Личные, притяжательные и возвратные местоимения 

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Личные, притяжательные и возвратные местоимения

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

1. This is …. friend, Jack. ….. is a university student.

2. Mary, give me ….. telephone number.

3. Tom translated this article yesterday. ….. was rather hard.

4. Maths is an important subject for students. ….. must know …...

5. Meet my group-mate Alice. Did you see ….. before?

6. Jane and Susan are my cousins. I love ….. very much.

7. ….. university is large and prestigious. We are proud of …...

8. These are my close friends. ….. father bought a new car last week.


Exercise 2. Choose the correct form of the pronouns in brackets.

1. It may be (our, ours) dictionary. 2. He has not read a line of (your, yours). How can he criticize (your, yours) poems? 3. His composition is much more interesting than (your, yours) or (my, mine). 4. (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not superior to (our, ours). 5. I'm afraid they will take (her, hers) advice not (your, yours). 6. All (our, ours) clothes were extremely dirty, and (my, mine) especially so. 7. Will you help me to sort out the things? I cannot tell which are (your, yours) and which are (my, mine).

Exercise 3. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the reflexive (возвратные) pronouns.

I can do it myself. 2. He has to complete all the work himself. 3. She learns the Spanish language herself. 4. It speaks by itself. 5. We can’t translate this text ourselves. 6. Finish the grammar test yourself. 7. You can go to the shopping mall yourselves. 8. Small children can’t fasten seat belts themselves. 9. My elder brother worked in the Tyumen region. He lived there by himself.

Exercise 4. Use the appropriate form of reflexive pronouns in the following sentences.

1. Be careful! The teapot is very hot. Don’t burn ….. 2. Nick cannot solve this equation..... Will you help him? 3. An automatic machine can do this operation..... 4. Must I prepare the report ….? 5. They repaired their car ….. 6. Jane is in New York now. She lives there ….. 7. Don’t worry, we will cook dinner ….. 8. I’m sure, you can carry out this experiment …..


Exercise 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Их книга на столе, возьмите ее. 2. Его отец живет в нашем доме; я вижу его каждое утро. 3. Решай свои проблемы сам. 4. Их университет далеко от моего. 5. Она перевела эту трудную статью сама. 6. Они рассказали нам о своем вузе и его истории. 7. Утром я готовлю себе кофе и бутерброд. 8. Это мой билет, а где твой? 9. Он написал это стихотворение сам. 10. Моя мама чувствует себя прекрасно сегодня. 11. Его знания английского языка лучше, чем твои или ее. 12. Я знаю ваш адрес, но не помню их. 13. Мы довольны собой. 14. Она живет в этом городе одна.



Exercise 6. Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the use of the pronoun “it”.


1. I don't like your room; it is very small. 2. It is interesting to read this book; it contains short fantastic stories. 3. It is difficult to learn the English language; it is quite different from Russian. 4. It isn’t dark in the street. 5. Is it easy to discuss such questions? 6. It was noisy in the hall. 7. The traveler visited the native town; it was quite different now. 8. The teacher put another question, it wasn’t simple. 9. Was it hard to define the properties of this solid? – Yes, it was. It took much time. 10. It will be hot tomorrow. 11. I want to have practice in English, it will be important for my work. 12. It will not (won’t) take him much time to solve this problem. 13. Will it be possible to test this substance in the laboratory?



Exercise 7. Translate into English. Begin with the pronoun “it”.

1) Весна. 2) Пасмурно. 3) Осенью здесь тепло. 4) Приятно видеть вас снова. 5) Зимой в Таиланде не холодно. 6) Не нужно пересказывать этот текст сегодня. 7) Интересно учиться в университете? 8) Было ветрено. 9) В декабре было морозно. 10) Не было дождливо прошлой осенью. 11) Было важно участвовать в этой конференции? 12) Будет солнечно завтра. 13) Скоро будет лето. 14) Не легко будет водить машину. 15) Будет возможно летать на другие планеты?

b) Demonstrative pronouns

Указательные местоимения


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