Task 2: Match the words and expressions in the first box with a word or expression in the second box which is either the closest in meaning or which is normally associated with it. 

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Task 2: Match the words and expressions in the first box with a word or expression in the second box which is either the closest in meaning or which is normally associated with it.

Some of these also appear in Task 1,

ethnic cleansing • prejudice • civil rights • harassment rebel • picket line • poverty-stricken • refugee • outcast

reject (noun) • non-conformist • blackleg • human rights • destitute discrimination • displaced person • intimidation • racial purging

Task 3: Now look at this news programme and complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions from Tasks 1 and 2. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible. You may need to change the form of some of the words.

Good evening. Here is the news.

Neo-Nazis and other … have been held responsible for a wave of … in the Bratilovan Republic, The United Nations estimates that over 20,000 people have been murdered there in the last six months. … who have escaped from the country have asked the British government to grant them …, as they fear for their safety if they have to return.

The government are to deport 500 … whose visas have expired. Angry members of the opposition have accused the government of …, as most of the deportees are of African origin. Meanwhile, the police have been accused of …, after Asian families in Bradford complained they had been pestered and worried by officers following a series of robberies in the city.

… leaders in the USA have held a demonstration in Washington against the death penalty. They have called for a total abolition of capital punishment, claiming that it is contrary to basic … principles outlined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

… fighting the government of President Stanislow have taken control of the television station in the centre of the capital. This follows a long-standing … between Mr Stanislow and the principal opposition party which has seriously weakened his power.

A spokesman for the … community in London has presented a petition to the government asking them to provide housing for everyone. He argues that the government's refusal to raise the minimum wage rate has resulted in thousands living in …, with not enough money to pay for somewhere to live. Meanwhile, the Metropolitan Police evicted several … who took over a house in the city centre last week and refused to leave until the government took positive action.

A recent survey reveals that at least 30% of public companies have been accused of … and … in the past year. The main offender is Anglo-Amalgamated Telecommunications, a Bristol-based company. Their employees, many of them Asian women, claim they have received bad treatment or been taken advantage of by the company.

And finally, the Cardiff police are preparing for angry scenes at the Welsh International Computers factory tomorrow when …, anxious to return to work after six months on strike, will attempt to break through the picket line. A senior officer has expressed his concern that there will be … and people will get hurt as a result.



When war broke out (1), my grandfather joined the army. War was declared on his 25th birthday. He didn't want to go to war but he had no choice. The government were sending troops to the south where they expected fierce fighting. At first there were just minor incidents out soon it developed into all-out war (2). My grandfather has told me how terrified he was the first time he came within firing range (30 of the enemy. They saw him and opened fire (4) but he was able to escape. A couple of his friends, though, were killed or taken prisoner. After several months our army went into action in the first decisive battle of the war. The battle raged (5) for several days. My grandfather said he hated being involved in fighting the war and that the only armies we should have should be peacekeeping forces. He can never forget the horrors of war, and he believes that we must do everything we can to avert (6) war in the future. I agree.

1 suddenly started

2 a complete/total war

3 the distance within which the enemy could hit him by firing their guns

4 started shooting

5 the battle was very violent

6 prevent something had from happening


collocation example
bring about peace It will be no easy task to bring about peace in the area.
negotiate a peace agreement It can be useful to invite a neutral country to help negotiate apeace agreement.
call a truce/ceasefire Although a ceasefire has been called for the duration of the peace negotiations, hopes of its success are not high.
sign a (peace) treaty At the end of the war, all the countries involved signed a peace treatyin Paris.
lasting peace Hopes for a lasting peace are, unfortunately, fading fast,
peace activist Peace activists around the world staged a series of massive demonstration; against the war.
keep the peace After the war was over, UN troops were sent into the troubled area to help keep the peace there.  
restore order Soldiers were sent in to restore order after the     uprising.


The police fought a running battle with football hooligans in the town centre.

