Listen and repeat. Check your answers. 

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Listen and repeat. Check your answers.

1 Simon has lost his passport.

2 Sam and Julie have missed their plane.

3 Lucy has dropped her bag.

Unit 9C exercises 5 and 6

My name’s Ania Chomacka. I’m a dentist and I live in Birmingham. I came to Britain a year ago from Gdansk in Poland. It was quite difficult at first.­ I was a bit homesick and I missed my family a lot. I studied English at school in Poland so I don’t find it very difficult to communicate with English people, but sometimes they speak very fast. I like Birmingham – there’s lots to do here – it’s a very exciting city. I’ve made a lot of friends, both English and Polish ­– there’s a big Polish community here in Birmingham. It’s nice to meet up with people from back home and to speak my own language.

My name’s Abdul Khan. I’m a student at Bradford university in the north of England. I live here in Bradford with my parents and grandparents. My grandparents came over from Pakistan in the 1960s, when my parents were young. I was born here but I speak Punjabi as well as English. In fact we all speak Punjabi at home. I’m British but I’m also Pakistani ­– I think it’s important not to forget where you come from. Sometimes people are a bit racist but generally there’s a good relationship between the Asian and white communities in Bradford.


Unit 9D Exercise 2

Peter OK, we’ve booked the tickets. Have you found the passports?

Sarah Yes, they’re here. Have you changed the money?

Peter No, I haven’t. We can do that at the airport.

Sarah OK. Have you bought a guide book?

Peter Yes, I have.

Sarah Good. Now, we haven’t packed the suitcase. Let’s do that now.

Unit 9D exercise 6

Tania Are you having a good time in Paris?

Sarah Yes, we arrived two days ago.

Tania What have you done so far?

Sarah We’ve met our friend Sam and he’s shown us some of the sights.

Tania Have you climbed the Eiffel Tower yet?

Sarah Yes, we have. We went up on Saturday. The views from the top were fantastic.

Tania Have you visited Note Dame Cathedral?

Sarah No, not yet. We’re going there tomorrow. But we’ve seen the paintings in the Louvre Museum. They were fantastic.

Tania Have you taken a boat trip on the River Seine yet?

Sarah Yes, we have. We went last night ­ – it was really romantic!

Tania Have you walked up the Champs Elysees?

Sarah No. We want to walk up the Champs Elysees, but we haven’t had time.

Tania What’s the food like? Have you eaten in any nice restaurants?

Sarah Yes, we’ve had a meal in the Latin Quarter. It was delicious! We’re coming home next Saturday. I’ll tell you all about it then.... [ FADE OUT ]


Unit 9E Exercise 2

Listen and repeat.

cloudy cold foggy freezing hot icy rainy snowy stormy sunny warm windy


Unit 9F Exercise 1

Clerk Next, please.

Alison Hello. I’d like a ticket to London, please.

Clerk Single or return?

Alison Return, please.

Clerk Are you coming back today?

Alison Yes.

Clerk That’s £12, please.

Alison Here you are.

Clerk Thank you. Here’s your change.

Alison Which platform is it?

Clerk Number 5. The next train is at 11.25.

Alison Is it a direct train?

Clerk No, you have change at Oxford.

Unit 9F Exercise 2

1 12:28

2 09:15

3 18:49

4 06:00

5 23:55

6 17:17


Unit 9F Exercise 5

Clerk Can I help you?

Boy Yes, can I have a return ticket to Liverpool, please?

Clerk When are you coming back?

Boy Next Saturday.

Clerk That’s £35, please.

Boy Here you are … Which platform does it depart from?

Clerk Platform 7.

Boy When’s the next train?

Clerk At 17.35.

Boy Do I have to change?

Clerk No, it’s a direct train.


Clerk Next please.

Girl Is there a train for Manchester at about 11 o’clock on Saturday morning?

Clerk Yes, there’s a direct train at 10:47.

Girl OK. And how much is a return ticket?

Clerk Are you coming back on the same day?

Girl Yes.

Clerk It’s £12.50. Would you like a ticket?

Girl No thanks, I’ll get one on Saturday …Oh, which platform does it depart from?

Clerk Number 10.

Girl OK. Thanks!


Unit 9F Exercise 7

(repeat underlined extracts from ex 5 above)]


Vocabulary Builder 9, Exercise 2


1 motorbike 2 tram 3 helicopter 4 bike 5 plane 6 train 7 ship 8 lorry


Unit 10A Exercise 2


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