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По организации работы с пособием

Let’s learn English



Методическое пособие по английскому языку

для студентов неязыковых направлений педагогических вузов







педагог дополнительного образования высшей квалификационной категории Муниципального автономного образовательного учреждения

дополнительного образования

Центра творческого развития и гуманитарного образования «РОСТ»

Ю.В. Герасютина (г. Соликамск);

кандидат педагогических наук,

доцент кафедры социальных и гуманитарных дисциплин СГПИ

(филиал) ФГБОУ ВПО «ПГНИУ»

Т.В. Попова (г. Соликамск)



Д Дмитриева, Ю. В.

Let’s learn English [Текст]: методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых направлений педагогических вузов / Ю. В. Дмитриева; СГПИ (филиал) ФГБОУ ВПО «ПГНИУ». – Соликамск: РТО СГПИ (филиал) ФГБОУ ВПО «ПГНИУ», 2015. – 183 с.



Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 1 и 2 курсов очного отделения педагогических вузов неязыковых направлений.

Оно нацелено на формирование коммуникативной компетенции, языковой культуры, профессиональной речи будущих специалистов и включает в себя тренировочные, условно-речевые и речевые упражнения, нацеленные на отработку фонетических явлений: новых слов и выражений, сложных в произношении, а также вокабуляра определенного раздела пособия.

Пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями рабочей программы по иностранному языку для студентов, обучающихся по неязыковым направлениям, и может быть использовано как для аудиторной работы под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.





© Ю. В. Дмитриева, 2015

© СГПИ (филиал) ФГБОУ ВПО «ПГНИУ», 2015


Введение 5-6

Методические рекомендации по организации работы с пособием 7-8

English proverbs and sayings 9-10

Poems 11-12

About myself 13

My family 14-19

The English language 20-25

The system of higher education in Russia 25-44

Russia – our Motherland 44-50

Moscow – the capital of our country 50-58

My first winter examination session and winter holidays 58

Great Britain 59-68

London – the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 68-74

Travelling 74-81

Holiday making 81-85

The system of secondary education in Russia 85-92

Elementary education in Russia 92-98

My summer vacation 98-100

The educational system of Great Britain 100-111

Secondary education in the USA 111-116

Higher education in Russia 116-120

Higher educational establishments of Great Britain 120-128

The system of higher education in the USA 129-133

Teacher’s profession 134-149

Тренировочный экзаменационный тест 150-165

Список примерных вопросов к экзамену 166-167

Тренировочный Интернет экзамен 168-176

Список литературы 177-179

Приложение 1 (основные слова и выражения для оформления устных и письменных высказываний) 180-181

Приложение 2 (основные слова и выражения для оформления личного и делового письма) 182-183




Владение иностранным языком является неотъемлемым компонентом профессиональной подготовки современного специалиста. Курс английского языка в вузе является одним из звеньев системы языковой подготовки, который является продолжением школьного курса, и освоение его необходимо для дальнейшей самостоятельной работы как по специальности, требующей применения иностранного языка, так и по иностранному языку. Овладение иностранными языками рассматривается как приобретение студентами языковой и коммуникативной компетенции, необходимой для дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности и осуществления деловых контактов.

Пособие предназначено длястудентовпедагогических вузов неязыковых направлений и нацелено на формирование и совершенствование навыков и умений в чтении, аудировании, говорении и письме, необходимых для коммуникации на иностранном языке.

Для изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в вузе студент должен иметь, как минимум, базовые языковые навыки и речевые умения иноязычного устного и письменного общения в объеме, предусмотренном программой средней общеобразовательной школы.

Студентам, которые к моменту начала курса не владеют коммуникативными умениями иностранного языка или владеют ими ниже положенного уровня, данное пособие предоставляет возможность дополнительной самостоятельной работы или работы под руководством преподавателя для овладения основами устной речи и чтения на иностранном языке. В этом случае обучение необходимо начать с вводно-коррективного курса.

Вводно-фонетический курс используется преподавателем для совершенствования фонетической стороны устной речи и предполагает отработку основных навыков и умений на примере работы с английскими пословицами и различными стихотворениями. Максимум внимания должен уделяться правилам чтения букв и буквосочетаний в различных позиционных условиях, правильному интонированию различных типов предложений.

Пособие включает 20 разделов, содержащих практические задания, направленные на отработку нового лексического материала и применения его в различных речевых ситуациях, примерный экзаменационный тест и Интернет-тест, которые помогут развивать логическое мышление студентов, различные виды памяти, воображение, умение самостоятельно работать с языком, расширить общекультурный кругозор обучаемых, формировать у студентов устойчивый интерес к приобретению дальнейших знаний и навыков в изучаемом языке.

В приложениях приводятся основные слова и выражения, необходимые для оформления устных и письменных высказываний, а также для написания личного и делового письма.

Весь материал пособия рассчитан на 3 триместра. Работу по определенному разделу рекомендуется строить следующим образом:

1) ознакомление с основным текстом урока по теме, его чтение и перевод;

2) выполнение фонетических и лексических упражнений для активизации тематического материала раздела;

3) выполнение условно-речевых и речевых упражнений урока;

4) выполнение контрольной работы или теста определенного раздела.






