The Time Table of the Fifth-form Pupils of St. Mary’s Comprehensive School 

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The Time Table of the Fifth-form Pupils of St. Mary’s Comprehensive School

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.30–8.40 Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration
8.40–9.00 Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly
9.00–9.45 French Technology SE Art RE
9.45–10.30 French Science Maths Art IT
10.30–11.15 Science Science Maths French Science
11.15–11.30 Break Break Break Break Break
11.30–12.15 Maths History English Literature Science Technology
12.15–13.00 Maths History English Literature Science Technology
13.00–14.00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14.00–14.45 English Art PE History English
14.45–15.30 English Art PE English English

1. What time does school start and finish?

2. How much time do they spend for studying Maths and Science?

3. How many foreign languages do pupils study?

4. Compare this time table with the school time table in Russia.

XVI. Speak on the topics (See Appendix 1):

1. Preschool education.

2. English primary schools.

3. Secondary education in England and Russia.

4. The 11 plus examination.

5. Comprehensive schools – a new type of schools in Great Britain.

6. Fee-paying private schools.

7. Optional classes.

8. Out-of-class activities.

9. Teachers should make their lessons more interesting for pupils.

10. Children need as much help in their work as possible.

11. Public and private schools in the USA.

12. American primary education.

13. Secondary education in the USA.

14. The difference between primary and secondary education in America and Russia.

XVII. Round table (See Appendix 1):

Imagine that some of you are Englishmen who know very little about schools in Russia. The others are teachers from Russia who are interested in the system of education in Britain. They meet and compare the two systems. Find their merits and disadvantages. Agree or disagree with your partner’s statements. Use the topical Vocabulary and phrases given in appendix 1.

XVIII. Speak about the Russian system of education and the most important changes it has recently undergone (See Appendix 1).

XIX. Tell your group mates about the school you have finished (See Appendix 1).

XX. Read, translate into Russian and be ready to act out the dialogues:

1. Harry: How was the examination, Dick?

Dick: Not too bad. I think I passed in English and Mathematics. The questions were very easy. How about you, Harry?

Harry: The English and Maths papers weren’t easy for me. I hope I haven’t failed.

Dick: I think I failed the multiple-choice test. I could answer sixteen of the questions. They were very easy. But I couldn’t answer the rest. They were too difficult for me.

Harry: Tests are awful, aren’t they?

Dick: I hate them.

Harry: Oh, cheer up! Perhaps we didn’t do so badly. The fellow next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.

Dick: Yes?

Harry: Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didn’t write a word.

2. Kate: Hello, Helen!

Helen: Hi, Kate! Where are you hurrying?

Kate: To school. You know, we are meeting to go to the University today.

Helen: Why, what are you going to do there?

Kate: You see, I am a member of our optional class in Biology. Our professor wants to show us his lab.

Helen: It’s very interesting, and what kind of work do you do there?

Kate: Generally, we take a deep study of certain topics and problems we are interested in. Sometimes we carry out experiments.

Helen: Oh, it’s a serious work, isn’t it? So, I see you have definitely made up your mind to take up biology as a career, haven’t you?

Kate: I believe so. It really attracts me.

3. Dan: What form are you in now, Nelly?

Nelly: I am in the 11th form. This year I am leaving school. I am going to enter the University.

Dan: Then good luck to you. As for me, I am already a first-year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Teacher Training Institute.

Nelly: Glad for you. I wish you success in your studies.

XXI. Develop each statement into a situation (it can be a monologue or a dialogue) (See Appendix 1):

1. Public education should be free. Any person should receive a good education at public expense.

2. Schooling should be equal and open. No one should be discriminated against because of race, religious or financial status.

3. Education is compulsory. Parents cannot decide to keep their children out of school.

4. How does the educational system work in Great Britain and in our country? Where do you find similarities? What are the differences?

XXII. Write a personal letter on one of the following topics (See Appendix 2):

1. My first day at school.

2. An ideal school teacher.

3. An ideal pupil.

4. Most people have only one or two good teachers throughout their lives.

5. Most young people have several opportunities open to them on leaving school.



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