Tips for successful negotiations 

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Tips for successful negotiations

Part II

Task 1. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Negotiations collapse, essential elements, to overlook, to find common ground, the same goal, to come to a mutually agreeable conclusion, to take a position, the opposing viewpoint, to lead to a less desirable conclusion, to put a much different perspective, a game plan, to lose sight of the goals, to meet the person’s needs, communication and connectivity, the desired positive end.


Task 2. Give the English equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Єдиний найважливіший елемент, володіти інформацією – володіти світом, дозволити собі, розуміти потреби своїх партнерів, протилежна сторона, поставити себе на місце свого партнера, отримати від переговорів, суперник, розставити пріоритети, більше грошей, кращі можливості, очистити, розпізнавати.


Task 3. Translate the given sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Most negotiations involve parties in a long term relationship.

2. In order to negotiate successfully, you must understand the dynamics of the situation.

3. Identify your role and the role of your opponent.

4. Very few negotiations are a single contact event.

5. With the possible exception of making large purchases, most parties involved in a negotiation have continued contact after the negotiations are completed.

6. When you are caught in a lie, and it is inevitable that you and your future credibility will be lost.

7. Understand that negotiation frequently involves compromise.

8. Winning isn’t everything.

9. It is easy to get caught up in the competitive spirit of a negotiation.

10. Quit while you are ahead. Get agreement on your major points and stop.



A question mark at the end of the title means I have doubts about the combination of above words.

I was making a presentation to a high-level Ukrainian in a well-respected firm who was talking during the meeting on his mobile phone most of the time. I had been waiting for the meeting to start for 2 hours, because the manager had an “unexpected” guest. I have been invited to the restaurant by the person who, at the end of the meal was discussing how much I eat and why…

Ukraine, being part of the Soviet Union was isolated from the outside world for many years. This creates problems that have to be corrected now, otherwise integration, a popular word now, will be much more difficult. Because people who travel to Europe, Japan and U.S. already realise what makes them look different in the business environment of “developed” countries/ but a lot of people still are not aware of the importance of conforming to the world’s business practices.

Following are some simple bits of advice for “beginners” which I now take the liberty of giving:

· Be on time. There’s nothing worse than wasting another person’s time. If you are late, even 10 minutes, call with apologies and explain the reasons.

· A secretary should offer coffee, tea or water to the visitor. Obviously.

· At the meeting, turn your mobile phone off. If you can’t, turn the sound off. If you can’t, explain the reason with apologies.

· Do bring enough business cards. Otherwise you will face a problem of who at the meeting will not receive one.

· If you speak Russian, Ukrainian or French use “vu” as opposed to “tu”, until it is offered by an older person to use informal treatment.

· Let him/her know (you can use a translator) of the specific terms you will be using during the meeting.

· If you invited another person to the restaurant, pick up the bill. If you are being invited, order average-priced dishes and drink what the inviting party is drinking, when possible.

· Wear a suit. It is very important to make a good impression, especially if you are working with clients. The suit that suits you. The “European Suit”, a body conscious silhouette is good for young creative staff of an advertising agency, while “the Ivy League Suit” looks better on a respectable solid manager.

· If you wear a suit, don’t put on a leather/sport jacket. A topcoat is better.

· Women, as for the make-up – less is more! Some natural lipstick and mascara are enough. The same goes for jewellery – diamond necklaces are for Hollywood parties. And for god’s sake, don’t show the achievement of nail designers on your nails. They can be long, but naturally looking.

· Men, only one favour to ask you – long socks! Colour is important (dark is a requirement) but the priority is to see fabrics, not hairy calves.

· Shoes, a watch, glasses and bags are “talking” about you. Don’t buy the most expensive stuff. The biggest mistake is a massive gold “Rolex” showered on with diamonds. Elegance and taste make a difference. A person in the “creative” position may permit oneself some fashion statements.

A lot of western companies developed their own “Business Ethics Code” which is a set of rules for all employees of the firm. Among those are such simple things as dress codes and complicated issues like non-discrimination of women or gays. Failure to comply with those rules can be a reason for dismissal. But since there’s long way for Ukrainian firms to reach this point, let’s just try to endure the torture of the existing business ethics, but strive for the better. (The article by Tatiana Karpova, “The Ukrainian Observer”)


Active Vocabulary

to be isolated from – бути ізольованим від

to correct - виправляти; коригувати

to de aware of smth. - знати, усвідомлювати

to conform - зважати (на - to); погоджуватися (з - to) 2) пристосовувати(ся) 3) підкорятися (правилам)

informal treatment – неформальне ставлення, поводження

conscious ['kɒnʃəs]- свідомий, який усвідомлює

the Ivy League Suit - Костюм Ліги Плюща

fabric – тканина, виріб; фабрикат

calf (pl. calves) - литка

to be showered on with – бути інкрустованим

failure - невдача, неуспіх; провал, відсутність, брак (чогось)

to comply with – виконувати, поступатися; погоджуватися

dismissal - звільнення (з роботи); відставка; розпуск

to endure [ɪn'djuə] - 1) терпіти, зносити 2) тривати

to strive for - старатися, намагатися; докладати зусиль 2) боротися (з кимсь, проти когось - with, against; за щось - for)



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