When the weather is wet

We must not fret, –

When the weather is cold,

We must not scold.

When the weather is warm

We must not storm, –

But, be thankful together

Whatever the weather.


The twelve months

By Christina Rossetti


January with cold is set,

February is chill and wet.

March wind often rages,

In April weather changes.

Pretty flowers come in May,

Sunny June brings longest day.

In hot July the skies are clear,

Then August with corn is here.

For fruit September opens the way,

October sweeps the leaves away.

Next enters grey November

And, lastly, snowy December.


* * *

Thirty days have September,

April, June and November,

All the rest have thirty-one;

February has twenty-eight alone,

Excepting leap-year, that’s the time

When February’s days are twenty-nine.

The invitation

By P.B. Shelly

Away, away from men and towns,

To the wild woods and the downs –

To the silent wilderness

Where the soul need not repress

Its music lest it should not find

An echo in another mind,

While the touch of Nature’s mind,

While the touch of Nature’s art

Harmonizes heart to heart.


Around the world

In India you wear a sari,

You wear sandals in safari,

You wear wooden shoes in Holland

And purple leather shoes in Poland.

A brown windmill moves its hands

And farmers feed their sheep and lambs.

You wear a parka in Lapland,

Where winter seems to have no end.

A round igloo is so white

And sparkling in the polar night.


The questionnaire “ABOUT MYSELF”

Full name:

My age:

My birthplace:

The school I studied at:

Favourite subjects:

My family:

My friends:

Hobby (favourite occupation):

Likings (dislikings):


Some useful expressions

Let me introduce myself (Let me tell you about myself = I’d like to tell you about myself …)

I’m ….

My (first, second) name is ….

I was born at (in) ….

I studied at school № ….

My favourite subjects were (are) ….

My family consists of ….

We are three (four, five …) in a family: a father, a mother, a sister, a brother and myself (= I have …).

I’ve got many friends: ….

In my free time I’m fond of listening to music (watching TV, playing the guitar, reading books, studying, going shopping, going fishing, going hiking, dancing, sewing …)

Most of all I (dis)like Ving smth.

That’s all what I can tell you about myself.



Let me introduce myself. My name is Jackie. My full name is Jackie Rose. I am twenty-one and am in the 4th year of the French and Russian department at Aberdeen University. I live on a farm in the North of Scotland in an area which attracts many tourists because of its beauty – the Scottish Highlands. It is a mountainous region with many lakes and can be very bleak in the winter. That is why the population is fairly small. Agriculture is the main occupation. My father is a farmer.

During the term-time I live in a university flat with five other girls and quite often go home at week-ends since it is only a hundred miles away.

My mother is a housewife and is always busy looking after the house – the garden and various animals. She is 50 and my father is 51. They both came from quite large families (my mother is one of six children and my father is one of four) so my two sisters, my brother and myself have many aunts, uncles and cousins. My mother’s parents are still alive, but we very rarely see them because they live on a small Scottish island quite far away.

My elder sister Margaret is almost twenty and works for my father in his office as a secretary. It is a well-paid job and she is very efficient but she does not really enjoy it because she works indoors all day. At heart she is a lover of outdoor life and would prefer to work with horses. Last year she trained to be a riding instructress but realized it would be difficult, if not impossible, to find a job and since she had already done a year’s secretarial course when she left school at 17, she decided to work for my father.

Jane, my other sister, is seventeen and in her final year at school. Up to the last year she went to a boarding school in Aberdeen but decided to come home and spend her last year in Inverness at the local comprehensive school because she has so many animals to look after. She owns two of our four cats, has two sheep and also keeps several ducks. As can be seen Jane is very interested in farming and she wants to study agriculture at the university next year. It is perhaps not a very wise choice, since it is extremely difficult for girls to find jobs as farm managers.

The youngest member of the family is William, who is 16. He is at a boarding school near Perth, about 150 miles away and comes home once a term and at holidays. Choosing a career is no problem for him – he has always wanted to be a farmer and to take over business from my father. He is tall and strong for his age and works on the farm every holiday.

As can be seen, all my family (except for me) is very involved in farming. It isn’t surprising since both my father’s father and my mother’s father and their fathers before them were also farmers ­– it is a family tradition. Our family is slightly larger than average (apparently the average number of children in British families is 2). But since the age difference between the children is small we all get on very well with each other and with our parents. All in all, we’re a very happy family.


Vocabulary exercises:

I. Read the following words correctly:

To introduce, university, mountainous, agriculture, efficient, comprehensive, Jackie Rose, Aberdeen, Scotland, Scottish Highlands, Margaret, Jane, William, Inverness, Perth.

II. Translate the text into Russian orally paying attention to the words and word combinations in bold type. Copy them out into your copy book with their transcription and translation.

III. Give the English equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions:

Учиться на первом курсе, в течение семестра, привлекать туристов своей красотой, довольно малочисленное население, хорошо оплачиваемая работа, сельское хозяйство, основное занятие на ферме, ухаживать за животными, присматривать за домом, работать секретарем, семейная традиция.

IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. My cousin lives in a small village. His parents are involved in agriculture. Since the area is scarcely populated there is no secondary school in the village and the boy goes to a boarding school 30 km. away. He comes home at week-ends and during holidays. He is in his final year at school. As he is interested in farming he wants to study agriculture at the Academy next year.

2. Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet, comes from a very large family.

3. Choosing a career was no problem for Helen. She has always wanted to be a teacher. Her mother works as an elementary school teacher and her father is a teacher of Mathematics. It is a family tradition.

4. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to find a job for the young people in Great Britain.

5. Schoolchildren of small village schools keep various animals and look after them. They also help their parents to work on the farm.

6. My grandmother is a housewife. During the whole day she is busy looking after the house and my younger sister. They get on very well with each other.

V. Find the synonyms:

1) attractive, university, average, small, efficient, fairly, career;

2) college, ordinary, rather, business-like, profession, little, beautiful.

VI. What is the opposite of:

Large, slightly, far, small, tall, rarely, strong, many, older, indoors, happy, often, well-paid.

VII. Combine the following words into sentences. Translate them into Russian:

1. introduce, name, myself, Jane, let, my, is, me.

2. university, the, am, in, at, the, the 2nd, I.

3. alive, are, grandparents, my, still, see, rarely, them, we, but, because, they, away, quite, live, far.

4. sister, my, elder, as, works, teacher, a.

5. efficient, very, is, enjoys, her, she, work, and, she.

6. Britain, to find, it, difficult, job, in, a, is.

7. went, school, he, last, primary, up to, the, a, year, to.

VIII. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions:

I am … the first year … the university. I have an elder brother and a younger sister. My sister Ann is … her final year … school. My brother works … an engineer … a farm. The area he lives … is only 50 km. away so he often comes to visit us … week-ends. He is married. His wife is always busy looking … the house and children. My grandparents live not far … them … the country. My cousin Peter is interested … farm-life and wants to study agriculture … the university … next year.

IX. Translate into English:

1. Нас было двое.

2. Сегодня у нас будет английский?

3. Дача моих дедушки и бабушки находится в 20 км от Москвы.

4. Зимний день очень короткий.

5. По воскресеньям мы все на даче. Это наша семейная традиция.

6. Мне восемнадцать лет, и я на первом курсе института.

7. Завтра у нас две лекции и семинар.

8. Сейчас 8 часов, у нас нет времени.

9. Отец моего отца тоже жил на ферме.

10. Прошлой зимой в Санкт-Петербурге почти не было снега.

11. Книга – на полке.

12. Это у них семейная традиция, да?

13. У нас с сестрой отдельные комнаты. Комната сестры очень просторная и светлая, так как в ней два окна.

14. Здесь только две ошибки, а не три.

15. У меня есть дедушка и бабушка – родители моей матери.

16. В этом шкафу только словари.

17. В комнате был стол, четыре стула и книжный шкаф.

18. Спросите его об этом.

19. Не разговаривайте так громко.

X. Translate into English:

1. Позвольте мне представиться. Меня зовут Николай.

2. Мне 18 лет. Я родился в Березниках и сейчас живу в Соликамске.

3. Я учусь на втором курсе в филиале Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета.

4. Я не женат.

5. Моя семья маленькая, так как я – единственный ребенок в семье.

6. Я жил с родителями, когда учился в школе.

7. Моя мама – доктор. Мой отец – водитель.

8. Я очень общителен. У меня много друзей.

9. Мне нравятся веселая компания и вечеринки.

10. У меня есть чувство юмора. Мне нравятся шутки.

11. Я воспитан, и у меня хорошие манеры.

12. Я не люблю, когда люди лгут.

13. Мне не нравятся грубые, эгоистичные и глупые люди.

14. Я люблю слушать современную музыку.

15. Я увлекаюсь плаваньем и бегом, а зимой люблю кататься на лыжах и коньках, но у меня не так много времени для занятий спортом.

16. Иногда я трачу час или два на просмотр интересного фильма или программы новостей.

17. Вечером я часто читаю газеты или книги.

18. Мой любимый писатель – Пушкин.

XI. Answer the questions:

1. Where does Jackie Rose live?

2. Why does this area attract many tourists?

3. Jackie is in the 1st year at Aberdeen University, isn’t she?

4. Where does she live during the term-time?

5. Does she often go home? How often?

6. What is her mother?

7. What is her father?

8. What is her elder sister?

9. What is her younger sister?

10. What is her brother?

11. What does her mother look after?

12. How old are her parents? Did they both come from quite large families?

13. Do they see their grandparents often or rarely? Why?

14. Does Margaret enjoy her work as a secretary? Why?

15. Why did Jane come home and decide to spend her last year at the local comprehensive school?

16. What is she interested in? What does she want to study at the University?

17. What career has William chosen? Is he at the boarding school in Aberdeen or near Perth?

18. What is the whole family involved in? Is it surprising?

19. Do the children of the Roses’ family get on well with each other and with their parents?

20. What is the average number of children in British families?

XII. Fill in the blanks and make up a story about your family (not less than 15 sentences). You can bring a photograph of your family:

