London – the capital of Great Britain and 

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London – the capital of Great Britain and



One road leads to London,

One road runs to Wales,

My road leads me seawards

To the white dipping sails.

One road leads to the river

As it goes singing slow.

My road leads to shipping

Where the bronzed sailors go.

My road calls me, lures me

West, east, south and north,

Most roads lead men homewards,

My road leads me forth.

(By John Masefield)




Large and colourful

Calls, attracts, lures

A wish to visit





Central and busy

Fusses, makes you run

Many businessmen work here



London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the largest cities of the world. London is situated on the river Thames and14 bridges over the river carry heavy traffic from one side to the other.

The saying When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life! (Dr Johnson) is a cliché, but you can’t be bored in London. There are hundreds of historic buildings, galleries and museums. There are parks and street markets, over 80 theatres and even more cinemas. There are a lot of places of interest in London which attract thousands of tourists every year. They usually want to see Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Westminster is now the political centre of London. In the 11th century, King Edward the Confessor decided to build a great abbey church there. There are many royal tombs and memorials to famous men and women in the Abbey. The most popular ones are those devoted to writers, poets and musicians in the Poet’s Corner. William the Conqueror was crowned there, and since then all the coronations have taken place in the Abbey.

The Palace of Westminster was built during the reign of Edward the Confessor. It was the royal residence and also the country’s main court. The Parliament met here since the 18th till the 19th century. The present Houses of Parliament were built after the fire in the Palace of Westminster in 1834. There are two houses in the Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The Towers of the Houses of Parliament stand high above the city. On the highest tower there is the largest clock in the country, which is known to the whole world as Big Ben. One can hear Big Ben strike every quarter of an hour. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Both Londoners and tourists usually watch the Changing of the Guards in the forecourt of the palace. It lasts about 30 minutes.

The Tower of London is associated with many important events in the British history. It has been a fortress, a prison, a palace, a mint. The Tower of London is famous for its prisoners, like Sir Thomas More and Guy Fawkes. The White Tower was built by William the Conqueror to protect the city. The Tower is guarded by “Beefeaters”, the Yeomen Guards.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece. It was built since 1675 until 1709. It is crowned with a huge dome. Inside the dome there is the famous Whispering Gallery. There are many memorials in the Cathedral, including memorials to Wellington and Nelson.

London is noted for its museums and art galleries such as the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate, the Museum of London, the Museum of Moving Image, Madame Tussaud’s Museum and many others.


Vocabulary exercises:

I. Pronounce correctly:

Museum, to attract, crown, memorials, to reign, residence, court, official, guards, huge, dome, whisper, gallery, to associate, event, fortress, national, to move, abbey, church, masterpiece, to protect, chamber, fortunately, collection, to acquaint, tomb, sightseers.

II. Translate into English:

Собор Святого Павла, аббатство, гробница королей, править, королевская резиденция, коронация, Трафальгарская площадь, объекты интереса туристов, смена караула, для защиты Лондона, дворец, тюрьма, монетный двор, Тауэр, стражники, быть известным чем-л., во время правления кого-л., Букингемский дворец, художественная галерея, политический центр, исторические здания.

III. Make up 5 English sentences using new words and word combinations from the text.

IV. Translate into English:

1. В Лондоне много достопримечательностей.

2. Объектами интереса туристов в Лондоне являются Вестминстерское аббатство, Букингемский дворец, Трафальгарская площадь, собор Святого Павла и многие другие достопримечательности.

3. В Вестминстерском аббатстве, построенном Эдуардом Исповедником, находятся гробницы королей и памятники известных людей.

4. Лондонский Тауэр, построенный для защиты Лондона, был дворцом, крепостью, тюрьмой и монетным двором. Сейчас там расположен музей.

5. Тауэр известен также стражниками-йоменами, или бифитерами.

6. Собор Святого Павла является шедевром сэра Кристофера Рена.

7. Многие выдающиеся деятели, ученые и поэты жили в Лондоне.

8. Букингемский дворец – официальная лондонская резиденция английской королевы.

9. Все коронации проводятся в Вестминстерском аббатстве.

10. Во время правления Эдуарда Исповедника дворец был королевской резиденцией, где также располагался и Верховный суд.

V. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

1. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy where the legislative power belongs … the Queen. But her powers are limited … the Parliament and Constitution.

