Importance of Business Correspondence. 

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Importance of Business Correspondence.

Now-a-days business operations are not restricted to any locality, state or nation. Today production takes place in one area but consumption takes place everywhere. Since the businessmen as well as customers live in far off places they don’t have sufficient time to contact each other personally. Thus, there arises the need for writing letters. In the past the situation was not so. Business letters were not essential in olden days. But now the importance of letters has increased because of vast expansion of business, increase in demand as well as supply of goods. Let us learn about the importance of business letters.

Help in maintaining proper relationship.

Now-a-days business activities are not confined to any one area or locality. The businessmen as well as customers are scattered throughout the country. Thus, there is a need to maintain proper relationship among them by using appropriate means of communication. Here business letters play an important role. The customers can write letters to the businessmen seeking information about products and businessmen also supply various information to customers. This helps them to carry on business on national and international basis.

Inexpensive and convenient mode.

Though there are other modes of communication like telephone, telex, fax, etc. but business information can be provided and obtained economically and conveniently through letters.

Create and maintain goodwill.

Sometimes business letters are written to create and enhance goodwill. Businessmen at times send letters to enquire about complaints and suggestions of their customers. They also send letters to inform the customers about the availability of a new product, clearance sale etc. All this results cordial relations with the customers and enhances the goodwill of the business.

Letters serve as evidence.

We cannot expect a trader to memorize all facts and figures in a conversation that normally takes place among businessmen. Through letters, he can keep a record of all facts. Thus, letters can serve as evidence in case of dispute between two parties.

Help in expansion of business.

Business requires information regarding competing products, prevailing prices, promotion, market activities, etc. If the trader has to run from place to place to get information, he will end up doing nothing. It will simply result in loss of time. But through business letters, he can make all enquiries about the products and the markets. He can also receive orders from different countries and, thus enhance sales.

Task 1.

A) Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

i. Business letters serve as a/an............................. in case of dispute in business transactions.

ii. It is..................... for the businessmen to remember all facts without correspondence.

iii. Business letters build................... for a businessman.

iv. Business letters are written to.................... information.

v. Business letter is the most.................... mode of communication.


B) Given below are certain statements. Write ‘T’ against true statements and ‘F’ against false statements.

i. Letter is a form of written communication.

ii. Through business letter personal contact can be maintained between buyer and seller.

iii. Business letters lead to decline the goodwill of the firm.

iv. Letter is a convenient and economic mode of communication.

v. Business letters do not help in removing misunderstanding between buyer and seller.


First Impressions.

Oftentimes, the first impression an employer has of a prospective employee is in writing, in the form of a cover letter or letter of application and resume. Opinions are formed and conclusions are drawn from the appearance and content of any correspondence you send. It is important to make the best possible impression so that an interview will follow. When sending a resume, never send it without a cover letter. Usually, when the reader gets your cover letter and resume he/she will immediately flip the cover letter over and glance at the resume first. This is so that a few facts about you are easily obtained (i.e. name, objective, education, extend of experience and skills). If the resume interests the reader, he/she will then flip back to the cover letter and read it in detail. In fact, the cover letter may get more attention than the resume because, although the resume is about you, it is assumed that you had help putting it together. But the cover letter is generally written by the individual and the reader can assess your writing style, communication style and how well you put your thoughts and ideas together.

Junk Mail.

The intent of the cover letter is to introduce yourself to the potential employer, highlight the information given on the resume and convince the reader to grant you an interview. But an employer could receive hundreds of letters and resumes every day. It would be like receiving hundreds of pieces of junk mail. How much of it can you read and which ones do you even care to read? An employer may compare your correspondence with other candidates and determine which appears better. To increase your chances of being selected, your letter must spark the interest of the reader, create a favorable impression and look inviting to read.


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