The system of secondary education in the USA 

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The system of secondary education in the USA


The American system of education differs from the systems of other countries. There are free, state-supported, public schools, which the majority of American children attend. There are also private elementary and secondary schools where a fee is charged. Now public and private school distinctions are largely based on religious influences. Most public schools are co-educational (mixed), that is boys and girls study together, but a lot of the church-supported schools are for boys or girls only.

Compulsory education in the USA varies, according to the state, between 5 and 7 years of age, 6 being the most common; the age of exit varies between 16 and 18 years of age, the most common being 16. Secondary education in the USA is in grades 7–12.

Elementary (primary) and secondary (high) schools are organized on one of two bases: eight years of elementary school and four years of secondary school, or six years of elementary, three years of junior high school and three years of senior high school.

Elementary school children in the USA learn much the same subjects as do children of the same age in other countries. The program of studies includes English (reading, writing, spelling, grammar, composition), Arithmetic, Geography, History of the USA and elementary Natural Science. Physical Training, Music and Drawing are also taught. Some schools teach a modern language, such as French, Spanish or German.

The junior high school is a sort of halfway between elementary and secondary school. It continues some elementary school subjects, but it also introduces courses in Mathematics and Science, and usually gives students their first chance to study a foreign language. It usually comprises grades seven, eight and nine.

The high school prepares young people either for work immediately after graduation or for more advanced study in a college or university. The subjects studied in elementary school are studied in greater detail and in a more advanced form in high school. In addition a student can specialize in Home Economics, Chemistry and Physics, Music, Humanities etc.

All states and districts have set the secondary school graduation level as the completion of the 12th grade, and the common name for the secondary graduation qualification is the High School Diploma. In the USA there is the shortest school year in the world, an average of 180 days.



Charter schools are public schools that are independent of any local school district. National surveys of charter schools have found high levels of satisfaction among parents, pupils and teachers associated with them. Charter schools were especially well received by poor and minority families.

Charter schools are a movement toward school reform that focuses on improving education, pupil autonomy and choice. A charter school may be a separate school with separate funding, or it can be a school within a school. Typically, most new charter schools around the country are small.

The quality is measured by test scores. If the quality is good, the schools enjoy success. If it is not good, they’ll fail and lose their financing – this is a powerful motive to offer a high-quality program. Charter schools are usually formed by a group of teachers, parents, and/or community leaders who want to make contributions to educational reform.

Anyone can write a charter, but they must have the signatures of 50% of teachers at a school or a minimum of 10% of the teachers in the school district that will receive the charter submission. The timeline for approval of a charter is from 30 to 60 days.


Vocabulary exercises:

I. Read the given words in a correct way:

Approval, elementary, state, movement, to separate, timeline, submission, grade, signature, quality, separate, to improve, poor, to receive, charter, contribution, to change, to measure, challenge, children, co-educational, satisfaction, a diploma.

II. Translate into Russian:

To improve the quality of education, the timeline for approval, a grade, to receive a diploma, different movements, a separate choice, a public school, a private school, graduation, an elementary (primary) school, the approval of the charter, the submission of the document, to attend a charter school, to measure by scores.

III. Give the English equivalents:

Обязательное образование, (бесплатная) средняя школа в США, неполная средняя школа (7, 8, 9 классы), старшие классы средней школы (10, 11, 12 классы), диплом о получении среднего образования, вносить вклад, обзор, финансируемый государством.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary word or word combination: high school diploma, education, public schools, levels, immigrants, pupils, children:


Today New York City population includes more than 1.3 million school-age …. About 80% of them attend the city’s 1,100 …. In the early part of the twentieth century the city schools helped prepare … for American life, training most for jobs in commerce and industry and a favored few for higher ….

Today pupil expectations are far higher and, indeed, the economy requires higher … of education. College has become a necessity for most …, not just for the talented elite. A … has become a minimum requirement for today’s youth.

(From City Schools by D. Ravich, J. Viteritti)

V. Make up 5 English sentences using new words and word combinations.

VI. Translate the following Russian sentences into English:

1. Американские дети идут в школу в 5, 6 или 7 лет в зависимости от штата.