2. The Houses … Parliament consist … the House … Commons and the House … Lords. There are … 650 members … the English House … Commons. The Prime Minister is usually the leader … the party that has a majority … the House … Commons.

3. … … all the population of the UK 52 million people live … England, 3 million … Wales, 5 million … Scotland, 1.8 million … Northern Ireland. Only … 20% … the population is rural.

4. Great Britain is separated … the Continent … the English Channel, the narrowest part … which is called the Strait … Dover.

5. The Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea wash the country … the West and … the East.

6. The highest mountains are situated … Scotland.

7. The West … England is a very beautiful part … the country. It is called Lake District.

8. … the centre of England there is a district … no grass called the Black Country. This part is rich … coal.

VI. Put questions to the given sentences:

1. Thousands of tourists come to London to see the places of interest. (Who)

2. The City is the financial and business centre of the country. (What)

3. In the West End one can find the best theatres and museums, shops and galleries. (What, where)

4. Fourteen bridges over the river carry heavy traffic from one side of the river to the other. (What, where, what kind of)

5. London can be divided into several large parts. (How many)

VII. Answer the questions:

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. What is London’s population now?

3. What river does London stand on?

4. What parts is it divided into?

5. Why is the City called “the business centre of London”?

6. What is the West End famous for?

7. What main tourist attractions in London do you know?

8. How many bridges are there over the Thames?

9. What is Westminster Abbey famous for?

10. Why is the central square in London named Trafalgar Square?

11. What is Buckingham Palace?

12. Do you know Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece?

13. What is the Tower of London associated with?

14. What famous museums are there in London?

15. What can you tell about the history of the Houses of Parliament?

16. What is the most ancient historic monument of London?

VIII. Project work (See Appendix 1):

1. London museums.

2. London theatres.

3. Art galleries of London.

4. London parks.

IX. Read the following dialogues in parts and make up your own on the topic “Travelling around London”:

1. Helen: Is it possible to see all the places of interest of London during one or two days?

John: Of course, not. London is one of the largest, oldest and most interesting cities in the world.

Helen: Can you tell me the most interesting places to visit?

John: With great pleasure. If you are interested in the history, you should go to the Tower of London, Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square …

Helen: How can I get there?

John: I advise you to join a group of tourists making a sightseeing tour.

Helen: It’s a good idea. Thank you.

2. Helen: What are the most famous picture galleries in London?

John: Well, the National Gallery, of course, then the Tate Gallery.

Helen: Yes, but what about the British Museum?

John: Oh, it’s one of the most notable museums in the world. But it is a museum of history, archeology and ethnography; it’s not a Fine Arts Museum. There’s also one of the largest libraries in the world.

X. Make up a dialogue on one of the given topics:

1. You are coming to London for the first time. You have taken a plane there and on your way to London you meet a Londoner who is eager to speak about his native city. Your plane will land in a few minutes and a wide panorama of London stretches below. Your new acquaintance gives you brief information about the British capital.

2. You’re a guide in London. Tell a group of excursionists about an art gallery, a museum or any other place of interest London is famous for.

3. You have just returned from London and your family would like to know what you have seen there. Your little brother (sister) is a very curious child. He (she) asks you a lot of “whys”.

4. Your friend and you are looking through the book full of pictures of London. You have read and heard a lot about the capital of Great Britain and you are commenting on what you see in the book.

XI. Write a letter to your pen-friend on the topic “An imaginary trip to London” (not less than 20 sentences). Appendix 2 will help you to follow the rules of writing a personal letter and singing an envelope.


At the airport

Buy a ticket, go by plane

To the Netherlands or Spain.

Planes are taking off the ground

With a very loud sound.

They arrive and fly away

In a very busy way.

Airplanes with landing lights

Finish their endless flights.

There’s a runway long and wide

And the lights which are so bright.

When you are on holiday and intend to go to the seaside or travel abroad as a tourist, you should first of all decide what means of travelling to choose. You can travel by train, by ship, by car and by plane.

Travelling by plane is more comfortable, more convenient and much quicker than any other method. But not everybody likes it. Some people say they do not see very much of the country they go to. Trains are good enough for them. Some holiday-makers like travelling by sea. Of course, one can watch the sun rise and set, which is an unforgettable sight. For people who get seasick, a sea voyage is out the question. If you go by car, you may spend part of your holiday moving from place to place. You can stop wherever you like.

