The Moscow Teachers’ training State University 

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The Moscow Teachers’ training State University

The Moscow Teachers’ Training State University is one of the most popular educational establishments in Russia. Every year a lot of applicants come to this University seeking for admission. Early in September those who were lucky to pass entrance exams and to be enrolled in the first year get together to be initiated into students. These are the words addressed to them on this occasion:

“Dear friends. We are happy to have you here at our University. You have entered it, so first of all accept my congratulations. I believe you would like to learn something about the University you are going to study at. Let me first tell you a few words about its history. The Moscow Teachers’ Training State University is one of the oldest higher educational institutions of our country. Its history dates back from November 1, 1872 when the Moscow Higher Women’s Courses were organized and it was the beginning of higher education for women.

Many well-known progressive scientists lectured there. They were Sternberg, Schmidt, Timiryazev, Reformatsky, Fortunatov, Vernadsky, Sechenov and others. The courses gave our country 20,000 talented women-teachers. After the Revolution (October, 16 1918) the Courses were transformed into the Second Moscow State University and later (in 1921) a new faculty appeared – the Pedagogical faculty.

In April 1930 the pedagogical faculty was reorganized into the Moscow State Teachers’ Training Institute which became the greatest scientific centre of methodical and pedagogical activities in the Soviet Union. You know that our University was named after V.I. Lenin not only because the great leader made a speech in its main building but also for the merits in preparing teachers. For the great contribution to the field of education the Institute was awarded two orders.

On the first of August in 1990 the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute became the Moscow Teachers’ Training State University, and in February of 2015 it was decided that our University was going to be united with the Moscow Sholokhov State Humanitarian University.

Now a few words about the course of training, faculties and other things the first-year students are usually interested in. There are 8 departments (institutions) and 4 faculties in our University which train more than 14000 students of day and evening departments in many different specialities. Our Institute trains teachers for primary and secondary schools in different subjects: physics, mathematics, history, the Russian language and literature, geography, biology, drawing, music and so on. It also trains teachers for nursery and boarding schools and special schools for handicapped children.

The curriculum consists of the subjects the students specialize in, social subjects and physical training. Professional training includes educational subjects – psychology, history of education and pedagogics. All the students study foreign languages. Students are to attend different lectures and seminars. Student’s practical work is given much attention to at our Institute and students give lessons at primary and secondary schools and work in different children and youth centres. There is also a students’ research society at the University stimulating their creative thinking and scientific work.

The University course lasts four or five years. An academic year is divided into three terms each ending in an examination session. Those who pass the exams successfully get a scholarship. On graduating the students receive diplomas which give them the right to teach at school. Well, I suppose, this is briefly what you should know about the Institute now. I hope you’ll enjoy studying here and let me wish you success in all your activities.”


Vocabulary exercises:

I. Read the new words and combinations:

To last, founded, to train, worked, carried, graduated, asked, misses, external, student, a department, correspondence, to develop, to equip, research, to solve, storey, nursery, to demand.

II. Translate into Russian:

Higher educational institutions, a lot of applicants, to seek for admission, to date back from, to lecture, to appear, a scientific centre of methodical and pedagogical activities, to make a speech, to commemorate the event, to have the merits in preparing teachers, to estimate the merits, in the field of education, the first-year students, to be interested in smth., to attend lectures and seminars, to give much attention to smb. (smth.), a students’ research society, to get a scholarship, to give the right to teach, on graduating, in brief, to share a room, to have little time left, plenty of time, as for me, to look up the timetable, to fail in English, to idle away the time, to have a credit-test in a subject.

III. Give the English equivalents to:

МПГУ, учебное заведение, абитуриент, поступать в институт, студент дневного отделения, готовить учителей для начальных и средних школ, специализироваться по предмету, естественнонаучные дисциплины, гуманитарные дисциплины, иностранный язык, студент вечернего отделения, длиться, защищать дипломную работу, оканчивать институт, получать высшее образование, программа обучения, включать, известный ученый, посещать лекции, получать стипендию, сдавать экзамен по истории, пропускать лекции, сдавать зачет по английскому языку, на занятиях, проваливаться на вступительных экзаменах, быть студентом 2 курса, награждать.

IV. Translate into Russian:

1. All people in our country have equal rights to enter higher educational establishments.

2. My dream is to work with small pre-school children, that’s why I have graduated from the Teachers’ Training Institute and now I would like to work in a nursery school.

