Types of railway freight and passenger cars 

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Types of railway freight and passenger cars

Unit 1

Types of railway freight and passenger cars

I. Essential vocabulary

a сar [kɑ:ʹ] вагон

a day-coach [dei kəʋtʃ] пасажирський вагон з м’якими місцями

a drawing room car [ʹdrɔːɪŋ ruːm kɑ:ʹ] салон-вагон

a sleeping car ['sli:pɪŋ] спальний вагон

a flat car [flæt kɑ:ʹ] вагон-платформа

a box car [bɒks kɑ:'] критий вагон

a gondola car [ʹgɒndələ kɑ:ʹ] напіввагон

a tank car [tæŋk kɑ:ʹ] цистерна

a covered hopper car [ʹkʌvərd] [ʹhɒpər kɑ:ʹ] критий вагон


a couchette [ku:ʹʃɛtʹ] спальне місце, полка

freight [freɪt] вантаж

a row [rəʋ] ряд

an aisle [aɪl] коридор

a side [saɪd] бокова стінка

an end [end] торець

a floor [flɔ:r] настил, підлога

a pocket [ʹpɒkɪt] паз

a wooden stake ['wʋdən] [steɪk] дерев'яна стійка

a body ['bɒdɪ] кузов

a sliding door [ʹslaɪdɪŋ] [dɔ:r] розсувні двері

a narrow [ʹnærəʋ] вузький

a running board [ʹrʌnɪŋ] [bɔ:rd] дошка для проходу по даху

a waterproof [ʹwɔːtəpruːf] водонепроникний

an airtight [ʹɛətaɪt] повітронепроникний

a layer [ʹleɪər] шар, прокладка

a hairfelt [heər felt] фетр

a dome [dəum] звід, купол


to extend [ɪksʹtɛnd] розширювати

to insulate ['ɪnsjuleɪt] ізолювати

to fill [fɪl] наповнювати

to empty [ʹɛmptɪ] спорожняти

to line [laɪn] облицьовувати

II. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Складіть план та перекажіть текст.

III. Tasks

Reading Comprehension

1. Прочитайте уважно текст. Вам необхідно визначити, які з поданих нижче тверджень відповідають змістові тексту. Запишіть номери цих речень.

1.The passenger and freight car fleet consists of some cars for various purposes and designs. 2. There is only one type of passenger cars. 3. Long-distance trains often need baggage cars for the passengers' luggage. 4. A flat car has sides and ends above the floor. 5. The most popular freight car is covered hopper car.6. Most tank cars are built of alluminim and ware.

2. Перегляньте текст ще раз і знайдіть у ньому відповіді на такі запитання.

1. What is the main idea of the text? 2. What kinds of cars are existed in the railways nowadays? 3. What types of passenger and freight cars are mentioned in the text? 4. What does a flat car look like? 5. Where may wooden stakes be placed? 6. What is a refrigerator car? 7. Why are the walls and a roof of a refrigerator car insulated? 8. What doors are used in cars? 9. What is a container car? 10. What materials are used for building tank cars?

Vocabulary Exercises

3. Доберіть до термінів у лівій колонці визначення, котрі подані праворуч:

1. А boxcar A) is a car for the transportation of liquids or gases.

2. A flat car B) is a similar to gondolas but with the bottom dump doors for easy unloading of things like coal, ore, grain, cement, ballast and the like.

3. A gondola car C) is a railroad car with an open top but enclosed sides and ends, for bulk commodities and other goods that might slide off.

4. A hopper car D) is a similar to gondolas but with the bottom dump doors for easy unloading of things like coal, ore, grain, cement, ballast and the like.

5. An open wagon E) a box shape with the roof and a side or end doors.

6. A tank car F) is used for larger loads that don't load easily into a boxcar.

4. З’єднайте терміни правої колонки з їх перекладом у лівій. Утворіть із з’єднаними словами 10 словосполучень.

1.A freight car A) слой, прокладка

2. A sleeping car B) вагон-платформа

3. To insulate C) перевозити

4. A floor D) кузов

5. A flat car E) повітронепроникний

6. To place F) розташовувати

7. To hold G) спорожняти

8. A waterproof H) спальний вагон

9. An airtight I) водонепроникний

10.A layer J) вантажний вагон

11. To carry K) ізолювати

12. A body L) пол

13. To empty M) ізолювати

5. Доберіть до термінів у лівій колонці переклад з правої колонки. Утворіть з словосполученнями 7 речень.

A B1) a sliding door а) рідкі вантажі2) a coupling mechanism b) розвантажувальний люк3) a discharging hatch c) запобігающий клапан4) an end door d) механізм зчеплення5) a floor covering e) торцеві двері вагона6) liquid goods f) настил підлоги7) a safety valve g) розсувні двері 6.З’єднайте слова рядка A з їх синонімами у рядку B.

A) A coach, a seat, a section, a different, a truck, a large, to use, freight, a kind

B) goods, a passenger car, a type, a big, a various, a berth, a compartment, a bogie, to perform.

7. Продовжіть речення та перекладіть їх.

1. There are different kinds of cars for different kind of …. 2. The simpliest type of a car is the …. 3. The most common type of a car is the …. 4. The walls and roof of a refrigerator car are …. 5. The doors of the car are also …. 6. Some of the tank cars which carry acids, chemicals are lined with …. 7. The day coaches are formed of compartments seating on each side for 6 or 8 …. 8. It is a flat car or gondola car carrying several removable ….

8. Заповніть пропуски сполучниками (for, at, to, of, with, with, of, between,out).

The car is designed … passenger service … speeds up … 160 km/hr. It consists … an all-metal body, a welded steel uderframe and running gear. The car ends are outfitted … automatic couplers and shock-absorbing draft gear. The body interior is sheathed … plywood sheets and finished with plastics. Thermal-insulating sheets … foamed plastic are laid … the outer and inner walls to keep … cold.