Whatever means of travelling you choose, it is advisable to book tickets in advance. You can book tickets yourself or do that through telephone.


Booking airplane tickets

Michael Kemp wants to book a round trip ticket from London to Las Vegas. So he calls a travel agent in “Jupiter Travel” agency:

Travel agent: Hallo, “Jupiter Travel”, Tom speaking. What can I do for you?

Michael: Hallo, there. I’d like to book a round trip ticket from London to Las Vegas.

Travel agent: And how do you plan your travelling?

Michael: I’d like to get to Las Vegas on the 8th of March.

Travel agent: And return on?

Michael: I’d like to leave the following Sunday, the 14th of March.

Travel agent: All right. Will that be first class, business or economy?

Michael: Economy.

Travel agent: Let’s see. There is “US Airways” flight leaving London Heathrow at 10:30 AM on March the 8th. Connecting in Los Angeles and arriving in Las Vegas at 5:05 PM.

Michael: You don’t have anything that gets in a little earlier, do you?

Travel agent: Actually, most of the flights are like that, unless you want to connect in New York or maybe Denver, but then you are going to have a long layover.

Michael: No, no, the flight to Los Angeles sounds fine.

Travel agent: All right.

Michael: How about the return?

Travel agent: Let’s see. Departing Las Vegas at 11:30 AM and arriving the next day to London Heathrow at 8:30 in the morning. How’s that?

Michael: That’ll be fine.

Travel agent: O’K.

Michael: How much will it all come to?

Travel agent: Seven hundred and twenty five pounds per person including tax.

Michael: All right, sounds good. And how long can you hold it for me?

Travel agent: You need to make payment within 24 hours to guarantee this fare.

Michael: I see. That’s O’K. I’ll just pay for it now.

Travel agent: O’K. Any seating preferences?

Michael: Can you book an aisle, please?

Travel agent: Yes, that should be no problem. O’K. Now I just need your name and passport number, please.

Michael: O’K. Michael Kemp.

Travel agent: O’K, Mr. Kemp. Everything is confirmed. I’ll e-mail you your itinerary, and these are e-tickets, save and just pick them up when you get to the airport.

Michael: Great.

Travel agent: If you have any questions, please, call me at any time.

Michael: Thanks, Tom.

Travel agent: You are welcome. And thank you for using “Jupiter Travel”.

I. Read the dialogue in parts, find new words for you and make up 5 own sentences with them.

II. Fill in the blanks using words: appointment, flight schedules, checking-out, difference, travel arrangements, scheduled, collecting, options, land:

– Good morning, how can I help you? What can I do for you?

– Good afternoon, sir. Would it be possible to make some _____ on behalf of my boss?

– Certainly, madam. Please have a seat.

– Well, on Monday the 21st of March my boss Mr. Taylor needs to be in Paris. At 11 a.m. he has an ______ with a customer. I know it takes about three quarters of an hour to get to the customer’s office.

– I see. So, Mr. Taylor should ______ in Paris at around 10 AM. At the latest. ________ at the airport, _________ luggage, not to mention traffic.

– Yes, you’re quite right.

– Would it be possible to catch an early morning flight at Heathrow?

– Let me see. I have the Heathrow _______ here in front of me. Early morning? I’m afraid the first _______ flight from London is only at 8 AM.

– That late? Is there no earlier flight to Paris?

– Unfortunately not, madam.

– I guess the only solution is to fly to Paris on Sunday evening then?

– Yes that’s right. But look at it this way, catching the early morning flight on Monday would have meant getting up as early as 4 AM anyway. There’s the one-hour ________ with continental time, the trip from Birmingham, check-in time etc.

– I suppose you’re right. Let’s take a look at the _______ for Sunday evening.

III. Translate into English:

1. Я бы хотел сдать багаж на рейс в Париж. – Конечно, сэр.

2. К сожалению, это будет невозможно, потому что у меня стыковочный рейс через Мадрид.

3. Я боюсь, что мы не сможем сделать это, потому что у меня пересадка в Гонконге.

4. Регистрация для международных рейсов находится в 4 терминале.

5. Да, нет проблем. Мы, конечно, можем.

6. Я пропустил свой стыковочный рейс в Лондоне.

7. После регистрации, пожалуйста, идите к паспортному контролю.