1. My name is …. I am … (years old). I was born on … in ….

2. We are … in the family. I live with ….

3. My father’s name is …. He is … (years old). He is a … and he works ….

4. My mother’s name is …. She is … years old. She is a ….

5. I have a (younger/elder sister/brother). He/she is ….

6. We live in a …. There are … rooms in our flat: …. We have all modern conveniences: ….

7. I have my duties about the house. I must …, …, … and …. I always help my … about the house.

8. I studied at school number ….My favourite subjects at school were …, … and ….

9. Now I’m a first year student at ….

10. We have many subjects at …. My favourite subjects are ….

11. I enjoy watching TV. My favourite programmes are ….

12. I like to listen to modern music. I’m fond of listening to …. My favourite composer is ….

13. I like reading. I am fond of reading ….


Though there are almost three thousand languages in the world, English is the most universal. It is the official language in over forty countries. We use English in international business, science and medicine. About 400 million people speak English as a mother tongue (700 million speak Chinese, 200 million speak Russian and 100 million speak German).

Even in the countries where English is not the first language, a number of English words are used. Words from no other language are borrowed more often than from English. Hundreds of words borrowed from English can be found in other languages such as soda, hotel, golf, tennis, jeans, OK, baseball and others. Many words are used as they are. Others are changed to make them more like native language, easier to say and remember.

English is everywhere. It is on signs, clothing, soft drinks and other goods around the world. In spite of their popularity, the English words and phrases are not always welcome. Some people think that the use of the English words is dangerous for the purity of their native language. But it goes without saying that English is still an international language. Some people believe that business would ruin more smoothly if everyone spoke the same language.

Languages have changed and disappeared throughout the history. This change is inevitable. But English words will continue to pop up everywhere, whether some people like it or not. English nowadays is the language of business, diplomacy and international relations. Most educated people speak English fluently. In most schools children start to learn English just from the first grade.

Join the people who want to speak English perfectly and you will gain a great advantage over others.


Vocabulary exercises:

I. Pronounce correctly:

Though, thousand, diplomacy, medicine, Chinese, advantage, an official language, international, German, science, a foreigner, inevitable, hotel, business, signs, an accent, to read, first, clothing, popularity, dangerous, advantage.

II. What is the Russian for?

To speak English as a mother tongue, a language teacher, to get a good working knowledge of a language, to be good at pronunciation, to speak English fluently and perfectly, to be borrowed, to be a language expert, to make a mistake, to learn a language, aspects of English (phonetics, lexicology, grammar).

III. Translate into Russian paying attention to the new words and expressions:

1. There are many words in Russian which are borrowed from the English language.

2. You’ll gain a great advantage if you are good at English.

3. Some people don’t want to lose the purity of their native language.

4. Linguistic schools have got all teaching aids: good libraries, language laboratories and listening centres.

5. It goes without saying that English is an official language and is used everywhere: in business, science and medicine.

6. A lot of English courses are glad to welcome you and give good knowledge of English.

7. Nowadays you can choose different language courses: they can be either for adults or for children.

IV. Make up 5 own sentences in English using new words and word combinations.

V. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word, expression or word combination: fluently, teaching aids, is used, are borrowed, in spite of, laboratories, popular, courses, a great advantage, popularity, listening.

1. The English language is very ….

2. … many textbooks in English, it is not easy to find a good one. A lot of new words … from English.

3. English … everywhere. Its … is obvious.

4. If you can speak English well, you gain … over others.

5. Our department of foreign languages has various …: language … and … centres.

6. Do you go to any English …?

7. Can you speak English …?

VI. Paraphrase the following sentences using new words and expressions from Vocabulary Notes:

1. Our language centre uses various teaching facilities.

2. Some people are sure that English is doing more harm than good to the Russian language.

3. My friend is in better situation: he can speak English well.

4. These English lessons are for adults.

5. Many medicine terms are taken from the English language.

VII. Translate inti English:

1. Английский – официальный язык во многих странах мира.

2. Английский язык используется везде: в бизнесе, науке, медицине.

3. Если вы пользуетесь лингафонным кабинетом и другими средствами обучения, вы будете говорить по-английски бегло.

4. Несмотря на мою занятость, я посещаю лингвистические курсы два раза в неделю.

5. В русском языке много слов, которые были заимствованы из английского языка, например: сода, теннис, аэропорт и другие.

6. Некоторые люди думают, что использование английского языка является опасным для чистоты русского языка.

VIII. Match the two parts of the sentences:

1. English is the official …

2. Today English is the language of …

3. If you want to speak English fluently, you can …

4. Words from no other language …

5. Hundreds of words borrowed from English …

6. In most schools children start …

7. Nowadays you can find English …

8. Some people believe that a great number of borrowings …

9. But, no doubt, English …

10. It goes without saying that business …

11. In spite of the popularity of the English words, they …

12. Join the people who want to learn English …


a. are borrowed more often than from English.

b. business, diplomacy and international relations.

c. to learn English from the first grade.

d. everywhere: on signs, clothing, soft drinks and other goods.

e. is still the international language.

f. are not always welcome.

g. join different English courses.

h. would run more smoothly if everyone spoke the same language.

i. can be found in other languages.

j. can be dangerous for the purity of the native language.

k. language in over forty countries.

l. and you will gain a great advantage over others.