The people of the village put up a heroic fight against the construction of the new motorway, but finally lost the battle.

The bank robbers didn't offer any resistance when the police surrounded them.

The President is fighting for his life tonight in the Сitу hospital after a major operation.


1 Use a word from the box in the correct form to complete the extracts from news broadcasts.

go horrors join avert fight open rage

1. The president said he is ready to … to war against Collocania. He said he had done everything possible to … war, but now there was no alternative.

2. A two hour battle … in the Raguni district today after troops … fire on rebel positions.

3. The army will continue to … the war against the drug barons.

4. I'he president said that young persons who … the army must expect to fight to defend their country. They would experience the … of war, but they must be brave

2 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the words in brackets with collocations from the opposite page.

1 The war between Adverbia and Collocania (started) in 1983 after a dispute over territory in the northern province. At first there were just (small events) but it soon turned into (a full-scale war). The war ended after (a battle which finally decided the course of events) in 1987.

2 There was (very violent fighting) in the capital city yesterday. United Nations (forces who will maintain peace) are expected to enter the city as soon as (the armies say they will stop firing as each other).

3 Forces sent in to (make the peace continue) in the troubled region of Phrasalia had to (turn back) after they came (within the firing distance) of rebel artillery.

4 The Sornak Republic today (officially stated that it was at war) against Hobrania.

5 Armed troops were sent in to (bring order again) after the riots and violence of last week.

6 Even though the two sides (put their names to a document officially stating that the war was at an end) last July, fighting has started again and hopes for (a peace which might continue for a long rime) are fading.

7 As more of our soldiers were killed or (captured and put in prison), (people who were actively promoting peace) organised demonstrations against the unpopular war.

8 Representatives of the two sides are meeting in Zurich in an attempt to (make peace) in the troubled region. It is hoped that they will (have negotiations and agree the details for peace) which both governments can accept.

3 Correct the collocation errors in these sentences.

1 The police fought a walking battle with a group of violent demonstrators.

2 I feel we are missing the battle to persuade the management to increase our salaries.

3 The students made up a heroic fight against the plan to increase course fees.

4 I was surprised that the Management Committee sent no resistance to our demands.

5 A. tiny baby with a rare heart condition is fighting his life in the General Hospital tonight.

4 Use your dictionary to find two more collocations for each of these words.

army soldier battle weapon to fight peace




1. With American troops due to withdraw from all Iraqi towns at the end of the month, insurgents carried out a campaign of bombings. On June 20th at least 70 people were killed by a truck bomb in Taza, a Turkmen town just south of the disputed city of Kirkuk. Two days later at least seven bombs went off in and around Baghdad, killing over 30 people. Two days after that another bomb attack, in a Shia part of the city, killed more than 70 people.


2. At least 80 people were killed in an attack by an unmanned American aircraft in the tribal areas of Pakistan. The attack was in South Waziristan, the stronghold of Baitullah Mehsud, leader of the Pakistani Taliban, and came as the Pakistani army prepared a new offensive in the area.


3. America reached an agreement with Kyrgyzstan that will allow American armed forces to continue using the Manas air base, their only base in Central Asia, to support operations in Afghanistan. In February the government had insisted the base must close.


4. In south Sudan gunmen from the Jikany-Nuer tribe looted a big UN aid convoy to prevent food supplies from reaching another Nuer group. About 40 guards who used to belong to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, the main former rebel group in the south, were killed in the attack. Hundreds of people have died in inter-tribal fighting in recent weeks.


5. India’s government announced that it wanted to withdraw troops from the inhabited areas it controls in the divided region of Kashmir. Hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed in Kashmir, which has suffered two decades of insurgency. India’s home minister said he hoped to make the police responsible for internal security, but gave no timetable.


6. Russia vetoed the extension of a UN observers’ mandate in Abkhazia. It had already ejected monitors in South Ossetia from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. There will now be no international observers inside the two Georgian territories, whose independence Russia recognised after last August’s war with Georgia.


