place they travel to and can tell me about it. People travel for enjoyment and learning. I like both to visit tourist attractions, enjoy the beauty of the world and at the same time to learn the differences, gel a better idea of other climates and geographies. I am sure that travelling abroad gives a wider view of the world and cultures. It gives me a chance to live out my dreams. Besides, it promotes cultural understanding and gives me a different perspective on my own life. Don't you agree with me?


4. Christine is speaking:

Some people call me a "couch potato", because I don't like to go out. I prefer to watch TV or video in the comfort of my home. I don't like to travel. Why should I? Travelling is always so troublesome. You have to think about booking tickets, getting visas, packing all necessary things and plan everything in advance — it's such a routine. More than that, it is dangerous nowadays. I've heard a lot about air and car-crashes, wrecked ships and a lot of people killed or drowned. Why should I run risks? I don't see any sense in it. We only live once. They say travelling is a wonderful way to learn about different countries and cultures, to see the beauty of the world. As for me I can perfectly do it at home. There are many interesting educational programs on TV and a lot of books and catalogues. There you can find information about different countries, their history, their customs and traditions. All you need is to switch on TV or to open a book. It is more enjoyable and less costly. You don’t have to spend your money on expensive tours or cruises. What's more you never know whom you are going to meet while travelling. You are to deal with a lot of strangers and I don't like it very much. So, travelling isn't for me.



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