3. The curriculum in this secondary school includes lessons of English 5 times a week because this is a specialized school with intensive teaching of English.

4. I think it’s (high) time to go to the Institute, we have little time left.

5. What classes do we have today? – According to the time-table we are going to have a lecture in history of education, a seminar in linguistics and a credit-test in English.

V. Choose the right word:

1. Each faculty has a … society where students can work on some themes they … ….

2. Many young people in our country after finishing school continue their … in different … ….

3. … of this faculty is very interesting. It … … different subjects such as psychology, linguistics, history of education and others.

4. What is your future …? What … do you study?

5. The Moscow State University is … … M. Lomonosov, who is the founder of it.

6. If you want to study well, don’t … classes. Those who … all lectures and seminars don’t … at the exams.

7. Do you get …? Unfortunately not, I couldn’t … my exam in literature.

8. This student must … … … his pronunciation, his sounds are not good.

9. When will you … … the Institute? Next year in spring I am going … my final …. Now I am in my 4th year.

10. My daughter will take only one … … because she has been awarded a golden medal at school.

VI. Find the synonyms in parts A and B:

A) to train, to give attention to smb., a profession, a curriculum, to name, a faculty, to teach, to last, scientific;

B) a course of study, to continue, to prepare, a speciality, to call, to educate, to pay attention to smb., a department, research.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the new words and expressions:

1. Каждый год большое количество абитуриентов поступают в Московский педагогический государственный университет – одно из известных учебных заведений в России.

2. В настоящее время в МПГУ 8 институтов и 4 факультета, которые готовят студентов дневного и вечернего отделений по различным специальностям и направлениям: преподаватели физики, математики, химии, биологии, истории, русского языка и литературы, иностранных языков, географии, рисования, пения.

3. Университет готовит учителей для начальных и средних школ, для дошкольных учреждений и школ-интернатов.

4. Программа обучения состоит из специальных предметов, общественных дисциплин и общеобразовательных предметов.

5. Большое внимание в институте уделяется практической работе студентов в детских оздоровительных центрах (загородных лагерях отдыха).

6. Курс обучения длится в основном 5 лет. Чтобы получить степень магистра, необходимо закончить двухлетний курс обучения после получения степени бакалавра, которая предполагает 4 года учебы в данном вузе.

7. Учебный год делится на 3 триместра, а в конце каждого триместра студенты сдают зачеты и экзамены по различным предметам.

8. Те, кто сдает зачеты и экзамены успешно, получают академическую стипендию.

VIII. What is the English for:

1. На нашем факультете есть студенческое научно-исследовательское общество, в котором занимается много студентов дневного отделения.

2. Какие предметы вы изучаете? – Мы занимаемся специальными предметами, общественными дисциплинами, иностранным языком и физкультурой. А чем вы особенно интересуетесь? – Мне нравятся занятия по педагогике.

3. По какому предмету вы специализируетесь?

4. Моя будущая специальность – преподаватель русского языка и литературы. Сейчас я учусь на первом курсе.

5. Уделяйте больше внимания методике преподавания, не пропускайте практические занятия, которые студенты дают в школах.

6. Музей изобразительных искусств в Москве носит имя А.С. Пушкина.

7. В июле абитуриенты подают документы в различные высшие учебные заведения страны, чтобы быть зачисленными на первый курс выбранного направления или специальности.

8. Этот человек – выпускник педагогического института. Он окончил институт в прошлом году и теперь работает в школе-интернате.

IX. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions:

Helen: You can congratulate me. My dream to enter … the Moscow Teachers Training State University has come true. Now I am … my first year.

Mary: Clever you are! Was it very difficult?

Helen: Rather! Every year there are a lot … applicants there because this University is very popular. I had to work hard as I was to take four final state exams … English, Russian, History and Literature.

Mary: When you graduate … this higher educational establishment you will become a teacher, won’t you?

Helen: Our University trains teachers … all kinds … schools, one can work … a secondary school or a boarding school.

Mary: How many classes … a day do you have?

Helen: It depends … the time-table but as a rule we have two lectures … pedagogics and history of England and one or two seminars … English and some other subjects. Sometimes I have to stay … classes to work … the reading hall or take part … some social work. Well, I am speaking only … myself. How are things … you?