An uderframe – подрамник, рама, a running gear – ходовая часть,

a draft gear - сцепной прибор, амортизирующее устройство

Vocabulary Practice

9. Прочитайте наступні речення та доведіть, що вони правильні. Використовуйте фрази: As far as I know (remember), to my mind, I suppose, without saying, frankly speaking, allow me to observe, as I was going to observe, to tell the truth, they say, in fact, unfortunately, unexpectedly.

1. Box cars are primarily employed to transport valuable commodities and products requiring protection from the weather or against breakage.

2. Hopper cars constitute the second class of freight cars owned by the railways.

3. Open-top hopper cars are used most widely in the movement of coal from mines.

4. The covered hopper car represents one of the greatest growth patterns evident in recent railroad history.

5. The tank-car is a type of a freight car which body is made in kind of one of some barrels equipped with the loading and unloading and other devices which provide the safe transportation of goods.

6. The frame is the jointing part of the car which serves as the basis for the barrel, supports on the running gears and on it’s an automatic coupling and braking equipment is installed.

IV. Grammar Exercises

1. Прочитайте речення та складіть по 5 спеціальних запитань (Wh-questions) до кожного речення. Запропонуйте вашим співрозмовникам відповісти на складені питання.

1. This car is designed for passenger service at speeds up to 160km/h.

2. It consists of an all-metal body, a welded steel underframe and running gear (two four-wheel trucks trucks without pedestals, with double spring suspension and single-piece axle boxes on theroller bearings).

3. Each compartment of the car has an upholstered lower sofa, an armchair, a table and an upper folding upholstered berth.

4. The car is equipped with an air-conditioning system, individual water heating, a power plant with an axle drive, flexible platforms with metal accordions, an automatic and a hand brakes.

2. Перекладіть речення на українську мову та поясніть вживання конструкції пасивного стану (Passive Voice).

1. High-speed trains are said to be introduced on this section of the mainline early next year. 2. Mr. Smith is considered to be the best expert in brake systems. 3. The introduction of tilting trains is sure to reduce journey time on this line. 4. The timetable is known to be changed for the summer period. 5. The delegation is expected to arrive on Monday, but no precise information has been given. 6. The agreement is unlikely to be reached by the end of the week. 7. The parts and joints of the platform are made of the low-alloy and cast steels of premium quality.3. Використайте конструкції пасивного стану (Passive Voice) замість активного (Active Voice) та перекладіть речення українською мовою. Поясніть вживання конструкції пасивного стану (Passive Voice). E. g. They consider box cars to be convenient for transporting bulk freight. → Box cars are considered to be convenient for transporting bulk freight. 2. Customers use open-goods cars for transportation of coal, iron ore, etc. 3. They equip open-goods vehicles with special hatches. 4. They carry liquid goods in tank cars. 5. They are paying much attention to container traffic. 6. Last year they operated only flat wagons to transport bulky freight. 7. They will prevent damage to the car using safety equipment. 8. They haven’t fixed the tank to the frame. 9. The stewardess helped the old lady to fasten her seatbelt. 10. The two expert teams obtained comparable results. 11. Specifications for the new engine to draw up by our expert team. 12. The bogie to simplify for easier maintenance. 13. Russian and Finish railwaymen to reach an understanding to operate high-speed trains between Turku and St. Petersburg. 14. This speed record to certify by Guinness World Records as a world maglev speed record.

V. Tests

1. Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. The box car is a car the body of which is a large tank with a sliding door


on each side.


2. The flat car is a boxmountedon a frame and bogies.


3. The flat carhasa roof.


4. Much attention is being paid to introducing special refrigerator cars.


5. Tank cars are equipped with special devices forfastening freight.


6. The tank car is designedfor transportation ofautomobiles.


7. The tank car isa car the volume of which is about 36 cubic meters.


8. The box cars are filled with the liquid through hatches in the top part of a



9. The hopper cars dischargetheir freight by gravity through roof hatches.


10. Cementis mainly transported by open-top hopper cars.


VI. Extra Reading

1. Виконайте переклад тексту.

Cooperation of Scandinavian rail car designers The recent project developed by Danish State Railways’ (DSB) design office includes the new four-car trainsets for Intercity express services in Denmark and Sweden. The most interesting aspect of the design process was that of combining two railway cultures and traditions to create an interior for a train which operates not only between Denmark and Sweden but internally in each European country. The design team spent a lot of time breaking down cultural and language barriers and generating the enthusiasm which lasted through the whole process. The result is the train based on the Scandinavian design tradition of simplicity and functionality. Modern materials such as wood veneer, leather, and carpets with 80% wool content are used. Fluorescent lighting is concealed in order to avoid a harsh glare and is supplemented by reading lights over the seats. Wide entrance doors and gangways as well as a low floor 600mm above the top of the rail in each set are examples of this. The low-floor area is divided into two parts. Bicycles and bulky luggage will be on the one side, whereas normal seating area with space for wheelchairs will be on the other side. The entrance doors and toilet for the handicapped are in the centre; there is enough space for fold-down seats and prams. There are two small lifts at each end allowing through-passage for catering trolleys. Transparency is used to create a feeling of security: partitions and doors are made of glass, therefore one can almost see from one end of the train to the other. These trains, which incorporate some of the most popular features of the IC3 sets, are the first Intercity trains where it has not been necessary to take ferry crossings into consideration. This has given the designers more freedom regarding the train’s length and width. Each set has 208 seats including 21 fold-down seats. The trains will be equipped with a satellite navigation system which, besides giving precise arrival information, will allow passengers at stations to see where unoccupied seats are located in the approaching train. At present this system is being installed in existing Intercity trains. DSB’s blue colour combined with grey has been chosen for the external livery and, with the elegantly formed nose and sleek sides, the train promises to be a design success. The four-car train has five bogies and is constructed of aluminium. It weighs 140 tonnes. There are four Iveco diesel engines. And the train has a top speed of 200km/h. The initial order is for 83 sets worth DKr 5 billion ($US 606 million). Production started in September 2001 and delivery will take place between mid-2003 and the end of 2005. Further 67 sets have been ordered.2. Виконайте переклад речень.Експлуатуватися в межах кожної европейської країни; викликати ентузіазм; звичайні місця; довжина и ширина состава; заказ на вартість.3. Виконайте переклад речень. To create an interior for a train; the design team; to break down barriers; a low floor 600 mm. above the top of the rail; a feeling of security besides giving precise arrival information; initial order.4. Дайте відповіді на запитання у письмовій формі.

