Whose speech is the most interesting/performable? 

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Whose speech is the most interesting/performable?


1. «Telecommunications (noun) is the technology of sending signals, images and messages over long distances by radio, telephone, television, satellite, etc: technological developments in telecommunications; telecommunication (adj. [only before noun]): a telecommunication company»[1].

What other words with «tele -» do you remember?

Work in pairs and recollect some of the latest developments in the world of telecommunications.

3. Make up as many words or word combinations with «phone -» as you can.

Practice some vocabulary related to technology and telecommunications. Match a word or a word combination to its definition.

cordless phones laptop telephone boxes digital divide mobile phones antenna (aerial) phone jack

a) Telephones for use in the home that have no cables; b) the gap in access to technology between the rich and the poor; c) a portable computer; d) telephones for use anywhere – also known as cell; e) socket in a wall for a telephone; f) a metal wire for sending and receiving electronic signal; g) telephones in the street for the public to use.

Work in pairs, check if you know the following words or word combinations. Translate them into Russian and explain their meanings in English.

Telecommunication technology, connect, e-mail, access, advance, acronym, fidelity, wireless trailing, access point, special receiver, time-pressed, appear daily, hi tech toy, to narrow the «digital divide», generation, educational opportunity.

Look at the words and phrases taken from the text and try to predict exactly what is being discussed in the text.

Mobile technology, allows to connect, you’re on move, access the Internet, communicate with special receiver, surf the net, endless possibilities, great advantage.

Work in pairs and speak on the questions. Agree or disagree with your partner.

1) Do you use a computer or a laptop? What do you use it for?

2) What do you think about the Internet? Give five adjectives to describe it.

3) Name various ways in which people communicate with each other long distance?

8. Read text А and decide which is the best title for it:

A) The World Wide Web C) Wireless World

B) The Educational Hope of the Future D) Mobile Technology

Text A

In the space of a few years mobile telecommunications technology – the technology that allows you to connect with people and get information while you’re on the move – has advanced at an amazing pace. With talk of WAPs, WML and wireless LANs, it’s getting hard just to remember what all the acronyms stand for, let alone understand the technology. One such development that’s causing some excitement is the much talked about Wi-Fi technology.

Wi-Fi – which, in case you didn’t know, stands for Wireless Fidelity – is a way to access the Internet without the need to connect your computer to a phone line. This means you can send e-mails and surf the net from your own laptop computer and not have to worry about finding a phone jack or having wires trailing all over the place.

However, it doesn’t mean you can connect from anywhere – not yet anyway. You have to be close to an access point, where your computer can communicate with a special receiver. In truth, there aren’t that many access points around at the moment, but more and more are appearing daily, and you might be surprised by the kinds of places which are already Wi-Fi connected.

A couple of major airlines have set up wireless access points onboard their airplanes, allowing time-pressed business travelers to connect with their offices from 36.000 feet in the air. A group of enthusiasts in Brighton have set one up on the beach there, so you can surf the net as well as the waves. A team of teachers has created one in the middle of a wood in southern England as part of a project to help children learn about the environment. And in some British pubs you can even access the Web whilst downing a pint of beer. The possibilities, it seems, are endless.

But Wi-Fi isn’t only for busy business tycoons or people looking for fun at their local pub; it’s not just another hi tech toy for spoilt Westerners. One of the system’s great advantages is that it is bringing the Internet to some of the world’s poorest regions, and helping to narrow the ‘digital divide’ between the West and the Developing World. Some remote villages in Bangladesh, for example, where costly telephone lines have never reached, now have schools with wireless Internet access. Here Wi-Fi is giving a new generation of school children a window on the word and educational opportunities never dreamt of by their parents. And that is something to get excited about.


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