Фрагменти уроків з навчання різних видів читання 

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Фрагменти уроків з навчання різних видів читання

Фрагмент 1

Мета: Формувати в учнів уміння переглядового/вибіркового читання (див. тексти після фрагмента уроку).

Методичні зауваження:

§ тексти підбираються вчителем заздалегідь; копіями забезпечується кожен учень;

§ тексти читаються у класі під керівництвом і контролем учителя;

§ допускається перегляд тексту кілька разів;

§ час читання визначається вчителем;

§ учні не користуються словником чи граматичним довідником.

Етап. Прийом. Етап 1. Підготовка до чи­тання текстів. Ство­рення в учнів уста­новки на вилу­чення конкретної інфор­мації. Прийом: Активне слухання учнями ін­­струкцій учителя. Етап 2. Читання учнями тек­с­­тів з метою ви­значення їх за­галь­ної спрямованості. Прийом: Перегляд текстів за обмеже­ний час. Етап 3. Перевірка пра­виль­­ності визна­чен­­ня учнями те­ма­тики текстів. Прийом: Відповіді учнів на запитання. Етап 4. Читання текстів з метою вилучення конкретної інфор­мації. Прийом 1: Активне слухання пояснень учителя. Прийом 2: Повтор­ний перегляд текс­тів і пошук відпові­дей на запитання. Етап 5. Перевірка пра­виль­ності вилу­чен­ня ін­формації учнями. Прийом: Відповіді учнів на запитання. Етап 6. Перегляд текстів і пошук більш де­таль­­ної інформації. Прийом: Запис від­повідних номерів те­лефонів. Етап 7. Контроль пра­виль­ності вилучення і розуміння конкрет­ної інформації. Прийом: Само­конт­роль за ключем.   Зміст роботи   T: You are in Great Britain for two months’ language course. Look through the texts and decide: “What is the general theme of the text?”     T: You have two minutes to look the texts through. Bear in mind that you do not need to understand everything in the texts to be able to answer the question. (Учні читають текст вибірково).     T: I see you have scanned the texts and are ready to answer the question. Учні по черзі дають свої відповіді та обґрунтовують їх. (The right answer: The texts are about different types of accommodation for students).     T: And now look at the advertisements once again. Skim through the information to get the main idea of the content. Get ready to answer the questions: What are the advertisements for? How many residences are expensive? Etc. When you skim through texts like these, it is a good idea to make use of any graphics, keys and all headings/ titles to help you get an overview of the content. Учні переглядають тексти, відшукують і систематизують необхідну інформацію.     T: Your time is up. Give your answers to the questions. Учні по черзі дають свої відповіді на запитання.(Правильні відповіді записуються учнями на дошці).     T: And now use the texts and answer the questions on the cards by writing the appropriate telephone numbers in boxes. You may use any number more than once.   Questions on the cards: Which number would you ring if you are interested in 1. a double room and full board at a reasonable price? 2. long-term single accommodation with sports facilities? 3. inexpensive accommodation for yourself and your family? 4. low-budget, furnished accommodation for yourself and your partner? 5. a room close to the university with linen and laundry included?     T: And now compare your answers with the key. (Учитель записує ключ – правильні номери телефонів – на дошці).  


Тексти для опрацювання

Banbury House ** Tel: 564839

Enjoy mixing with other students in luxury accommodation 30 minutes from the station and close to all main bus routes. Single and double rooms. Students provide own food but all cleaning services offered. Please bring your own linen.


Three Seasons * Tel: 445987

We can provide all types of accommodation for all types of single student. Rooms are fully furnished with linen and have reasonable rates. Full board possible. 35-40 minutes from main universities and city. Please observe codes of conduct.


Sturtin Hostel *** Tel: 876333

We offer scenic views and old-world charm. Located in pleasant rural surroundings. Relax after a long day by swimming in the pool or using the exercise gym. Separate study rooms available. No children. Bar & restaurant.

