So What should be in a resume. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


So What should be in a resume.

Begin with the basics. Your name, address and phone number should always go at the top of your resume. There is no need to include the words "resume" or "c.v." - they are redundant and take up precious space.

State a resume objective. It should come below the name, address and phone number and be a clear and concise job objective. Using it forces you to tailor your resume to a particular position or company, as well as provides an immediately clear sense of direction to those people who will be reviewing your resume.

Most career consultants say that if they can't tell where a job applicant is going by reading their resume, then how does the applicant? It is not the recruiter or employer's job to sort through the applicant's experience to decide which position is right for the candidate. That is the main objective of your writing a resume - to demonstrate your abilities for a particular position - so state it clearly at the top. It should be more than "Objective: To make money" or "Objective: To work in a challenging environment." Focus on the position and career path you are going after, and state exactly what you want.

Talk about your accomplishments in your "Experience" section. Focus on achievements at your present and previous jobs, especially those that involve problem solving, management skills, critical thinking and initiative. These should be listed chronologically, beginning with your most recent position and then moving through previous jobs, as long as they provide applicable experience to the position you are seeking. And always use action verbs in your job description: Words like "analyzed", "coordinated," "evaluated," "negotiated" offer a stronger presentation of your abilities. But keep the description short and to the point, and also make sure everything listed is relevant.

Include a section about your education, but list it before your experience only if your educational history is stronger than your work background. This is often best for first-time job seekers that don't have much work experience. Make sure to list any additional courses you have taken that might be relevant to the job you are seeking, including specific company training programs or language courses.

Personal data can be included in a short section at the end of your resume, although experts disagree about the value of including it. Listing hobbies, or the fact that you love to play tennis, may or may not help in getting an interview. Regardless, such information is not nearly as important as the sections on work experience and education. Including information about your marital status, number of children, health and physical characteristics is always unnecessary. Most suggest using this short section at the end of the resume to wrap up any additional information that doesn't fit into the other categories, such as language fluency, extensive travel history or specific computer skills.

Don't include references on your resume. Only later in the interview process should you present a list of references to a potential employer. The list should include colleagues or anyone who knows you well and can give a good representation of why you would be an asset to the company.

Active Vocabulary

to wrap up - охоплювати

to the point - no суті

tуро - помилка

to agonize - мучити

end ир - закінчуватися

Employment recruitment agency - бюро з працевлаштування

Job jumper- той, хто дуже часто змінює роботу

to cотріtе - упорядковувати

to present oneself in a resume- надати відомості про себе у резюме

extraneous - побічний, не пов 'язаний з чимось

CV (Curriculum Vitae)- автобіографія

redundant- зайвий

objective- мета

concise- стислий, чіткий

tailor to a particular position- пристосовувати до конкретної посади

to review a resume- переглянути резюме

Applicant- кандидат

to sort through- сортувати, класифікувати

challenging environmentі- напружена робота

to demonstrate abilities- продемонструвати здібності

to state clearly- заявляти чітко

present/previous job- теперішня/попередня робота

to focus оп - зосередитися на

accomplishments- 1) виконання, завершення, досягнення 2) освіта, освіченість; вихованість; гарні манери; зовнішній лоск 3) благоустрій; впорядкованість

achievements- досягнення

problem-solving skills- здібності до вирішення проблеми management skills- здібності до управління

critical thinking - критичне мислення

initiative - ініціативний

to list chronologically- перелічити у хронологічному порядку

applicable experience- відповідний досвід

relevant- доречний, що має відношення

educational history- відомості про освіту

work background- професійна кваліфікація

to take language courses- займатися на мовних курсах

Specific company training program - тренувальна програма певної компанії

personal data- особисті відомості

Marital status - сімейний стан

to wrap up additional information- надати додаткову інформацію to fit- підходити

Language fluency - вільне володіння мовою

Travel history - відомості про подорожі

Specific computer skills - певні комп'ютерні навички

Reference- рекомендація

asset- цінний співробітник


1. Don't write your resume in the third person, referring to yourself by name or as "the candidate." Keep it in first person, although there is no need to use the pronoun "I" in the text, as a truncated version of writing is acceptable for brevity. The reader understands that it is your resume he or she is reading.

2. Quantify if you can. Putting your accomplishments into numbers offers concrete testimony to your abilities. Phrases like "supervised staffs of SO" or "increased sales of brand x by 35 percent" catch the attention of readers.

3. If you can't give numbers, don't forget to mention names. If you have worked with impressive clients or with well-known companies or figures, don't hesitate to say so.

4. Don't forget to include any relevant awards or special recognition you may have received, even if it is recognition by your present employer.

5. Use bullets of information to make a resume easily readable and to bring attention to important details.

• like this.

• and this.

6. Never write a resume that is more than two pages. Most experts agree that one should be sufficient, unless you've been in the workforce for about 20 years and have so much experience it couldn't possibly fit onto one page. You must keep it simple, to the point and provide only those aspects of your work and life experience that support your candidacy for a particular position. And don't start playing with the margins in order to make it fit — readers do notice.

7. It is OK to tailor a resume to a particular position, and have more than one resume depending on the job you are seeking.

8. Proofread your resume. And then proofread it again. It is critical that every word is used to its maximum efficiency, and that every word is spelled correctly. A resume is your way of convincing an employer that you are right for a job. Any typo, no matter how small, will make you appear unprofessional, sending your resume into the trash pile.

9. Seek additional advice when writing your resume. Most libraries have an extensive selection of resume help books. Or simply have your friends read it and provide you with feedback.

10. Once the resume is done, half the battle is over. Next comes the cover letter, which should ALWAYS accompany a resume when it is sent to a potential employer or recruitment agency, even if they don't specifically ask for one.


Active Vocabulary



to refer-посилатися

brevity- стислість

quantify- визначати кількість

concrete testimony- конкретний доказ

to catch the attention- привернути увагу

impressive client- клієнт, що справляє враження

special recognition- особливе визнання

Bullets of information- блоки інформації

To bring attention- привернути увагу

sufficient- достатній

workforce- робоча сила

to support candidacy for a particular position- підтримати кандидатуру на конкретну посаду

margin- часова межа

to proofread- корегувати, редагувати

feedback- зворотний зв'язок

cover letter-супроводжувальний лист


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