8. Мы пересаживаемся в Брюсселе и затем летим в Антверпен.

IV. Translate the Russian parts of the following dialogue into English and be ready to present it in pairs by heart:

- What was your holiday like?

- Ужасно.

- Where did you go?

- К морю.

- The weather was bad, wasn’t it?

- Да, иногда действительно была плохая. Почти не было солнца и слишком много дождей.

- Where did you stay?

- В гостинице.

- Where did you have your meals?

- В ресторане гостиницы. Это было ужасно. Еда была отвратительная. И официант был настроен очень недружелюбно. Он ни разу нам не улыбнулся.

- Did you like going swimming?

- Да, очень. На пляже всегда было очень много народу.

- Did you go on any excursions?

- Нет, мы не ездили ни на какие экскурсии.

- What did you do in the evening?

- Иногда ходили на дискотеку, иногда гуляли по берегу или оставались в гостинице.

- You won’t go there again, will you?

- Никогда, это самый плохой отпуск, который у меня когда-либо был.

V. Read the following dialogue and make up a dialogue (or a polylogue) on the topic.

At the seaside

Mrs. Hilton: It’s much fresher here than in London.

Mr. Hilton: Yes, it was so stuffy in the train with the carriage so crowded, I hate trains and buses.

Mrs. Hilton: It’s all over now. Look? Alice and Roger have gone further along. They’ve chosen a nice place.

Mr. Hilton: Yes, there are fewer people there.

Mrs. Hilton: How quick the young people are! They are already in their bathing-suits lying in the sun.

Alice: Isn’t the water cold?

Roger: It is, and you are certainly afraid to come into the water, you coward.

Mrs. Hilton: Stop teasing your sister, Roger. I am sick and tired of your quarrels. Let me have a minute’s rest.

Roger: Sorry, Mum. I’ll be as good as gold. Wait for me, Alice, I’m coming too.

Alice: Quick! I’m already in the water.

Roger: I’ll catch up with you easily. You splash about too much with your feet.

Alice: I’m not such a strong swimmer as you. Oh, I’ve got a mouthful of salt water.

Roger: You shouldn’t swim with your mouth open.

Alice: I feel a bit chilly. I’d rather swim ashore and lie on the sand.

Roger: I’ll join you in a moment after I dive off that raft.

VI. Test yourself:

The way one spends a holiday can tell us a lot about a person’s character. If you want to find out more about yourself answer the following questions:

1. Where do you like spending your holidays?

a) in the country;

b) at the seaside;

c) in the mountains;

d) at a students’ camp.

2. Who do you like going with?

a) your best friend;

b) a group of friends;

c) on your own;

d) with your family.

3. What do you hate doing on holiday?

a) being alone all the time;

b) being in a crowd all the time;

c) meeting new people every day;

d) being with just your family.

4. How do you like having your meals on holidays?

a) cooking your own meals;

b) having all the meals in the same café every day;

c) eating in different places every day;

d) going without regular meals.

5. What things do you enjoy doing in the afternoon?

a) lying in the sun all day long;

b) bathing;

c) walking;

d) lying in bed reading.

6. What things do you enjoy doing in the evenings?

a) going to a disco;

b) listening to music on the radio;

c) going to symphony concerts;

d) having parties.

What is your score?

A 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-d

B 1-d 2-a 3-c 4-b

C 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a

D 1-d 2-b 3-c 4-a

E 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a

F 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-d

Add up the number of times you score a, b, c or d. Find out what kind of a person you are. If you get mainly:

A: You are shy. You find it difficult to have a lot of friends. You can enjoy the arts.

B: You are serious, a master of your feelings. Your head rules your heart but you have a friendly nature.

C: You are romantic and imaginative. You are kind and generous, but you find it difficult to make a lot of friends.

D: You are a relaxed and happy person. You’re impatient, enjoy life and pleasures. You like to be the centre of attention.

Discuss the results of the test in your group.



I. Read the dialogue “Making a hotel reservation” in pairs, find all the unknown words in it and make up 5 English sentences of your own:

Tom: Good morning. “Majestic” hotel reservations. This is Tom speaking. How can I help you?

Mary: Yes. Hello. I’d like to reserve a room for me and my husband, please.

Tom: Certainly. Madam.

Mary: Do you have a double room for next Thursday?

Tom: Just a moment. Let me check.