IX. Complete the sentences:

1. The English courses have the most …, … and highly … teachers.

2. The foreign language courses have got the latest … …, such as language … and … centres.

3. You get the … in English families and hotels.

4. We offer: … English for adults, secretarial courses, … holidays courses for adults, … English courses for children.

5. You get a lively and … atmosphere for learning English.

X. Answer the following questions:

1. How many languages are there in the world?

2. What is the most important thing to learn in English?

3. Do you think it is possible to learn a foreign language perfectly?

4. Do you agree with the statement that English is everywhere?

5. How long does it take to get a good working knowledge of a language?

6. How important is it to speak correctly?

7. Do you think that musical people are good at learning pronunciation?

8. What is the best way to learn pronunciation (grammar, vocabulary)?

9. What is the most difficult (the easiest, the most interesting, the most boring) aspect of English for you? Why do you think so?

10. Can you think of anything in English that is not important to learn?

11. Why do some people think that English is dangerous for their native language?

12. What words which are borrowed from English can we find in Russian?

13. From what form do children start learning English?

14. Where can you study English besides schools?

15. Why are linguistic courses good for mastering fluent English?

16. Do you prefer British English, American English, or another kind of English? Why?

XI. Read the dialogue between the participants of the conference “English is around us” in parts and prepare your own dialogue on the topic:

Mr. Black: You insist on the idea to use English everywhere if possible: even to substitute some Russian words with English ones.

Mrs. Mock: Yes, you are right. English has become the most used language in the world. I’d like to point out that nowadays every educated person speaks English fluently. All respected companies employ people only with the English language knowledge.

Mr. Black: We’ve got a bit of problem here, you see. English is not our native language and we mustn’t drop down our own words. There are a lot of labels, advertisements, announcements which are given to us, the Russians, in English. What is the idea of it? I’m sorry to disagree with you but it’s ridiculous.

Mrs. Mock: Ridiculous? Not in the least. English is an international language. It is soft and beautiful. Besides this language helps us to be in the centre of the world’s activity …

Mr. Black: Look, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but English popularity is dangerous for the purity of the Russian language. I’m sure we even must eliminate English as the official language and save our native one.

Mrs. Mock: I have to say it, but we look at this problem from different points of view. We don’t share our thoughts on the question. That’s why our further conversation is out of the sense, isn’t it?

Mr. Black: Oh, all right. Let’s go to our colleagues and join them.

XII. Write a business letter (not less than 15 sentences) on one of the following topics (See Appendix 2):

1. The role of English in the modern world. Why learn English?

2. The problem of English words borrowed into Russian. Is it good or bad?

3. The problem of teaching English at schools. What school age is the most appropriate for starting English?

4. My experience in learning English.

5. How are you going to use English in your future work?




There are three types of higher educational institutions: universities, polytechnical institutes and specialized institutes. At all the institutes there are full-time, part-time and external students. Part-time or evening and correspondence or extra-mural departments are set up for those who want to combine work and learning. Correspondence training demands great effort from the external students. Part-time students attend classes in the evening.

The universities train research workers in the Humanities and in the Sciences. Teachers are also trained in the universities. The universities offer a four- or five-year course of study and have many faculties.

The Moscow State University (MSU), known as the Lomonosov University, was founded in 1755. The old building of the University stands in the centre of the city not far from the Kremlin in Mokhovaya Street. Many famous people studied and graduated from the University. The MSU is considered to be a real Palace of Science in Sparrow Hills. The different faculties of the University operate in its numerous buildings. They are the Humanities – philology, history, economics, philosophy, law and journalism and the natural sciences faculties – of biology, chemistry, physics etc.

There is a great number of rooms of different kinds, thousands of laboratories equipped with modern apparatus of advanced design. An observatory for astronomers is housed in one of the buildings. They have set up a botanical garden and different experimental plots, a dendrarium and a nursary for the biologists where they carry out various experiments on changing the nature of plants. The University library has a special conveyer system so that the students can get a book in some minutes.

The University’s main building is a 32-storeyed building of 780 feet high. It has some wings of 18 and 12 storeys. The 12-storeyed wings (and some other buildings) are used as the hostels for students, post-graduates and some of the teachers. In front of the building there is an enormous square with shrubs, flower beds, a fountain and a statue of M. Lomonosov whom the University is named after. The University provides the best conditions for scientific research. Research work carried out in its laboratories and its experimental stations helps to solve the problems on the national economy. The MSU plays an important part in developing Russian science and culture.