1. Израиль в скором времени проведет совместно с США испытания ракет-перехватчиков Arrow. Об этом сообщил журналистам директор Агентства противоракетной обороны США генерал-лейтенант Патрик О′Райлли, передает Reuters. По его словам, испытания будут проводиться в Тихом океане, что позволит Израилю проверить способность зенитно-ракетных комплексов Arrow поражать баллистические ракеты дальностью свыше 1 тыс. км. В предыдущих противоракетных тестах Израиль был ограничен масштабами восточного Средиземноморья, указал П.О′Райлли.

Совместная американо-израильская программа Arrow разрабатывается в целях защиты еврейского государства от возможных пусков баллистических ракет из Ирана или Сирии. В апреле с.г. Израиль осуществил над Средиземным морем успешное испытание противоракеты Arrow II, которая сбила баллистическую цель, имитировавшую иранскую ракету "Шахаб".

На территории Израиля в настоящее время развернуты по меньшей мере две батареи ЗРК Arrow.


2. Украина отмечает недопустимость нарушения российской стороной договора о государственной границе и настаивает на продолжении переговоров по разграничению Керченского пролива с целью скорейшего решения этого вопроса в интересах обоих государств. Об этом сказано в заявлении украинского внешнеполитического ведомства, распространенном его пресс-службой. МИД подчеркивает, что отказ делегации Российской Федерации от переговоров о разграничении Керченского пролива не отвечает ни действующим двусторонним договоренностям, ни международному праву.

Украинская сторона напоминает, что в соответствии со статьей 5 данного договора между Украиной и Российской Федерацией об украинско-российской государственной границе от 28 января 2003 года стороны обязались урегулировать вопросы, относящиеся к "смежным морским пространствам", в частности, и в Керченском проливе, "соглашением в соответствии с нормами международного права". Об этом сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.


3. Российская криминологическая ассоциация совместно с Научно-исследовательским институтом проблем укрепления законности и правопорядка и Институтом повышения квалификации руководящих кадров Генеральной прокуратуры РФ 13 ноября 2003 года провела научно-практическую конференцию по проблемам взаимосвязи организованной преступности, незаконной миграции и этнической принадлежности их участников.

Конференцию открыл директор Научно-исследовательского института проблем укрепления законности и правопорядка доктор юридических наук, профессор Александр Яковлевич Сухарев, который в своем выступлении остановился на проблемах коррупции и детской преступности в стране, мерах по организации противодействии им. С приветственным словом к участникам конференции выступил директор Института повышения квалификации руководящих кадров Генеральной прокуратуры РФ доктор юридических наук, профессор Александр Федорович Смирнов.

В своем докладе “Национальное и межнациональное в деятельности этнических преступных группировок” доктор юридических наук, профессор Московской государственной юридической академии Геннадий Владимирович Дашков остановился на некоторых проблемах криминологических разработок по данной проблематике. В частности, он выделил основные криминологические проблемы.

Среди них:

1. в Москве каждое третье преступление связано с этническими организованными преступными формированиями (ЭОПГ);

2. с аналогичными проблемами, связанные с высокой миграцией и организованной преступностью, сталкиваются и другие страны (США, Италия, КНР и др.). В США, к примеру, в связи с этим изменилась даже структура преступности: вместо афро-американских организованных преступных группировок (ОПГ) стали преобладать латиноамериканские. Удачно выстроенная политика борьбы с этническими ОПГ позволила в США даже снизить преступность. Вместе с тем, в США этнические ОПГ советского периода выглядят иначе, чем ЭОПГ в современной России. Однако правоохранительные органы, в частности, ФБР, не видят серьезной опасности с их стороны;

3. в России отсутствует единая криминологическая картина этнической преступности. Необходимо сделать сравнительную криминологическую характеристику этой преступности в разрезе регионов, а не только по Москве, Московской области и Санкт-Петербургу;

4. необходимо сравнительное исследование ЭОПГ в России и тех странах, из которых выходцы этих ЭОПГ, насколько они коррелируют между собой;

5. после объединения ФРГ и ГДР проблема этнической преступности даже с помощью больших денег не была решена. Различия между ЭОПГ этих стран так и остались. Интересно было бы провести криминологическое исследование на эту тему. В постсоветском пространстве мы сталкиваемся с теми же проблемами.


