Practice to develop communication skills 

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Practice to develop communication skills


1. Составьте как можно больше предложений, используя следующие слова:

a. My sister works at Chemist`s department


drug store



works as pharmacist




b. A pharmacist prepares the use of medicines

A druggist explains the dose to be taken

A chemist sticks the labels

A Pharmaceutist keeps the prescribed drugs

applies mustard plasters

must not confuse different drugs

drugs in drug cabinets



c. A person comes to buy sedatives, tonics, laxatives

to the chemist’s to order cod liver oil

to have sleeping draughts

to hand in anticoagulants

to receive glucose





probes and other things for

medical care

a medicine made up to



  1. Labels stuck the chemist`s department

Ointments prepared the prescription department

Iodine indicated right away

Alcohol ordered a bottle

Drug administered orally, per os.

Ammonium chloride overdosed the patient

Temperature is kept by the chemist`s

Children prescribed at the doctor

Medicines are bought in the nurse

Remedies taken on a label

Drugs may be a prescription

Dose may produce to sponge the skin

Drug effects may cause vitamins

Recovery to relieve irritation of the skin

strong, weak, mild

poisonous, toxic

untoward, unwanted effects

2. Выскажите согласие или несогласие, используя следующие фразы:

Yes, certainly

Yes, of course

Yes, surely

Yes, you are right

I think that you are entirely right

I fully agree with you (the fact that)

I agree that…

I agree with most of what you say, apart from the question…

I agree that it is possible but…

I object to…

No, you are not right

No, you are wrong

No, I can’t agree with that


1. The chemist wrote out a prescription for your friend.

2. The drugs are kept in drug cabinets.

3. The nurse rubbed in a healing ointment into the patient’s back to relieve his pain.

4. The patient explained to the chemist how to use the drug.

5. The overdosage of strong effective drugs does not produce unfavourable reactions.

6. The overdosage of poisonous drugs is safe.

7. The patients themselves stick labels on bottles or boxes of drugs.

8. The pharmacist has made the drug to the doctor’s prescription.

9. When a man is ill he goes to his local chemist.

10. Cod liver oil is often prescribed for children.

11. Vitamins are used to restore the body immunity.

At the Pharmacy.


3. Изучите диалог и назовите лекарства, которые хочет купить Каролина.

Caroline: Can I have the medication on my prescription?

Chemist: Yes, certainly. But remember! It is a powerful medicine. Follow the doctor’s prescription strictly. Take it after meals.

Caroline: Can I also have some cough mixture and nasal drops?

Chemist: Yes, we’ve got a good cough mixture and effective nasal drops.

Caroline: How should I take the mixture?

Chemist: Take one tablespoonful 3 times a day after meals.

Caroline: And the nasal drops?

Chemist: Use 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day. Besides, you may have a mouthwash if your throat is sore.

Caroline: Oh, yes. I need it badly. How should I use it?

Chemist: Gargle every two hours and you’ll feel relief in a couple of days.

Caroline: Thank you very much!


4. Найдите в диалоге "At the Pharmacy” английские эквиваленты следующих слов и

словосочетаний. Составьте с английскими словами и словосочетаниями предложения

по содержанию диалога и о себе.


- лекарство в рецепте; - одна столовая ложка;

- сильнодействующий; - полоскание;

- строго соблюдать предписания врача; - полощите ваше горло каждые два часа;

- после еды; - почувствовать облегчение;

- микстура от кашля; - через пару дней.

- эффективные капли в нос;

- принимать микстуру;


5. Просмотрите диалог “At the Pharmacy” и скажите на английском языке, как Каролина

должна применять лекарства.


6. Обратите внимание, как Каролина просит продать ей лекарства:

Can I have the medication on my prescription?

Can I also have some cough mixture and nasal drops?