C. Students’ life

1. What year are you in?

2. Why have you made up your mind to enter this University?

3. What speciality (direction of training) have you chosen?

4. What does the curriculum (syllabus) of your speciality (direction of training) include?

5. Is it easy or difficult for you to study?

6. How many classes a day do you usually have?

7. What credit-tests and exams will you take this term?

8. What can you tell about the activity of different students’ unions and organizations in the SSTTI? What are they?

9. Do you take part in any of them?

10. Do you take an active part in the life of your group and the University on the whole?

XVI. Make up a booklet “Our Institute (University)” (See Appendix 1). Include the following points:

1. description of the building;

2. inner structure of education (departments, chairs, specialities);

3. different educational facilities;

4. organization of study (subjects, types of the lessons);

5. students’ life (clubs and societies).

XVII. Read the following dialogue in parts and make up your own one about your studies in our University:

A foreign delegation is visiting the Moscow Teachers Training State University: the guests have been received by the University authorities in the main building and now they are talking to the students in the hostel.

Helen: Here we are. This is our hostel. My room is on the third floor. This way, please.

Mary: Oh, it’s such a cosy room with furniture and all the conveniences. Is it all your own?

Helen: No, it isn’t. I share it with my groupmate. We are getting on wonderfully.

Paul: You must be paying a lot of money for it.

Vera: Nothing of the kind. We pay 200 roubles a month. It’s a fixed rent for students in all universities and institutes.

Mary: Is it? It’s too good to be true. I wonder how much you have to pay for your course of studies at the Institute.

Peter: Higher education in our country is free. What is more, we get money while we study. Our academic scholarship is 2300 roubles a month and in some higher educational establishments it may be even more.

Tony: Do all students get a scholarship?

Helen: No, not all. Only those who have passed all credit-tests and examinations successfully. Besides we certainly do get some financial support from our parents.

Ann: Now I see what your equal opportunities of higher education for all school-leavers mean.

Paul: In what way are your studies at the University organized?

Vera: The academic year lasts from September till the end of June and is divided into three terms, at the end of which we take credit-tests and exams.

Paul: All this is very interesting. But what about your future prospects? How soon do you think you’ll find the position of a teacher after graduating?

Peter: We don’t have to find it. City and district Boards of Education see to it that all the vacancies are filled in. So we are offered the position of a teacher in our 4th year before we graduate.

Mary: It’s wonderful, isn’t it? The way you don’t have to worry about the future. Well, thanks a lot. Now we have a clear idea of how to become a teacher in Russia.

Irene: Would you like to go down and see our Students’ Club, a students’ amateur concert is beginning in ten minutes.

Steve: Most willingly, thank you.

XVIII. What are your chances this term?

1. Have you attended lectures this term?

a. all of them

b. half of them

c. none of them

2. Have you read the books on your list?

a. all the books

b. half of the books

c. just a few

3. Have you read any additional material?

a. a lot

b. only a little

c. none

4. Have you made any notes at the lectures?

a. very detailed notes

b. just the main points

c. none at all

5. Have you made any reports at the seminars?

a. at every seminar

b. only a few

c. none at all

6. Have you been active during the discussions at your seminars?

a. very active

b. just listening

c. sleeping through the discussions

7. Have you made any cribs?

a. a lot of them

b. just a few

c. none at all

8. Have you missed any classes?

a. a lot of them

b. just a few

c. none at all

9. Have you studied late into the night?

a. very often

b. not very often

c. never

10. Have you had your meals regularly?

a. always

b. only at weekends

c. hardly ever

11. Have you kept fit this term?

a. fairly fit

b. not really

c. not at all

What is your score?

1. a – 5 2. a – 5 3. a – 5 4. a – 5 5. a – 5 6. a – 5

b – 1 b – 2 b – 3 b – 4 b – 3 b – 2

c – 0 c – 0 c – 0 c – 0 c – 0 c – 0

7. a – 5 8. a – 0 9. a – 0 10. a – 5 11. a – 5

b – 1 b – 3 b – 2 b – 1 b – 3

c – 5 c – 5 c – 5 c – 0 c – 0


1. From 55 to 40: Don’t worry. You are sure to pass.

2. From 40 to 20: Take care. You’ll pass only if you are very lucky.

3. From 20 to 0: No chance at all, you are sure to fail at the exam.

XIX. Read the letter and write your own one to your pen friend about yourself and your studies in the University (See Appendix 2):


Dear Victor,

I’m writing this e-mail message to you from Moscow. You remember I told you I wanted to become an economist. Now I’m a University student! In July I took entrance exams to the Moscow State University. The exams were rather difficult and there were a lot of applicants but I passed all the exams well enough. I was admitted to the university as a first-year student. I still don’t believe it.

Our University was founded as the first institute to train personnel for work in the economy of the country. Here there are many students from other countries. After graduating from the University they go back to work in their countries.

The University is headed by the Rector. There are also several pro-rectors and Heads of Chairs. The faculties are headed by Deans.

The University has many faculties. Among them there are the Faculty of International Economic Relations, the Faculty of Business and Management, and the faculty of Economy at enterprises. I am a student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations. I’m going to study economics, finance and commerce.

