British system of teacher training 

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British system of teacher training

- Hello, Martin. Have you got a minute?

- Sure, yes. What can I do for you?

- I’ve read a number of books about the British system of teacher training education but I can’t make a head of it.

- Mm … no wonder. What’s the problem?

- A lot of problems. Please, tell me about the difference between a university and a college where the future teachers study.

- It’s like this … The programme is different. At a university it is much wider. Great attention is paid to scientific subjects.

- It sounds as though most people prefer a university.

- Well … It rather depends.

- Speaking about universities. I’m not quite clear about tutorials there. What is a tutorial exactly?

- It is when students discuss topics with a tutor in very small groups – usually there are not more than three or four students and sometimes only one.

- I see. And coming back to colleges … I’m not still sure what a residential college is.

- It’s a college with a hall of residence on the same ground as the principle building. In fact, all the students live in the hall.

- And did you study at university?

- Yes …

- What was it like?

- Well, a big grey building surrounded by trees. There were lecture halls, classrooms and a number of laboratories.

- Any facilities for sport?

- Yes. A gymnasium with changing rooms and showers, a tennis court … What else … A playing field for netball and football …

- I believe students spend a lot of time together, don’t they?

- Definitely. We had students’ societies and clubs. Usually at universities there is a Students’ Council or Union.

- Well, Martin. Thank you very much. You’ve been most helpful.


Vocabulary exercises:

I. Pronounce correctly:

Qualification, certification, responsibility, noble, ability, quality, appearance, ignorance, to require, ignorant, to develop, to demand, to represent, to surround.

II. Translate into Russian:

Teacher training, initial teaching qualification, teaching internship, to be responsible for smth., to be familiar with smth., to make the grade, to give up smth., to meet one’s needs, to take pains with, to be at a loss, scientific facts, tutorials, social status, entirely, facilities, to complete courses, to consist of smth., to depend on smth., a council, a gymnasium, to acquire knowledge.

III. What is the English for?

Благородный, дружелюбный, живой, инертный, жертвующий собственными интересами, начитанный, знающий, слабоумный, заурядный, пустой, самокритичный, твердый, настойчивый, волевой, решительный, неуверенный, слабовольный, внимательный, гибкий, подготовка учителей, будущий учитель, предлагать, ответственность, факультет, включать, быть ответственным за что-л.

IV. What would you say of a person:

1. Who makes friends easily?

2. Who is easy to get along with?

3. Who pays a lot of attention to others?

4. Who is lazy all the time?

5. Who takes everything he wants?

6. Who knows little and doesn’t like reading?

7. Who always achieves his aim?

8. Who finds the way out of various difficult problems?

9. Who is simple without a fire in the soul?

V. Insert the necessary words or word combinations:

1. Who … the scheme of the building?

2. Our sportsmen were … with medals for taking the first places in the competitions.

3. Ann … classical music to popular one.

4. After finishing secondary school children … the Certificate of Secondary Education.

5. This year is important for me: I am defending my … work in Mathematics.

6. This book is one of the most … works I have ever read.

7. Nice green trees … our university building.

8. My research work … of theoretical part and practical experience.

9. What … have you got for learning foreign languages?

10. I have … computer courses and now I can work with any computer programme.

11. My examination results … on my being hard-working.

12. He … a lot of time on planning his first lesson.

13. What is your …: to enter the college or the university?

VI. Complete the sentences using the following words and word combinations: behavior, drop in, behaves, dropped behind, resents, requires, traits of character, troublemaker, appearance:

1. Where have you been? What is the matter with your …? Your face is all black and the clothes are dirty.

2. This question … our great attention.

3. Yesterday it was the day off and we decided to … to our friends.

4. You need to consult the psychologist. Your son’s … troubles me a lot.

5. Ann missed several lessons, that is why she … … the group.

6. My students are excellent ones. But one of them is a real …. He always plays tricks on the others and … in a bad way.

7. I appreciate people who are sociable and kind-hearted. These … … … are important for me.

8. My students are excellent ones. But one of them is a real ….

9. The director … our requirements to raise the salary.

10. I appreciate people who are sociable and kind-hearted. These … … … are important for me.

VII. Translate into English:

1. Ваш научный подход в данной работе помог вам правильно раскрыть тему.

2. В стенах нашего университета вы обретете глубокие знания и умения в области педагогики.

