Attractions Lead Coordinator 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Attractions Lead Coordinator

· Pre-opening, supervised the personal development of staff on standards of customer care

· Compiled and arranged Safety Operating Procedures for Attractions

· Managed employees’ daily schedule and delegation of tasks

· Monitored safe operation of major attractions in the Park

· Coordinated the show quality, ensured high standards of maintenance


Miami, Florida


Intern Supervisor

· Implemented the Intern Program

· Planned and presided over Special VIP Events

· Supervised the training of new employees on operating procedures

· Participated in leadership development and trainer classes


International cultural representative

· Greeted guests and answered questions

· Took inventory of stock, organized shop displays

· Organized international cultural exchange events


Newbern, Northern Ireland


Tourist Information Assistant/Grotto Tour Guide

· Provided tourist information for local area

· Guided international parties in one of the largest caves in Europe

· Trained new employees on all aspects of cave guiding

Specialized Skills

- Project management

- E-tourism, e-business, online marketing

- Strategy Development

- Didactics, moderation, presentation and creativity techniques


Skills / Interests

IT: Excellent user skills, Office, Internet applications, MS Project, data bases

Hobbies: Reading, playing the guitar, alpine sports, water sports, folk music, judo, travelling

Additional Information

1990-1993 Sports club treasurer

1987-1990 Youth group leader


Christophe Allain Anne Jones

23, rue de la Paix Director, The Newbern Grotto

Moissy 775550 14 Rodney Drive


Northern Ireland

Task 12.

Think over the following questions and then be ready to write your resume according to the given above plan and patterns.

  1. What position or what kind of job do you want?
  2. What kind of a career do you want to make?
  3. What makes you qualified for this job or position?
  4. What can you do for the company you want to work for?
  5. What is your previous work experience?
  6. What is your present job?
  7. What are your responsibilities at work and how do you cope with them?
  8. Why do you want to leave your present job?
  9. What salary do you expect to receive?
  10. What education did you receive?
  11. Did you finish with academic [ækə'demɪk] honors (знаки особистої відзнаки; почесне звання)?
  12. What languages do you speak?
  13. Are you computer literate ['lɪtərɪt] (1) письменний, грамотний 2) освічений, вчений)?
  14. Do you drive a car?
  15. What is your family status?
  16. Do you have children/
  17. Are you willing to work overtime?
  18. Are you willing to travel?
  19. Do you have any health problems?
  20. Whom do you ask for references?
  21. What five general types of information should you present in your resume?
  22. In writing your resume, should you present your educational qualifications or your work experience first?
AUTOBIOGRAPHY This is a document in which the person informs the main facts of his/her biography. The requisite elements of an autobiography:
  1. The title of the document.
  2. The text which includes:
· Name; · Date of birth; · Place of birth; · Education; · Work experience; · Public work; · Family;
  1. Date of writing;
  2. Signature.
Every new information is written from indented line.



I was born in 1955 in Madison, Wisconsin. My mother was an accountant and my father worked in the dairy industry. I grew up with my two older brothers and one younger sister. When I was ten, my father died. Then we moved to Bridgeton, where my grandparents lived.

I graduated from high school in 1975. Then I went to college and studied Spanish. In my junior year, I went to Spain to study. After college, I went to Colombia to teach English. I met my husband there. He was also a teacher.

Two years later, we came back to the USA and got married. Then I got a job teaching English as a second language in Bridgeton. In 1983, my son Andy was born. I took off a year from work.

Three years later, mu husband and I got divorced. The year after that, I got an extra job teaching part-time at the Westside Community Adult School. I really like teaching adults.


APPLICATION The letter of application should conform to all requirements of a good business letter, and in form it should be correct in every detail. No one should do less than his very best in writing a letter of application, for it is reality a sales letter in which the writer is trying to sell his services. The application letter usually consists of three or four paragraphs. The first mentions the source of information about the position, the second gives facts to aid in securing the position, the third lists references, and the fourth may suggest further communication. But even the conventional form of the application may be altered to suit the originality of the writer. In short, the more individual in form and content the message, tempering it always with sincerity, the more evident the superior fitness to fill the position. A happily turned phrase or an appropriate reference may be just the difference necessary to give to an applicant advantage over his competitors.  




169 Corhill Place,

London #1 1RL.


David Ansell

Intertours Europe

276 Brompton Close

London SW9 6AB

(909) 555-5555




Dear Mr. Gilhooley,

I wish to apply for the position of Assistant Contracts Manager, advertised in the Travel Gazette on 14th March. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume, CV and three references.

As you will see from the enclosed Curriculum Vitae, I spent two years working for Thomsons as an on-site representative in Tunisia and Turkey. During this period I gained an intimate knowledge of the hotel industry in both countries and I feel I’m ready for this new challenge.

At present I am doing the English for Tourism course at Westminster College.

French is my first language, but I also speak Spanish quite fluently.



I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, 909-555-5555.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.




First Name, Last Name





COVER LETTERS A cover letter accompanies any correspondence to an employer where you present your resume for consideration. A cover letter allows you to showcase your writing skills and to sell yourself more directly than a resume. The purpose of a cover letter is to convey a specific message, which generates interest in you as a person and increases your chances of getting an interview. Cover letters are personalized and the content should reflect your objective and interest in that particular employer. Cover letters are generally organized into 3 or 4 paragraphs: First paragraph: Introduce yourself. Explain why you are writing by indicating in which position you are interested. You may also reference how you learned of the company or opening (newspaper ad, mutual contact, website, etc). If you are interested in an internship, indicate such in the first paragraph and include the semester you hope to intern (i.e. “summer internship in the marketing department.”). Second paragraph: Demonstrate your knowledge of the open position and the company. Sell yourself. The second, and sometimes third, paragraph(s) should address the employer’s needs. The needs of the employer are the skills that an employer lists as requirements for a particular position. Highlight and expand upon a few of your accomplishments from your resume, but do not simply restate your resume. You may choose to mention skills or personal characteristics that are not included in your resume. State with confidence, in assertive but pleasant language, that your demonstrated skills would be beneficial to the employer. Demonstrate knowledge you may have about the position or company (i.e. “I am impressed with ABC’s steady growth and commitment to customer service.”). Last paragraph: Close the letter in a friendly and professional manner. This closing paragraph should thank the employer for his or her time and consideration and also indicate an active means in which you will follow up. (i.e. “I will contact you next week to confirm receipt of these materials.”). You may also directly ask for an interview. If you are applying for an out-of-state position, state your travel plans and availability for interviewing (i.e. “I will be traveling to Boston on November 10-15, and I would be delighted to meet with you during that time, at your convenience.”). It is also a good idea to comment on your interest in relocating (i.e. “After graduation, I will be relocating to the Denver area.”).   Finally, avoid letters that are too long or stray from your major theme. To ensure high quality cover letters, proofread several times for content and grammar, and seek feedback from a career counselor. An error on a cover letter or resume may indicate to an employer that you are not a detail-oriented person. Each cover letter is unique to each person’s background and objective and to the needs of the employer. The samples provided and the information above is intended to serve as a guideline for students creating their own cover letters. Students are discouraged from copying the exact wording of the sample letters.




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