Составьте аналогичные вопросы, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:


a medicine for a headache, -лекарство от головной боли, для желудка, от

the stomach, a cough, etc. - кашля и т.д.

a cardiac medicine - сердечное средство

a sedative - успокаивающее средство

a tranquilizer -транквилизатор

some vitamins - витамины

a laxative - слабительное

a dropper -пипетка

a hot water bottle - грелка
cotton wool

iodine -йод

a mouthwash -полоскание

nasal drops -капли для носа

an anti-inflammatory -противовоспалительная

ointment -мазь

a thermometer -термометр


7. Просмотрите список слов из предыдущего упражнения и скажите, что обязательно должно быть в домашней аптечке.

8. Обратите внимание, как Каролина спрашивает о применении лекарственных


How should I take (use)…?

Работа в парах.


Спросите, как вам принимать лекарства, указанные в списке в упр.4. Ваш собеседник должен дать рекомендации, используя следующие словосочетания:

- 2 hours before going to bed; - 1 tablet; - 20 – 30 drops; - 1 spoonful of mixture; - gargle your throat.

- 2 (3) times a day;

- every hour (2, 3, 4 hours);

- before meals;

- after meals;

- at bedtime;


9. Составьте диалог между пациентом и аптекарем по образцу диалога “At the Pharmacy”.

10. Изучите текст “At the Chemist’s”. Дайте ответ на следующий вопрос: What can one buy at the chemist’s beside drugs and things for patient’s care?

At the Chemist`s.

The doctor gave me a prescription to take to the Chemist’s. He prescribed aspirin, in case I got a headache. He also gave me a nerve tonic, as he said I was still suffering from shock. I didn’t have to pay him because medical treatment is free in England. Everyone pays so much per week Health Insurance (so it’s not really free after all). Foreigners who are visiting England have the same benefits as the natives, so for them it’s really free. At the Chemist’s I handed in the prescription and paid for each item on the prescription. This charge which was really resented, was introduced during the Labour Government’s term of office. They said the Health Service could no longer afford to give medicine free.

Whilst I was in the chemist’s, I thought I`d buy some other thing I needed. I ordered some talcum powder, two bars of soap, a tube of brushless shaving cream, a small bottle of olive oil, a toothbrush and a toothpaste, and a packet of razor blades. The goods were wrapped up by the chemist.

At the English drug store.

1. Изучите комментарии к тексту, прочтите текст и переведите его на русский язык.


One day I was playing cricket in the field and was catching the ball, right on the nose. The strike was so heavy that I was given a bloody nose and was in shock. I was given the first medical aid but in a short while I went to the doctor. He gave me a prescription to take to the chemist’s. I had a headache and was suffering from shock so he gave me a nerve tonic and aspirin.

I entered the chemist’s shop and came to the prescription department.

I: How do you do?

Chemist: How do you do. May I please have your prescription…You

have two items so you must pay four shillings, two shillings

for each item.

I: Why is not the chemist’s service free in England?

Chemist: When it was free, doctors were wasteful. They prescribed

medicines that people didn’t need. Here’s your medicine. Take

it three times a day according to the doctor’s advice.

I: Thank you but I would like to buy a couple of other things.

May I have two bars of soap, a tube of brushless shaving cream

and a packet of razor-blades.

Here they are.
Chemist: 10 shillings, please… Just a minute. Let me pack your things.


I: Thank you. Goodbye.

Chemist: You are welcome sir. Have a nice day.


Комментарии к тексту

to play cricket - играть в крикет

wasteful - расточительный

to catch a ball on the nose - получить удар в нос

item - пункт

to be given a bloody nose - получить кровотечение из носа

you are welcome - пожалуйста



7. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы.

  1. What happened to the man?
  2. Why did he come to the chemist’s shop?
  3. Why isn’t the chemist’s service free in England?
  4. What was the chemist’s advice?
  5. What other things did the man buy?

3. Расскажите на английском языке о:


- an accident in a cricket field;

- at the chemist’s.



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