First Stop * Tel: 223300

Ideal for new students, we provide double rooms. If you wish, we can offer assistance in finding a suitable person to share a room with. All washing and cleaning services offered at extra charge. Large canteen and three bathrooms on each floor. Sports centre next door.

Home from Home ** Tеl: 567233

Single or double rooms for students. Fully air-conditioned with all amenities. Only a few minutes on foot to the city centre and close to colleges. All services and meals included. The management do not provide room-mates for individuals seeking double occupancy.

Downtown Digs * Tеl: 882312

Do you worry that you’ll not have enough money to see the term through? Don’t waste it on expensive housing. This is a hostel for students run by students. No references and no rules. Shared bathroom, dormitory accommodation.

Must provide own linen. All cleaning operates on a rota system. Singles only.

Star Lodgings * Tel: 322756

This is a hotel but it offers apartment style housing so that you can retain some independence. Single or double rooms available with separate bathroom. All unfurnished. Children welcome.

Highdown House ** Tel: 919102

Bed and breakfast hotel offers student accommodation for limited period only. Vacancies for on-the-spot reservations usually available. Own bathroom and laundry facilities but no cooking on premises. Sports room and small pool.

Фрагмент 2

Мета: навчити учнів читати з розумінням основного змісту (ознайомлювальне чи­тання) (див. текст після фрагмента уроку).

Методичні зауваження:

§ текст читається у класі під керівництвом і контролем учителя;

§ здійснюється одноразове читання про себе;

§ час читання визначається учителем;

§ учні не користуються словником чи граматичним довідником;

§ перевіряється, який обсяг основної інформації учні зрозуміли.

Етап. Прийом. Етап 1. Підготовка до чи­тан­­ня тексту для ство­рення в учнів уста­новки на ро­зу­мін­ня основного змісту. Прийом: Активне слухання інструкції вчителя. Етап 2. Читання тексту мов­чки. Прийом:Само­стійне читання текс­ту учнями. Етап 3. Перевірка розу­міння прочитаного. Прийом 1: Відпо­віді на запитання вчителя. Прийом 2: Вико­нання альтер­на­тивного тесту. Етап 4. Інтерпретація зміс­ту тексту учнями. Прийом: Вислов­лювання учнів у зв’язку з прочита­ним. Опора – за­про­поновані тверд­ження вчителя.   Зміст роботи T: Get ready to read the text silently and try to grasp the main gist of the text and the most important details without using a dictionary or grammar reference. You have to cope with the task within the period of 5 minutes. The title of the text is “Different Kinds of Calendars”.   T: First read the title of the text which will help you form a general idea of the topic in your mind (учні читають текст мовчки).   T: I see you have read the text and are ready to answer my questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. When was the first day of the year in Ukraine till 1700? 3. When did Ukrainians begin to mark the New Year on the 1st of January? 4. Did some countries of the world have their own calendars in the past? 5. How many years had a cycle in the Chinese calendar? T: And now look at your cards. You’ll see 8 statements some of which do not correspond to the content of the text. Read the statements and circle the right numbers. 1. Till 1700 the 1st day of the year in Ukraine was the first of January. 2. The calendar in Russia was changed in 1700. 3. Some countries had their own calendars. 4. Today all the countries of the world mark the New Year on the 1st of January. 5. In old China the calendar had both years and cycles of years. 6. 50 years made 1 cycle. 7. There were 5 years of the Hen in a cycle of China’s calendar.   T: Now try to express your opinions of the facts given in the text. The statements written on the blackboard will help you. 1. It is more convenient to have different kinds of calendars in the countries of the world. 2. In France people use the calendar which is called the Year of Freedom, don’t they? 3. It is not interesting to know about different kinds of calendars which are used in different countries.


Текст “Different Kinds of Calendars”

There are some interesting facts about calendars. First of all we should know that till 1700 in Russia and Ukraine the first day of the year was the first of September. In 1699, the 31st of December was pronounced the last day of the year, as in Europe. The first day of January, 1700 was the beginning of the new Russian calendar.

