Встречное предложение (Counter offer) 

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Встречное предложение (Counter offer)


An exporter offers a new model instead of an earlier one he is unable to supply

Dear Sirs

It was a pleasure to receive your order for 300 Model С ‘Reflex’ cameras and to hear of your success in disposing of the last consignment. As we advised you at the time of your last purchase, this type of camera, with its large viewfinder, has become a best-selling model, and you cannot go wrong in stocking it.

While sales throughout the world have been good, there has been a persistent demand for a lens of larger aperture than the f6.3, which was fitted as standard on the Model С last year. On careful examination of this demand we came to the conclusion that the average camera-user of today wants an instrument with which he can do serious picture-making.

We have therefore produced a new version of our famous camera — the Model D, which is fitted with an f4.5 lens. Model 'D' has replaced 'C and at a price of DM 80 net to the trade, repre­sents the finest value on the market for cameras of this type.

We think you will agree that the difference in price, DM 10, between this and the old model is very small for the amazing difference in performance which is now possible. It has received an enthusiastic welcome here already.

Our new publicity campaign is due to begin in a few weeks and the 'D' Reflex will be advertised extensively in national newspapers in your country as well as in technical magazines. Your stock will reach you in good time for the com­mencement of our campaign, so we should be glad if you would confirm the order for 300 of Model 'D' in place of the discontinued Model 'C.

We shall be happy to grant you an extra 5% discount for 300, and can promise you immediate dispatch. Once again we say you cannot go wrong with a Reflex.

We are always at your service.


Counter-offer of silk at a higher price

Dear Sirs

Very many thanks for your letter of yesterday, enclosing your order for 1,000 metres of 'Willow' pattern silk cloth.

In turning to us for a supply of this famous line, you evidently realise that if such an article is to be had at all, we are the people to supply it.

We appreciate your interest, and would have liked to be able to supply your order from stock as we did years ago.

However, times and tastes change. The 'Willow' pattern is now out of fashion, and in common with other manufacturers we have so little demand for it that we have ceased to produce it.

We think, however, that your customers would like our new material ‘Rayon Porcellan’, a sample of which we have pleasure in sending you with this letter. This material has all the good qualities of the old ‘Willow’ pattern and is very much smarter in appearance, without being as vivid in colour as many modern silks and rayons.

The price is 83p per metre or £41 per 50-metre piece, f.o.b. Liverpool. Prices for all silk fabrics have increased considerably in the past year and it is no longer possible to supply a really good material at the figure you name. As you know, we supply only first-class and guaranteed fabrics.

A full selection of our silk patterns is also being sent you by parcel post. All of these are selling well in your country and we can safely recommend them to you.

We can ship your order within a week of hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Задание на письменный перевод (ORDERS 10-11):



Importers of Fashion Goods

Avenue Ravigny 14


The Astern Shoe Co. Ltd. 30 October 2008

Yeovil, Somerset SI9


Dear Sirs

Thank you for your letter of 15 October. As you will already know, your Mr J. Needham called on us a few days ago and left a range of samples. We think articles of this quality will find a ready market here, and we are prepared to order the following as a stock trial order:

20 "Angela" evening bags, catalogue no. 5

50 "Veronica" beauty boxes, catalogue no.17

50 "Daphne" handbags, catalogue no. 27a

50 "Gloria" handbags, catalogue no. 28

If nos. 27a and 28 are not available for immediate delivery, as Mr Needham suggested might be the case, please send nos. 27 and 28a instead.

Since we must have the goods on display in time for the Christmas season, our order is placed on condition that they are despatched by 10 November at the latest.

As soon as we receive your confirmation and pro-forma invoice, we will arrange for settlement by banker's transfer.

We are looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

Yours faithfully



Hardware Merchants

150 Beachview Avenue

Bournemouth H77 6DP

30 January 2007

Modern Plastics Ltd.

Melox House Portsmouth

P92 4CC

Dear Sirs

Thank you for your letter of 12 January and for the details of your plastic ware.

We have now seen samples of your products and are prepared to give them a trial, pro­vided you can guarantee delivery on or before 1 March. The enclosed order is placed strictly on this condition, and we reserve the right to cancel and to refuse delivery after this date.

Yours faithfully


J.B.K. Thorns

Managing Director



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