Mary: Not so well, thank you. I failed … one subject so now I applied … a vacant position … an office and I’ll have another try.

Helen: I wish you success. Good luck … you.

X. Make up sentences using the following words:

1. you, are, what, about, now, speaking?

2. the, she, students, is, one, best, of?

3. Institute, leave, you, time, what, the, for, do?

4. this, written, story, has, who?

5. will, write, when, friend, letter, a, you, your, to? – shall, I, tomorrow, write, her. the, last, letter, weeks, two, wrote, her, I, go.

6. doing, what, was, in, came, he, she, when?

7. classes, over, you, do, what, are, do, the, when?

XI. Complete the sentences:

1. Every year a lot of applicants come to the Moscow Teachers’ Training State University because ….

2. The history of the MTTSU dates back from ….

3. The first-year students are usually interested in ….

4. This university trains teachers for ….

5. The curriculum consists of ….

6. Much attention is given to ….

7. An academic year ….

8. On graduating ….

XII. Answer the questions:

1. What types of higher educational establishments in Russia can you name?

2. What kinds of students are there at all the higher educational institutions?

3. What departments are there in the MSU?

4. Did many famous scientists study there?

5. Why do many applicants seek for admission to the Moscow Teachers’ Training State University?

6. What do you know about the Higher Women’s Courses?

7. When were these courses transformed into the Second Moscow State University?

8. When and why was the Institute named after V.I. Lenin?

9. How many faculties are there nowadays?

10. What subjects are future teachers trained in at this University?

11. Do these universities train research workers in the humanities and in the sciences?

12. What kinds of schools does the MTTSU train teachers for?

13. Does it offer a four- or five-year course of study?

14. What activities does the students’ practical work include?

XIII. Collect as much information as possible about college and university education in your country. In your report touch upon the following questions (See Appendix 1):

1. Which college (university) degrees are most common?

2. Is a college and a university very expensive in your country?

3. What opportunities are there for university graduates?

4. Is it difficult for young people to find a job?

XIV. Organize a discussion with the help of the following questions (See Appendix 1):

1. What made you choose the Solikamsk State Teachers’ Training Institute rather than another higher educational institution? Give your reasons.

2. What is your future speciality?

3. What departments are there in your University?

4. What subjects are included in the first-year curriculum at your department?

5. What subject is the most (least) interesting (the most important, the most difficult)?

6. Was it easy for you to get accustomed to the University system of lectures and seminars after the school system of classes and home tasks?

7. Which is more useful in your opinion – lectures or seminars?

8. Do you have to work much to prepare for seminars and practical classes?

9. Do you often work at the University library?

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working at the library (at home)?

11. Do you live at home or in the hostel? Do you like your hostel?

XV. Divide into 3 groups and be ready to speak about the Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute (the branch of the Perm State National Research University) according to the following plan (See Appendix 1):

A. The system of admission to the Institute:

1. How is our Institute called?

2. Where is it situated?

3. When was it founded?

4. How many students does it admit every year?

5. What must applicants do for being enrolled in the first year?

6. What entrance exams do they usually take?

7. Are those who have got the greatest number of the points during the final examinations (the Common State Exams) at school and entrance exams to our University initiated into students?

B. The system of training at the SSTTI (PSNRU):

1. What departments are there in our Institute?

2. What specialities are students trained in?

3. How long does the University course last?

4. What does the curriculum consist of?

5. What groups of subjects do future teachers study?

6. What kinds of schools and other educational establishments does your Institute prepare teachers and other specialists for?

7. How long does an academic year last?

8. What are the students to do in term-time?

9. What activities does the students’ practical work include?

10. Is there any research society at the SSTTI?

11. Are the students involved in scientific work writing their course-work and diploma project?

12. How often do the students have an examination session?

13. How many exams and credit-tests do they usually have during a session?

14. What does the diploma give them on graduating from the University?

C. Students’ life

1. What year are you in?

2. Why have you made up your mind to enter this University?

3. What speciality (direction of training) have you chosen?

4. What does the curriculum (syllabus) of your speciality (direction of training) include?

5. Is it easy or difficult for you to study?

6. How many classes a day do you usually have?

7. What credit-tests and exams will you take this term?

8. What can you tell about the activity of different students’ unions and organizations in the SSTTI? What are they?

9. Do you take part in any of them?

10. Do you take an active part in the life of your group and the University on the whole?

XVI. Make up a booklet “Our Institute (University)” (See Appendix 1). Include the following points:

1. description of the building;

2. inner structure of education (departments, chairs, specialities);

3. different educational facilities;

4. organization of study (subjects, types of the lessons);

5. students’ life (clubs and societies).