1. What project does this text tell about? 2. What traditions were used to create an interior for these trains? 3. Do these trains operate only in Denmark? 4. What are the two most important features of these trainsets? 5. What materials are used for the train interior? 6. Why is lighting comfortable in these trains? 7. What conveniences are provided for the handicapped and for babies? 8. Why do the newly developed trains longer and wider than traditional IC3 sets? 9. How many seats are there in each set? 10. What system will help passengers to get precise arrival information? 11. What are the main technical features of these trains?

Unit 2

I. Essential vocabulary

a designation [̗dezɪgʹneɪʃən] призначення

an operation [̗ɔpəʹreʃən] експлуатація

a demountable [̗dɪʹmaʊntʹeb(ə)l] розбірний

bulk materials [̗bʌlk mə´ti(ə)riəls] сипучі матеріали

a powered chemicals [̗ʹpauəd ʹkemik(ə)ls] порошкоподібний хімікат

cinder [̗ʹsində] зола

lumber [ʹlʌmbər] пиломатеріали

stone [stəʋn] камінь

а сrushed stone [krʌʃt stəʋn] щебінь

grain [greɪn] зерно

grocery [ʹgrəʋsərɪ] продукти, бакалія

furniture [ʹfɜ:rnətʃər] меблі

merchandise [ʹmɜ:rtʃəndaɪs] товари


lamp materials [læmp məʹti(ə)riəls] шматкові матеріали

steel rails [sti:l] [reɪls] сталеві рейки

a beam [bi:m] балка

a bridge [brɪdʒ] міст

hardware [ʹha:rd ̗weər] залізні (металеві) вироби

heavy pieces [ʹhevi piːsiz ɒv məʃɪːnərɪ] важкі деталі

of machinery механізмів

a low [ləʋ] низький

a valuable [ ʹvælju:ʹeib(ə)l] цінний

quantity [ʹkwɒntətɪ] кількість

а loose materials [luːs mə´ti(ə)riəls] нещільні матеріали

а perishable goods [ʹperɪʃpʹeib(ə)l ɡʊdz] швидкопсуючи вантажі

а liquid goods [likwid ɡʊdz] рідкий вантаж

оil [ɔɪl] нафта

аcid [ʹæsɪd] кислота


to line (with) [lain] облицьовувати

to ship [ ʃɪp] вантажити

to haul [hɔːl] перевозити, тягти

to injure [ʹɪndʒər] шкодити, псувати

to expose [ɪkʹspəʋz] залишати беззахисним

II. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

III. Tasks

Reading Comprehension

1. Прочитайте уважно текст. Вам необхідно визначити, які з поданих нижче тверджень відповідають змістові тексту. Запишіть номери цих речень.

1. Freight cars are used for carrying different kinds of freight. 2. To transport steel bridge beam we need open-top hopper car. 3. Box cars are used to haul all kinds of freight. 4. Liquid freight may be transported in similar cars. 5. The refrigerator car is a special type of flat car and used for hauling fresh meat, fruits and vegetables. 6. The covered hopper cars are used to carry all kinds of bulk materials. 7. The right usage of freight cars is one of the main principles of modern railways nowadays.

2. Знайдіть у тексті відповіді на питання.

1.How many kinds of cars are mentioned in the text? 2. What is the designation of flat cars? 3. Where do we use a wooden stakes and how to place them? 4. By means of what are large pieces of machinery and other heavy freights are carried? 5. What cars are used to haul bulk materials and a powered chemical? 6. Which kind of cars is used to transport a liquid freight? 7. Why are tank cars lined with glass? 8. What cars carry a various kind of а low grade freight? 9. What cars are used to haul freights that cannot be exposed to the weather? 10. What is the designation of the similar cars?

3. За описом дайте назву типу вагона. 1. The body of this car consists of a tank for carrying liquids such as oil, vinegar, acids, compressed gasses and granular solids. 2. This is a freight car having neither sides nor ends, without any body above. 3. This is a car with sides and ends which has no roof and is used for freight in bulk. 4. This is a car with floor sloping from the ends and sides to one or more hoppers; the load is discharged by gravity through the hopper doors. 5. This is a specially designed boxcar, insulated and equipped with ice bunkers, or a mechanical cooling system and usually adapted for the installation of heating units; it is used primarily for the movement of goods that need protection from heat and cold. 6. This is a car equipped with water supply and ventilation systems. 7. This is a car designed specially for transporting motor vehicles. 8. This is a car used to carry bulky and very heavy goods, for example high-power transformers.

IV. Vocabulary Exercises

1. З’єднайте словосполучення правої колонки з їх значеннями у лівій:

1. A similar car A) is used to carry large pieces of machinery, lumber, stones and steel;

2. A hopper car B) is used to haul grain, groceries and dry goods;

3. A container car C) is used to hauling fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, fish, milk and other articles which must be kept;

4. A tank car D) is used to haul ore, gravel, crushed rock cinders and other bulky materials;

5. A flat car E) is used for transportation of cement;

6. A box car F) is used to carry all kinds of bulk materials that cannot be exposed to the weather;

7. A refrigerator car G) is used to transport liquid freight, chemicals and other.

2. З’єднайте слова правої колонки з їх перекладом у лівій. Утворіть із з’єднаними словами 5 словосполучень.

1. A designation a) цінний

2. a heavy pieces of machinery b) сипучі матеріали

3. a bulk materials c) важкі деталі механізмів

4. a valuable d) розбірний

5. a quantity e) експлуатація

6. to ship f) залишати беззахисним

7. a crushed stone g) призначення

8. to injure h) кількість

9. to expose i) вантажити

10. a demountable j) щебінь

11. an operation k) шкодити, псувати

3. З’єднайте слова рядка A з їх синонімами у рядку B.

a) A different, to load, to use, to carry, to haul, а transportation, to merchandise;

b) Goods, to haul, to transport, freight, a various, to ship, to employ.

