Agree or disagree with these statements. Explain your opinion. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Agree or disagree with these statements. Explain your opinion.

- You shouldn't bring in judgment until you've finished generating ideas because judging too soon is one of the most common ways to shut down your creativity.

- You must use metaphors to get ideas flowing.

- You need to encourage lateral thinking, that is thinking about something that is not immediately obvious and about ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.

- You must try to do lateral thinking puzzles.

Now try your hand at solving this puzzle. There is usually more than one answer to any given puzzle, but in general, only one solution is truly satisfying.

"A man lives on the twelfth floor of an apartment building. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the lobby and leaves the building. In the evening, he gets into the elevator, and, if there is someone else in the elevator - or if it was raining that day - he goes back to his floor directly. Otherwise, he goes to the tenth floor and walks up two flights of stairs to his apartment".


Past Participle

1. Причастие прошедшего времени правильных глаголов образуется путём прибавления к инфинитиву окончания –ed с соответствующими орфографическими изменениями.

Translate - translated, remedy – remedied

2. Причастие прошедшего времени имеет в каждом отдельном случае свою форму:

Hold – held, build – built

Причастие прошедшего времени выполняет в предложении следующие функции:

Функции Примеры
Определения а) перед существительными б) после существительного   This is an improved model. Это улучшенная модель The progress achieved by this country in industry is great. Прогресс, достигнутый этой страной в промышленности, велик.


1. Причастия прошедшего времени переходных глаголов имеют страдательное значение и переводятся на русский язык причастиями, оканчивающимися на «-нный», «-тый», «-вшийся», «-мый», «-щийся».

Achieve – achieved – достигнутый,

Build – built – построенный.


Translate sentences from Russian into English paying attention to Past Participle.

1. Они постарались учесть все понесённые расходы.

2. Деньги, хранящиеся дома в банке, не принесут никаких процентов.

3. Это письмо отправили в тот же день.

4. Они хотели, чтобы работа была выполнена немедленно.

5. Цена на компрессоры, приведённая фирмой, очень велика.

6. Новая модель машины, выпускаемая этим заводом, пользуется большим спросом на рынке.

7. Предложенные фирмой образцы, не отвечают нашим требованиям.

8. Фирма сообщает, что поставки, запланированные ими на май, начнутся с опозданием.


Role play

Promotion prospects

Read the dialogue, translate the Russian remarks into English and act it out.

- Today I'm going to bring up a very important issue. It's about our new recruit, the Sales Manager. Let me bring you up-to-date. Well, he joined our company a year ago. He brought excellent references. All this time he's been on probation. How do you assess his performance?

- Я могу сказать о нем только хорошее. Он никогда не нарушает правила. В нем есть кураж. Он высказал оригинальную идею о расширении рынка сбыта, которая не признавалась всеми. Его подчиненные говорят, что он помогает им всегда советом.

- But on the other hand he blew the deal last year and he made serious mistakes. I think he should be fired.

- Но что подтолкнуло вас к такому выводу? Почему он должен быть уволен? Он не раз рисковал ради компании. Я думаю, что если он будет продолжать в таком же духе, он быстро продвинется по службе.

- No, I won't stand for that. I'm going to see to it that he gets the sack as soon as possible.

Make up the dialogue according to the situation

Are you good at managing your time? Is it a skill which can be taught? If people can't plan their time effectively and delegate the work, if they don't meet their deadlines, their life becomes a nightmare.

Role 1

You work for Interior Design Concepts. You work hard, but you think you will never get on top of your work. For example, yesterday you had 3 really important things to do: a contract that had to be ready for typing; then there was a mobile sales display that needed to be set up properly; and the other big job was the work assessment report for a new member of staff - that was already overdue. You didn't finish any of them. Your work was interrupted several times. You dropped one job and started another but in the end you had to take the assessment report home and work on it until midnight. Your superiors are furious. If this situation persists you maybe fired. Speak with a personnel manager and ask him for advice.

Use your target vocabulary and these communication strategies:

- describe your problem

- give your reasons for your failures

- say that you may be wrong

- seek for solidarity

- make a promise

Role 2

You are a Personnel manager. You aren't satisfied with your employee's work. He isn't efficient. He is a time-waster. Analyze the mistakes the employee made in his use of time. What held him back and caused him waste time? Criticize him and then give recommendations how to use his time more properly: plan ahead, delegate work, etc.

Use your target vocabulary and these communication strategies:

- appeal to his rationale

- offer smth beneficial to him

- make him pay attention to what you say

- show that you think smth is important

- make a threat


The results of the test

Now add up your total score for all 23 questions and then divide by 23 plus the number of options you ticked on question 23. For example, if you scored 134 in total, and ticked 8 options on question 23, you would divide 134 by 31 (23+8), giving you a score of 4.3.

1. a) 7, b) 1, c) 3, d) 9

2. a) 1, b) 5, c) 7, d) 9

3. a) 9, b) 7, c) 3, d) 1

4. a) 1, b) 7,c) 9, d) 3

5.a) l, b) 9

6. a) 9, b) 1

7. a) 9, b) 1

8. a) 9, b) 1

9. a) 9, b) 1

10.a) l, b) 9

11) a) 9, b) l, c) 3, d) 5

12) a)7, b) 1

13. a) 9, b) 5, c) 1

14. a) 3, b) 6

15.a) 1, b) 6, c) 9, d) 4

16. a) l, b) 9

17.a)1, b) 9

18. a) 3, b) 7

19.a) 1,b) 9

20. a) 1, b)7,

21.a) 1, b)9

22. a) 7, b) 3

23. a) 8, b) 2



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