XVII. Read the following dialogue in parts and make up your own one about your studies in our University:

A foreign delegation is visiting the Moscow Teachers Training State University: the guests have been received by the University authorities in the main building and now they are talking to the students in the hostel.

Helen: Here we are. This is our hostel. My room is on the third floor. This way, please.

Mary: Oh, it’s such a cosy room with furniture and all the conveniences. Is it all your own?

Helen: No, it isn’t. I share it with my groupmate. We are getting on wonderfully.

Paul: You must be paying a lot of money for it.

Vera: Nothing of the kind. We pay 200 roubles a month. It’s a fixed rent for students in all universities and institutes.

Mary: Is it? It’s too good to be true. I wonder how much you have to pay for your course of studies at the Institute.

Peter: Higher education in our country is free. What is more, we get money while we study. Our academic scholarship is 2300 roubles a month and in some higher educational establishments it may be even more.

Tony: Do all students get a scholarship?

Helen: No, not all. Only those who have passed all credit-tests and examinations successfully. Besides we certainly do get some financial support from our parents.

Ann: Now I see what your equal opportunities of higher education for all school-leavers mean.

Paul: In what way are your studies at the University organized?

Vera: The academic year lasts from September till the end of June and is divided into three terms, at the end of which we take credit-tests and exams.

Paul: All this is very interesting. But what about your future prospects? How soon do you think you’ll find the position of a teacher after graduating?

Peter: We don’t have to find it. City and district Boards of Education see to it that all the vacancies are filled in. So we are offered the position of a teacher in our 4th year before we graduate.

Mary: It’s wonderful, isn’t it? The way you don’t have to worry about the future. Well, thanks a lot. Now we have a clear idea of how to become a teacher in Russia.

Irene: Would you like to go down and see our Students’ Club, a students’ amateur concert is beginning in ten minutes.

Steve: Most willingly, thank you.

XVIII. What are your chances this term?

1. Have you attended lectures this term?

a. all of them

b. half of them

c. none of them

2. Have you read the books on your list?

a. all the books

b. half of the books

c. just a few

3. Have you read any additional material?

a. a lot

b. only a little

c. none

4. Have you made any notes at the lectures?

a. very detailed notes

b. just the main points

c. none at all

5. Have you made any reports at the seminars?

a. at every seminar

b. only a few

c. none at all

6. Have you been active during the discussions at your seminars?

a. very active

b. just listening

c. sleeping through the discussions

7. Have you made any cribs?

a. a lot of them

b. just a few

c. none at all

8. Have you missed any classes?

a. a lot of them

b. just a few

c. none at all

9. Have you studied late into the night?

a. very often

b. not very often

c. never

10. Have you had your meals regularly?

a. always

b. only at weekends

c. hardly ever

11. Have you kept fit this term?

a. fairly fit

b. not really

c. not at all

What is your score?

1. a – 5 2. a – 5 3. a – 5 4. a – 5 5. a – 5 6. a – 5

b – 1 b – 2 b – 3 b – 4 b – 3 b – 2

c – 0 c – 0 c – 0 c – 0 c – 0 c – 0

7. a – 5 8. a – 0 9. a – 0 10. a – 5 11. a – 5

b – 1 b – 3 b – 2 b – 1 b – 3

c – 5 c – 5 c – 5 c – 0 c – 0


1. From 55 to 40: Don’t worry. You are sure to pass.

2. From 40 to 20: Take care. You’ll pass only if you are very lucky.

3. From 20 to 0: No chance at all, you are sure to fail at the exam.

XIX. Read the letter and write your own one to your pen friend about yourself and your studies in the University (See Appendix 2):


Dear Victor,

I’m writing this e-mail message to you from Moscow. You remember I told you I wanted to become an economist. Now I’m a University student! In July I took entrance exams to the Moscow State University. The exams were rather difficult and there were a lot of applicants but I passed all the exams well enough. I was admitted to the university as a first-year student. I still don’t believe it.