4. Продовжіть речення та перекладіть їх.

1. A flat car is used to carry …. 2. The designation of box cars are used …. 3. The refrigerator car is …. 4. The tank cars are transported …. 5. The tank cars are hauled …. 6. The container cars are used …. 7. The covered hopper cars are designed for …. 8. Many bricks are shipped … 9. The cars to carry coal …. 10. The designation of cars ….

5. Заповніть пропуски сполучниками (with, for, of, in, of, per, with, for, for) та перекладіть їх.

Many recently established coal and ore handling installations have been equipped 1) … car dumpers so that high – capacity gondolas may be used. Consequently, 2) … many 3)… these, special gondolas have been built 4) … place 5) … hopper type cars. Simplified contraction and greater lading capacity 6) … unit length are possible 7)… gondola – type equipment. High – cube gondolas are being used 8) … handling wood chips and sawdust. Some gondolas are used 9) … container service.

V. Vocabulary Practice

1. Прочитайте наступні речення та доведіть, що вони правильні. Використовуйте фрази: As far as I know (remember), to my mind, I suppose, without saying, frankly speaking, allow me to observe, as I was going to observe, to tell the truth, they say, in fact, unfortunately, unexpectedly.

1. The railway authorities are sure that a container movement has a great future because it is the best way of door-to-door traffic.

2. The refrigerator car is equipped with refrigerating – heating system which can be operated automatically or manually.

3. The railway practice shows that a specialized freight cars have both advantages and disadvantages.

4. The freight cars are not interchangeable which means that you can not carry bulk materials in tank cars or vice versa.

5. A larger freight car fleet is usually required to transport specialized freight which results in the capital investment increase.

VI. Grammar Exercises

1. Прочитайте речення та складіть по 5 спеціальних запитань (Wh-questions) до кожного речення. Запропонуйте вашим співрозмовникам відповісти на складені питання.

1. A feature of this car is that it is designed with a light-weight roof made from a glass fibre laminate based on a polyester resin by the method of the contract moulding.

2. The development of high capacity container operation will provide for a large number of special type container-carrying flat cars in the fleet of freight cars.

3. Twelve - wheel tank cars, having a high lifting capacity and a low lightweight, give a great economy in the operation. Their use is the most expedient in the large-scale transportation of oil products.

4. The tank cars hold the special place in the freight car fleet as they are successfully used for the transportation of wide range of bulk, power-like, a solidifying goods and gases.

5. The priority of the freight cars is stipulated by the higher safety of the transportation and improved ecological characteristics of the transport and the technological process.

2. Перекладіть речення на українську мову та поясніть вживання конструкції пасивного стану (Passive Voice).

1. The box cars are primarily employed to transport a valuable commodities and products requiring protection from the weather or against the breakage. 2. Mr. Smith is considered to be the best expert in the insulated box cars. 3. This car is designed for passenger service at speeds up to 160 km/h. 4. The body interior is sheathed with a plywood sheets and finished with plastics, wood and synthetic materials. 5. The wooden floor is covered with linoleum. 6. Thermal-insulating sheets and of Mipor (a foamed plastics) are laid between the outer and inner walls to keep out cold. 7. The car is equipped with an air-conditioning system and individual water heating.

VII. Extra Reading

14. Виконайте переклад тексту.

Unit 3

I.Essential vocabulary

a variety [vəʹraɪətiː] різноманітність

a make up [meɪk ʌp] конструкція

a draft gear [drɑ:ft ɡɪə] поглинаючий апарат

a body [ʹbɑdi] кузов

a brake [breɪk] гальмо

a stress [stres] напруження

a connection [kəʹnekʃən] з’єднання

a coupler [ʹkʌplə] щеплення

a coupler rigging [ʹkʌpləʹrɪɡɪŋ] нерухоме щеплення

a truck [trʌk] вагонетка

a center sill [ʹsentəʹsɪl] хребтова балка

motion [ʹmoʊʃən] рух

a framework [ʹfreɪmˌwərk] остов, каркасна стіна

an underframe [ʹʌndəʹfreɪm] підрамник

a carrying capacity [ʹkæriːɪŋ kəʹpæsətiː] вантажна ємність, об’єм

a drawback [ʹdrɔbæk] перешкода

a rot [rɔt] гниття

a disadvantage [ˌdɪsədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ] недолік

an alloy [ʹæˌlɔɪ] сплав

a lettering [ʹletərɪŋ] надписи

resistance [riʹzistəns] опір

smoothness [ʹsmu:ðnis] гладка поверхня


to apply [əˈplaɪ] застосовувати

to adjoin [əʹdʒɔɪn] прилягати

to comprise [kəmʹpraɪz] містити в собі

to compose (of) [kəm ʹpoʊz(əv)] складатися

to ensure [inʹʃʊə] забезпечувати

to retard [rɪʹtɑ:d] затримувати

to rest on [rest ɔn] спираться

to rust [rʌst] іржавити

to print [ʹprɪnt] друкувати

to protect [prəʹtekt] захищати

to withstand [wɪθʹstænd] витримувати

irrespective [ɪrɪʹspɛktɪv] незалежно

an artificial [ɑ:tiʹfiʃəl] штучний

II. Прочитайте та перекладіть.

III. Reading Comprehension

1. Прочитайте уважно текст. Вам необхідно визначити, які з поданих нижче тверджень відповідають змістові тексту. Запишіть номери цих речень.

1. Despite a large number of different designs of freight cars all of them are based on the same principles. 2. All the parts of a freight car should be strong enough to ensure safe movement of the trains. 3. The running gear design should comply with conditions of running on rail tracks so that a freight car should easily travel through the curves of minimal permissible radiuses. 4. A running gear is the unit which forms the connection between the coupler rigging and center sill. 5. A body is the apparatus applied to the platforms of passenger cars for the purpose of closing the space between adjoining cars.