In different countries, at different times, we can see different kinds of calendars. About fifty centuries ago, in Egypt the first night of the year was the night in July when the brightest star Sirius was seen in the sky again after a two months’ interval. In old China, the calendar had both years and cycles of years. Sixty years made one cycle, and every year had its name. So the first year of a cycle was called the Year of the Tree and the Mouse; the seventh was the Year of the Metal and the Horse, and the tenth, the twenty-second and some others.were the Years of the Hen.

Now imagine that a man was born in the Year of the Hen. There were five years of the Hen in a cycle: how could people know in what year the man was born? So the people of China don’t use their old calendar today.

In the days of the French Revolution of 1789-1794, a new calendar was introduced in France – the year of Freedom, and the 22nd of September was called the first day of the year. But after a few years the whole country returned to the old calendar.

Today in almost all countries the 1st of January is the beginning of the year. This day is a holiday.

Фрагмент 3

Мета: Навчити учнів читати з повним розумінням змісту (вивчаюче читання).

Методичні зауваження:

§ текст читається у класі під керівництвом учителя;

§ використовується словник, граматичний довідник;

§ велика увага приділяється лексичним одиницям, граматичним структурам.

Етап. Прийом. Етап 1. Підготовка до чи­тан­ня тексту “The Last Leaf”[27] для ство­рення в учнів уста­новки на сприйман­ня і розуміння тек­сту. Прийом: Активне слухання, відповіді на запитання.   Етап 2. Виконання перед­текстових завдань, для того щоб “зня­ти” лексичні труд­но­щі розуміння тексту: власні іме­на, інтернаціональ­ні слова, слова до теми “Здоров’я. Медицина”. Прийом 1:Впізна­вання, читання хо­ром, здогадка про зна­чення слів. Прийом 2:Грама­тичний аналіз, пе­ре­клад для усу­нен­ня граматичних труд­­­­нощів розу­міння. Етап 3. Читання тексту “The Last Leaf” із за­гальним розу­мін­ням змісту. Прийом: Читання про себе.   Етап 4. Контроль розу­мін­ня прочитаного (ви­конання після­тек­стових завдань). Прийом 1:Запов­нен­ня пропусків у реченнях. Прийом 2:Відпові­ді на запитання вчи­­те­ля. Прийом 3:Вико­нан­­ня тесту мно­жин­ного вибору.     Прийом 4: Пошук заданої інформації у тексті.   Прийом 5.Відпові­ді на запитання вчи­теля про основ­ні факти для пере­вірки розуміння ос­новного змісту.   Етап 5. Завершення робо­ти з текстом для під­­готовки учнів до короткого переказу основного змісту оповідання. Прийом 1: Пошук учнями в тексті ан­глійських еквіва­лентів. Прийом 2:Корот­кий переказ учнями основного змісту.   Зміст роботи Т: We are going to read an interesting and touching story of the writer, whose books are very popular both in the USA and in this country. His name is O.Henry. Is his name familiar to you? Did you read any of his stories in Russian or Ukrainian and did you like them? The most peculiar thing about O.Henry’s works is that the reader can never guess the end of them. That is why they are always read with great interest. Most of O.Henry’s stories show his good knowledge of the life of ordinary people and his warm sympathy for them.     T: The story we’ll read contains a few proper names. They are on the blackboard: Sue from Susan, and Johnsy – girls’ names Washington Square in New York Behrman – a surname Let’s repeat the words in chorus. Besides while reading the story you will come across a number of interesting international words. Now look at the board and try to guess what Ukrainian words they remind you of: 1 an artist 2 a magazine These are the so-called “Ненадійні друзі перекладача” because they mean: 1. “художник”, 2. “журнал”. There are some more international words: studio, chance, illustrate (illustration), soup, finish, statue, model, clinical, thermometer, etc. So you see, many international words refer to the topic “fine arts”. The story we are going to read is about artists and about a girl who fell seriously ill. Let’s review a few words of the topic “Medical Service”: doctor fall (fell) ill get (got) well illness go (in the meaning “die”) lie white and still So I hope you’ll be able to recognize these words while reading the story. T: To help you with your comprehension of the story I’d like to draw your attention to some grammatical points. First we’ll analyze them and then you’ll try to find some proper Ukrainian equivalents: – The chance for you is to go on a tour to Great Britain (to come in time to see him at home, etc.). – Let her come in the evening (us know about it, him go by train, etc.). – What was there to do (to discuss, to count, to like, etc.). – I saw her entering the flat (leaving the house, crossing the street). – I want you to come (him to ring me up, you to let me know, etc.).   