Our University was founded as the first institute to train personnel for work in the economy of the country. Here there are many students from other countries. After graduating from the University they go back to work in their countries.

The University is headed by the Rector. There are also several pro-rectors and Heads of Chairs. The faculties are headed by Deans.

The University has many faculties. Among them there are the Faculty of International Economic Relations, the Faculty of Business and Management, and the faculty of Economy at enterprises. I am a student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations. I’m going to study economics, finance and commerce.

There are twenty five students in my group. Some students live in Moscow and others come from all over the world. Many students in my class come from Moscow. One boy is from Rostov-on-the Don. There is a girl from the Ukraine and a boy from India. I have already got acquainted with many of my fellow students.

Our classes begin at 8:20 o’clock in the morning. After two classes there is a forty five minutes break for lunch. I usually have lunch at the University canteen, but some of my fellow-students go to one of the several buffets.

After classes I often go to the library or to the multimedia laboratory. The University library has a big collection of books on different subjects. There are also two large reading rooms with a number of PCs. The language laboratory is situated on the second floor. It offers teaching programs for students learning English, French and German. Each computer there has an access to the World Web.

The University has a large campus. There are three hostels for students, a sports centre with a swimming pool and a football stadium, a Palace of Culture. Our students can go in for different sports. I play basketball twice a week and go swimming. But I don’t have enough time for everything because there is a lot of homework to do every day. Nevertheless, I like my studies here.

If you answer me I’m going to mail you another message tomorrow. Mail me a letter as soon as possible. I’m looking forward to it.

Yours, Nick.

XX. Read the following text and make up a story about your typical working day in the SSPI (the department of the PSNRU) and a day-off using the questions after the text (See Appendix 1):

Student’s working day

Now I am a first-year student of the University. So, let me describe my usual working day. My lectures begin at nine o’clock and on weekdays I have to get up at seven o’clock. My alarm clock usually wakes me up and my working day begins. I turn on the radio, do my morning exercises, take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I get dressed and comb my hair. Then I have breakfast. I love to listen to the latest news on the radio while I am eating.

I leave the house at ten minutes past eight and walk to the nearest bus stop. I live rather far from the University and it usually takes me about a quarter of an hour to get there by bus. Sometimes when the weather is fine and I have enough time I walk to the University.

As a rule we have four or five lectures a day. We have lectures in different subjects. Usually I don’t miss my classes because I want to pass my examinations successfully.

At twelve o’clock we have a big interval for lunch. That’s my favourite time. That is the time to share the latest news with my friends. I prefer not to go to the canteen and we often have lunch in a small café not too far from the University. At one o’clock we have to be back to our classes. During the working day we also have several short intervals that last for fifteen minutes. From time to time I have to stay at the University till late in the evening because I go to the library to get ready for my practical classes or to write an essay report. As a rule I have no free time on weekdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired.

I come home at about seven o’clock in the evening. My parents are already at home. We have supper together and share the latest news. After supper we wash dishes, drink coffee or tea and watch TV. I prefer old comedies and serials or films about travelling. Sometimes I go for a walk in the park or visit my friends.

At about eleven at night I go to bed. I like to read something before going to bed or listen to some music. Sometimes I fall asleep while I am reading. That’s the way I spend my usual working day.

1. When do you usually get up in the morning? Do you get up early?

2. Is it easy for you to get up early?

3. Do you wake up yourself or does your alarm clock wake you up?

4. Who makes breakfast for you?

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?

6. When do you leave your house?

7. How long does it take you to get to your University?

8. Do you go there by bus or on foot?

9. How many classes do you usually have every day?

10. Where and at what time do you usually have lunch?

11. (At) what time do you come back home?

12. How long does it take you to do your homework?

13. How do you usually spend your time in the evening?

14. Do you have much free time on weekdays?

15. What time do you usually go to bed?

XXI. Divide into 4 groups and make up a report/a project/a computer presentation on one of the following topics (prepare a creative task after presenting it: a crossword, a puzzle, a test…) (See Appendix 1):

1. From the history of education: J.A. Comenius,J.J. Rousseau, H. Pestalozzi, Gause, Pythagoras, Eucled, Newton, Leibnitz, Kovalevskaya, Lobachevsky, Lunacharsky, A. Makarenko, Sh. Amonashvily, K.D. Ushinsky;

2. Great educators abroad.

3. Great pedagogues in Russia.

4. Well-known mathematicians/psychologies/scientists…

XXII. Speak about the way you take part in various festivals, anniversaries and celebrations in your Institute (See Appendix 1).