2. Знайдіть у тексті відповіді на питання.

1. What are the common elements of any car? 2. What does the frame look like? 3. What is used for forming the connection between the coupler rigging and the center sill? 4. What is the function of a buffer? 5. By means of what is the motion of a car retarded? 6. What are the trucks rested upon? 7. What part of the car carries the load of freight? 8. What types of the cars are made of steel? 9. Where can you find the lettering? What is their aim? 10. What information is printed on the sides of a car?

IV. Vocabulary Exercises

1. З’єднайте словосполучення правої колонки з їх значеннями у лівій:

1. A frame A) a frame, the draft gears, the buffers and the body.

2. The brakes B) each freight car has two trucks or more.

3. Running gears C) the connection between the coupler and the center sill.

4. The body D) the motion of a car or a train is retarded or arrested.

5. The main elements E) the structure composed to withstand the stresses.

6. The lettering F) applied to the platforms of passenger cars.

7. A buffer G) how long, how wide and how high is the car.

8. A draft gear H) carries the load of freight.

2. Виконайте переклад слів та складіть 10 словосполучень.

A car fleet, to depend on, a draft gear, a brake, a body, a truck, a coupler, a center sill, a make up, motion, to arrest, an open-top car, to rust, to hold, to withstand, to ensure, a lettering, the running gears, resistance, smoothness, a buffer.

3. Виконайте переклад слів та складіть 5 речень.

Рух, нерухоме щеплення, кузов вагона, зв’язок, вантажна ємність, прибор, гальма, іржавіти, захищати, перешкода, сплав, різноманітність, напруження, складатися, недолік, підрамник, хребтова балка, з’єднання, гальмо.

4. З’єднайте слова рядка A з їх синонімами у рядку B.

А) To compose of, to use, to comprise, a connection, a different, to replace, a truck, to apply, a car.

В) A various, a coach lines, an usage, to change, to consist of, to find an application, to contain a bogie.

5. Завершіть речення правильною відповіддю та перекладіть їх.1. The box cars are used to transport cargo requiring protection from unfavorable..a) operation conditions b) winter conditions c) weather conditions2. For loading bulk materials box cars are provided with ….a) running gear b) sliding doors c) hatches in the roof3. Coal, timber, rolled stock are transported in …. a) tank cars b) coaches c) open-goods cars.4. The flat car is a platform mounted on a frame and two-axle …. a) bodies b) gauges c) bogies5. Container movement is the best way of ….a) load capacity b) part-load freight c) door-to-door traffic6. To fill the liquid the top of the tank has … with valves.a) two hatches with covers b) two axis with wheels c) two bogies7. To prevent damage to the tank it should be fitted with …. a) center sill b) safety valve c) roof8. The tank is fixed to the frame by …. a) its middle part b) a coupling mechanism c) a sliding door.

6. Продовжіть речення та перекладіть їх.

1. The cars have different make up…. 2. The freight cars have a lot of common elements …. 3. The body is …. 4. A draft gear is …. 5. A buffer is …. 6. The brake gear is …. 7. The running gears are …. 8.The lettering is used for …. 9. The main difference lies …. 10. The break equipment is standardized ….

7. Заповніть пропуски сполучниками та перекладіть текст (in, for, of, in, of, of).

In addition to cars for handling cargo containers, many special container cars are 1) … service. These are designed 2) … carrying a single type 3) … product. They include a wide variety 4) … chemical and mineral products which are shipped 5) … steel containers, rubber bags and other types 6) … specialized containers.

V. Vocabulary Practice

1. Прочитайте наступні речення та доведіть, що вони правильні. Використовуйте фрази: As far as I know (remember), to my mind, I suppose, without saying, frankly speaking, allow me to observe, as I was going to observe, to tell the truth, they say, in fact, unfortunately, unexpectedly.

1. The design of car shall secure the optimal performance of the assigned functions of loading, transportation, safety and unloading of goods.

2. The design of running gears of the freight cars shall meet the conditions of movement by the track where the freight car shall freely pass the curves of the admissible minimal radiuses.

3. The weight of freight and passenger cars should conform to the durability of the track and artificial structures (bridges and so on).

4. The freight car shall obtain the adequate durability and smoothness of run.

5. The clearance of freight and passenger cars and its main parts shall conform to the sizes of the established clearance of the rolling stock.

2. Виконайте переклад речень письмово. 1. The experts from the Safety Laboratory have recently drawn up a plan to begin running tests. 2. We should first try to determine how much it is going to cost and take into consideration all possible expenses. 3. Vaccination is considered to be the most reliable method of preventing infection compared to other existing methods. 4. The advantage of this system is reliability and speed, but avoids using it in winter. 5. The current boom in long-distance travel has led to fierce competition between travel agents. 6. What she says doesn’t correspond with what she does. 7. Railway authorities (management) are promoting the development of more reliable rolling stock. VI. Grammar Exercises 1. Завершіть речення формою прикметника найвищого ступеня порівняння. (easy, modern, good, cheap, thin, fast, much, big, early, high, important, reliable, serious, interested) 1. Siemens has developed a … type of train for inter-city and inter-regional passenger services. 2. The bogie of the car has been simplified for … maintenance and repair. 3. New gangways provide … access from one part of the train to the other, even in rush hours. 4. The use of modern equipment makes loading/unloading of freight … and …. 5. It takes me … time to go by train than by car. 6. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed … than usual. 7. I’d like to have a … car. 8. Unfortunately, her illness was … than we thought at first. 9. You look…. Have you lost weight? 10. I want a … flat. We don’t have enough space here. 11. He doesn’t study very hard. He’s … in having good time. 12. Health and happiness are … than money. 13. In some parts of the country, prices are … than in others.2. Виберіть правильну форму дієприкметника. Перекладіть речення. 1. The new passenger car is similar in design to the (existed, existing) unit. 2. The railway line (built, building) between these industrial centers will be of special importance for the (developed, developing) area. 3. Braking system (given, giving) excellent acceleration has been (installed, installing) recently. 4. The Walker-Adtranz company is one of the (led, leading) rolling stock manufacturers. 5. Luggage racks (located, locating) adjacent to the entrance vestibule are (used, using) for bulky luggage. 6. The car interiors (based, basing) on state-of-the-art technology provide maximum comfort for people (travelled, travelling) by local trains. 7. Rail cars (equipped, equipping) with the latest propulsion systems are (manufactured, manufacturing) by this company. 8. Local newspapers wrote about the Australia’s new airport railway (opened, opening) in May. 9. New trains (called, calling) IMU 120 are (produced, producing) by Walker-Adtranz. 10. The tourist group (led, leading) by the guide was (shown, showing) around the palace.

