In groups of two or three discuss what engineering is and give your definition of engineering. 

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In groups of two or three discuss what engineering is and give your definition of engineering.

Think of at least five different fields of engineering and their application in the modern world.

Match a specialist with the function he/she is responsible for.

Aerospace engineer Maintenance of computers
Electrical engineer Designing more effective recycling systems
Computer engineer To discover and manufacture better plastics, paints, fuels, fibers
Ceramic and materials engineer To create the sounds in a video game
Environmental engineer Making useful products in many forms
Chemical engineer To keep desirable organisms alive in fermentation processes
bioengineer Developing a new generation of telescopes, commercial airliners, military jets
Audio engineer Construction and implementation of computer controlled equipment

Skim the first part of the text and compose the ABC-list of modern engineering specializations.

Read the text Part 1 of Text A and compare your ideas from the warming up activity 2 with the ideas given in the text. Are there any ideas that you haven’t thought of?

Text A

Part 1

Engineering has been called the «invisible» or «stealth» profession. Everything around you and that you use every day has been engineered in some way yet you may not see the engineers behind the scenes or know much about engineering.

You have math and science classes and both are basic to engineering. But, engineers take math and science from paper and the lab to invent, design, and build things that matter. They are team players with independent minds who ask, «How can we develop a better recycling system to protect the environment, design a school that can withstand an earthquake, or create cutting-edge special effects for the movies?» By dreaming up creative and practical solutions, engineers are changing the world all the time.

Aerospace engineers design, analyze, model, simulate, and test aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, missiles, and rockets. Aerospace technology also extends to many other applications of objects moving within gases or liquids. Examples are golf balls, high-speed trains, hydrofoil ships, or tall buildings in the wind.

As an aerospace engineer, you might work on the Orion space mission, which plans on putting astronauts back on the moon by 2020. Or, you might be involved in developing a new generation of space telescopes, the source of some of our most significant cosmological discoveries. But outer space is just one of many realms to explore as an aerospace engineer. You might develop commercial airliners, military jets, or helicopters for our airways. And getting even more down-to-earth, you could design the latest ground and sea transportation, including high-speed trains, racing cars, or deep-sea vessels that explore life at the bottom of the ocean.

Most people take the sounds we hear every day for granted. But it may surprise you to learn that the creation of audio is a unique endeavor that blends both art and science. Did you ever stop to think how they created the sounds in a video game, or in a move, TV show or at a concert? There are literally thousands of different jobs available in this field that are as rewarding as they are challenging.

There are many career choices in the field of Audio Engineering. Perhaps you are a musician, interested in electronics and sound, or like the idea of working with people who produce and perform in the many fields of entertainment. You will find challenging and fulfilling work in audio engineering.

Bioengineers study living systems and apply that knowledge to solve various problems. They study the safety of food supplies, keep desirable organisms alive in fermentation processes, and design biologically based sensors. Bioengineering is widely used to destroy wastes and clean up contaminated soil and water. These engineers contribute greatly to human health and the environment.

Ceramic and Materials Engineers solve problems by relying on their creative and technical skills – making useful products in many forms from common as well as exotic materials. Every day we use a multitude of these products. Each time we talk on the phone, use a computer, or heat food in a microwave oven, we are using products made possible by the inventions and designs of engineers working with ceramics and other materials.

Everything around us is made of chemicals. Chemical changes can be used to produce all kinds of useful products. Chemical Engineers discover and manufacture better plastics, paints, fuels, fibers, medicines, fertilizers, semiconductors, paper, and all other kinds of chemicals. Chemical Engineers also play an important role in protecting the environment, inventing cleaner technologies, calculating environmental impacts, and studying the fate of chemicals in the environment.

Computer Engineering is the design, construction, implementation, and maintenance of computers and computer controlled equipment for the benefit of humankind.

Most universities offer Computer Engineering as either a degree program of its own or as a sub-discipline of Electrical Engineering. With the widespread use and integration of computers into our everyday lives, it's hard to separate what an Electrical Engineer needs to know and what a Computer Engineer needs to know. Because of this, several universities offer a dual degree in both Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Environmental Engineering is the study of ways to protect the environment.

Most of us care deeply about stopping pollution and protecting our natural resources. Imagine yourself having more than just a passion for saving our environment, but also possessing the actual know-how to do something about these alarming problems! As an environmental engineer, you’ll make a real difference in the survival of our planet by finding ways of cleaning up our oceans, rivers, and drinking water, developing air pollution equipment, designing more effective recycling systems, or discovering safe ways to dispose of toxic waste.

Answer the questions.

1) Why has engineering been called «invisible» profession?

2) How are engineers changing the world all the time?

3) What are profession prospects for an aerospace engineer?

4) What are the career choices in the field of audio engineering?

5) What do bioengineers contribute to human health and the environment?

6) What is a ceramic and materials engineer responsible for?

7) What is the role of a chemical engineer?

8) What do computer engineers do?

9) How can an environmental engineer make a real difference in the survival of our planet?

The verbs (from the text) given below describe what different engineers do. Check if you know these words and word combinations. Which verb or phrase corresponds to a particular specialist in engineering? Find them in the text and ask your partner to translate the sentences.

Build, construct, analyze, create, control, calculate, develop, coordinate, module, discover, direct, simulate, design, implement, test, explore, produce, play important role in, invent, perform, be involved in, research, contribute, be interested in.


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