XXIII. Write a composition on one of the following topics (not less than 20-25 sentences) (See Appendix 2):

1. An ideal University teacher.

2. An ideal University student.

3. Is it good (easy) to be a student?

4. What are you going to do to become a highly-qualified specialist?



I. Read the poem “Oh, Russia, I’m in love with you” by L.A. Khusainova in a proper way, translate into Russian and learn it by heart:

I love you deeply, dear land,

Your hills and rivers, sand on strand,

Your songs and dances, lakes and seas,

Your beasts and fish, birds in trees,

Your sunrise in a splendid sight

Which gives me always such delight.

II. Read the following words, give their Russian equivalents and make up 10 English sentences with these words and word combinations:

vast = immense = wide

to span = to cover = to comprise = to occupy

to stretch

to border on = to be bounded by smth.

in the North, East, South, West

to be washed by smth.

to flow (fall) into smth.

to be rich in smth.

the variety of scenery (scene, landscape)

to belong to smth.

natural and mineral resources: coal, iron, natural gas, Zink, nickel, granite, salt, diamonds

to differ from smth.

industry, agriculture


to be divided into 2 parts

the highlands, lowlands, plains, grasslands, taiga, tundra

to get the general idea of smth.

below sea level

as far as I know (I can see)

to form the natural border (boundary)

to have a summer vacation

to be fond of = to go in for mountaineering, hunting, to go camping (hiking)

III. Read the dialogue “Looking at the map of Russia” in pairsand translate it into Russian:

- I’d like you to tell me something about your country.

- I think the best way to get a general idea of a country is to study the map. It’s lucky I’ve got one with me. Here it is.

- Perhaps we had better start with the physical outline of the country.

- Well, Russia can be divided roughly into two main regions – the highlands in the east and the lowlands cover ing the greater part of the country, with a long mountain range cutting it into two unequal parts.

- You mean the Urals. They form the natural border between Europe and Asia. But the highest mountain chains, as far as I can see, are situated in the South and the South-East of the country. What do you call them?

- The Caucasus, between the Caspian and the Black Sea and the Altai in Asia.

- I’d love to go there. My hobby is mountaineering. But our mountains are not so high as yours, as far as I know.

- I believe they are not. We have peaks four and a half miles high. But we also have lowlands several hundred feet below sea level. We have steppes in the South, plains and forests in the midlands, tundra and taiga in the North.

- What are the “steppes”?

- They are treeless plains covered with grass. The soil is fertile there.

- And is the tundra like our heather moors?

- Not in the least. It’s a kind of frozen desert in the Arctic region.

- And what is the ‘taiga’, I wonder?

- It’s a thick coniferous forest stretching to the South of the tundra. It’s rich in animals, valued for their fur like sable, fox, squirrel.

- I’d like to go hunting there, but I’m afraid I would never be able to stand the cold.

- Our climate is also varied. In the South-West the weather is usually mild and wet. Northern Asia is one of the coldest places on earth, and in the South the heat is unbearable. But in the middle of the country the climate is moderate and continental.

- Well, it has been very interesting for me to hear all those things. Thank you very much for your information.

IV. Match the left and the right columns:

to flow (to fall) the general idea of smth.

below into smth.

to border camping

to get the natural border

as far as scenery

to be I know

to be rich washed by smth.

to go sea level

to form on smth.

the variety of from smth.

natural and mineral in smth

to differ resources

V. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words or word combinations:

1. I’d like to get … of Great Britain.

2. Our country is very … in different mineral ….

3. I’m fond of …. I have visited all the mountains in Russia.

4. Russia is … into 2 main regions: the western and the eastern parts.

5. Russia is … by many seas in the North, the …, the … and the ….

VI. Translate the text about our country into English:

Наша Родина – Россия

Наша страна называется Российская Федерация или Россия. Россия – огромная страна, которая расположена как в Европе, так и в Азии. Её обширная территория составляет свыше 17.1 млн. км² (≈ 6,6 млн. миль²). Она простирается от побережья Северного Ледовитого Океана до субтропиков и от Балтийского моря до Тихого Океана.