VII. Extra Reading

1. Виконайте переклад тексту.

Vehicle modernization on state railway of Thailand The financial performance of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) has been deteriorating for several years resulting in mounting long term debts. SRT has been trying to persuade the government to restructure the railway and put it on a more sound financial footing. One of the problems to be solved by the State Railway of Thailand is to improve passenger service through modernizing its car fleet. About 480 passenger cars are being painted in a new livery. They are also being repainted inside, and fitted with new seats and toilets. 103 third-class coaches will be equipped with air-conditioning, and some of the coaches will also be upgraded. The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) would like to acquire new trains, but as it does not have the capital, it is investigating leasing. Another 26 coaches are being converted into air-conditioned restaurant/bar cars. SRT has also tried to bring expertise from outside, such as the Thai International line, to improve the quality of its on-board services. “Unfortunately, we haven’t yet achieved fascinating results as planned,” Mr Nakorn Chantasorn, SRT’s assistant general manager admitted.2. Перекладіть словосполучення. А) Long-term debts; more sound financial footing; air-conditioned restaurant/bar cars; on-board services; assistant general manager. В) Фінансова діяльність; протягом деяких років; проблеми, які повинні вирішити, зауважити зовнішніх експертів.ІІІ. Дайте відповіді на запитання у письмовій формі. 1. What was the result of the financial performance of the State Railway of Thailand? 2. Did the SRT want the government to take part in restructuring the railway? In what way? 3. What problem was the most important one for the railway? 4. How many coaches are being painted in a new livery? 5. Will these coaches be equipped with air-conditioning? 6. Do the State Railway of Thailand want to acquire new trains? 7. Do they have any difficulties in buying the new rolling stock? 8. Does the SRT work in cooperation with other companies? 9. What are the results of this cooperation? 10. What is Mr. Nakorn Chantasorn? 11. Is he satisfied with the results achieved?

Unit 4

The freight car trucks

I.Essential vocabulary

a truck [trʌk] вагонетка

а pair of wheels [peə ɒv wiːls] колісна пара

а truck bolster [trʌk ˈbəʊlstə] люлечна балка вагонетки

an axle [ˈæksəl] ось

an absorber [əbʹsɔ:bə] поглинач

a spring suspension [sprɪŋ səʹspenʃen] пружинне підвішування

а side frame [saɪd freɪm] бокова рама

а brass [ʹbrɑ:s] вкладка підшипника (букси)

а soft [ˈsɔft] м’який

а journal bearing [ʹdʒз:n(ə)l beərɪŋ] підшипник

а journal box [ˈdʒз:n(ə)l ˈbɒks ] букса

a dispersion [dɪʹspз:ʃn] розсіювання

a hollow [ʹhɒləʊ] порожій

rotational [rəʊʹteiʃənl] обертаючийся

а wad [wɒd] набивка

а cover [ˈkʌvə] кришка

а spring [ˈsprɪŋ] ресора

а share [ʃeə] частка

а self aligning [selfəʹlaɪniŋ] самовстановлюючийся

а body bolster [ˈbɑdiː ˈboʊlstər ] шкворневий брус

centerpin [ʹsentəpɪn] шкворень

to prevent [prɪˈvent] запобігати

to fasten [ˈfɑ:s(ə)n] крiпити

to extend out [ɪkˈstend aʊt] розширюватися

to transmit [trænzʹmɪt] передавати

to replace [rɪʹplеɪs] заміняти

to lubricate [ˈluːbrɪkeɪt] змастити

to replenish [rɪʹplɛniʃ] поповнювати

II. Text

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть.

The most common freight car trucks are four-wheeled. They consist of two pairs of wheels and axels, a pair of side frames and a truck bolster. The weight of the car is transmitted to the axles through the truck side frames.

The wheels of railroad cars are fastened tightly upon their axles, and the axles turn as the wheels turn. The end of an axle extend out a few inches from the wheels. These extended parts of the axle are called the “journal”.

The journal box keeps dirt out of bearing and also holds a wad of oil soaked cotton waste which lubricates the journal. It has a cover which can be opened to inspect the journal and replenish the oil.

The truck bolster extends across the truck between side frames and also holds these side frames together. The truck bolster is not rigidly fastened to the side frames but rests on springs set into the side frames. The side frames can move somewhat in relation to each other and by so doing, each wheel of the truck carries its share of the load regardless of any irregularities in the track. Such truck is called a “selfaligning” truck.

Resting upon the truck bolster is a body bolster. The body bolsters are built into the underframe of the car and rests upon the truck bolster at the circular “center plates” which allow the truck to turn beneath the car. Additionally, the truck bolster and side frames shift load transferred from car body to wheelset axleboxes and rail track.

A heavy vertical steel centerpin (center pivot) is set in the center plates to prevent them from coming apart.

Six-wheel trucks are used under freight cars which are made to carry very heavy loads. The side frames of these trucks are more complicated then those of four-wheel trucks in order to provide for proper equalization of the load on all six wheels.

III. Reading Comprehension

1. Перегляньте текст ще раз і знайдіть відповіді на такі запитання.

1. What are the main elements of the car truck? 2. What material are wheels made of? 3. How are car wheels fastened to? 4. What is the journal? 5. How is the weight of the car carried? 6. What is the function of the journal box? 7. What holds the side frames together? 8. What is the truck bolster used for? 9. How is the truck bolster fastened? 10. How is a body bolster fastened? 11. What kind of trucks find application in freight cars? 12. Why are the side frames of six-wheel trucks more complicated?