There are twenty five students in my group. Some students live in Moscow and others come from all over the world. Many students in my class come from Moscow. One boy is from Rostov-on-the Don. There is a girl from the Ukraine and a boy from India. I have already got acquainted with many of my fellow students.

Our classes begin at 8:20 o’clock in the morning. After two classes there is a forty five minutes break for lunch. I usually have lunch at the University canteen, but some of my fellow-students go to one of the several buffets.

After classes I often go to the library or to the multimedia laboratory. The University library has a big collection of books on different subjects. There are also two large reading rooms with a number of PCs. The language laboratory is situated on the second floor. It offers teaching programs for students learning English, French and German. Each computer there has an access to the World Web.

The University has a large campus. There are three hostels for students, a sports centre with a swimming pool and a football stadium, a Palace of Culture. Our students can go in for different sports. I play basketball twice a week and go swimming. But I don’t have enough time for everything because there is a lot of homework to do every day. Nevertheless, I like my studies here.

If you answer me I’m going to mail you another message tomorrow. Mail me a letter as soon as possible. I’m looking forward to it.

Yours, Nick.

XX. Read the following text and make up a story about your typical working day in the SSPI (the department of the PSNRU) and a day-off using the questions after the text (See Appendix 1):

Student’s working day

Now I am a first-year student of the University. So, let me describe my usual working day. My lectures begin at nine o’clock and on weekdays I have to get up at seven o’clock. My alarm clock usually wakes me up and my working day begins. I turn on the radio, do my morning exercises, take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I get dressed and comb my hair. Then I have breakfast. I love to listen to the latest news on the radio while I am eating.

I leave the house at ten minutes past eight and walk to the nearest bus stop. I live rather far from the University and it usually takes me about a quarter of an hour to get there by bus. Sometimes when the weather is fine and I have enough time I walk to the University.

As a rule we have four or five lectures a day. We have lectures in different subjects. Usually I don’t miss my classes because I want to pass my examinations successfully.

At twelve o’clock we have a big interval for lunch. That’s my favourite time. That is the time to share the latest news with my friends. I prefer not to go to the canteen and we often have lunch in a small café not too far from the University. At one o’clock we have to be back to our classes. During the working day we also have several short intervals that last for fifteen minutes. From time to time I have to stay at the University till late in the evening because I go to the library to get ready for my practical classes or to write an essay report. As a rule I have no free time on weekdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired.

I come home at about seven o’clock in the evening. My parents are already at home. We have supper together and share the latest news. After supper we wash dishes, drink coffee or tea and watch TV. I prefer old comedies and serials or films about travelling. Sometimes I go for a walk in the park or visit my friends.

At about eleven at night I go to bed. I like to read something before going to bed or listen to some music. Sometimes I fall asleep while I am reading. That’s the way I spend my usual working day.

1. When do you usually get up in the morning? Do you get up early?

2. Is it easy for you to get up early?

3. Do you wake up yourself or does your alarm clock wake you up?

4. Who makes breakfast for you?

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?

6. When do you leave your house?

7. How long does it take you to get to your University?

8. Do you go there by bus or on foot?

9. How many classes do you usually have every day?

10. Where and at what time do you usually have lunch?

11. (At) what time do you come back home?

12. How long does it take you to do your homework?

13. How do you usually spend your time in the evening?

14. Do you have much free time on weekdays?

15. What time do you usually go to bed?

XXI. Divide into 4 groups and make up a report/a project/a computer presentation on one of the following topics (prepare a creative task after presenting it: a crossword, a puzzle, a test…) (See Appendix 1):

1. From the history of education: J.A. Comenius,J.J. Rousseau, H. Pestalozzi, Gause, Pythagoras, Eucled, Newton, Leibnitz, Kovalevskaya, Lobachevsky, Lunacharsky, A. Makarenko, Sh. Amonashvily, K.D. Ushinsky;

2. Great educators abroad.

3. Great pedagogues in Russia.

4. Well-known mathematicians/psychologies/scientists…

XXII. Speak about the way you take part in various festivals, anniversaries and celebrations in your Institute (See Appendix 1).

XXIII. Write a composition on one of the following topics (not less than 20-25 sentences) (See Appendix 2):

1. An ideal University teacher.

2. An ideal University student.

3. Is it good (easy) to be a student?

4. What are you going to do to become a highly-qualified specialist?



I. Read the poem “Oh, Russia, I’m in love with you” by L.A. Khusainova in a proper way, translate into Russian and learn it by heart:

I love you deeply, dear land,

Your hills and rivers, sand on strand,

Your songs and dances, lakes and seas,

Your beasts and fish, birds in trees,

Your sunrise in a splendid sight

Which gives me always such delight.

II. Read the following words, give their Russian equivalents and make up 10 English sentences with these words and word combinations:

vast = immense = wide

to span = to cover = to comprise = to occupy

to stretch

to border on = to be bounded by smth.

in the North, East, South, West

to be washed by smth.

to flow (fall) into smth.

to be rich in smth.

the variety of scenery (scene, landscape)

to belong to smth.

natural and mineral resources: coal, iron, natural gas, Zink, nickel, granite, salt, diamonds

to differ from smth.

industry, agriculture


to be divided into 2 parts

the highlands, lowlands, plains, grasslands, taiga, tundra

to get the general idea of smth.

below sea level

as far as I know (I can see)

to form the natural border (boundary)

to have a summer vacation

to be fond of = to go in for mountaineering, hunting, to go camping (hiking)

III. Read the dialogue “Looking at the map of Russia” in pairsand translate it into Russian:

- I’d like you to tell me something about your country.