T: As we are through with some difficulties in the story let’s begin to read. The story by O.Henry is called “The Last Leaf”. You are to read it to yourselves for ten minutes. I’m ready to help whenever you come across any real difficulties. Do your best to ignore those unfamiliar words which do not prevent you from comprehension of the gist of the story. Be ready to find in the text the answers to the following questions (on the blackboard). 1) What was Johnsy counting for a few days? 2) Why did Sue want to make Johnsy not count it?   T: Now your time is up. I hope you’ve understood the first part of the story “The Last Leaf”. The story you’ve read is about the two girl-friends, Johnsy and Sue, who lived in New York. You came to know that one of them, Johnsy, fell seriously ill and lost hope to do what...? (to get well). She lay and counted what?... (ivy-vine leaves on the wall). So, she was going to die with the... (the last leaf). That’s why Sue did what...? That’s right. (She tried to make her friend not think about the falling leaves – not count them). T: And now answer my questions: Who fell seriously ill? What did the doctor say about Johnsy’s health? Did Sue help Johnsy to recover? How? Т: Now we’ll check your comprehension of the main facts. Here’s the multiple-choice comprehension test. You are to choose the correct answer. (Three minutes for the test). 1. Sue and Johnsy were a) actors b) artists c) doctors 2. When Johnsy fell ill a) she didn’t hope to get well b) she had no chance to get well c) she struggled for her life 3. Sue heard Johnsy counting a) her pictures b) the bricks in the wall c) the leaves on the old ivy-vine 4. The doctor said that Johnsy had a) one chance in ten to get well b) ten chances to one c) no chance at all 5. Johnsy counted the leaves a) for a few days b) after the doctor had left the studio c) for an hour   6. Sue thought that Johnsy’s counting the leaves a) didn’t matter much b) was very dangerous to her life c) meant that she was better (Тест перевіряється зразу ж після його проведення; таким чином здійснюється негайне закріплення дій учнів. Тест вважається виконаним при наявності не більше однієї помилки. На основі результатів тесту вчитель робить попередній висновок про правильність розуміння учнями основних фактів). Ключ: 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6b. Т: Find as quickly as possible and read out loud the sentences containing the following important information: • the doctor’s conclusion about Johnsy’s illness and his advice to Sue; • Sue’s care of Johnsy. Т: Give laconic answers to the following questions: • What did Johnsy and Sue do to earn (make) money? (they painted pictures) How many chances, according to the doctor, did Johnsy have to get well? (one in ten) What was the doctor’s advice of her illness? (not to think of it) How many leaves were left on the wall when Sue asked Johnsy to shut her eyes? (only four)   Т: Before you try to tell the gist of the first part of the story let’s find and read out loud the words, word combinations and phrases in the text which you can use in your speech: • для неї можливість вижити – це хотіти жити; • нехай вона думає не про свою хворобу, а про щось інше; • вона почула, як Джонсі щось рахує; • на ній (лозі) було всього декілька листочків; • твої шанси видужати – десять до одного. T: Now you’ll try to tell the gist of the first part of the story in 5-6 sentences. Зразок переказу учня The short story “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry is about two girl­friends, Sue and Johnsy, poor artists, who lived in New York. When Johnsy fell seriously ill she didn’t hope to get well. The doctor saw it and said to Sue: “She (Johnsy) has one chance in ten. Try not to let her think of her illness”. Sue heard her friend counting the leaves on the ivy-vine. She thought that with the last leaf she was going to die. Sue wanted to help her friend to get well.  


