Translate the following sentences into English 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Translate the following sentences into English

1. Современные тенденции делового мира предоставляют огромные возможности человеку с языковыми способностями.

2. В наши дни успешный бизнес без знания культурных различий является трудной задачей.

3. Личная подпись в деловой корреспонденции – одно из главных требований международной деловой переписки.

4. В 21 веке люди должны не забывать об установлении личного контакта со своим партнером.

5. Чтобы иметь преимущества, необходимо правильно выбрать целевой рынок.

6. Плохо образованный человек не может быть конкурентоспособным на мировом рынке труда.




Read the article and render it


Thanks to the increasing speed of communications such as phone, fax, e-mail, you can be an international worker and barely leave your desk. All this international work requires different skills. “You need to adapt your communication skills to meet the global challenge”, says Alison Birkett, a director of relocation firm Expat Essentials “A lot of misunderstandings come about from people using email badly”, she says. “People tend to send emails without writing “Dear so and so” at the beginning, or personalizing them. This can seem rude to the recipient if English isn’t his or her first language. We need to adopt a softer style”. Ms Birkett also recommends that people use their email less and the phone more. “Speaking to people can be a far more effective way of building a relationship”.

Robert Day, of Farnham Castle International Conference Centre, agrees. “Email and video conferencing are theoretically so easy that people forget the importance of forging a direct relationship”, he says. “If you can’t visit your overseas colleagues, talk to them on the phone and get to know them. You’ll increase your chances of getting replies to your emails”. Learning a foreign language is no longer a priority since English ‘really is the international business language’. It’s far less important to learn a foreign language than to use your own language well, so that people who are not native speakers can understand you. This means avoiding slang, speaking slowly, and having the patience to listen to foreign colleagues.

“Rather than language classes what we all need is cultural awareness training to help us to understand business habits of other nationalities”, says Sue Hyde, the business development manager for Babel language and cultural consultants. A lot of Babel’s business comes from firms that have merged with or acquired a foreign business. “One firm called us in because things have become so bad that their Italian business partners had stopped speaking to them. It was all to do with the way the two nationalities communicated with each other. The British approach is to stick to a written agreement without a lot of talking. Southern Europeans take the view that if things move on, there is no point in sticking to a contract”.



Tense review

Действительный залог

  Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive
Present V V-s(3л. ед.ч.) (do, does) Am is V-ing are have V-ed (V3) Has have been V-ing has
Past V-ed (V2) (did) was V-ing were   had V-ed (V3) had been V-ing
Future will V will be V-ing will have V-ed (V3) will have been V-ing


Страдательный залог

PRESENT I am he she is it we you are they   V-ed (V3) I am he she is it we you are they     being V-ed (V3) he she has it I we you have they     been V-ed (V3)
PAST I he she was it we you were they   V-ed (V3) I he she was it we you were they     being V-ed (V3) I he she it had we you they     been V-ed (V3)
FUTURE I he she it will we you they     be V-ed (V3) I he she it will we you they     being V-ed (V3) I he she it will we you they     have been V-ed (V3)



1. Translate sentences from Russian into English paying attention to tenses:

1. Менеджер компании собирается ввести языковые вечерние курсы.

2. Официальный язык компании – английский.

3. В прошлом году эта компания находилась на самом верху рейтинговой таблицы.

4. Мистер Браун только что занял место управляющего компании.

5. После того как фирма ввела языковые курсы для всего персонала, продажи увеличились в два раза.

6. Он каждый день сидит в Интернете в поисках рефератов.

7. У него много друзей, с которыми он обменивается письмами по электронной почте.

8. Вся важная информация хранится в электронном виде.

9. Наверное, он говорит по телефону или сидит в чате.

10. Если фирма выходит на международный рынок с новым товаром, ей необходимо преодолеть культурные и языковые барьеры.

11. Неспособность к изучению языков – основное препятствие для успеха фирмы на международном рынке.

12. Эта фирма предпочитает работать через посредника.

13. Хороший менеджер должен уметь поддержать светскую беседу.

14. Языковые способности помогают менеджеру справится со своими обязанностями.



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