Mary: Oh, and we’d like a room with a balcony facing a courtyard. Non-smoking, if possible.

Tom: O’K, that would be one of our business suites. They all have queen size beds.

Mary: That’s fine.

Tom: Yes. We have a room. How many nights are you staying?

Mary: Three: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January tenth through the twelfth.

Tom: O’K, we have a room available, non-smoking.

Mary: Good, how much is it?

Tom: It’s two hundred and fifty dollars per night including breakfast.

Mary: O’K, that’ll be fine. And could you reserve a table for us in the restaurant? You see, we’re arriving in the evening at about 7:30.

Tom: Of course. Would you like me to book a table for you, say, at 8 o’clock on Thursday evening?

Mary: Yes, please. Can we have a non-smoking table?

Tom: Certainly, madam. Can I have your name, please?

Mary: Mrs. Mary Johnson.

Tom: Could you, please, give me a contact number?

Mary: Yes. My mobile number is 04543287765. Can you say that back to me, please?

Tom: Sure,04543287765.

Mary: That’s right.

Tom: O’K, so you’ve booked a queen size room from next Thursday, January the 10th to Sunday January the 13th.

Mary: Actually, instead of the 13th it should be the 12th, Saturday.

Tom: Right, sorry about that. Three nights, Thursday January the 10th to Saturday January the 12th. Checking out on Sunday the 13th. Non-smoking with the balcony facing the courtyard. Is that right?

Mary: Exactly.

Tom: And I’ve reserved a table for you and your husband in the restaurant at 8:00 PM.

Mary: Great.

Tom: Will it be anything else, Mrs. Johnson?

Mary: No, that’s all.

Tom: Thank you for choosing “Majestic”, Mrs. Johnson.

Mary: Thanks, bye.

II. Translate the Russian sentences into English:

1. Добро пожаловать в нашу гостиницу. Чем я могу быть полезен?

2. Добрый день. Какой у вас самый большой номер люкс?

3. Большие гостиницы обычно предлагают гостям различные виды услуг.

4. Что я могу сделать для вас, сэр?

5. О гостиницах часто судят по стандарту обслуживания номеров.

6. У вас есть свободные комнаты на третьей неделе июня?

7. Алло, возможно ли зарезервировать номер на следующую среду, 2 мая?

8. В идеале мы хотели бы номер на двоих, выходящий на юг, если возможно.

9. Сколько стоит номер за сутки?

10. Имеются ли дополнительные специальные платы?

11. Сколько составит общая сумма оплаты?

12. Это включает завтрак?

13. Когда работает ваша химчистка?

14. Может ли гостиница помочь мне заказать билет на самолет?

15. Как поздно я могу заказывать обед в обслуживании номеров?

16. Заказы на обслуживание номеров делаются по телефону.

17. Официанты приносят блюда, которые заказывались гостями, на подносах или тележках.

18. Официанты обычно стучат в дверь три раза и говорят громко: «Обслуживание номеров».

19. Когда дверь открыта, официант входит в комнату и приветствует гостя.

20. Официанты обычно объясняют, что они принесли, и просят подписать счет.

21. Когда время выписки?

III. Read the dialogue “Checking out from the hotel” in parts and make up your own one on the topic:

– I’m checking out tomorrow. Could you, please, make out the bill?

– Just a moment, please. Here’s your bill for the apartment, telephone and room service.

– Where can I play?

– You can pay here with your credit card.

– Could you send my suitcases down tomorrow?

– Certainly, sir. How did you like staying at our hotel?

– I liked the service and the meals in your restaurant were excellent.

– I’m glad you liked it here. I hope you will stay at our hotel again next time when you come to our city.

IV. Project work «The USA – the country of great contrasts» (prepare a creative task after its presentation) (See Appendix 1):

1. The geographical position.

2. The capital of the USA – Washington.

3. The main cities: New York, California, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc.

4. Places of interest in America.

5. National holidays and celebrations.

6. Sport and recreational activity.

7. The system of education:

- American schools;

- American colleges and universities;

- Students’ life;

- Training teachers in the USA.

8. Museums and theatres.

9. American literature.

10. Special facts about the USA:

- languages spoken;

- national symbols;

- family life;

- music;

- cinema;

- smoking;

- gestures;

- calendar dates;

- American holidays.

11. National character.

12. Great people: artists, scientists, musicians, singers, actors, etc.



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