2. Обязательное образование в США длится 10 лет.

3. Система среднего образования в Соединенных Штатах отличается от систем образования других стран.

4. Чартерные школы вносят значительный склад в образовательную реформу страны.

5. Чартерные школы не зависят от местности, в которой расположены, поддерживаются правительством и управляются родителями, компаниями и т.д., а не системой общеобразовательных школ.

6. Американские школьники посещают среднюю школу с 7 по 12 классы.

7. Только дети богатых людей учатся в частных школах.

8. Каково личное отношение их родителей к этому вопросу?

9. Учебный год в США длится в среднем 180 дней.

10. Некоторые молодые люди начинают работать сразу после окончания средней школы.

VII. Define if the statements given below are true or false. If it is false, give the correct answer:

1. The American system of education differs from the systems of other countries.

2. Compulsory education in the USA varies between 5 and 7 years of age, 5 being the most common.

3. American secondary education is in grades 7-11.

4. All states and districts have set the secondary school graduation level as the completion of the 10th grade.

5. Now public and private school distinctions are largely based on religious influences.

VIII. Answer the questions:

1. What are public and private school distinctions?

2. Are private schools popular now?

3. The conditions of teaching in private schools are the same as in public schools, aren’t they?

4. What subjects does the programme of studies for elementary school children in the USA include?

5. How long does the school year in the USA last?

6. Are charter schools private or public?

7. Children from rich families go to charter schools, don’t they?

8. How is the quality of charter schools measured?

9. Why are charter schools formed?

10. Who can write a charter?

IX. Read the following dialogue in parts and translate it into Russian paying attention to the new words and expressions:

Student A: Would you tell us about American graded schools?

Teacher: The assigning of children to different levels is called graded arrangement. The movement of pupils from grade to grade according to age is called the vertical organizational plan.

Student B: Oh, that’s very interesting. And what is the difference between the graded and nongraded school?

Teacher: The major aim of the nongraded organizational pattern is continuous process. This system allows pupils to progress through the curriculum at their own pace.

Student A: And what about grades?

Teacher: Forget about them. In the nongraded system progress is reported in terms of tasks completed and the manner of learning not by grades or rating systems. And the continuous progress is reflected in pupils’ growth of knowledge.

Student B: And I have heard about self-contained classrooms and departmentalization. Is there any difference between them?

Teacher: Of course, there is. In the self-contained classroom pupils spend the day primarily with one teacher learning English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. In the school with departmentalization the teacher is a specialist in one or two curriculum areas.

Students: Thank you very much. You’ve been very helpful.

X. Make up and act out a suitable dialogue using the topical vocabulary:

1. Public education should be free. Any person should receive a good education at public expense.

2. Schooling should be equal and open. No one should be discriminated against because of race, religious or financial status.

3. Education is compulsory. Parents cannot decide to keep their children out of school.

XI. Make up reports/computer presentations in groups choosing one of the following topics (don’t forget about a practical task after your story/submission of a presentation) (See Appendix 1):

1. American primary education.

2. Secondary education in the USA.

3. The National Curriculum.

4. Public and private schools in America.

5. The differences between primary and secondary education in the USA, the UK and Russia.




It is known the basic types of higher educational establishments in Russia are:

1) universities with the departments of history, philology, philosophy, law, economics, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography, foreign languages, oriental studies and journalism;

2) teachers’ training colleges, technical colleges, agricultural colleges, medical colleges, schools of fine arts.

At all the institutions there are full-time, part-time and correspondence departments. Every territory and region has its universities or colleges and specialized schools. Persons who have completed a secondary or specialized secondary education are eligible for the day departments of university-level schools.

There is practically no age limit for the students entering the evening departments or for those who study by correspondence. All applicants must take entrance examinations in their major subjects. Entrance examinations are compulsory at every higher educational establishment. Those who get the greatest number of points during entrance exams are enrolled in the institute. It is known as entry competition. Higher educational establishments maintain close ties with secondary schools and offer help to the senior pupils in choosing their future professions.