“The Last Leaf” after O. Henry

O.Henry (1862-1910) is a well-known American short-story writer. He had to earn his living from the age of fifteen and he educated himself with the help of friends.

O.Henry knew people very well, especially the ordinary people of New York. In his stories you can feel satirical criticism of the American way of life. Most of his short stories are full of warm sympathy for ordinary American people.

Part I

Sue and Johnsy were poor artists who lived in a little New York district west of Washington Square. They painted pictures which they hoped to sell. Their studio was on the third floor of an old brick house.

They became friends in May and decided to live together. In November Johnsy fell ill. She lay in bed near the window and looked at the side of the next brick house.

One morning, the doctor asked Sue to come out into the corridor. ‘Your friend is very ill, she has one chance in – let us say, ten,” he said, as he looked at his clinical thermometer. “And that chance is for her to want to live. Your little lady has decided that she’s not going to get well. I promise to do all that I can, but you must help me. Let her think not of her illness, but of some other things.”

After the doctor had gone, Sue went into Johnsy’s room. Johnsy lay with her face towards the window. Sue thought that she was sleeping. So she began a drawing to illustrate a magazine story.

As Sue was working she heard Johnsy counting. She went quickly to the bedside. Johnsy’s eyes were open. She was looking out of the window and counting something.

“Twelve,” she said, and a little later “eleven”, and then “ten”, and “nine”; and then “eight” and “seven” almost together.

Sue looked out of the window. What was there to count? There was only a yard and the brick wall of the next house. An old, old ivy-vine was growing on the brick wall. There were only a few leaves on it. “What is it, dear?” asked Sue.

“Six,” said Johnsy. “They’re falling faster now. Three days ago there were almost a hundred. There goes another one. There are only five left now.” “Five what, dear? Tell me.”

“Leaves. On the ivy-vine. When the last one falls, I must go too. I’ve known that for three days. Didn’t the doctor tell you?”

“Oh, I never heard of such nonsense,” said Sue. “The doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well were ten to one! Try to take some soup now and let me draw my pictures.”

“No, I don’t want any soup. There are only four now. I want to see the last one fall before it gets dark. Then I’ll go, too.”

“Johnsy, dear,” said Sue, “will you promise me to keep your eyes shut, and not look out of the window until I finish working? I need the light.”

“Tell me as soon as you have finished,” said Johnsy, shutting her eyes, and lying white and still as a fallen statue, “because I want to see the last one fall.” “Try to sleep,” said Sue. “I must call Behrman up to be my model.”

Part II

Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor in the same house. He was over sixty. Behrman was a failure in art, but he still hoped to paint a masterpiece. He earned a little by serving as a model to those young painters who could not pay the price of a professional.

Sue found Behrman in his little room. She told him about Johnsy’s illness.

“She thinks that she will die when the last leaf falls from the old ivy-vine on the wall of the next house.”

Johnsy was sleeping when they entered her room. They went to the window and looked at each other for a moment without speaking.

When Johnsy opened her eyes the next morning, there yet stood out against the brick wall one yellow and green ivy leaf. It was the last on the vine.

“It is the last one,” said Johnsy. “I thought it would fall during the night. I heard the wind. It will fall today, and I shall die at the same time.”

The day came to its end and even in the evening there was still one leaf on the ivy-vine. Then, with the coming of the night, the north wind began to blow again, the rain beat against the windows.

In the morning, the girls looked out of the window. The one ivy leaf was still on the vine.

Johnsy lay for a long time looking at it. And then she called Sue and said, “I’ve been a bad girl. Something has made that last leaf stay there to show that we must always hope for the best. You may bring me a little soup now, and some milk.”

An hour later, she said, “Sue, some day I hope to paint a beautiful picture.”

The doctor came in the afternoon. In the corridor he said to Sue, “She’s much better now, she’s getting well. Now I must see old Behrman on the ground floor, some kind of a painter, I believe. Pneumonia, too. He’s an old man. There is no hope for him; but he goes to the hospital today. He’ll be more comfortable there.”