2. Перегляньте текст ще раз, продовжіть та перекладіть речення.

The wheels of railroad cars are fastened …. 2. The designation of trucks is …. 3. The trucks are used on …. 4. The weight of the car …. 5. The “babbit” is used …. 6. The designation of journal bearing is …. 7. The truck bolster is used for …. 8. The journal box is …. 9. The “selfaligning” truck is …. 10. The body bolsters are used for …. 11. The steel centerpin is …. 12. Four-wheel trucks are more complicated ….

IV. Vocabulary Exercises

1. Доберіть до термінів у лівій колонці визначення, подані праворуч:

1. A truck A) is a unit of running gears consisting of an axle with built-up wheels on it underhub part.

2. A wheelset B) is a gear ensuring safe movement of freight car on the rail track with the minimal resistance and a necessary smoothness.

3. A truck bolster C) is a device contracting the amplitude of the vibrations of a freight car by conversion of the kinetic energy into the heat energy and its dispersion into the environment.

4. A shock absorber D) is a truck bearing element made as a hollow cast beam resting on the spring groups and having a center bowl with a central pivot.

5. An axlebox unit E) is a device consisting of springing elements, shock-absorbes and limit stops, which ensures the required smooth travel of a freight car.

6. A spring suspension F) is the base part consisting, in this case, of two side frames integrating wheelsets with the axlebox units, the spring suspension, a truck bolster and attached brake equipment into a single system.

7. A truck frame G) is a device with bearings for transformation of wheelset rotational movement to car translation with minimal resistance.

2. З’єднайте слова рядка A з їх синонімами у рядку B.

A) truck, railroad, fasten, transmit, inspect, replenish, allow, use, complex

B) railway, examine, permit, bogie, to be in use, complicated, fit, transfer.

3.Прочитайте, перекладіть і запам’ятайте такі вислови:

А) the four-wheeled truck, a side frame, a truck bolster, to fasten, an axle, to extend out, a journal box, to rest, an underframe, a centerpin, an equalization weight, a set, a journal bearing, to wear, to lubricate, an absorber, a spring suspension, a frame.

B) Колесна пара, облицьовувати, букса, вагонетка вагона, вага, підшипник, змазувати, кріпити, опираться, оглядати, бокова рама, передавать, вкладка підшипника (букси), заміняти, ресора, запобігати, частка.

4. Заповніть пропуски сполучниками (in, on, of, in, at, of, in, to, by, around, in, to, of, in, of, against, of) та перекладіть їх.

Railway idustry demand has increased 1) … recent years due 2) … social awareness regarding energy saving and environment. The standard (conventional or three piece) truck holds two wheel sets parallel 3) … each other and provides no mechanism to steer the wheels 4)… curves. The wheels approach a curve 5) … a large angle 6) … attack forcing the flange (the raised guiding edge) 7) … a steel wheel 8) … the rail and producing lateral force 9) … the rail. Over time, these forces accelerate wheel and rail wear 10) … curved track, resulting 11) … frequent maintenance problems. Heavy haul railroads, moving coal and other bulk commodities 12) … 100-ton cars 13) … 100-car unit trains, experience higher rates 14) … wear of wheels and curved track because 15) … the greater lateral force generated 16) … each car and because 17) … the number of repeated occurrences.

V. Vocabulary Practice

11. Прочитайте наступні речення та доведіть, що вони правильні. Використовуйте фрази: As far as I know (remember), to my mind, I suppose, without saying, frankly speaking, allow me to observe, as I was going to observe, to tell the truth, they say, in fact, unfortunately, unexpectedly.

1. The problems associated with conventional rail-car trucks have inspired the search over many years for an improved truck that would reduce wheel and rail wear.

2. Another deficiency of conventional trucks is their lack of stability when empty cars are moved on tangent track.

3. The trucks of a passenger car are quite a bit more complicated than those of a freight car.

4. The experience of operation of tank-cars on the Ukrainian railways shows the unscheduled setoffs mainly take place due to the failures of the truck elements.

5. Investigation of trucks intended for repair due to the wear of wheel flanges.

VI. Grammar Exercises

1.Утворіть з дієслів в дужках правильний граматичний час та перекладіть речення. 1. Those drivers who (not to comply – Present Simple Active) with traffic rules must be fined. 2. Heavy traffic (to cause – Present Continuous Active) long delays on the roads. 3. Engine failure (to cause – Past Simple Passive) by careless driving. 4. I (to set– Present Perfect Active) my alarm clock for six o’clock. 5. I know that my job (not to pay – Present Simple Passive), but on the other hand I don’t have to work long hours. 6. The staff (to train – Past Simple Passive) to deal with any emergency. 7. It (to cost – Present Simple Active) us a lot of money to furnish our new flat well, but on the other hand it’s going to look very nice. 8. 57-tonne grain wagons (to replace – Past Simple Passive) by 63-tonne coal wagons modified for grain transport. 9. Modernization (to include – Present Perfect Active) track upgrading to provide higher axleloads.

