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General outline for a cover letter



Applicant’s Address


City, State, Zip



Date of Letter



Use complete title Employer’s Name and Title

and address Address


City, State, Zip



If possible, address Salutation:

it to a particular person Opening Paragraph: State why you are writing, name the

position or type of work for which you are applying and mention

how you heard of the opening or organization.



Make the addressee Middle Paragraph(s): Explain why you are interested in working for this

want to read your resume. employer and specify your reasons for desiring this type of work.

Be personable and If you have had relevant work experience or related education be sure

enthusiastic. to point it out, but do not reiterate your entire resume. Emphasize skills

Be brief but specific; or abilities you have that relate to the job for which you are applying.

your resume Be sure to do this in a confident manner and remember that the reader will

contains details. view your letter of application as an example of your writing skills.

Top and bottom

Margins should

be equal.


Closing Paragraph: You may refer the reader to your enclosed resume (Which

gives a summary of your qualifications) or whatever media

you are using to illustrate your training, interests and

experience. Have an appropriate closing to pave the way for

the interview.






Always sign letters

Your name typed

If a resume or other Enclosure

Enclosure is used,

Note in letter


You can use the

same heading as

your resume for a Kevin Downey

uniformed look. 8651 South Howell Avenue Oak Creek, WI 53154 414.768.8876



March 25, 2007


Don’t guess the Mr. Chris Dunkin

gender on Director of Human Resources

ambiguous first Upscale Corporation

names. 6201 Washington Avenue


Whenever Racine, WI 53406

possible, send

letter to specific Dear Mr. Dunkin:

person, not “Hiring



I am very impressed with the recent growth of Upscale Corporation, so it was with great interest that I read your advertisement in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. I will be graduating from Carthage College in June with a degree in Marketing. Please accept the enclosed resume as indication of my interest in a sales representative position with your company.


Highlight a few key

points and As part of my degree requirements, I have taken courses in marketing,

accomplishments. advertising, and management. All of these courses, combined with my

Avoid simply liberal arts education, provide me with a strong foundation for a career in

restating your sales. Additionally, I worked as a sales trainee with XYZ Industries for the

resume. past two summers. This work experience provided me with the opportunity

to closely interact with retailers in the distribution of XYZ products.

Through persistence, hard work, and my ability to relate well with people, I was

able to contribute to a Quantify as much as possible 50 percent increase in

sales. I believe my educational background and experience fit well with the

expectations your corporation has outlined for the vacant sales representative

position. I welcome the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you.

Indicate an active I will contact you within a few days to discuss a possible interview.

means of follow up. Thank you for your consideration.

Do what you

say you will!


Don’t forget to sign your letter. Sincerely, Kevin Downey




John Reid

This is an

example of a 11229 Oak Street


professional Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158

business letter (262) 942-6768

heading. reid@carthage.edu



May 5, 2007

Dr. Claudia Thompson

Director, Research Operations

BioTech Advantage

2133 Half Day Road

Lincolnshire, IL 60052



Use your Dear Dr. Thompson:


contacts as At the suggestion of our mutual friend, Professor David Hill, I am writing to

much as you today to express my interest in working in the Research and Development

possible in your division of BioTech Advantage. I will be receiving my Bachelor of Arts degree

job search. in biology from Carthage College at the end of this month. I have enclosed my

resume for your review.

As your website indicates, BioTech Advantage seeks hardworking, flexible individuals with exceptional scientific knowledge and problem solving capabilities to serve its clients. As you can see from the attached resume, my particular skills and interests include:

• Summer internship experiences in both Research and Development at Abbott

You may elect to Laboratories and the Medical Lab at St. Luke’s Hospital

use a bulleted list • Honors in Senior Thesis “Asexual Reproduction in Clonal Genotypes in

in your resume Haliplanella lineata”

instead of a • Advanced lab skills including spectrometry, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis,

paragraph form. DNA and RNA Isolation Techniques, Light and Electron Microscopy

This allows you to • Knowledge of laboratory sterilization and safety procedures

showcase your • Strong computer skills including SPSS, HTML, and Java capabilities

main selling points • Excellent communication skills, leadership potential, and the ability to

in a format that is easy to read. manage my time effectively.


I believe that my unique combination of skills and experiences would fit well with the demands of the position. I am greatly interested in the field of medical biology and understand that BioTech Advantage is making great strides in the advancement of medical technology.


Dr. Thompson, thank you for your time and consideration. I would be delighted to meet with you, at your convenience, to discuss our mutual goals. I will contact you early next week to confirm receipt of these materials. I look forward to speaking with you.


Sincerely, John Reid




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