3. Этот кабинет предназначен для фонетических упражнений.

4. Вы уже окончили музыкальные курсы?

5. Мне подарили книгу по психологии в награду за мое участие в психолого-педагогической конференции.

6. Я не сомневаюсь в твоих знаниях, но тебе необходимо пройти тест.

7. Наша школа имеет все благоприятные условия для обучения и воспитания детей.

8. Он предпочитает семинары лекциям.

9. Наши маленькие ученики окружены заботой и вниманием.

10. Я потратила несколько дней на покупку необходимой литературы.

11. Твой выбор удивил нас.

12. Эта дидактическая игра состоит из двух заданий

VIII. What is the English for:

1. По-видимому, у него трудности с английским языком.

2. Меня беспокоят его слова.

3. Из-за болезни Ник отстал от своих сверстников и теперь прилагает большие усилия, чтобы наверстать упущенное.

4. Ее друзья дали ей возможность исправиться.

5. Почему ты всегда отвергаешь мои предложения? Мне кажется, что их стоит рассмотреть.

6. Не стесняйтесь. Заходите. Мы как раз сели пить чай.

7. Его внешний вид удивил меня.

8. Профессия учителя требует много сил и терпения.

9. Какие черты характера вам не нравятся?

10. Куда исчез ваш друг? Я не видела его целую вечность.

11. У меня совсем другое мнение по этому вопросу.

12. Профессия учителя всегда стимулирует интерес ко всему новому, вовлекает в мир познания.

13. Ученики послушались учителя и заняли свои места.

IX. Answer the questions:

1. They say that not every man can become a teacher, can’t he?

2. What does teaching offer?

3. What groups of qualities must a perfect teacher possess?

4. What can you say about the qualities of teacher’s mind?

5. In what way do you understand the statement: “Teacher’s job requires a lot of volitional qualities”?

6. Why is it so important for the teacher to be sociable and communicable?

7. What are the innate qualities of a teacher?

8. Do you agree with the statement that teaching is a rewarding profession?

9. Do you agree with the idea: “A good teacher is able to govern the state”?

10. How does the British Government encourage teachers?

11. What course do all the teachers in England and Wales complete?

12. Who provides initial teacher training courses?

13. What status do the students obtain after completing ITT?

14. What role do schools and Local Education Authorities play in providing these courses?

X. Fill in the blanks of the following text with suitable words and word combinations: Americans, studying, multicultural, contributions, minority, prefer, diverse, sources, learn, education, teachers, unprepared, groups, history:

Multicultural education is the study of various cultural …. Some educators view this “study” as having their students … about the music, dance and food of the various cultural groups. Others see multicultural education as studying the … of various culturally diverse groups. The more informed see multicultural education as studying the history of all the countries of the world because all history is …. What multicultural … must become is “total inclusion education”.

Yet we cannot look at minority groups without … the people whose actions influenced their history. In addition, in order to be able to teach multicultural history, most of the … must be re-educated. It is difficult for … because for centuries their culture has supported this belief in order to justify their cruel and inhumane treatment of non-European groups. Rather than multicultural education, they … culturocentric education, which involves the history of all groups, whether negative or positive. It moves away from just studying the … of minority groups.

Most American teachers are totally … in this area. … groups are often studied about on one special day, one week or one month. However, that is the direction to go in the culturally … society. In order to teach culturocentric history, teachers need a variety of history books and the willingness to examine original ….

XI. Insert necessary prepositions:

1. My friend was involved … this amusing performance.

2. The Browns were said to be innocent … that crime.

3. His words moved us … anger.

4. Kate didn’t find a great difference … those two papers.

5. I think I’ve already run … this article in some newspaper.

6. After a long departure they gazed … the eyes of each other without saying a word.

7. The rivers run … the seas.

8. The house is surrounded … a lot … lakes.

9. We acquired … necessary skills and abilities while studying at our university department.

10. He prefers Literature … English.

11. Our university has got many facilities … writing a scientific work.

12. My parents challenged … my truth.

13. The children were rewarded … many parents … showing excellent results in German.

14. My decision depends … your choice.

15. A new English Oxford dictionary was presented to me … reward … getting an excellent mark at the English conference.

16. School-based experience consists … two types: active and passive.

17. How much time do you spend … reading?

XII. Read the following text and find it out if the statements are true or false. If they are false, give the correct answer:


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