- I think the best way to get a general idea of a country is to study the map. It’s lucky I’ve got one with me. Here it is.

- Perhaps we had better start with the physical outline of the country.

- Well, Russia can be divided roughly into two main regions – the highlands in the east and the lowlands cover ing the greater part of the country, with a long mountain range cutting it into two unequal parts.

- You mean the Urals. They form the natural border between Europe and Asia. But the highest mountain chains, as far as I can see, are situated in the South and the South-East of the country. What do you call them?

- The Caucasus, between the Caspian and the Black Sea and the Altai in Asia.

- I’d love to go there. My hobby is mountaineering. But our mountains are not so high as yours, as far as I know.

- I believe they are not. We have peaks four and a half miles high. But we also have lowlands several hundred feet below sea level. We have steppes in the South, plains and forests in the midlands, tundra and taiga in the North.

- What are the “steppes”?

- They are treeless plains covered with grass. The soil is fertile there.

- And is the tundra like our heather moors?

- Not in the least. It’s a kind of frozen desert in the Arctic region.

- And what is the ‘taiga’, I wonder?

- It’s a thick coniferous forest stretching to the South of the tundra. It’s rich in animals, valued for their fur like sable, fox, squirrel.

- I’d like to go hunting there, but I’m afraid I would never be able to stand the cold.

- Our climate is also varied. In the South-West the weather is usually mild and wet. Northern Asia is one of the coldest places on earth, and in the South the heat is unbearable. But in the middle of the country the climate is moderate and continental.

- Well, it has been very interesting for me to hear all those things. Thank you very much for your information.

IV. Match the left and the right columns:

to flow (to fall) the general idea of smth.

below into smth.

to border camping

to get the natural border

as far as scenery

to be I know

to be rich washed by smth.

to go sea level

to form on smth.

the variety of from smth.

natural and mineral in smth

to differ resources

V. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words or word combinations:

1. I’d like to get … of Great Britain.

2. Our country is very … in different mineral ….

3. I’m fond of …. I have visited all the mountains in Russia.

4. Russia is … into 2 main regions: the western and the eastern parts.

5. Russia is … by many seas in the North, the …, the … and the ….

VI. Translate the text about our country into English:

Наша Родина – Россия

Наша страна называется Российская Федерация или Россия. Россия – огромная страна, которая расположена как в Европе, так и в Азии. Её обширная территория составляет свыше 17.1 млн. км² (≈ 6,6 млн. миль²). Она простирается от побережья Северного Ледовитого Океана до субтропиков и от Балтийского моря до Тихого Океана.

Россия граничит со многими государствами на западе – с Норвегией, Финляндией, Латвией, Эстонией, Белоруссией, Украиной; на юге – с Грузией, Азербайджаном, Казахстаном, Монголией и Китаем.

Россия омывается Тихим океаном на востоке, Северным Ледовитым – на севере и Чёрным и Каспийским – на юге. Наша страна очень богата озёрами и реками. Самой длинной рекой в европейской части страны является Волга, которая впадает в Каспийское море, а в Азии – Лена, впадающая в Северный Ледовитый океан. Россия также известна такими реками, как Обь, Иртыш, Енисей, впадающими в Северный Ледовитый океан. И наиболее красивым и самым глубоким озером планеты является Байкал со своей чистой водой.

Чёрное море – очень популярное место (курорт) для тех людей, которые предпочитают проводить свои каникулы на побережье моря. Самыми крупными морскими портами являются Калининград, Новороссийск, Мурманск, Владивосток.

Россия может быть поделена на два главных региона – возвышенности на востоке и низменности, занимающие большую часть территории страны. Уральские горы образуют естественную границу между Европой и Азией. Но самые высокие горы расположены на юге и юго-западе страны: Кавказские горы – между Каспийским и Чёрным морями и Алтайские горы – в Азии. Самая высокая гора на территории нашей страны – гора Эльбрус (5642 м).

В России есть также низменности, несколько сотен фут ниже уровня моря. В России можно найти всё разнообразие пейзажа. У нас есть пустыни и степи на юге, равнины и леса в средней части страны, тундра и тайга – на севере. Степи представляют собой безлесые равнины, покрытые травой с богатой плодородной почвой. Тайга – густые хвойные леса, простирающиеся до юга тундры и богатые такими животными, как белка, соболь, лиса. А тундра представляет собой вид замёрзшей пустыни в северном регионе.

Россия принадлежит к крупным промышленным странам мира, так как богата природными и минеральными ресурсами, а особенно углём, железом, природным газом, нефтью, цинком, никелем, гранитом, солью, алмазами и другими полезными ископаемыми.


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