VII. Extra Reading

1. Виконайте переклад тексту.JR CENTRAL develops new maglev test vehicles Specifications have been drawn up by JR Central for an improved maglev test train. JR Central’s existing maglev train has already achieved a world speed record of 552 km/h. (1) JR Central has drawn up specifications for new test vehicles to be introduced on the Yamanashi maglev test line later this year. This is the latest step in developing commercial high-speed maglev service in Japan. The main physical difference compared with existing vehicles is a much-extended aerodynamic nose on the 28m-long lead vehicle. (2) JR Central is constructing one new lead vehicle, one new intermediate vehicle and two new bogies. Running tests will be conducted in combination with existing lead and trailer vehicles. The existing lead vehicles have two different nose designs; lessons learned from their aerodynamic performance have led to development of the extended nose. The nose has been extended as much as possible for experimental purposes to collect data on aerodynamic performance and motion characteristics. This will help to determine the specifications for the nose shape of the final revenue service vehicle. (3) The shape of the lower part of the intermediate vehicle has been changed from the round to square one to match the shape of the bogie. The body structure has also been revised and the cabin environment improved. (4) The bogie itself has been simplified for easier maintenance and improved reliability. Basically, the new vehicles are designed to develop the current test vehicles for revenue operation. (5) The current technical development plan, which includes vehicle testing up to the year 2005, aims to reduce costs, particularly of the ground coil, the superconducting magnets, and the guideway. At the heart of the maglev system there are onboard niobium titanium superconducting coils cooled by liquid helium to minus 269° C. It’s a well-known fact that at this temperature there is no electrical resistance. (6) When electric current flows into the coils they become extremely powerful magnets. The electromagnetic force between these magnets allows the vehicle to levitate (to rise and float in the air) about 10cm. (7) JR Central is promoting the development of superconducting maglev technology in cooperation with Japan’s Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI). Running tests on the 42.8km Yamanashi test section, which is to become part of the 500km Chuo Shinkansen maglev line linking Tokyo and Osaka, began in April 1997. (8) Since then running tests have been done on more than 600 days, and trains have accumulated about 176,000km. A five-car train achieved 552 km/h in manned operation on April 14, 1999, which was certified by Guinness World Records as a world maglev speed record later that year.2. Перекладіть словосполучення.А) здобувати науку, для експериментальных цілей, внутрішній устрійкабіни, електричний струм, в співпраці з….В) much-extended aerodynamic nose, as much as possible, to collect data, easiermaintenance, electromagnetic force, manned operation, revenue service vehicle.3. Прочитайте наступні речення та доведіть, що вони правильні або неправельні. Почніть відповідь з фраз:That’s right. I can’t agree with you. To my mind …. You are wrong here. As far as I know …. I quite agree with you. I don’t agree with you …. In my opinion …. You are partly right. 1. The new maglev vehicle has a much extended nose to provide better aerodynamic performance and motion characteristics. 2. JR Central is testing new vehicles, but it doesn’t mean that Japanese railwaymen stop operating existing lead and trailer cars. 3. The specifications for the nose shape of the final revenue service vehicle has already been drawn up by JR Central in cooperation with Japan’s Railway Technical Research Institute. 4. The shape of the lower part of the intermediate vehicle has been made square because it looks more beautiful. 5. When modifying the existing maglev vehicle specialists didn’t forget about engine drivers and tried to provide more comfortable environment. 6. JR Central drew up specifications for the maglev train that had achieved a world speed record of 552 km/h. 7. Improved maglev vehicles can be seen as completely new prototypes for revenue service. 8. When developing the current technical plan JR Central paid special attention to economic problems. 9. The main feature of a maglev vehicle is that it can levitate above the ground because there is the electro-magnetic force between extremely powerful magnets. 10. Running tests on the Yamanashi maglev section began in the 20 century. 11. JR Central`s success with maglev vehicles was recognised in Japan.4. Перекладіть письмово параграфи 7-8.5. Виконайте переклад тексту. Inter-Car Gangways for Shanghai Shanghai Metro will be the first Underground in Asia to buy the Metro inter-vehicle gangways. These gangways will be used in Alstom-built Metropolis cars on the Pearl Line of the Snanghai Metro. The key feature of the gangway is its 1500mm width, which provides optimum access from one part of the train to the other, even in rush hours. The gangways feature robust, double-skinned construction for effective insulation against noise and echoes, as well as sealing against pressure differentials encountered when entering a tunnel or passing another train. The modular units with an integral floor surface are fabricated from fire-resistant polymer/fabric composites. The floor consists of a fixed plate made from stainless steel. Grammar TestsVariant 11.Hopper cars ____ the second largest class of freight cars owned by the railways.A) to constitute C) constituteB) is constituting D) constituting2. Open-top hopper cars _____ most widely in the movement of coal from mines.

A) are using C) are used

B) using D) to use

3. Duaring the past ten years no 50-ton open-top hoppers ______.

A) have been built C) are built

B) built D) were built

4. The self-clearing characteristic of the hopper car design _____ to its utilization for handling saw dust and wood.

A) had recently led C) are recently led

B) have recently led D) were recently led

5. The covered hopper car ____ one of the greatest growth patterns evident in recent railroad history.

A) represents C) to represent

B) representing D) was representing

6. Many cars mustbe lined or built of corrosion-resistant materials to prevent


contamination of loadings or damage to the carbody.

7. Each side wall have a sliding door and two hatchways with dropping metal



8. The car isequippe with standard automatic couplers, buffers and an air brake.


9. The cars have number and a great deal of lettering on its sides.



10. Nearly all cars have informationprinted on their sides about the kind of air


brakes and couplers they have.


Variant 2

1. The opportunities to increasethe size of wagons are constrained by


loading gauge and axleload.


2. An innovative lightweight bogie could offer a significant decrease in


trainload capacity.


3. Any increase in the capacity of freight carriages is welcomed.


4. The only solution for developing freight traffic in Europe is reducing net


weight and increasingpayload.


5. The AFR22 bogie has already passed fatiguetests at 12.5 tonneaxleload.


6. AFR expects to complete fatiguetestingby the end of the year.


7. AFR currently has ordersfor around500 of the bogies.


8. The AFR22 weighs 650 kg morethan a conventionalY25 bogie.


9. The bogie has two pairs of brake blocks, which are positioned on the


outside of the bogie.


10. This weight saving is largely achieved through the Y25innovativebraking




Variant 3

1. The span of life of sintered brake pads is 10-20 times longer than rubber pads used on Y25s. A B C D

2. Reduction in the number of moving parts and brake pads reduces initial


costs by 15-20 %.


3. The integral brakes can be fitted without the need to modify the wagon's


existing brakes.


4. The bogie with body-mounted brakes features simplified linkage.


5. AFR plans to launch a new range of low-capacitywagons next year.


6. DB is looking to expand its international rail passenger operations throughout



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