The next day, the doctor said to Sue, “She’s out of danger. You’ve won. Good food and care now – that’s all.” That afternoon Sue came to the bed where Johnsy lay. “I have something to tell you, dear,” she said. “Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital. He was ill only two days. He was found helpless in his room in the morning of the first day. His shoes and clothing were wet and he was very cold. They also found a lamp and a ladder in the room, some brushes and some yellow and green paints. Now look out of the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Do you know why it never moved when the wind blew? Ah, dear, it’s Behrman’s masterpiece – he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.”


Додаткова література [28]

§ Бабенко К.П. Деякі особливості активізації творчої уяви школярів у процесі контро­лю домашнього читання з англійської мови// Іноземні мови. – 2000. – № 1. – С. 18-20.

§ Бігич О.Б. Вправи для навчання читання на матеріалі американських автентичних підручників //Іноземні мови. – 1999. – № 4. – С. 60-63.

§ Бігич О.Б., Тищенко О.Ж. Навчання домашнього читання англійською мовою у середніх навчальних закладах //Іноземні мови. – 2000. – № 2. – С. 51-54.

§ Гапонова С.В. Ecology – К.: Ленвіт, 2000. – ч. І. – 64 с.; ч. II. – 64 с.

§ Ижогина Т.И. Как научить малышей читать //ИЯШ. – 1993. – № 1. – С. 49-52.

§ Клычникова З.И. Психологические особенности обучения чтению на иностранном языке. – М.: Просвещение, 1983. – С. 35-36.

§ Кувшинов В.И. Обучение алфавиту и звукобуквенным соответствиям английского языка //ИЯШ. – 1991. – № 4. – С.76-80.

§ Матрон Е.Д. Художественное произведение на уроках иностранного языка: Учебное пособие. – М.: Флинта, 2002. – 296 с.

§ Ніколаєва С.Ю., Метьолкіна О.Б. Тестовий контроль лексичних навичок читання (англійська мова). – К.: Ленвіт, 1997. – 88 с.

§ Ніколаєва С.Ю. та ін. Тестові завдання для навчання читання країнознавчих текстів англійською мовою. – К.: Ленвіт. – 1998-1999. – ч. 1-5.

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§ Скляренко Н.К., Баєва І.В. Тексти-полілоги як джерело інформації про культуру англомовних країн в підручниках English through Communication для 7-9 класів// Іноземні мови. – 1996. – №2. – С.20-22, – № 3. – С.17-21.

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§ Grundy Peter. Newspapers. – Resource Books for Teachers. – ed.Alan Maley. – Oxford Univ. Press. – 1993. – 134 p.

§ In-Service Curriculum and Development Course for English Language Teachers: Trainer’s Guide. – К.: Ленвіт, 2002. – Р. 67-86.

§ Rogova G.V. Methods of Teaching English. – М.: Просвещение, 1983. – С. 199-217.

§ Siberstein S. Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading. – Oxford Univ. Press, 1994. – 125 p.

§ Статті з журналу “Іноземні мови”.

§ Статті з журналу “Іноземні мови в навчальних закладах”.

§ Статті з журналу “Иностранные языки в школе”.


Матеріали для самоконтролю

А. Перевірте, чи ви можете:

1 пояснити термін “компетенція в читанні”;

2 дати англійський еквівалент терміна “компетенція в читанні”;

3 розкрити суть терміна “техніка читання”;

4 назвати основні форми читання і види читання;

5 визначити основні психофізіологічні механізми читання. Порівняйте їх із психо­фізіологічними механізмами аудіювання;

6 назвати основні вимоги до текстів для читання. Порівняйте їх з вимогами до текстів для аудіювання;

7 охарактеризувати основні труднощі читання англійською мовою. Порівняйте їх з труднощами аудіювання;

8 розкрити зміст кожного з етапів навчання читання;

9 навести приклади передтекстових завдань для навчання читання;

10 навести приклади післятекстових завдань.


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