Россия граничит со многими государствами на западе – с Норвегией, Финляндией, Латвией, Эстонией, Белоруссией, Украиной; на юге – с Грузией, Азербайджаном, Казахстаном, Монголией и Китаем.

Россия омывается Тихим океаном на востоке, Северным Ледовитым – на севере и Чёрным и Каспийским – на юге. Наша страна очень богата озёрами и реками. Самой длинной рекой в европейской части страны является Волга, которая впадает в Каспийское море, а в Азии – Лена, впадающая в Северный Ледовитый океан. Россия также известна такими реками, как Обь, Иртыш, Енисей, впадающими в Северный Ледовитый океан. И наиболее красивым и самым глубоким озером планеты является Байкал со своей чистой водой.

Чёрное море – очень популярное место (курорт) для тех людей, которые предпочитают проводить свои каникулы на побережье моря. Самыми крупными морскими портами являются Калининград, Новороссийск, Мурманск, Владивосток.

Россия может быть поделена на два главных региона – возвышенности на востоке и низменности, занимающие большую часть территории страны. Уральские горы образуют естественную границу между Европой и Азией. Но самые высокие горы расположены на юге и юго-западе страны: Кавказские горы – между Каспийским и Чёрным морями и Алтайские горы – в Азии. Самая высокая гора на территории нашей страны – гора Эльбрус (5642 м).

В России есть также низменности, несколько сотен фут ниже уровня моря. В России можно найти всё разнообразие пейзажа. У нас есть пустыни и степи на юге, равнины и леса в средней части страны, тундра и тайга – на севере. Степи представляют собой безлесые равнины, покрытые травой с богатой плодородной почвой. Тайга – густые хвойные леса, простирающиеся до юга тундры и богатые такими животными, как белка, соболь, лиса. А тундра представляет собой вид замёрзшей пустыни в северном регионе.

Россия принадлежит к крупным промышленным странам мира, так как богата природными и минеральными ресурсами, а особенно углём, железом, природным газом, нефтью, цинком, никелем, гранитом, солью, алмазами и другими полезными ископаемыми.

Россия так велика, что климат меняется от одной части к другой. На юго-востоке погода обычно сырая и мягкая. Северная Азия является одним из самых холодных мест на Земле. В некоторых регионах Сибири зимняя температура – самая низкая на Земле. В средней части страны климат – умеренно-континентальный. Климат побережья Чёрного моря – субтропический. Кроме того, есть регионы, где представляется трудным развивать промышленность и сельское хозяйство.

Население России составляет 145,600 млн. человек. Они говорят на многих национальных языках. Большая часть жителей нашей страны живут в крупнейших её городах – столице Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Волгограде, Краснодаре, Самаре, Нижнем Новгороде и многих других.

Таким образом, Россия – наша родина, которая предлагает много возможностей Россиянам заниматься альпинизмом, туризмом, охотой, садоводством и имеет много великолепных мест, куда можно поехать отдохнуть в отпуск или на каникулы.

VII. Answer the questions:

1. How is our country called?

2. How large is Russia? What territory does it occupy?

3. What is characteristic of the geographical outline of Russia? What countries does it border on?

4. What water bodies is Russia washed by?

5. What are the longest rivers of our country?

6. What can you say about the variety of scenery of Russia?

7. What types of natural scenery can we observe in our country?

8. What natural and mineral resources is Russia rich in?

9. What can you say about the climate of our country?

10. What is the population of the Russian Federation? Name some of the largest cities of Russia.

VIII. Speak about Russia according to the plan using the geographical and political maps of Russia (not less than 25 sentences) (See Appendix 1):

1. The geographical outline of the country.

2. Water bodies.

3. Scenery (landscape): natural and mineral resources.

4. The types of natural scenery.

5. Climate.

6. The greatest cities.

IX. Speak about your native place using the plan and some photos while speaking (See Appendix 1):

1. The name of the place you were born at;

2. Its geographical position (location);

3. History;

4. Relief (territory);

5. Natural resources;

6. Main industries (wood, salt, paper, mineral resources);

7. Economy;

8. Climate;

9. Places of interest (sights, attractions);

10. The population and the main occupation of its inhabitants;

11. Your opinion.



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