4. 3 июня 2009 г. в Федерации мира и согласия состоялась встреча с президентом Пагуошского движения учёных послом Дж. Данапалой. Во встрече принял участие президент ФМС Виктор Иванович Камышановым.

Глава Пагуоша был принят председателем Российского Пагуошского комитета при Президиуме РАН, Чрезвычайным и Полномочным Послом Российской Федерации, членом Совета Пагуошского движения учёных академиком РАН Юрием Алексеевичем Рыжовым, заместителями председателя Российского Пагуошского комитета - доктором физико-математических наук Александром Самуиловичем Гинзбургом, членом Исполнительного комитета Совета Пагуошского движения учёных доктором политических наук Александром Ивановичем Никитиным, учёным секретарём Российского Пагуошского комитета при Президиуме РАН Михаилом Александровичем Лебедедевым, вице-президентом Федерации мира и согласия доктором психологических наук Геннадием Степановичем Михайловым.

В рамках встречи обсуждались актуальные проблемы международных отношений и мировых проблем.

Президент Пагуошского движения учёных посетил Москву, Краснодар. Он также был принят директором Объединённого института ядерных исследований в г. Дубне, первым заместителем председателя Российского Пагуошского комитета при Президиуме РАН, членом Президиума РАН академиком Алексеем Норайровичем Сисакяном.




Prepare and present a 10-minute talk on one of the following issues (Use Lectures “Utopia and Terror in the Twentieth Century”):

1. Utopia and terror.

2. Communism.

3. Fascism.

4. Nacism.

5. The Future of Terror







– Environmental problems like air pollution are global problems, so solving them requires a concerted effort by all countries.

– Richer countries do not have the right to lecture poorer countries about birth control in an effort to reduce overpopulation.

– Most pollution is caused by industrialized nations, who should be responsible for reducing it.

– Social problems caused by unemployment and poverty are more serious than environmental problems.

– Global environmental problems like depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere can only be solved by a centralized international organization.

– Human beings are the highest form of creation: they should be free to use nature as they wish.

– Environmentalists raise the question of disposable packaging, what do you think of it? How to solve the problem about the rubbish people create? In the UK, USA there exists a system to collect paper, bottles or cans from people’s rubbish for further recycle. Is there any such system in Russia?

– What do you think eco-wariors in Britain fight for?



to pollute, to contaminate the environment to damage (to harm) the environment to waste nature to carry out nature-protection measures Nature Protection Society to be on guard against environmental damage to reduce (to restrict) pollution pollution control devices to ban (to prohibit) traffic from residential areas to build cleaning installations to install smoke-reducing devices to dump (garbage into) garbage site garbage dumps to clean garbage containers on time to purify the air pollution drop, jump protective forest planting emissions of pollutants, harmful substances decrease “nuclear winter” empty forests syndrome temperature variations wind and solar energy ozone depletion to disrupt eco-system biodiversity eco-consultant to combat oil pollution to clean up the environment to upset the ecological balance deterioration of the biosphere extermination of the species industrial waste to exhaust the fish resources exhaustion of natural resources to remove industrial enterprises from city levels to build satellite towns construction of purification installations pesticide pesticide poisoning to turn rivers into cesspools purification of sewage, sewage disposal factory fumes poison (toxic) gas chemical weed-killers to introduce energy – and resource-saving technologies “greenhouse effect” the Red Data Book of Rare and Endangered Species the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to tackle climate change to infest the planet green economy green jobs to promote conservation




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