There are regular lecture courses for senior pupils offered by main universities and many colleges. On Visitors’ Day all the laboratories, study rooms and libraries are open to the future students. The curricular of all university-level educational establishments consist of three major divisions of subjects: socio-economic, educational and various major subjects. After graduating all the students receive diplomas qualifying them as specialists in a given field.


Vocabulary exercises:

I. Read the words paying special attention to the pronunciation of new words and expressions:

General, courses, to continue, technical, opportunity, extramural, academic, vocational, to receive, scholastic, phrase, secondary, guaranteed, scholarship, knowledge, specialist, scholar, degree, primary, schematic, college, job, to continue, school, scheme.

II. Pronounce correctly and give the Russian equivalents of the following word combinations and expressions:

The right to education, to be guaranteed by the Constitution, not only a right but a duty too, to study academic subjects, to go to a vocational school, to attend a technical school, to give general knowledge, to have the necessity to study, to train specialists, different fields of science, education is free, well-trained, an opportunity, a profession, to get a scholarship.

III. Translate into English:

Право на образование, получить среднее образование, продолжить образование, подготовить специалиста, поступить в университет, одновременно работая, аспирантура, присвоить степень кандидата, получать стипендию.

IV. Make up 5 sentences using the following word combinations and expressions:

To get a scholarship, the young generation, graduate courses, a secondary education, private schools, academic subjects, an extramural department, without leaving a job, to get practical experience, a profound knowledge, to enter the university, education is free, to get knowledge, to train specialists, a secondary school, to receive a profession, to go on excursions.

V. Translate into English:

1. Право на образование в России гарантируется конституцией.

2. В средней школе ученики изучают общеобразовательные предметы.

3. После окончания 9 класса средней школы молодые люди могут пойти в техникум, где они изучают общеобразовательные предметы и получают специальное образование.

4. Молодые люди могут продолжить образование в 10 и 11 классе или колледже и получить углубленные знания по одному или нескольким предметам.

5. Молодые люди, поступившие в университет, учатся 4 или 5 лет.

6. Студенты вечернего и заочного отделений могут получить образование, одновременно работая.

7. Начальное и среднее образование бесплатно в большинстве школ.

VI. Complete the sentences:

1. All people in Russia have ….

2. After finishing the 9th form of a secondary school ….

3. Universities train ….

4. Graduate courses give ….

5. Young people can start ….

VII. Answer the questions using the Vocabulary Notes:

1. What does the phrase “the right to education” mean?

2. Why is education a duty too?

3. What subjects do pupils study at school?

4. What can young people do after finishing the 9th form?

5. What subjects do young people study at technical schools and at colleges?

6. What can pupils do after finishing the 11th form?

7. What are the basic types of higher educational establishments in Russia?

8. What departments are there at universities and colleges?

9. Who is eligible for the day departments of university-level schools?

10. What do the curricula of university-level educational establishments consist of?

11. How do higher educational establishments maintain close ties with secondary schools? What is a Visitors’ Day?

12. Do children and young people have to pay for education in Russia?

VIII. Summarize what you know about the system of higher education and speak about it according to the following plan (See Appendix 1):

1. the system of organizing higher education;

2. types of higher educational establishments;

3. the most famous institutions of higher education;

4. the way of entering them;

5. the degrees of graduation;

6. student’s life;

7. training teachers.

IX. Draw a scheme of the system of higher education in Russia. Comment upon it.

X. Speak about your university using (See Appendix 1):

a) the plan:

1. Entrance examinations;

2. Subjects studied;

3. The system of training;

4. Students’ life.

b) or the following questions:

1. Why have you decided to enter our University?

2. What is your future speciality?

3. How long does the University course last at the Institute?

4. Do you have many credit-tests and exams during your examination session?

5. How many classes a day do you have?

6. What lectures and seminars do you have today according to the timetable?

7. Do you live at home or in the hostel? Do you like your hostel?



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